【93/200】【复述S2E24: The balloon ride】小西妈双语工程2007期58号Eason


<p class="ql-block">莫名其妙的两天上吐下泻跑医院后,终于恢复了元气😂原因也是一直没找到,估计是解封后外面玩被感染了细菌。总之乳制品、海鲜一个星期内不能吃是真的。老母亲有时候还想给开个后门,Eason坚决抵制说医生说的不能吃就是不能吃。看来吃货这次是真怕了,洗手也比以前认真,边洗边数数。希望不要好了伤疤忘了痛……</p> <p class="ql-block">Questions:</p><ol><li>What day is the day in the story? Where has this story happened? </li><li>What is Miss Rabbit doing? What is the top prize?</li><li>What ticket does Danny pick? And what prize does he win? Tell me the steps how Danny’s got a prize. </li><li>What are Peppa and Daddy pig hoping to win? What prize does Peppa win? Peppa is hoping to win the ballon red and daddy pig would like to win a homemade chocolate cake. </li><li>How many passengers are going to be on board? Who is going to be the pilot? What is a pilot? What does daddy pig think of Miss rabbit as a pilot? Is that true? Why? </li><li>How to make the hot air balloon rise into the sky? Who is going to do the map reading? Do you think he good at doing the map reading? </li><li>While the balloon is rising higher into the sky, what has the sky gone? They can’t see the sky because they are flying through a cloud. </li><li>After that, What happened to Peppa? </li><li>Before they rescue Teddy, what do they have to do first? </li><li>Where has teddy caught? Who and how has rescued teddy? </li><li>After that, what happens to the their balloon? Why? Where have they stuck actually? </li><li>Who has rescued Peppa and her family? How? </li><li>What does Grandpa pig think of the balloon ride? What about Granny pig? </li></ol> <p class="ql-block">开放性问题</p><ol><li>What is your favorite part of this story? </li><li>Can you tell me how do the air balloon go up and go down? What must we be careful when it rises or falls? </li><li>Do you want to have a ride in hot air balloon? Are you hoping to be the pilot or passenger? Where would you like to go? </li></ol> <p class="ql-block">Summary</p><p class="ql-block">用自己的话讲述整个故事,目的打破背诵思维,灵活运用文中好词好句以及人称的转换。</p> <p class="ql-block"><u>How do hot air balloons rise and fall?</u></p><p class="ql-block">When a pilot wants to make the balloon rise they turn on the burner, which makes the air inside the envelope hotter. The hotter the air, the less it weighs - and so the quicker the balloon will rise.</p><p class="ql-block">When pilots want to go down, they either let the air cool naturally or speed up the process by letting hot air out of the balloon by opening the parachute valve.</p><p class="ql-block">To keep the balloon at a stable level the pilot must use the burner at regular times during the flight to ensure the right amount of hot and cold air are present inside the envelope.</p>