<div><b>How to make malt sugar with wheat seeds</b></div><div>采摘麦苗,超市买了糯米,一切准备就绪,关键时刻来了。<b><br></b></div><div><b>Step1: Wheat Grass Preparation</b></div><div>Pich wheat grass from the tray, and clean it with running water.</div> Cut the grass into short terms(if they are too long), and then put them into a blender and blend until becoming small pieces. Eric要品尝下小麦汁,我尝了一口,除了青草味,没有其他了,但不得不承认,颜色还是很诱人的。<div><b>Step 2: Glutinous Rice preparation</b><br>Put Glutinous Rice in a bowl and rinse them with water. Put the rice into the rice cooker pot with proper water, and wait, until they are cooked, and then take out and leave to chill. <br></div> Add chilled glutinous rice corn and wheat grass juice in a blender and blend together to form a mixture. 感觉我们的麦苗有些多,糯米有些少,这个配比没有查到严格的数值,所以凭直觉混合两者吧。<div><b>Step3 : Fermation Process (I)</b><br></div><div>Fill the mixture into rice cooker pot and set rice cooker to keep warm, leave the mixture 6 hours for the fermentation process.<br>(Best Fermentation temperature will be 55-60°C, make sure temperature is around that figure otherwise whole fermentation process will fail, can add a plate underneath rice cooker pot for temperature control.)<br></div> 我们是晚上睡前做的,所以刚好在睡觉时间让混合物保温发酵,这样Eric不会那么着急,睡一觉起来就可以了。<div><b>Step 4 : Fermation Process (II)</b><br></div><div>Remove the rice cooker pot from the rice cooker, leave aside for chill. Rinse out the fermented white milky rice-wheat juice from the rice cooking pot using a strainer.<br></div> 保温发酵完成,开始收集糖水,先尝尝味道,甜甜的。 想象自己是过滤机,让我按压鼻子启动,你的乐趣就是机械世界。发现好久没说,我的口语已经跟不上Eric了,他能够表达自己,而我需要想半天词。 <b>Step 5: Malt Syrup</b><br>Heat up a non-stick pan over high heat then pour in the fermented rice-wheat juice into the pan. When the mixture turns into a golden brown color switch to medium heat. Turn off the heat when rice malt syrup has the constant sticky texture. Leave it to chill and fill syrup into the jar while it is at 50°C. Use a dry clean spoon to scoop for each session. Ready to serve.<br> 熬制过程的聊天,bubble是哪里来的,搅拌的感觉是怎样的。 熬啊熬,终于熬成了麦芽糖,想起来小时候,两根竹签搅麦芽糖,拉丝变换各种形状,童年的乐趣带你也体验一次。 我没有一直录,Eric让我录视频,我俩讨论是越来越甜还是其他的,我们产生了不同的意见,Eric似乎不能被我说服,哈哈。 Eric一直吃,粘到牙上也要吃,糖的魅力。 Eric完美诠释,心急吃不了热糖浆,哈哈。<div>至此,一次手工制作麦芽糖的过程完美结束,从耕种到发酵,熬制,体验了一把古人造糖的魅力。</div><div><br><div>PS: 话说Eric的第2轮种植已经开始了。。。</div></div><div>麦子为什么可以经过与糯米的发酵后形成麦芽糖,背后的原理才是真正有意思的地方,需要去挖掘。</div><div><b>The malting process</b><br>Malting is an exercise in applied biochemistry, especially enzymology. The starch, protein and nucleic acid molecules that are stored in barley grains are neither good nutrients for brewing yeast nor do they support the fermentation reactions performed by brewing yeasts. These large and structurally complex compounds must be partially or, in some instances, fully degraded into their component sugars, amino acids, and nucleotides before the yeast can use them. When barley seeds germinate, hydrolytic enzymes are synthesized or converted to active forms that can readily degrade these large compounds.<br></div><div>制麦芽糖是应用生物化学,特别是酶学。 大麦中储存的淀粉、蛋白质和核酸分子对酿造酵母来说既不是良好的营养物质,也不能支持酿造酵母进行的发酵反应。 这些结构复杂的大型化合物必须部分或在某些情况下完全降解为其组成部分糖、氨基酸和核苷酸,然后酵母才能使用它们。 当大麦种子发芽时,水解酶被合成或转化为能轻易降解这些大化合物的活性形式。</div><div>During “malting”, barley seeds are germinated under controlled conditions so that degradative enzymes form and begin to hydrolyze the starch, protein, and nucleic acid molecules into small molecules that are needed at appropriate stages of the brewing process. <br></div><div>在“麦芽酿造”过程中,大麦种子在受控的条件下发芽,从而形成降解酶,并开始将淀粉、蛋白质和核酸分子水解成酿造过程中适当阶段所需要的小分子。<br></div><div><br></div><div>Fermentation is when a cell uses sugar for energy without using oxygen at the same time.发酵是指细胞在不使用氧气的情况下使用糖作为能量。 <br>'Fermentation' also describes growing microorganisms on a growth medium. This is done to get a chemical product. “发酵”也描述在培养基上生长的微生物。 这是为了得到一种化学产品。 <br></div><div><br></div> <div><br></div>