

<h3>  为迎接“五一劳动节”的到来,让幼儿对“五一劳动节”有了深刻的认识,萌发幼儿热爱劳动人民的情感,懂得珍惜劳动人民的成果。我们大班开展了“宝宝爱劳动,尊重劳动者”的主题活动和自理能力比赛。希望通过此活动,教育孩子们从身边做起,从小事做起,长大了用自己的劳动去创造更多的神奇,用自己的力量为祖国为社会服务。<br>  In order to welcome the arrival of &quot;May Day International Labour Day&quot;, let children have a deep understanding of &quot;May Day International Labour Day&quot;, sprout the feelings of children who love the working people, and know how to cherish the achievements of the working people. Our Taipan launched the theme activity of &quot;Baby loves work and respects labourers&quot;. Hope that through this activity, teach children to start from the side, start from small things, grow up with their own labor to create more magic, with their own strength to serve the motherland and society.</h3> <h3>  通过学习,使幼儿了解各行各业与我们生活的密切联系,激发热爱各行各业工作人员的情感,懂得社会生活需要各种劳动行业人员,各行各业的劳动者都是为人民服务,都值得尊重。<br>  Through study, we can make young children understand the close relationship between various industries and our lives, stimulate the emotion of loving the staff of various industries, understand that social life needs personnel of all kinds of labor industries, and that workers in all industries serve the people. All deserve respect.</h3> <h3>  你们是老师的小帮手,快看看我们这些小朋友都在积极的表现自己!<br>  You are the teacher's little helpers, look at us children are actively expressing themselves!</h3> <h3>五一假期提示<br>儿童出行指南,为孩子们的安全健康保驾护航。请记住以下三点:<br>1.带孩子外出时,一定要做好防护,不到封闭区域去。<br>2.“公共物品不乱摸,纸巾手套来帮你”,注意卫生,减少接触。<br>“长假将至,疫情未止”,切勿放飞自我,牢记莫扎堆、莫聚集,做好个人防护,才能享受大好时光!最后祝家长朋友和小朋友一起度过一个平安快乐的五一假期!<br>Labour Day holiday hint<br>Children's travel guide to protect the safety and health of children. Keep in mind the following three points:<br>1. When taking your children out, be sure to protect yourself from going to the enclosed area.<br>2. &quot;do not touch public goods, paper towels and gloves to help you&quot;, pay attention to hygiene and reduce contact.<br>&quot;the long holiday is coming, the epidemic is not over.&quot; do not release yourself, remember that Mozart, do not gather, and do a good job of personal protection, in order to enjoy a good time! Finally, I wish parents, friends and children a safe and happy Labour Day holiday together.</h3>









