

<h3 style="text-align: left;">Quote a sentence:<font color="#167efb">"Child, when you were very young, I spent a lot of time teaching you to eat slowly with a spoon and chopsticks; teaching you to tie your shoelaces, button your buttons, and slide; teaching you to dress, comb your hair, and wipe your nose. Now, my feet are unstable and I can't walk. So, please hold my hand tightly, accompany me, and slowly walk step by step just like I did when I took you."</font></h3> 一岁 两岁 三岁 四岁 五岁 六岁 七岁 八岁 九岁 十岁 十一岁 十二岁 …… <font color="#167efb">Now, you are slowly growing up and tall. Do what you like. As long as you are healthy and happy, we will always support you.</font><br>