超以象外: 2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展


<div><h3><b><font color="#ED2308">致敬大师:超以象外</font><font color="#167EFB">-首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展 (OVR云展)</font></b></h3></div><div style="text-align: left;">Tribute to the Masters: Beyond the Image. The First Academic Exhibition of Outstanding Works by World Famous Chinese Artists</div><div><h5>- 北美视觉艺术研究院 GAIA</h5></div> <h5><p><br></p><p><b style="font-size: 15px; color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">前言</b></p><p><br></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">1980年我旅居美国后,曾经在许多国家和地区,举办过上千场个人画展,参观了许多不同国家,不同民族,不同宗教,人类丰富多彩的历史文化,也感受了不同的"各美其美"的现代文明,"海纳百川,有容乃大",但根还在我的故乡中国!艺术家有着一条与生俱来的文化根源,这条根将终生连着你,永远抹不掉,挥不去的感情!我在海外生活超过四十年了,有太多的经历,唤醒了我,千百年来人类渴望的太平,从来没有出现。人类的社会结构,政治结构,地缘结构,全球的文化价值结构,都在发生着剧烈而持久的嬗变。当今世界人类更需要文化与跨文化的沟通,这是人类自我救赎唯一可行之路!国与国,民族与民族,宗教与宗教,通过善意与合作,高频率的沟通是人类取得进步的文化基因,是医治人类社会创伤的良药。人性中的善悪和每个人不可逃避的生老病死,喜怒哀乐,会伴随你一生,它饱含着全人类浓重的人间烟火。以感恩的心记住人性美好的东西,会给你勇气,力量与灵感。</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;"> </span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;">关于地域与艺术创作的关系,爱因斯坦说"一切万有是一体,人类是一体,合一我们屹立,分离我们陨落!"表现人性中真善美的主题,母爱,父爱,男女情爱,对赖以生存的大自然的爱等等,这些不受民族,宗教,种族,国别,不受空间,时间局限,这正是文化交流沟通的永恒的困素与追求。天无私覆,地无私载,日月无私照,孔子以天,地,日月无私的精神,表达了大道之行,天下为公,天人合一的思想。现代人类的生活,竞争激烈,节奏太快,紧张的生活令人类的心灵不安。艺术家应当把烦恼留给自己,把爱与温暖,把真善美还给人间。</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;"> </span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;">人工智能时代的到来,毫无疑问的将给当今的艺术界,带来巨大的生存危机。所有程式化,规笵化,千人一靣,毫无灵性的,纯技术性的艺术品,都将被人工智能代替,或彻底淘汰。危机会使艺术家们觉醒,觉醒会给艺术界带来转机,带来新的历史性机遇,给人类文明带来一个新的高潮!量子力学加上人工智能,迅雷不及掩耳的发展,将会不断的警告艺术家,艺术需要原创,颠覆性的原创,否则我们将取代你!爱因斯坦预言"文化制胜时代的崛起,想象力比知识更重要"!人工智能是否能代替所有画家?我认为不可能。人具有理智,感情,思想,特别是有想象力,以后艺术教育的重点,应放在启发现象力上,以超强的感受力,想象力,坚持原创状态,结合现代科技,新媒体艺术,向垮界,跨行业学习,合作,艺术之路只会越走越宽广!</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;"> </span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;">世界进入百年不遇的大变局,中华民族正在崛起,五百年来全世界的目光从来没有如此集中聚焦在中国身上,我们一定要把握住历史的际遇。文化上沟通之路已经打开,开展国与国,民族与民族,宗教与宗教之间的沟通与学习,建立信誉,尊重对方,求同存异,多元共存。文化软实力,是在双方互动中产生的,是感召、感动、感化别人的能力。工业革命后,人类为了追逐物质文明,追求财富,享乐,在快速的进步中,同时也带来深重的灾难,已经严重的破坏了大自然的生态平衡,为了子孙后代,人类应该冷静想一想,我们的目标是什么?人类到底要到那里去? !两年多来,席卷全球的疫情,考验,教育了全人类,天地宇宙万物,大到银河系,小到细胞,细菌,原子,量子,粒子,都是有机的,有能量的生命体。而人类是宇宙的一部分,受限于宇宙时空,人类必须遵从大自然宇宙的规律,人类是一体,合一,将持续生存发展。互斗,分裂,将会带来灾难和消亡。当人类觉醒,从思想,精神,文化上追求和谐共生,各美其美,成人之美,美美与共,人类将走上天下大同!这不正是老子所期望的"大道之行,天下为公"贝多芬"欢乐颂"所追寻的最高境界吗?!</span></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;">丁绍光,</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;">2022年1月13日</span></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size: 15px; color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">FOREWORD</b></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;">Regarding the relationship between artistic creation and geographic location, Einstein once said “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Everything of exist is one unity, human beings are one, one we stand, separate and fall!" The art themes of the truth, goodness and beauty in human nature, mother's love, father's love, man and woman’s love, the mother nature’s love etc. should not be limited by