<p class="ql-block" style="text-align:center;"><b>协会简介</b></p><p class="ql-block"> 联合国华人友好协会是在联合国官方网站上注册、美国特拉华州政府注册,美国纽约市、纽约州政府公证,中国政府驻美国大使馆纽约总领亊馆认证的,由全球杰出华人倡导发起的非营利性、非政府组织(NGO),名称为联合国华人友好协会。</p><p class="ql-block"> 英译名为:UNITED NATIONS CHINESE FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION</p><p class="ql-block"> 简称:UNCFA</p> <p class="ql-block"><b> 联合国华人友好协会秘书长查尔斯·李简介</b></p> <p class="ql-block"> 他出生在风景如画,人杰地灵的安徽黄山,陡峭、伟岸的山岭锤炼了他坚强的意志;他是一位商业精英,他为中国企业走上国际经济舞台不懈努力着;他是一位国际友人,立志把“和平、友好、人权、环保”等联合国宪章精神付诸实施,为中国民间社会走进联合国,宣传、展示提供直通车,为中国人民通过走进联合国多边多平台向全球对话,开辟了道路。他就是联合国华人友好协会秘书长查尔斯·李。</p> <p class="ql-block"> 查尔斯·李先生原名李金龙,1964年出生于安徽省黄山市杨柳乡博土村,6岁时父亲因患重病,母亲离异,他和妹妹由祖母带大,祖母是一位基督徒,从小就灌输他们大爱思想,伯父是县委书记,他德高望重,知识渊博,深受当地百姓爱戴,查尔斯.李先生受家庭的影响,从小立志发奋图强,报效祖国。不论他在杨柳乡上中、小学,还是在中国政法大学读博士,都是品学兼优的学生。毕业后,他顺利的分配到政府机关,在人们羡慕的目光中,他开始规划崭新的蓝图,但好景不长,偏偏这个时候,他的祖母病倒了,需要钱治疗,可他刚走上工作岗位,每月薪水又不多,尽管他多方筹集,但无济于事,最终祖母还是离他而去,在悲痛之余,他放弃了政府部门的优厚待遇,去海南做房地产生意,不久后,他满钵而归,但他并不满足于现状,他知道,一个人富有是微不足道的,只有让大家富裕起来,国家才能强盛。</p> <p class="ql-block"> 抱着这种求实、创新的态度,1995年,他只身进军美国纽约的曼哈顿,寻找适合于中国发展的经济点,最终他将自己的事业定位于金融行业,并成立了华尔街资本联合投资集团,集团融资的主要特点是选择最近一年税后净利润超过1000万美元的民营企业,采取先垫资在美国上市融资,成功后再收取费用,以免除企业的后顾之忧,确保上市融资额不少于其税后利润的3倍。这种独特的运营模式,得到很多企业的认可。到目前为止,集团已为国内20余家企业引巨资提供上市融资服务,为繁荣中国经济做着不懈努力。</p> <p class="ql-block"> 在海外拼搏多年的查尔斯·李先生深知华人同胞的爱国情怀,他不仅要带领全球华人走上富裕之路,还要让华人在国际政治舞台上拥有话语权。尽管他的想法遭到许多人的耻笑,诽谤,歧视,但他还是义无反顾地坚持着,就像黄山一样坚不可摧。2003年,在他的努力下,中国申办奥运会成功,中国顺利加入WTO。2008年,他正式申请创办“联合国华人友好协会”,经过许多挫折和艰辛,直到2011年,批文总算通过。</p> <p class="ql-block"> 联合国华人友好协会是经联合国经社理事会民间社会组织注册登记、美国政府批准、中国政府驻美国大使馆纽约总领事馆认证的,由全球杰出华人倡导发起的非营利性、非政府组织(NGO),名称为联合国华人友好协会。简称UNCFA。协会任务是号召全世界华人联合起来,创建大中华和谐经济平台,加强华人国际合作与交流,继承和发扬炎黄子孙的优良传统,将中华五千年悠久的历史和灿烂的文化发扬光大,立足本民族,放眼全世界,为全人类的进步和社会经济发展而努力奋斗!</p> <p class="ql-block"> 为了实现这个宏伟目标,2011年,查尔斯·李先生率先在联合国总部创办了全球唯一一家“联合国问国会网络电视台”和“联合国友好画报”等国际化的大型媒体。为全球华人搭建了一个资源共享的交流平台。同时,为中国及世界华人在国际上争取更多的话语权做出了积极的贡献。</p> <p class="ql-block"> 作为联合国华人友好协会秘书长,美国华尔街资本联合投资集团总裁,联合国问国会网络电视台执行董事,联合国友好画报总编的查尔斯·李,经常参加国内及国际组织举办的各种会议和活动。他用精彩的演讲和人格魅力,团结了许多有识之士。仅在2011年至2012年之间,他先后参加了纽约联合国协会人道会议,在会上他亲切接见了联合国秘书长潘基文;拜访了中国联合国协会会长陈健;拜访了全国政协副主席全国工商业联合会主席黄孟复;拜访了全国政协副主席阿不来提。阿不都热西提;参加了北京各界人士暨联合国华人友好协会代表暨美国友好党代表热烈祝贺中共十八大胜利召开座谈会,并为党建编辑部主任扶刚颁发了荣誉证书;参加了天津市人民政府举办的考察项目投资;联合国知识讲座及资源分享联谊会;应邀浙江省杭州嘉兴县考察工作;会见上海中外文化艺术交流协会马长福;会见浙江省分会委员会张副主席;会见北方工业大学王建省教授并授予聘书;会见苏东坡研究院院长苏德忠并授予荣誉证书;聘请北京坤美达国际传媒总经理刘鹏坤为联合国友好协会外联部部长;在北京拜访中国经济社会理事会副主席杨崇汇先生;在北京拜访乍得共和国驻华大使松吉先生;在北京拜访马达加斯加共和国驻华大使维克托先生;拜访了美非亚总商会亚州区主席麦克梁先生;拜访了纽约州高级法院法警总局局长爰尼师先生;拜访了美国华裔共和党联盟主席苏丽凰女士;拜访了美国华视主持人杨莉女士;拜访了美国国会移民局局长兰谷马斯女士;拜访了美国新泽西州西橙市副市长扎耳为来自夫妇;拜访了美中经贸促进会付会长余安娜女士;拜访了美国杨立联合律师事务所所长杨立先生;拜访了著名爱国华侨领袖美籍华人陈香梅主席;拜访了世界艺术中心国宝画廊董事长卡林先生;拜访了美国抽象画画家吕保宗先生等,可以说他把全部精力投入到发展国际友好事业中,更为可贵的是他有满腔的爱国情怀和知恩图报的品德,他曾为陕西乾县一中捐物100多万元人民币助学,同时为乾县人民政府许诺捐献5000万元做为企业海外上市帮扶资金,为抗震救灾捐款捐物,他还为美国的一家医疗机构特殊疾病医院的患者慷慨解囊,他为家庭生活窘迫而辍学儿童,为贫困的在校生向他们捐款捐物和提供资助,他为陕北老苏区刘志丹家乡捐款,并号召全社会走进革命老根据地,为改善老区的生活品质献爱心,他还向全社会大声疾呼“让爱循环起来”!由于他的杰出贡献,2012年12月10日,他被联合国人民理事会在美国纽约联合国总部授予了2012年《世界和平奖》,该奖项全球每年仅颁发对世界和平做出贡献的三人。</p> <p class="ql-block"> 查尔斯·李先生就是用这份执著,演绎着大爱和奉献,他要把全球的华人团结起来,携手共创美丽的家园,目前,他已在全球建成50多个分支机构,计划在各国设分会,团结各国华人,加大民间交流。其次,整合资源,大力发展招商引资力度。再次,促进各国政府、民间之间交流,大力宣传联合国宪章精神,努力把“维持世界各地和平;发展国家之间的友好关系;帮助各国共同努力,改善贫困人民的生活,战胜饥饿、疾病和扫除文盲等精神落到实处。最后,学习、宣传和践行十八大精神。力求把“高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,解放思想,改革开放,凝聚力量,攻坚克难,坚定不移沿着中国特色社会主义道路前进,为全面建成小康社会而奋斗。”的精神置于全球华人心中。让它开花结果,造福人类。</p> <p class="ql-block"> 衷心祝愿查尔斯·李先生在宣传联合国精神和团结全球华人及推进中西方政治、经济、文化等诸方面做出应有贡献!为美丽中国,多彩世界献计献策!再创辉煌!</p> <p class="ql-block"> He was born in the picturesque and outstanding Huangshan Mountain in Anhui Province. The steep and majestic mountains tempered his strong will; He is a business elite. He makes unremitting efforts for Chinese enterprises to embark on the international economic stage; As an international friend, he is determined to implement the spirit of the Charter of the United Nations, such as "peace, friendship, human rights and environmental protection", provide a through train for Chinese civil society to enter the United Nations, publicize and display, and open up a way for the Chinese people to engage in global dialogue through entering the multilateral and multi platform of the United Nations. He is Charles Lee, Secretary General of the United Nations Chinese Friendship Association.