<p class="ql-block">外语风采展示活动中,南芬区税务局结合实际,积极选送相关人才,共有4名青年干部通过认真准备参与到比赛中。</p> <p class="ql-block">国家税务总局本溪市南芬区税务局财务管理股 左薇</p> <p class="ql-block">中日文译稿:</p><p class="ql-block">紺碧の歳月、若き税務マンの務めを飾る</p><p class="ql-block">青春というものはメロディアスな楽曲が如く、そっと耳を傾ければ、それは数えきれないキラキラと輝く若き心が、タックスブルーとぶつかり合う音です!青春というものもまた、船出(ふなで)が待ち遠しい帆船(はんせん)が如く、それは風雲児たちが己の青春をこのタックスブルーに注ぐ姿です。青春というものは更に、果てしなく勢いよく流れる大河が如く、それは川を遡る税務マンの軍勢が見せた剛胆です。</p><p class="ql-block">あまたの若き税務マンが、この広大な天地を駆(か)け巡(めぐ)り、たゆまぬ努力で美しく青春を飾っています。自分も、今の仕事場でそれを深く思い知らされます。</p><p class="ql-block">タゴール曰く、「空を飛んだ鳥が、跡形もなく消え去った。」しかし、精いっぱい辛抱強く、勇気を振り絞ってこのタックスブルーに十年の歳月を捧げたのも、自分はよく分かっています。その甲斐があって、成長を重ねた自分は大空(おおぞら)を翔(かけ)り、彼方(かなた)へ飛んでいきます。</p><p class="ql-block">空が青く、雲が白く、風が軽い、我らも人生の真っ盛(さか)りにあります。我が国の若き税務マンたちが、光明に満ちた大通(おおどお)りで走っています。減税を目指すバトルで戦っています。一丸となって偉大なる復興の中国夢を支えています。我らは時代を背負って、時の栄光を分かち合っています。</p><p class="ql-block">今日の中国は、行(ゆ)く先が海の如く、天地とともに衰えることを知りません。</p><p class="ql-block">中国の若者たちは、前途洋々で、明るい未来が待ち望んでいます!</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">湛蓝税月 诠释青春担当</p><p class="ql-block">青春是一首悠扬婉转的歌,侧耳倾听,是无数颗玲珑剔透的青年心遇见税务蓝的声音!青春又是一艘扬帆起航的船,翘首以盼,是时代的弄潮者们将青春倾注到这片税务蓝中的姿态。青春更是一条央央不息的大河,策马奔腾,是千万税务铁军为逆流而上散发出的磅礴勇气。</p><p class="ql-block">一大批青春税务人正在这广阔的天地间驰骋,用不息地奋斗为青春做出最美的诠释,这一点,我在现在的工作岗位上要有更深的体会。</p><p class="ql-block">泰戈尔说,飞鸟从天空飞过,并没有留下痕迹。可我自己懂,我用拼搏、努力、坚忍、勇气,书写十年青春,献给那一抹税务蓝。它同样、许我广阔天地自由翱翔,令我蜕变成长,飞向更远的远方。</p><p class="ql-block">天很蓝,云很白,风很轻,我们正青春。中国税务青年奔跑在美丽花园的新大道上;中国税务青年,冲锋在减税降费的攻坚战中;中国税务青年,融入在伟大复兴的中国梦里。我们肩负时代的责任,我们共享时代的荣光。</p><p class="ql-block">今日之中国,前途似海、与天不老;</p><p class="ql-block">中国之青年,大有可为、来日方长!</p> <p class="ql-block">国家税务总局本溪市南芬区税务局收入核算股 白玉</p> <p class="ql-block">中英文译稿:</p><p class="ql-block">Good morning honorable judges:My name is Bai Yu.I graduated from the school of Business Administration of Northeast Normal University.After that,I joined the tax bureau of Nanfen district,Benxi City.At present,I have been working for five years and engaged in</p><p class="ql-block">income accounting. It is a great honor for me to stand here and make a speech.Today my topic is "The Party in my heart".</p><p class="ql-block">100 years ago in July,the Communist Party of China was born in SouthLake boat,sowing the fire of revolution.A short span of 28 years has made the 9.6 million square kilometers in width,over 400 million people of State power.From weak and poor to prosperous and strong;from the shame to rise,from a standstill to take-off,from bitterness to Glory.What a huge energy released and great feats!This is because the Communist Party of China has Advanced theory to guide,It's different from the peasant Uprising,It's not a simple change of government;this is because the Communist Party of China is embodied the cream of the best of the Chinese nation.</p><p class="ql-block">History has given the heavy task of national recovery of the Communist Party of China,and the Communist Party of China did not live up to the great trust of history,and lead people of all nationals in the wind and rain in the 60-year history,one after another to overcome unimaginable difficulties and had made a series of achievements in socialist construction.If we say that the development of human society is a lengthy drama,then 60 years of New China,the wonder of economic development,without a doubt is one of the most glorious,and the most touching scene.China not only jump from an agricultural country to industrial country,from many countries in the world comparison,but also shows the glory and correct of the Communist Party of China.To listen to a knowledge-based economy,the Communist Party of China recalled the glorious footsteps of felt that the carol,indomitable spirit,vowed to the ideals and unshakeable conviction!