

<p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:22px;">【南极邮局招聘新员工】</b></p><p class="ql-block">网上资料图片来源: CHINADAILY 2022-04-29 04:21</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">你想去南极数企鹅、给企鹅铲屎吗?月薪过万!南极邮局招聘新员工,要求:会数企鹅</p><p class="ql-block">据《华盛顿邮报》4月23日报道,位于南极洲的洛克罗伊港邮局(Port Lockroy)正在招聘4名工作人员,到世界上最偏远的邮局工作。其中一个关键的招聘要求是要有数企鹅的能力(one of the key specifications is the ability to count penguins)。</p><p class="ql-block">这一令人羡慕的工作目前已吸引了全世界数百人申请。</p> <p class="ql-block">每年夏季(11月至次年3月),位于南极的洛克罗伊港邮局都会接待约1.8万名游客及数百只企鹅,因此又被称为“企鹅邮局”。负责管理该邮件的慈善机构每年会进行一次招聘:</p><p class="ql-block">Four candidates will be chosen to fill the five-month role at Port Lockroy – affectionately dubbed the “Penguin Post Office”. The nearly-80-year-old building is on British-owned Goudier Island, which is about the size of a football field and is populated by hundreds of penguins. Each year, the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust hires four postmasters to live on the island from November to March.</p> <p class="ql-block">四名被选中的工作人员将在洛克罗伊港工作五个月。这座建筑有近80年历史,坐落在约有一个足球场大小的英属古迪尔岛上,岛上有数百只企鹅居住,该邮局也被亲切地称为“企鹅邮局”。每年11月至次年3月,英国慈善机构南极遗产信托基金都会聘请四名邮局工作人员住在岛上。</p><p class="ql-block">应聘成功的人将在这里工作5个月,工作内容为:经营邮局和礼品店、数企鹅以及清理岩石上企鹅的粪便……</p><p class="ql-block">The employees are collectively responsible for maintaining the historic site and catering to the thousands of tourists who come by boat. The staffs are also in charge of wildlife monitoring, which includes tallying penguins, and environmental data collection.</p> <p class="ql-block">工作人员们共同负责维护这个历史遗迹,并为成千上万乘船前来的游客提供服务。员工们还负责野生动物监测,包括统计企鹅的数量,以及环境数据的收集。</p><p class="ql-block">tally[ˈtæli] v.(说法、数字等)与…符合(或一致)</p> <p class="ql-block">根据招聘要求,应聘者必须身体健康,具备环保意识,且具备在英国工作的资格。今年招聘的最后截止时间为格林威治时间4月25日晚11点59分。</p><p class="ql-block">While many prospective postmasters are initially intrigued by the penguins, the total experience offers "a different perspective on the world, and a new perspective on your role in the planet," Camilla Nichol, the chief executive of the trust said. "You can watch the sun go down and hear the glacier ice melting," she added. "It's an extraordinary place."</p> <p class="ql-block">虽然很多应聘者最初是被企鹅所吸引,但这个经历会给你一种“看待世界的不同视角,你会重新认识自己在这个星球上的角色”。该信托的首席执行官卡米拉·尼科尔说:“你可以欣赏日落,听到冰川融化的声音。这是一个非凡之地”。没有自来水和互联网。</p> <p class="ql-block">虽然这份工作让人心驰神往,但实际工作环境却是非常艰苦的。这份工作对精神和身体都是一次不小的挑战,因为除了要忍受寒冷外,工作人员还面临以下窘境:</p><p class="ql-block">Applicants are warned it's not a glamorous job. Employees must live without running water, internet or mobile phone service for five months. The team live together in a small lodge, where they sleep in bunk beds and share a single bathroom and camping toilet. Visiting ships will offer showers when they stop by.</p> <p class="ql-block">应聘者也被告知这不是一份光鲜亮丽的工作。员工们必须在没有自来水、互联网和手机通讯服务的情况下生活五个月。团队一起住在一个小屋里面,睡上下铺,共用一个浴室和野营厕所。到访的船只在停靠时提供淋浴。</p><p class="ql-block">"Living there is quite hard work," explained Camilla Nichol, the chief executive of the trust. "You might be working 12-hour days. There’s not much time for rest and relaxation." The employees are also responsible for keeping the site clean, which includes spending "a lot of time brushing penguin poop off rocks."</p> <p class="ql-block">“在那里生活是很艰苦的”,尼科尔说。“你可能每天得工作12个小时,没有多少时间可以休息和放松”。工作人员还要负责保持场地的清洁,包括“花大量时间清理岩石上企鹅的粪便”。</p><p class="ql-block">尽管如此,这份工作仍然很受欢迎。据悉,工资为人民币每月10497元至15089元不等。</p><p class="ql-block">Still, the job is widely sought-after. The charity gets hundreds of applications for the postmaster position. One year, more than 2,500 candidates applied. Successful candidates will do a week of training in Cambridge, then head to Antarctica in October, where they will remain until March 2023. Depending on the specific role, salaries range from about $US1,600 per month to $US2,300. </p> <p class="ql-block">尽管如此,这份工作还是广受欢迎,每年都有上百名求职者申请,有一年甚至有超过了2500人申请。被成功录用的员工将在剑桥进行为期一周的培训,然后在10月前往南极洲,一直待到2023年3月。根据具体的工作岗位,工资从每月1600美元到2300美元不等。</p> <p class="ql-block">由于新冠疫情,过去两年间洛克罗伊港邮局没有接待游客。今年4月1日,“南极遗产信托基金会”时隔两年再度发出招聘信息,这意味着,这间邮局在疫情后将首次对外开放。</p>