See you on line—Voice of TJPS 用英语讲好中国故事(第九期)


<p class="ql-block">🌱Good morning, everyone.It's Tuesday , April 5th today. Welcome to our English broadcast. See you on line—Voice of TJPS!今天是4月5日,周二。欢迎收听天津小学空中英语广播,很高兴再一次在这里见面!</p> <p class="ql-block">🌱今天的两位小主播是来自三年三班的马欣然同学和索靖然同学。下面让我们跟随他们来一起聆听成语故事《名落孙山》和《囫囵吞枣》。OK, let's enjoy the voice together!</p> Failing to Pass an Exam <p class="ql-block">  Sun Shan was a popular person in Song Dynasty. Everybody liked him very much because he was not only knowledgeable but also humorous. One day, Sun Shan went to take the imperial exam with a fellow villager’s son. Finally, Sun Shan passed the exam. So he returned to his hometown happily. </p><p class="ql-block"> After Sun Shan returned home, the fellow villager asked him whether his son had also passed.Sun Shan said: “Sun Shan was the last on the list. And your son came after Sun Shan. ”</p> <p class="ql-block">  宋朝时候,有个名叫孙山的才子,人聪明也很诙谐,别人都称他是“滑稽才子”。有一次,他和同乡的儿子一同去赶考。考试完毕,等到张榜公布的那一天,孙山紧张地站在那儿仔细地寻找自己的名字,终于在最后看到了自己的大名,他喜出望外的大声嚷嚷:“我中啦!我中啦!”然后,连夜赶回家里报喜讯。</p><p class="ql-block"> 他那位同乡见孙山回来,而他的儿子却没有一同回家,便赶到孙山家里来问情况。同乡人问:“我儿子考中了吗?”孙山幽默地回答道:“解名尽处是孙山,贤郎更在孙山外。”</p> <p class="ql-block">✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨</p> Eating Dates <p class="ql-block">  Long ago, there was a young man who bought many fruits, like pears and dates. He sat at the roadside to eat them. An old man saw him and said: “Eating too many pears is good for teeth, but bad for your body.” The man asked: “How about dates?” The old man answered: “The dates are good for body but bad for teeth.” The young man thought for a while and said: “I've got a good idea! I can eat pears with teeth and don't swallow them. And I can swallow dates without chewing.” Then he put a date into his mouth and swallowed it immediately. Unluckily, he was choked by the date.</p> <p class="ql-block">  从前,有个人买了一堆水果,有梨儿,也有枣儿,坐在路边上吃。有个老头儿看见了,对他说:“小伙子,梨儿可不能多吃呀。它虽然对牙齿有好处,可是吃多了对身体不好。”青年人就问:“枣儿吃多了呢?”老头儿说:“枣儿对身体是好的,可吃多了对牙齿不好,也不能多吃。” 青年人看了看梨儿,又看了看枣儿,想了一会儿,说:“哈哈,我想出了个好办法!我吃梨儿就只用牙齿嚼,不吞到肚子里去。吃枣儿,我就把它整个儿吞下去,不用牙齿嚼。”说完话,他就拿起一个枣儿放在嘴里,直接吞了下去。没想到,他一下子就被枣儿噎住了。</p> <p class="ql-block">✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨</p> <p class="ql-block">💐感谢两位小主播的精彩播报。沐浴着春风和暖阳,伴随着精彩的广播,祝大家今天充实、快乐!</p><p class="ql-block">💐OK,so much for today,thank you for your listening. 今天的广播到此结束,感谢大家的收听,我们下期再会~</p><p class="ql-block">🌱See you next time, goodbye!🌱</p>