</p><p class="ql-block">I am proud of our Party as she makes China be a powerful country.</p><p class="ql-block">I am proud of our Party as she teaches us right from wrong.</p><p class="ql-block">I am proud of our party as she enables us to face the difficulties</p><p class="ql-block">together.</p><p class="ql-block">I am proud of our Party!</p><p class="ql-block">OK,thank you for listening,that's all.</p><p class="ql-block">尊敬的评委大家好,我叫白玉,毕业于东北师范大学工商管理专业,在那之后,我就职于本溪市南芬区税务局,到目前为止,我已经从事收入核算工作五年了,很荣幸能够站在这为大家演讲,今天我演讲的主题是“党在我心中”。</p><p class="ql-block">100年前的7月,中国共产党在南湖小船上诞生播撒革命的火种。短短的28年取得了960万平方公里之阔,4亿多人民的国家政权。从一个四分五裂、任人宰割的”病夫”到繁荣富强、扬眉吐气的民主国家,从屈辱到奋起,从停滞到腾飞,从苦涩到辉煌。这是怎样的巨大能量的释放,这是怎样的惊天地、沙泣鬼神的伟绩!这是因为中国共产党有先进的理论指导,不同于历次农民起义,不是简单的改朝换代;这是因为中国共产党根植于中国历史上最先进的生产力,并凝聚着中华民族最优秀的精华。历史把民族复兴的重任赋予了中国共产党,而中国共产党也没有辜负历史的重托,带领全国各族人民在60年的风月战胜了一个又一个难以想象的困难,取得了社会主义建设的一系列巨大成就。如果说人类社会的发展是一出漫长的话剧,那么,新中国60年经济建设的奇迹,无疑就是其中最壮丽、最辉煌、最动人的一幕,在中华民族的历史长卷上写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。从中国由一个农业国飞跃为工业国的纵向轨迹中,从与世界上许多国家的横向比较中,更显示了中国共产党的光荣、伟大和正确。聆听着知识经济的潮声,回顾着中国共产党百年的光辉足迹,油然而生的是荡气回肠的颂歌,一往无前的气概,矢志不渝的理想和坚定不移的信念!</p><p class="ql-block">我为我们的党而自豪,因为她是我们的祖国变得富强</p><p class="ql-block">我为我们的党而自豪,因为她将我们从错误引向正确;</p><p class="ql-block">我为我们的党而自豪,因为这么多年来她和我们共同面对挫折和苦难。</p><p class="ql-block">我为我们的党而自豪!好了,谢谢各位的聆听,我的演讲结束了。</p> <p class="ql-block">国家税务总局本溪市南芬区税务局税收风险管理股 侯琳琳</p> <p class="ql-block">中英文译稿:</p><p class="ql-block">Hello everyone!My name is Hou Linlin,I’m 31 years old.I graduated from Northeastern University and got a master’s degree.Now I’m working in the Benxi Tax Bureau.I have been working in the Tax battle for 8 years since I joined in 2014.It’s a great honor to have this opportunity to give a speech . The topic of my speech is epidemic prevention and control. </p><p class="ql-block">The Covid-19 is on going and we are united in our fight against it. During the epidemic prevention and control period, the whole country showed a high degree of solidarity. As the saying goes, "a thousand people are of the same mind." </p><p class="ql-block">As a tax worker,we always insist that the epidemic is an order,the prevention and control is our responsibility.Adhere to the principle that the whole country plays a chess game, obey the Party's command, race against time and fight against disease. We insist on helping each other, sharing weal and woe . We provide contactless tax services for taxpayers in various ways,and we will continue to support the dissemination of information.</p><p class="ql-block">We also have to salute the most beautifaul rebel. There is no peace in this world, but they are protecting our beautiful home. There are no heroes in this world, just a group of ordinary people put on a suit, carrying a load for more people. "If there is a war, we will return" is the generous declaration of "soldiers" to control the covid-19.They are the most beautiful contrarians in the face of the covid-19.</p><p class="ql-block">Finally I want to say,as a young cadre,we need to do more to show our responsibility to our country and people.I believe we can do it better.That’s all for my speech,thank you for your listening.</p><p class="ql-block">大家好!我叫侯琳琳,我今年31岁。我毕业于东北大学并且获得了硕士学位。现在我在本溪税务局工作。自从2014年进入税务系统,我已经工作8年了。很荣幸有这次机会可以发表演讲。我演讲的主题是疫情防控。</p><p class="ql-block">新冠肺炎正在继续,我们团结一致与之抗争。在疫情防控期间,全国表现出高度的团结。正如俗话所说“千人同心”。</p><p class="ql-block">作为一名税务工作者,我们始终坚持疫情是命令,防控就是责任。我们始终坚持全国上下一盘棋,服从党的指挥,争分夺秒与疾病作斗争的原则。我们坚持互相帮助,同甘共苦。我们以各种方式为纳税人提供无接触式办税服务,同时我们也将继续做好疫情防控信息报送工作。 </p><p class="ql-block">我们还要向最美丽的逆行者致敬。世界上没有和平,但有人在保护我们美丽的家园。这个世界上没有英雄,只有一群普通人换上衣服,为更多的人背负重担。“如果有战争,我们会回来”是疫情防控“战士们”的慷慨宣言。面对新冠肺炎,他们是最美丽的逆行者。</p><p class="ql-block">最后,我想说的是,作为一名青年干部,我们需要做的更多,来展示我们对国家和人民的责任。我相信我们可以做得更好。我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家的聆听。