别了 疫情前的生活


<p class="ql-block">《别了,疫情前的生活》</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"> 人类的新冠病毒,选择在人类业已离开20世纪,快到22世纪,但是尚未到达的日子———2019年12月16日发生的,这是可以理解的,因为它是不可一世的人类的彻底失败的象征。</p><p class="ql-block"> 生物病毒是一种非细胞生命形态,在地球上有相当广泛的人类(宿主)联系,在地球的共进化史当中,病毒保持着最简单的构造,平素装着是生命体的样子,颇能迷惑细胞也爱细胞,做了好多勾勾搭搭的事情,成为地球生命进化中的风云人物之一。</p><p class="ql-block"> 在整个地球进化过程中的某个时间点上,人类社会有狩猎采摘的农业社会,到化石资源的工业社会,再到原子资源的后工业社会;人类的认知也从迷懵无知,到设神祭拜,再到人类主宰;人类的自然伦理也亦步亦趋地逐步狂妄自大起来了。任何违反自然规律的人都要有受到惩罚的危险的。恰恰就在这个自然被人类“打败“的时期,以“使命担当”的病毒,当然就在气候变化将到未到的日子出现为适宜。</p><p class="ql-block"> 人类还有一部分善良人和其他人等存有糊涂思想,对人类的不敬自然的做法存有幻想,因此应当对他们进行说服、争取、教育和团结的工作,使他们站到觉醒人的方面来,不上糊涂人的当。人类的历史就是人人自顾的悲惨结果,也是教育与灾难的赛跑。但是整个人类在自然界的威信已经破产了,这次的新冠病毒的爆发,就是一部人类破产的记录。觉醒的人们,应当很好地利用病毒对整个人类进行教育工作。</p><p class="ql-block"> 疫情前的生活走了,新冠来了,不好,不好。这两件事都是值得警醒的。</p> <p class="ql-block">Farewell, the golden Days</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">The day that broken out of covid-19 was at December 16th.2019, left the 20 century, the 22nd is on the way. That is understandable, that is the repercussions for the human as loser totally and completely.</p><p class="ql-block">As a nonlife cell, Biovirus has a strong relationship with host who is human being in the earth and played a big role in the evolution, which looks like the life cell and had the appearance of life in the simplest structure.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">The stage that the earth evolved is from the agriculture society of hunt-gathering to the industrial society of fossil resource to the post-industrial society of atom resource, that is to say: from knowing nothing to setting the god to the highest end of food chain. With time goes by and the development of sci-tech, human being have been becoming the supreme ruler of the earth who is arrogant and conceited. Knowing, anyone who broken the natural law risked punishment in time. See, the virus defeated by human being back on the way to climate change.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">There are still some kind people and others in the earth who have muddled idea and illusions about way of human being. Therefore we should explain things to them, win them over, educate them and unite with them. So they will come over to the side of the GREENER and not fall into the traps set by the “human being”.This question that were raised concerning the future of the earth are worth thinking.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">The golden days you have before had gone, the covid-19 arrived, very bad, very bad. We need to be alert to them.</p> <p class="ql-block">别了,司徒雷登</p><p class="ql-block">美国的白皮书,选择在司徒雷登业已离开南京、快到华盛顿、但是尚未到达的日子——八月五日发表,是可以理解的,因为他是美国侵略政策彻底失败的象征。司徒雷登是一个在中国出生的美国人,在中国有相当广泛的社会联系,在中国办过多年的教会学校,在抗日时期坐过日本人的监狱,平素装着爱美国也爱中国,颇能迷惑一部分中国人。因此被马歇尔看中,做了驻华大使,成为马歇尔系统中的风云人物之一。</p><p class="ql-block">中国还有一部分知识分子和其他人等存有糊涂思想,对美国存有幻想,因此应当对他们进行说服、争取、教育和团结的工作,使他们站到人民方面来,不上帝国主义的当。但是整个美帝国主义在中国人民中的威信已经破产了,美国的白皮书,就是一部破产的记录。先进的人们,应当很好地利用白皮书对中国人民进行教育工作。</p><p class="ql-block"> 司徒雷登走了,白皮书来了,很好,很好。这两件事都是值得庆祝的。</p><p class="ql-block">作者:毛泽东</p>