【74/200】【复述S2E08: Windy autumn day】小西妈双语工程2007期58号Eason


<p class="ql-block">秋天的游戏真丰富,老母亲听着津津有味😂…</p><ol><li>在树叶上跳来跳去</li><li>用干树叶做手工—松鼠(这个手工是刚参加工程时做过的,居然还记得)</li><li>买只鸟来当宠物住在树叶做的鸟巢里</li><li>为奥林匹克运动会做树叶花环,放上不同颜色的珠子,送给自己最好的三个朋友</li></ol> <p class="ql-block">Questions:</p><ol><li>Where is Peppa going to play? What is the weather like? </li><li>What do they do to keep warm? They wear their hats and scarves and coats. Daddy pig puts the roof up and mommy pig gets the heating on. </li><li>What color are the leaves in the park? Why are all the leaves red and yellow? </li><li>What game do they play to keep warm? What happens to the ball? </li><li>Who is going to save the ball? What happens to daddy pig? </li><li>What do they need to do when the wind getting even windier? Why does George cry? </li><li>Where has George’s hat gone? How does daddy pig want to rescue the hat? Is that possible? </li><li>How does mommy pig save George’s hat? What happens to mommy pig? And where has the hat fallen off? </li><li>Then what do they play in the wind? Does mommy like to join them? Why? </li><li>In the end of the story, what do they play? </li></ol> <p class="ql-block">开放性问题:</p><ol><li>What is your favorite part of the story? </li><li>Tell me something the seasons. Which season do you like the best? </li><li>How do you think of Autumn? What can you do in Autumn? I think Autumn is geogeous/beautiful. I can see red, brown and yellow leaves on the trees. The ground is covered with leaves. I can pick leaves to make a squirrel/some handcraft. I also like to jump up and down in the leaves. I can use the dry leaves to make crowns for Olympic Games......</li></ol> <p class="ql-block">Summary</p><p class="ql-block">对全文故事做个简述,目的打破背诵思维,灵活运用文中好词好句以及人称的转换。</p>









