蔷薇花儿开(Roses are blooming)


<p class="ql-block">原创:倪捷儿 摄影:千喜</p> <p class="ql-block">Original: Ni Jie Photography: Qianxi</p> <p class="ql-block">草木走到五月,已走到它们的盛年。这个时候,没有一棵树不是绿的,没有一棵草不是蓬勃招展的。鸟的叫声,也是饱念了绿意,只轻轻一宛转,那绿,仿佛就滴淌下来。五月是这样的安妥,风清日朗。五月的花不多,少有漫天漫地的,但一个顶一个卓尔不凡,譬如槐花和蔷薇。</p> <p class="ql-block">By May, the grass and trees have reached their prime. At this time, not a single tree is not green, and not a single blade of grass is not flourishing. The sound of birds is also full of greenery, and as soon as it turns, the green seems to drip down. May is so peaceful, with clear wind and bright sun. There are not many flowers in May, but each one is extraordinary, such as locust flowers and roses.</p> <p class="ql-block">暮春与初夏相会之际,正是细雨与花草缠绵之时。被暮春抚过,花儿全绽放了,它们恋恋不舍地在告别;被初夏拥过,草木更翠绿了,它们兴致勃勃地问候着。细雨后,温柔的带着水汽的风里,飘着草木湿漉的气息,飘着袅袅的淡雅香气,那是蔷薇花开了,是蔷薇花的气息。</p> <p class="ql-block">At the meeting of late spring and early summer, it is the time when fine rain and flowers entwine. After being caressed by late spring, all the flowers have bloomed, and they are reluctant to say goodbye; after being embraced by early summer, the grass and trees are even greener, and they are enthusiastically greeting. After the fine rain, in the gentle wind with water vapor, there is a damp smell of grass and trees, and there is a faint and elegant fragrance, which is the fragrance of the rose flowers that have bloomed.</p> <p class="ql-block">蔷薇开得比较含蓄,像从前小脚的女子,踩着五月的节拍,不紧不慢地,碎步轻移,一朵一朵地往外吐,每一朵,都是精挑细选,细皮嫩肉的好模样。墙头上若有那么一丛蔷薇,那墙头就美的不得了,幸福得不得了。尽管油漆斑驳,却清秀古朴得很;尽管土墙残壁,却生机盎然得很。</p> <p class="ql-block">The rose blooms more subtly, like a woman with bound feet in the past, stepping on the rhythm of May, slowly and leisurely, moving in small steps, blooming one by one. Each bloom is carefully selected, with fine skin and tender flesh. If there is a cluster of roses on the wall, the wall will be very beautiful and very happy. Although the paint is faded, it is very elegant and simple; although the mud wall is dilapidated, it is very full of vitality.</p> <p class="ql-block">蔷薇是春末夏初才开的花,它有自己的坚持,不与春争艳,但它一来,就惊天动地,开出了满墙的繁华。一簇簇,一丛丛,深深浅浅的绿,浓浓淡淡的粉。静默中恬淡,低眉间娇羞,却仿佛又有一种源自骨子里的傲然气质,即便开在路边的角落里,聘聘袅袅的藏着,同样让人欣喜不已。</p> <p class="ql-block">The rose is a flower that blooms at the end of spring and the beginning of summer. It has its own persistence and does not compete with spring for beauty, but when it blooms, it is earth-shattering and full of splendor. One cluster, one clump, deep and shallow green, thick and thin pink. It is quiet and simple, shy in the low brow, but there seems to be a kind of proud temperament from the bones, even if it blooms in the corner of the road, it is hidden, it is still very pleasing.</p> <p class="ql-block">蔷薇爬在桥边和石堍上,丛丛簇簇,满满堂堂,似锦如霞,与河水相映成趣。蔷薇爬在篱笆和残墙上,让素朴的村舍充满活力和生机。乡野的河边山际,还会开满野蔷薇,野蔷薇很质朴平凡,它无须栽种,无须呵护,无论肥沃贫瘠,却生得蓬勃旺盛,尽情的绽放在田间荒坡、溪边篱下。</p> <p class="ql-block">The roses climbed on the bridge and the stone edge, clustering and clustering, full and full, like brocade and cloud, and reflected with the river water. The roses climbed on the fence and the broken wall, making the simple village house full of vitality and life. Along the riverside and mountainside in the countryside, wild roses will also bloom, and wild roses are very simple and ordinary. It does not need to be planted or cared for. Whether it is fertile or poor, it grows vigorously and thrives, and fully blooms in the fields and slopes, by the riverside and under the fence.</p> <p class="ql-block">蔷薇之名,初为蔷蘼,历史早有记载。李时珍言:“此草蔓柔靡,依墙援而生,故名墙蘼。其茎多棘刺勒人,牛喜食之,故有山刺、牛勒诸名。其子成簇而生,如营星然,故谓之营实。”明徐光启《农政全书》又称之作刺蘼,以枝茎多刺之故也。后蔷蘼音转作墙薇,又写作蔷薇。