</p> <p class="ql-block"> Mr. Charles Li, formerly known as Li Jinlong, was born in botu village, Yangliu Township, Huangshan City, Anhui Province in 1964. At the age of 6, his father was seriously ill and his mother divorced. He and his sister were brought up by his grandmother, who was a Christian and instilled the idea of great love into them since childhood. His uncle was the Secretary of the county Party committee. He was respected, knowledgeable and deeply loved by the local people, Influenced by his family, Mr. Charles Li was determined to work hard and serve his country since childhood. Whether he goes to middle and primary schools in Yangliu township or studies for a doctorate in China University of political science and law, he is a student with excellent character and learning. After graduation, he was successfully assigned to the government. In the eyes of people's envy, he began to plan a new blueprint, but the good times did not last long. At this time, his grandmother fell ill and needed money for treatment, but he just went to work and his monthly salary was not much. Although he raised money in many ways, it was useless. Finally, his grandmother left him. In addition to grief, He gave up the preferential treatment of government departments and went to Hainan to do real estate business. Soon, he returned in full bowl, but he was not satisfied with the current situation. He knew that a person's wealth was insignificant. Only by making everyone rich can the country be strong and prosperous.</p> <p class="ql-block"> With this realistic and innovative attitude, in 1995, he entered Manhattan in New York to find economic points suitable for China's development. Finally, he positioned his career in the financial industry and established the Wall Street capital joint investment group. The main feature of group financing is to select private enterprises with a net profit after tax of more than US $10 million in the recent year, Advance capital to be listed in the United States for financing, and charge fees after success, so as to eliminate the worries of enterprises and ensure that the amount of listed financing is not less than three times of their after tax profits. This unique operation mode has been recognized by many enterprises. So far, the group has provided listing and financing services for more than 20 domestic enterprises, making unremitting efforts to prosper China's economy.</p> <p class="ql-block"> Mr. Charles Li, who has worked hard overseas for many years, is well aware of the patriotic feelings of Chinese compatriots. He not only wants to lead the global Chinese on the road to prosperity, but also let the Chinese have a voice in the international political arena. Although his ideas were ridiculed, slandered and discriminated against by many people, he insisted without hesitation, just as indestructible as Huangshan. In 2003, with his efforts, China successfully applied for the Olympic Games and China successfully joined the WTO..... In 2008, he formally applied for the establishment of the "United Nations Chinese Friendship Association". After many setbacks and hardships, the approval was finally passed in 2011.