</p> <p class="ql-block">国家税务总局本溪市南芬区税务局办公室 战映宇</p> <p class="ql-block">中英文译稿:</p><p class="ql-block">Hello,everyone.It's my great honor to have this opportunity to give the speech today,and please allow me to introduce myself briefly.My name is Zhan Yingyu. I’m 28 years old ,from Benxi,in Liaoning province. I have been working in Nanfen State Taxation Bureau for over six years.</p><p class="ql-block">Integrity and hard-working are the principles of my life,calm and calm is my attitude when things happen. I always love to keep an open mind towards fresh ideas and thinking .I like to enrich my life with many activities, like singing,dancing and so on.</p><p class="ql-block">As the saying goes:sailing can not be without direction, life can not be without aspiration, and as a national civil servant,I pledge my loyalty to the Communist Party of China and Chinese people,I will study earnestly and serve the people wholeheartedly.</p><p class="ql-block">This is me who I want to introduce to you today.</p><p class="ql-block">The topic of my speech today is epidemic prevention and control.</p><p class="ql-block">In the affectionate and warm call for spring, in 2019, this uninvited guest Covid-19 quietly arrived in Wuhan, Hubei.</p><p class="ql-block">Just like SARS seventeen years ago, spring's cheeks were tightly wrapped by masks. In the atmosphere of welcoming spring,although there were the sound of firecrackers and delicious New Year's Eve dinners,there is also a little haze and panic caused by Covid-19.</p><p class="ql-block">Various preventive measures from the central to the local and from the local to villages are a strong fortress to win the battle against epidemic prevention and control.</p><p class="ql-block">Medical teams from all over the country rushed to help Wuhan. The people's police, community service personnel, transport drivers and people from all walks of life have no hesitation in fighting on the front line of the battle against epidemics and disasters. In these shining ordinary people, we see the greatness of love, the power of love, and a heart of love for all.</p><p class="ql-block">In this national battle against the epidemic, as Xi Jinping once said: "The Chinese nation has experienced many hardships in history, but it has never been overwhelmed. Instead, it has become more and more courageous." Until now, more than two years have passed since the discovery of the new coronavirus, and we have achieved many staged successes, but the war between mankind and Covid-19 has not really ended.</p><p class="ql-block">The title page of Covid-19, our opening is extremely difficult, but please firmly believe that after the dark night, after the haze, we will be greeted by the spring of China.</p><p class="ql-block">Thank you!</p><p class="ql-block">大家好,我很荣幸今天有这个机会做演讲,请允许我简单介绍一下我自己。我的名字叫战映宇。我今年28岁,来自辽宁本溪。我在国家税务局总局本溪市南芬区税务局工作已经6年多了。</p><p class="ql-block">正直和勤奋是我的人生原则,冷静和冷静是我对待事情的态度。我喜欢用许多活动来丰富我的生活,如唱歌,跳舞等。</p><p class="ql-block">俗话说:航海不能没有方向,人生不能没有志向,作为一名国家公务员,我发誓忠于中国共产党和中国人民,我将认真学习,全心全意为人民服务。</p><p class="ql-block">这就是我今天要介绍给你们的人。</p><p class="ql-block">今天我演讲的主题是疫情防控。</p><p class="ql-block">在春暖花开的呼唤中,2019年,新冠肺炎这名不速之客悄然来到湖北武汉。</p><p class="ql-block">就像十七年前的非典,春天的脸颊被口罩紧紧包裹着。在迎春的气氛中,虽然有鞭炮声和美味的年夜饭,但也有一些新冠肺炎带来的阴霾和恐慌。</p><p class="ql-block">从中央到地方、从地方到农村的各种防控措施,是打赢疫情防控阻击战的坚强堡垒。</p><p class="ql-block">来自全国各地的医疗队奔赴武汉。人民警察、社区服务人员、交通司机和各界人士毫不犹豫地站在抗击疫情和灾害的第一线。在这些闪耀的普通人身上,我们看到了爱的伟大、爱的力量和一颗爱所有人的心。</p><p class="ql-block">在这场全国抗击疫情的斗争中,习近平总书记说:“中华民族在历史上经历了许多艰难困苦,但从来没有被战胜过。相反,它变得越来越勇敢。”到目前为止,新型冠状病毒已经发现两年多了,我们取得了许多阶段性的成功,但人类与新型冠状病毒的战争并没有真正结束。</p><p class="ql-block">新冠肺炎的扉页,我们的打开是极其困难的,但请坚信,经过黑夜,经过阴霾,我们将迎来中国的春天。</p><p class="ql-block">谢谢大家!</p>