<h3> 忙碌而又充实的一周结束了🔚。宝贝们在幼儿园🏰里渡过了开心而快乐的一周,在这一周里宝贝们过的很开心❤️在幼儿园每一天都多姿多彩,宝贝们在游戏🎮中快乐学习,在学习中也是多么得快乐😄……<br> 让我们一起来看看这一周学习生活精彩瞬间📸吧!<br> The busy and fulfilling week is over. The babies spent a happy and happy week in the kindergarten. During this week, the babies were very happy. "every day in the kindergarten is colorful, and the babies are happy to study in the games, and how happy they are in the study."<br>Let's take a look at the wonderful moments of study and life this week.</h3> <h3> 幼儿园🏰区域是幼儿活动与学习📖的场所是教师根据教育目标和幼儿发展📝水平,有目的、有计划地投放各种材料🔍,创设活动环境,让幼儿在宽松和谐的环境中按照自己的意愿和能力,自主地选择学习内容和活动伙伴,主动地进行操作✂️、探索📐和交往💌的活动。<br> The kindergarten "area is the place for children's activities and learning" is that teachers put in all kinds of materials purposefully and systematically to create an activity environment according to the educational goals and the level of children's development. let children in a loose and harmonious environment, according to their own wishes and abilities, independently choose learning content and activity partners, and actively carry out activities of learning, exploration and communication.</h3> <h3> 沙🏖,是大自然最宝贵的赐予;玩沙是孩子的天性,沙的世界满足了孩子无拘无束的梦想,让孩子在纯粹自由⛲️、快乐❤️的环境中挥洒无穷的创造力🔍。<br> Sand is the most precious gift of nature; it is the nature of children to play with sand. The world of sand satisfies children's unfettered dreams and allows children to exert endless creativity in a purely free and happy environment.</h3> <h3> 学习英语📖对于发展幼儿的语言、认知、思维和交际🤝等各种能力是非常重要的。学习双语的儿童,往往在思维流畅、灵活,让幼儿在英文教学📝的语言环境中感受英语,潜移默化的说会英语。并且培养他们倾听的习惯,带动听、说的兴趣🎮。<br> Learning English is very important for developing children's language, cognitive, thinking and communicative skills. Children who learn bilingualism often think fluently and flexibly, so that young children can feel English in the language environment of English teaching and speak English imperceptibly. And cultivate their habit of listening and driving their interest in listening and speaking.</h3> <h3> 最后,祝大家周末快乐❤️<br> Finally, I wish you all a happy weekend.</h3> <h3> 最后,祝大家周末快乐❤️<br> Finally, I wish you all a happy weekend.</h3>