</p> <p class="ql-block"> The United Nations Chinese Friendship Association is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) initiated by outstanding Chinese in the world, which is registered with the United Nations Economic and Social Council civil society organizations, approved by the U.S. government and certified by the Consulate General of the Chinese government in New York. Uncfa for short. The mission of the association is to call on Chinese people all over the world to unite, create a harmonious economic platform for Greater China, strengthen international cooperation and exchanges among Chinese people, inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the Chinese people, carry forward China's 5000 year long history and splendid culture, base on their own nation, look at the world, and strive for the progress and socio-economic development of all mankind!</p> <p class="ql-block"> In order to achieve this grand goal, in 2011, Mr. Charles Li took the lead in establishing the world's only international large-scale media such as "United Nations network television" and "United Nations friendship pictorial" at the United Nations headquarters. It has built a resource sharing exchange platform for Chinese around the world. At the same time, it has made positive contributions to China and the Chinese around the world to strive for more voice in the world.</p> <p class="ql-block"> As the Secretary General of the United Nations Chinese Friendship Association, the president of the United Investment Group of Wall Street capital, the executive director of the United Nations network television and the editor in chief of the United Nations friendship pictorial, Charles Lee often participates in various conferences and activities organized by domestic and international organizations. He United many people of insight with his wonderful speech and personality charm. Only between 2011 and 2012, he successively attended the humanitarian conference of the United Nations Association in New York, at which he cordially received the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon; Visited Chen Jian, President of the United Nations Association of China; Visited Huang Mengfu, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of the all China Federation of industry and commerce; Visited abulahat, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference. Abuduresiti; Participated in the symposium held by people from all walks of life in Beijing, representatives of the United Nations Chinese Friendship Association and representatives of the American friendship party, warmly congratulated the 18th CPC National Congress on its victory, and awarded an honorary certificate to Fu Gang, director of the editorial department of Party construction; Participated in the investment investigation project organized by Tianjin Municipal People's government; United Nations knowledge lectures and resource sharing fellowship; Invited to investigate Jiaxing County, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province; Meeting with Ma Changfu of Shanghai Sino foreign culture and Art Exchange Association; Meeting with Vice Chairman Zhang of Zhejiang Branch Committee; Met with Professor Wang Jiansheng of North University of technology and awarded the letter of appointment; Met with Su Dezhong, President of Su Dongpo Research Institute, and awarded the honorary certificate; Liu pengkun, general manager of Beijing kunmeida international media, was employed as the director of the outreach Department of the United Nations Friendship Association; Visiting Mr. Yang Chonghui, vice president of the China Economic and Social Council in Beijing; Visiting Mr. Songji, Ambassador of the Republic of Chad to China in Beijing; Visiting Mr. Victor, Ambassador of the Republic of Madagascar to China in Beijing; Visited Mr. Mike Liang, chairman of the Asian region of the American African Asian General Chamber of Commerce; He visited Mr. ernis, director of the Judicial Police