

<p class="ql-block">“华夏福瑞生肖作品邀请展——2022壬寅虎年”正式启幕</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"> 时光荏苒,沧海桑田,炎黄子孙在世界各地繁衍生息,而生肖是关联着全球每一位华人、每一个华人家庭和族群的故土烙印。生肖文化更是陪伴华夏族人几千年的独特文化和民族记忆,不仅是中华民族智慧的结晶,更是我国弥足珍贵的文化资源。弘扬传统文化,创作展现时代伟大复兴的生肖艺术作品是当代艺术家的共同使命。</p> <p class="ql-block">  “虎”在中国传统文化中,寓意忠诚、勇敢、驱邪避凶,“虎”文化已经融入到我们的精神世界和日常生活中,产生了丰富多彩的艺术形式。以“华夏福瑞生肖作品邀请展——2022壬寅虎年”为主题的生肖彩塑艺术展,正是在梳理传统技艺传承的同时,探究传统生肖文化与生肖雕塑中的人文性与社会性,更有助于推动现当代雕塑作品焕发新意,守正创新。</p> <p class="ql-block">  本次展览由中国文联民间文艺艺术中心主办,中国民间文艺家协会彩塑专业委员会承办。在1300多只“虎”的来稿作品中,评审组经过精心甄选,在保证艺术水准和质量的情况下,精选400余件作品,共分12期推出。</p> <p class="ql-block">  此次展览不仅是艺术创作的盛会,是春节期间的视觉盛宴,也是弘扬传统文化的载体,更代表了全国人民乃至全世界华人对于美好未来的追求与祈愿。希望在新的一年海内外华人的事业和生活如同艺术家的作品一般虎虎有生气,奋发图强、不断前行!并祝华夏安康,再创辉煌!</p> <p class="ql-block">"Chinese Lucky Zodiac Works Invitational Exhibition</p><p class="ql-block">-- 2022 Tiger Year" Officially Opened</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">As time flies, the Chinese and Yellow descendants spread all over the world, and the zodiac is associated with every Chinese people, every Chinese family and ethnic group in the world. Zodiac culture is accompanied by thousands of years of Chinese people's unique culture and national memory, not only is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation, but also China's precious culture resources. It is the common mission of contemporary artists to promote traditional culture and show the great revival of the zodiac art creation. In traditional Chinese culture, "Tiger" implies loyalty, courage, and warding off evil spirits. "Tiger" culture has been integrated into our spiritual world and daily life, producing a variety of art forms.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">As the theme of the Chinese Zodiac painted art exhibition, "Chinese Lucky Zodiac Works Invitational Exhibition -- 2022 Tiger Year" is in the process of carding the inheritance of traditional skills, exploring the traditional zodiac culture, zodiac sculpture in the humanities, social, more conducive to promoting modern and contemporary sculpture with new ideas and innovation.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">The exhibition is sponsored by the Folk Art Center of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art, and undertaken by the Professional Committee of the Painted Sculpture. In more than 1300 "tiger" works, after careful selection, under the condition of ensuring the artistic level and quality, we selected more than 400 works, and divided the artworks into 12 phases. This exhibition is not only a grand event of artistic creation, a visual feast during the Spring Festival, but also a way to carry forward traditional culture, and represents the pursuit and wishes of Chinese people all over the world for a better future.We hope that in the New Year, the career and life of Chinese people at home and abroad will be as vigorous as the artworks of our artists. We wish our country safe and sound, and we all have a bright future!</p> <p class="ql-block"> (编辑/百川、维恒)</p>