</p> <p class="ql-block">The name of the rose was originally called "qiang mi" and has been recorded in history. Li Shizhen said, "This grass is soft and flexible, grows along the wall, hence the name 'qiang mi'. Its stem has many thorns that can prick people, and cows like to eat it, hence the names 'mountain thorns' and 'cow thorns'. Its seeds grow in clusters, like campanules, hence the name 'campanula'. In the 'Comprehensive Book of Agriculture' written by Xu Guangqi in the Ming Dynasty, it is also called 'qiang mi' due to its many thorns on the branches and stems. Later, the pronunciation of 'qiang mi' changed to 'qiang wei', and it was also written as 'rose'.</p> <p class="ql-block">明王象晋《群芳谱》记蔷薇诸品:“花单而白者更香,结子名营实,堪入药;朱干蔷薇,赤色多叶,花大叶粗,最先开;荷花蔷薇,千叶花红,状似荷花;刺梅堆,千叶,色大红,如刺绣所成,开最后;五色蔷薇,花亦多叶而小,一枝五六朵,有深红浅红之别。”</p> <p class="ql-block">The name of the rose was originally called "qiang mi" and has been recorded in history. Li Shizhen said, "This grass is soft and flexible, grows along the wall, hence the name 'qiang mi'. Its stem has many thorns that can prick people, and cows like to eat it, hence the names 'mountain thorns' and 'cow thorns'. Its seeds grow in clusters, like campanules, hence the name 'campanula'. In the 'Comprehensive Book of Agriculture' written by Xu Guangqi in the Ming Dynasty, it is also called 'qiang mi' due to its many thorns on the branches and stems. Later, the pronunciation of 'qiang mi' changed to 'qiang wei', and it was also written as 'rose'.</p> <p class="ql-block">“玉女翠帷薰,香粉开妆面。不是占春迟,羞被群花见。纤手折柔条,绛雪飞干片。流入紫金卮,未许停歌扇。”这首诗写出了蔷薇花崇高的品性。百花争艳时,这蔷薇花姗姗来迟,在寂静的院子中默默地绽放着自己的美丽,敦厚又宁静,从容又淡定,高洁又美丽,坚韧又崇高。</p> <p class="ql-block">"The jade maiden's green curtain is fragrant, the fragrant powder opens her face. She is not late for spring, but ashamed to be seen by the flowers. With delicate hands, she plucks the tender stems, and the crimson snow falls in flakes. It flows into the golden wine cup, and the song fan is not allowed to stop." This poem describes the noble character of the rose. When all the flowers compete for beauty, this rose comes late, quietly blooming its beauty in the quiet courtyard. It is sincere and peaceful, calm and composed, pure and beautiful, resilient and noble.</p> <p class="ql-block">粉红的蔷薇花,有着层层叠叠的花瓣,不言不语,却透着季节的热烈与浓郁。水粉的蔷薇花,淡淡的粉嫩娇柔,温温婉婉,似一位不谙世事的少女,一袭薄纱的水粉色裙衣,更显曼妙的身姿。那些素白淡雅的蔷薇花,悠然掠过花枝微颤的发鬂,摇曳出满街的香,弥漫于时光之中。</p> <p class="ql-block">The pink rose has layers of petals, silent but conveying the fervor and richness of the season. The water-colored rose is delicate and soft, gentle and warm, like a young girl who is not familiar with the world. A thin water-colored silk skirt dress makes her even more graceful. Those simple and elegant rose flowers leisurely pass by the slightly trembling ends of the branches, swaying the fragrance throughout the street and permeating the time.</p> <p class="ql-block">不同颜色的蔷薇花,代表着不同的花语和寓意。粉色蔷薇的花语是爱的誓言,执子之手,与子偕老,它散发着一种浪漫的气息。红色蔷薇的花语是热恋,红色给人热情奔放的感觉,是初恋者赠送的佳品。深红色蔷薇的花语是只想与你在一起,送给挚爱之人再合适不过。</p> <p class="ql-block">Different colors of rose flowers represent different flower language and meaning. The flower language of pink rose is the oath of love, holding hands with your partner and growing old together, it exudes a romantic atmosphere. The flower language of red rose is passionate love, red gives people a feeling of passionate and unrestrained, it is a good gift for the first love. The flower language of deep red rose is just want to be with you, it is the best gift for your beloved.</p> <p class="ql-block">白色蔷薇的花语是纯洁的爱情,适合小年轻们热恋时互送。黄色蔷薇的花语是永恒的微笑,能安抚人躁动不安的内心,代表着永恒的微笑,适合赠送给挚友和亲人。绿色则代表着重情重义、不离不弃,人生难得一知己,诺大的人海中相聚成友即是缘,适合赠送给挚友和亲人。</p> <p class="ql-block">The flower language of white rose is pure love, which is suitable for young people to send to each other when they are deeply in love. The flower language of yellow rose is eternal smile, which can soothe people's restless hearts and represents eternal smile. It is suitable for sending to close friends and relatives. Green represents deep affection and loyalty, and it is rare to have a close friend in life. Meeting friends in the vast sea of people is fate, which is suitable for sending to close friends or relatives.</p> <p class="ql-block">雨后初霁的早晨,晨雾薄笼,碧瓦晶莹,阳光明媚。