<p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:20px;"> “Rodeo The Toughest Sport on Earth" (原片为彩色,由摄影师杨光建提供) 中文解读为牛仔竞技比赛是地球上最艰苦的体育运动。"Rodeo"来源于西班牙语 "Rodear",英文翻译有“Round Up, Circled"(聚拢, 圈起来)的意思。这种原本为牧场牛群被圈到一起进行清点和检查的牛仔日常工作,已逐步演变成专业牛仔竞技赛事,即便有"Animal Rights Group"(动物权利维护组织)不停的抵制,即便 "Cowboy Injury" 数据统计显示出牛仔是易受伤易致残的“高危群体”,Rodeo依然盛行于美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰等国。</b></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:20px;"> 澳大利亚的Rodeo赛,每年定期在维多利亚州,昆士兰州和新南威尔士州乡村举办。我们维州大洋路摄影部落的摄影师们,也热衷于亲临赛场拍摄,在观众席中感受观看围栏里侧人畜“鏖战”的紧张和激动,以下是他们的作品。Rodeo的七项竞技类别在此就不一一介绍了,本期美篇影集,编辑选片时旨在反映这一看点:牛仔们倔强,勇敢,“野性”十足,但Rodeo赛场无赢家!</b></p> <h1><b style="color:rgb(237, 35, 8);">"Black-and-white photography is considered by some to add a more emotional touch to the subject, compared with the original colored photography" - Wikipedia</b><b style="color:rgb(22, 126, 251);"> (摘自维基百科:与原有的彩色照片相比,黑白摄影被一些人解读为能使主体赋予情感)</b></h1> <p class="ql-block"><b style="color:rgb(237, 35, 8); font-size:22px;">第一组:黑白的震撼</b></p> 上张作品摄影师:憨憨(刘向东) 上张作品摄影师:谢国汉(Quo Hang Ta) 上张作品摄影师:杨光建 上张作品摄影师:大袋鼠(邹世奇) 上张作品摄影师:李双锁 上张作品摄影师:紫荧(隋颖) 上张摄影师:北京人 (康诚) <p class="ql-block">上张作品摄影师:蓉姐 (徐蓉)</p> 上张作品摄影师:JYYANG (杨竞云) 上张摄影师:Maggie Tan (梁茗) 上张作品摄影师:曹姐 (Marie Cao) <p class="ql-block"><b style="color:rgb(237, 35, 8); font-size:22px;">"Bull Riding is the most dangerous eight seconds in sports."-Wikipedia) </b><b style="color:rgb(22, 126, 251); font-size:22px;">(骑公牛在体育比赛中,是最为危险的八秒钟 -摘自维基百科)</b></p> <p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:22px; color:rgb(237, 35, 8);">第二组:牛仔与公牛</b></p> 上张作品摄影师:李双锁 上张作品摄影师:北京人 (康诚) 上张作品摄影师:杨光建 <p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:20px; color:rgb(237, 35, 8);">“The Justin Sportsmedicine Team reported that bull riding accounted for more than 50% of rodeo injuries in all years between 1981 and 2005 except for 1991, 1994, and 2002....This is due to the extraordinary power of the bull and its natural desire to attack and kill its rider"</b><b style="font-size:20px; color:rgb(22, 126, 251);">(根据加斯町运动医学小组的报告:排除1991,1994和2002年,统计1981至2005年间牛仔竞技比赛的受伤率,骑公牛的受伤率占牛仔总受伤率50%以上。这源于公牛庞大的体态和渴望攻击骑手并将其致死的天性 -摘自美国运动医学院2007年10月《当代医学报告》)</b></p> 上张作品摄影师:曹姐 (Marie Cao) 上张作品摄影师:谢国汉 (Quo Hang Ta) 上张作品摄影师:JYYANG (杨竞云) <p class="ql-block"><b style="color:rgb(237, 35, 8); font-size:20px;">"(Study) Results: One hundred thirty-six patients met the inclusion criteria. Of these patients, 24% were categorized as cowboys...Typical demographics, mechanisms of injury, wounds, indicators of severity, and animals were found to be associated with each activity class. Discussion: Horses were responsible for 75% of the traumas sustained by ranchers....Bulls were responsible for 94% of the cases involving cowboys" </b><b style="color:rgb(22, 126, 251); font-size:20px;">(研究结果:136位受伤病人中,24%为牛仔...