让冰雪照亮梦想 中国第一届冬季奥运会隆重开幕


<h3>从夏奥到冬奥,<br>From the Summer Olympics to the Winter Olympics,<br>从筹办到举办,<br>From preparation to holding<br>这座“双奥之城”<br>This &quot;double Olympic city&quot;<br>今日迎来了<br>Today ushered in<br>世界瞩目的北京冬奥会开幕会<br>The opening meeting of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games<br></h3> <h3>2月4日晚8时整,第二十四届冬季奥林匹克运动会开幕式在北京国家体育场鸟巢举行,世界最大地屏也正式点亮。开幕式主舞台台面全是LED屏幕,巨大的屏幕面积达10552平方米,是目前建成的世界最大的LED显示屏,包含超过4万块的LED模块,不仅能完美地呈现各种特效,还可结合虚拟现实技术来使用<br>At 8:00 p.m. on February 4, the opening ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympic Games was held in the bird's nest of Beijing National Stadium, and the world's largest screen was officially lit up. The main stage table of the opening ceremony is full of LED screens, with a huge screen area of 10552 square meters. It is the largest LED display screen in the world, including more than 40000 LED modules. It can not only perfectly present various special effects, but also be used in combination with virtual reality technology</h3> <h3>继2008年北京奥运会以恢宏磅礴的气势震撼了全球之后,2022年的冬奥会开幕式上晶莹剔透的“冰雪五环”、浪漫唯美的雪花火炬台、独具创意的环保点火,又让世界惊叹中国人清新浪漫的一面。<br>After the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games shocked the world with its magnificent momentum, the glittering and translucent &quot;five ice and snow rings&quot;, the romantic and beautiful snowflake torch platform and the unique environmental ignition at the opening ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games also amazed the world at the fresh and romantic side of the Chinese people.</h3> <h3>冰墩墩是2022年北京冬季奥运会的吉祥物。将熊猫形象与富有超能量的冰晶外壳相结合,头部外壳造型取自冰雪运动头盔,装饰彩色光环,整体形象酷似航天员。<br>Bing Dwen Dwen.It is the mascot of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. The panda image is combined with the super energy ice crystal shell. The shape of the head shell is taken from the ice and snow sports helmet and decorated with a color halo. The overall image is similar to that of an astronaut.</h3> <h3>雪容融,是2022年北京冬季残奥会的吉祥物,其以灯笼为原型进行设计创作,主色调为红色,头顶有如意环与外围的剪纸图案,面部带有不规则形状的雪块,身体可以向外散发光芒<br>Shuey Rhon Rhon .is the mascot of the 2022 Beijing Paralympic Games. It is designed and constructed with lanterns as its prototype. Its main tone is red, with a ruby ring and a paper-cut pattern on the top. The face has irregular snow blocks, and the body can scatter the luminous shades.</h3> <h3>北京2022年冬奥会共设7个大项,其中还有15个分项和109个小项。<br><br>7个大项包括:滑雪、滑冰、冰球、冰壶、雪车、雪橇、冬季两项<br>There are 7 major events in Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, including 15 sub items and 109 minor events.<br>The seven major events include skiing, skating, ice hockey, curling, snowmobile, sledge and winter<br>15个分项包括:高山滑雪、自由式滑雪、单板滑雪、跳台滑雪、越野滑雪、北欧两项、短道速滑、速度滑冰、花样滑冰、冰球、冰壶、雪车、钢架雪车、雪橇、冬季两项。<br>The 15 sub items include: alpine skiing, freestyle skiing, snowboarding, ski jumping, cross-country skiing, Nordic biathlon, short track speed skating, speed skating, figure skating, hockey, curling, snowmobile, steel snowmobile, sledge and winter biathlon.</h3> <h3>2022年2月2日最早开赛的项目为冰壶,在开幕式前两天就将举行第一场混合双人循环赛。让我们一起期待中国运动健儿的优异表现吧<br>The first event to start on February 2, 2022 is curling. The first mixed double round robin will be held two days before the opening ceremony. Let's look forward to the excellent performance of Chinese athletes</h3>