Department of the high court of New York; Visited Ms. Su Lihuang, President of the Chinese American Republican League; Visited Ms. Yang Li, host of China TV; Visited Ms. langumas, director of the Immigration Department of the United States Congress; Visited Mr. and Mrs. zaer, vice mayor of West Orange, New Jersey; Visited Ms. Anna Yu, vice president of the US China Economic and Trade Promotion Association; Visited Mr. Yang Li, director of Yang Li united law firm in the United States; Visited the famous patriotic overseas Chinese leader and chairman Chen Xiangmei of Chinese Americans; Visited Mr. Carlin, chairman of the national treasure Gallery of the world art center; He visited Mr. LV Baozong, an American abstract painter, and others. It can be said that he devoted all his energy to the development of international friendship. What is more valuable is that he has full patriotism and the moral character of gratitude. He once donated more than 1 million yuan to the No. 1 middle school in Qianxian County, Shaanxi Province, and promised to donate 50 million yuan to the people's Government of Qianxian County as assistance funds for the overseas listing of enterprises, He donated money and materials for earthquake relief. He also generously donated money to patients in a special disease hospital of a medical institution in the United States. He donated money, materials and financial assistance to children who dropped out of school because of their poor family life. He donated money to Liu Zhidan's hometown in the old Soviet area of Northern Shaanxi, and called on the whole society to go into the old revolutionary base and show love to improve the quality of life in the old area, He also shouted to the whole society "let love cycle"! Due to his outstanding contributions, on December 10, 2012, he was awarded the 2012 world peace award by the United Nations people's Council at the United Nations headquarters in New York, the United States. The award only awards three people who contribute to world peace every year.</p> <p class="ql-block"> Mr. Charles Li uses this persistence to deduce great love and dedication. He wants to unite Chinese around the world and create a beautiful home together. At present, he has built more than 50 branches around the world and plans to set up branches in various countries to unite Chinese around the world and increase non-governmental exchanges. Secondly, integrate resources and vigorously develop investment attraction. Thirdly, we should promote exchanges between governments and non-governmental organizations, vigorously publicize the spirit of the Charter of the United Nations, and strive to implement the spirit of "maintaining peace around the world, developing friendly relations between countries, helping countries work together to improve the lives of poor people, combat hunger, disease and eradicate illiteracy. Finally, we should learn, publicize and practice the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. We should strive to "Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the scientific outlook on development, emancipate the mind, reform and opening up, pool strength, overcome difficulties, unswervingly move forward along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics and strive to build a well-off society in an all-round way." Our spirit is placed in the hearts of Chinese all over the world. Let it blossom and bear fruit for the benefit of mankind.</p> <p class="ql-block"> I sincerely wish Mr. Charles Li to make due contributions in publicizing the spirit of the United Nations, uniting Chinese around the world and promoting politics, economy and culture between China and the West! Give advice and suggestions for a beautiful China and a colorful world! Create more brilliance!</p>