就典型的受伤分布和机制,伤痕和受伤程度,动物与每一种分析类别有关系。牧场主受伤75%与马相关,牛仔受伤94%是公牛造成的 -摘自紧急护士协会期刊2001年4月1日发表的文章)</b></p> 上张作品摄影师:憨憨(刘向东) 上张作品摄影师:蓉姐 (徐蓉) 上张作品摄影师:北京人(康诚) 上张作品摄影师:李双锁 <p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:22px; color:rgb(237, 35, 8);">Bareback rider Steven Dent: "The shoulder and the abdomen/groin muscles tear were two of the most painful injuries I've had”</b><b style="font-size:22px; color:rgb(22, 126, 251);">(无鞍马骑师丹特史迪芬曾说:"(牛仔竞技赛中)我的肩膀和腹部和腹股沟肌肉撕裂,是我经历受伤中最为疼痛的”-摘自Tri-State Livestock News2019年11月27日报道)</b></p> <p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:22px; color:rgb(237, 35, 8);">第三组:人骑马,马气人</b></p> 上张作品摄影师:杨光建 上张摄影师:大袋鼠(邹世奇) 上张摄影师:Maggie Tan (梁茗) <p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:22px; color:rgb(237, 35, 8);">”A medical team kept records for four years on all injuries that occurred during an annual state championship rodeo, Fifty-five (19.7%) of the 278 competitors and rodeo clowns who participated sustained a total of 61 injuries. Bull riding was the most dangerous event, accounting for 20 injuries to 18 competitors; saddle bronc riding and bareback riding followed with 13 injuries each. Barrel racing was the safest, with no injuries. The most common injuries were contusions, sprains, and strains, and the elbow was injured more often than any other part of the body“</b><b style="font-size:22px; color:rgb(22, 126, 251);">(医学调查小组就四年中278参赛牛仔中55位(概率为19.7%)进行调查,得知受伤事件有61次。骑公牛为危险性最强,18位参赛者有20次受伤记录,有马鞍骑马比赛和无马鞍骑马比赛中,各自有13次受伤记录。绕筒骑马赛比较而言最为安全,没有受伤记录。就受伤部位归类于挫伤,扭伤,拉伤,且臂肘受伤多于身体其他部位”-摘自国家医学图书馆杂志1987年2月《职业牛仔竞技受伤统计更新》)</b></p> 上张作品摄影师:谢国汉 (Quo Hang Ta) 上张作品摄影师:紫荧(隋颖) 上张作品摄影师:JYYANG (杨竞云) 上张作品摄影师:北京人(康诚) <p class="ql-block"><b style="color:rgb(237, 35, 8); font-size:22px;">“Bull riders, bareback riders, and saddle bronc riders demonstrated injury densities of 48.2, 41.1, and 23.2 injuries per 1000 CEs, respectively. Most injuries (62.9%) were sustained by collisions with the ground or animal, or being stomped on by the animal”</b><b style="color:rgb(22, 126, 251); font-size:22px;">(按1000次牛仔竞技赛计算,骑公牛比赛和骑有鞍马比赛及骑无鞍马比赛的牛仔受伤率分别为48.2例,41.1例和23.2例,多数人受伤关联到和地面或牲畜的撞击,或被牲畜足蹄踩踏 - 摘自国家医学图书馆杂志2020年12月30日《职业牛仔竞技受伤率四年统计分析》)</b></p> 上张作品摄影师:曹姐 (Marie Cao) <p class="ql-block">上张作品摄影师:蓉姐 (徐蓉)</p> 上张作品摄影师:李双锁 上张作品摄影师:憨憨(刘向东) <p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:22px; color:rgb(22, 126, 251);">Rodeo, Rodeo, Rodeo, 没有赢家,没有对错。年复一年,职业牛仔依然是许多乡村人士向往的职业,也是城里人期盼围观的行当。从早期的拓荒,到当下的竞技,牛仔风采依旧!</b></p> 上张作品摄影师:憨憨(刘向东)