0211102011 明慧 听力30篇

Lady fox

<p class="ql-block">0211102011 明慧</p><p class="ql-block">Taking notes benefits me a lot. Firstly, I learned to recognize many more words by listening its pronounciation, which I thought was very essential to understand native speakers. Besides, one semester's practice enabled me to capture more information when listening to the Special English, and it was a great progress in listening. In addition, taking notes also exercised me to be more patient because it was definitely not an easy task for me.</p> 一、父母反对禁书 二、反塑料污染 三、父母影响课程 四、恐龙死因 五、美国第一夫人们 六、谁发现了美国 七、美洲本土女性 八、Tim Ma 九、Rose Parks 十、F·Douglass 十一、保护人类星球 十二、科威特女权 十三、印第安女性失踪 十四、俄乌冲突影响世界经济 十五、宠物情感支持 十六、降低入镜要求 十七、警察受指控 十八、墨西哥偷渡 十九、是否给公民权 二十、多样性项目停滞 二十一、缅甸军事政变 二十二、中美洲移民 二十三、波音737Max 二十四、拉美第一个堕胎合法化国 二十五、脸书逃过大姐 二十六、基础设施达成协议 二十七、可可种植着 二十八、商铺困难前行 二十九、疾病下的坚持 三十、犀牛