[粉猪复述第26集-S1E13]小西妈双语工程2005期+189号+Jaden 打卡Day231(2022.5.20-5.25)


<ul class="ql-block"><li><b>复述内容:</b></li></ul><p class="ql-block">本来想5天过的,奈何最近中午都不睡觉,晚上复述状态差,决定白天给他复述一次,没想到效果还挺好,一是精神,二是开始前狠狠的夸了一顿,然后又超常发挥了。</p> <ul class="ql-block"><li><b>复述视频:</b></li></ul><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <ul class="ql-block"><li><b>复述提问:</b></li></ul><p class="ql-block">这集的提问没找到现成的,就随便问问了,哈哈哈哈,我是真懒……</p> <ol class="ql-block"><li>What is the story talking about?</li><li>How can Peppa know what is in George's secret box?</li><li>What thing did Peppa and George put in the secret box?</li><li>What did Daddy guess for Peppa's secret box?</li><li>Where is Daddy pig's glasses?</li><li>So do you think it is a proper guess?</li><li>What's daddy pig's good place to hide custard doughnut?</li><li>What's the end of story?</li><li>Do you want to have a secret box? What thing would you like to put in your secret box? And may I know why?</li></ol><p class="ql-block">The end, thank you for reading.</p>