芍药带雨含泪,脉脉含情;蔷薇静卧枝蔓,娇艳妩媚。在狂风之夜后,那一片片蔷薇花瓣,依然光鲜亮丽,悠闲地落在墙上、道上、椅上、枝上。春末夏初的时节最温柔,温柔得让人心疼,每一朵花儿,每一瓣花瓣都让人怜惜。</p> <p class="ql-block">On the morning after the rain, the morning mist is thin, the green tiles are crystal clear, and the sunshine is bright. The peonies, with tears in the rain, are full of emotion; the roses, quietly lying on the branches, are delicate and charming. After the night of the strong wind, the petals of the roses are still bright and beautiful, leisurely falling on the wall, the road, the chair, and the branch. The season of late spring and early summer is the most gentle, gentle enough to make people heartbroken. Every flower and every petal makes people feel pity.</p> <p class="ql-block">哪里有蔷薇,哪里就有让人愉悦的香气和色彩。仿佛,是天真的少女,穿着细碎花衣裳,散发着淡淡的清香,似乎瞬间化作流年的诗香,静静地温柔地浅笑,在花的世界款款而行。沉浸在暮春初夏的时光里。总有一种遇见,恰似一抹繁花;总有一种情怀,宛如初见。暮春浅夏,又一季蔷薇静静地抒写着一段流年。</p> <p class="ql-block">Wherever there is a rose, there is a pleasant fragrance and color. It is as if a naive girl in a delicate flower dress, emitting a faint fragrance, seems to instantly transform into the poetic fragrance of the years, gently and softly smiling, walking slowly in the world of flowers. Immersed in the time of late spring and early summer. There is always a kind of encounter, like a splash of flowers; there is always a kind of sentiment, like the first time. In late spring and early summer, another season of roses quietly writes a passage of time.</p> <p class="ql-block">漫步在鸟语花香的小路上,聆听每一朵花开的声音,亲吻它的容颜,轻嗅它的芬芳,这是暮春、浅夏里最深情的邂逅,是记忆中最芳香的留痕。用一朵花开的时间聆听幸福,把心中的爱,伴着阳光和雨露的清新,注解且行且珍惜的生命箴言。花开不为倾城,只为留一抹浅香于心中。</p> <p class="ql-block">Walking on the path where birds sing and flowers bloom, listening to the sound of each flower blooming, kissing its face, lightly smelling its fragrance, this is the most intimate encounter in late spring and early summer, the most fragrant trace in memory. Listen to happiness with the time it takes for a flower to bloom, carry the love in your heart with the freshness of sunshine and rain, and annotate the life adage of cherishing what you have. A flower blooms not to captivate the city, but to leave a faint fragrance in the heart.</p> <p class="ql-block">蔷薇花满架,不语也倾城。它正好盛开,你正好路过。簇簇蔷薇花儿,随风摇弋;片片蔷薇落红,随风飘动。一颗被芬芳溢满、一颗追寻浪漫的心,陶醉于当下。喜欢时光如此清隽流淌,淡然寂寥,在思绪放飞的路上,邂逅一段最美的时光。柔风夹着花香,细暖裹着闲情,入眸入心,入了时光的永恒。</p> <p class="ql-block">The roses are full of the rack, even without speaking, they are enchanting. They are just in full bloom, and you happen to pass by. The clusters of roses sway with the wind; the petals of roses fall and drift with the wind. A heart full of fragrance and a heart seeking romance are intoxicated by the present moment. I like the time to flow so gently and quietly, meeting the most beautiful time on the road where thoughts are free. The gentle breeze carries the fragrance of flowers, the warmth wraps the leisurely mood, and it enters the eyes and heart, entering the eternal of time.</p> <p class="ql-block">与蔷薇有约,不知不觉中,已在心头悄悄然地生成一种绮丽的情结和欢喜的期盼。生命的刻度和平淡的流年,在蔷薇花盛开之际,浑然一体,呈现出一种深情厚意的素美。如今的自己,就像蔷薇花,盛开于不显眼的悠淡处,不大众、不随流,淡然中窃喜,悠然中绽放。被爱充溢的心怀,皆是圆满的美好,更是甚爱的真切。</p> <p class="ql-block">Having a date with the rose has, without knowing it, quietly generated a beautiful complexion and a happy expectation in my heart. The scale of life and the faint age of the year, when the rose blossoms bloom, are one and the same, showing a kind and gracious simplicity. Now their own, like roses, blooming in the inconspicuous light, not Volkswagen, not with the flow, indifferent in the joy, leisurely bloom. A heart filled with love is a perfect happiness, and a heart full of love.</p> <p class="ql-block">文字:倪捷儿 编辑:倪捷儿 出镜人:倪捷儿、解凡、马玲、陈望京 审稿:鄢祖锋 摄影:千喜 化妆:晨雪 拍摄地点:杭州城西、兰溪黄店</p> <p class="ql-block">Text: Ni Jie Editor: Ni Jie Presenters: Ni Jie, Jie Fan, Ma Ling, Chen Wangjing Reviewer: Yan Zuofeng Photographer: Qianxi Makeup: Chenxue Location: West Hangzhou, Huangdian, Lanxi</p>