religion, race, nationality, space, and time. This is the eternal pursuit of cultural exchange and communication. The sky is selfless, the earth is selfless, and the sun and the moon are selfless. With the selfless spirit of the sky, the earth, and the sun and the moon, Confucius expresses that an idea of the road, and the world is public which united heaven and man. The modern human life and the competition are fierce, the rhythm is too fast, and the tense life makes the human mind uneasy. Artists should keep their troubles to themselves, give the world truth, virtue and beauty with love and warmth. </span></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;">Ting Shao Kuang</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;">Jan 13, 2022 </span></p></h5> <h5><p><br></p><p><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251); font-size: 15px;">策展人展览主题陈述</b></p><p><br></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">物以象外不等同于传统的诗意,更非浅显的赞美,而是对世界本质的真实观照。“致敬大师:超以象外—首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术云展”在2022年,瑞虎迎春,祝贺冬奥,虎虎生威。</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">当艺术进入元宇宙,“线上展厅”(OVR)和NFT等概念,逐渐转化为现实体验。麦克卢汉在《理解媒介:论人的延伸》中提出,媒介是人与社会和自然环境接触的中介,一切媒介都是人类感官的延伸或拓展,电子媒介则是人中枢神经的延伸。元宇宙作为虚拟世界和现实世界融合的载体,达到了去中心化的效果并让观众获得逼真的全息沉浸体验。元宇宙为人类社会实现数字化转型提供了新的路径。新北美画派在元宇宙的时代背景之下应运而生,新北美画派意指海外华人的多元文化背景下的含东西方文化色彩的思维方式、创作路径和作品形态,它包括并兼容不同的风格画派具有上述特征。 本次展览展现了中西方理念相结合的最新创作成就,将大师和先贤与当代华人艺术家的作品列举在一起,在跨时空、跨文化中对话与交融而超以象外之象。在疫情期间,新北美画派努力把中西方元素以及当代人文与科学的发展前沿交织融汇,游走在西方文明与中国文化、自律与自由、封闭与开放之间,进而形成某种“自觉”,以期重构视觉艺术的新逻辑、新语言。他们的努力是对中华文化与个体生命的坚定和礼赞,是自我对于绘画视觉的内在倾听! 这个展览涵盖不同画种媒介:油画、水墨、书法、版画、水彩、速写、综合材料、雕塑、装置;在野艺术家的年龄跨度,从二十几岁到八十多岁。 在云端与上百年前的大师同行,致敬大师。“超以象外”是具有学术价值、实验性与开拓性并存的展览,不管他们能否构成海外华人艺术家文明书写的整体,但都会给艺术史长河,留下零星的永恒记忆。</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">“超以象外”深切表达出北美视觉艺术研究院自觉的历史使命,肩负起时代与世界各族人民对和平与未来的美好期盼,带领新北美画派,砥砺前行,以“人类命运共同体”为出发点,用艺术创造未来,成就人类。</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">叶丽 博士</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px;">2022年1月28日</span></p><p><br></p><p><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251); font-size: 15px;">EXHIBITION DESCRIPTION</b></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;">Taking things out of images is not equivalent to traditional poetry, nor is it a simple compliment, but a true observation of the nature of the world. "Tribute to the Master: Beyond the Image - The First Academic Cloud Exhibition of Outstanding Works of Famous Chinese Artists in the World" will be held in 2022, just in time for the Spring Festival, and the coming of mighty power of the year of the tiger. When art enters the metaverse, concepts such as "online view room" (OVR) and NFT are gradually transformed into real experiences. In "Understanding the Media: On the Extension of Man", McLuhan proposed that the media mediates contact between people, and the social and natural environment. All media is an extension or expansion of human senses, and electronic media is the extension of the human central nervous system. As the venues of the virtual world and the real world fuse, the metaverse achieves the effect of decentralization and allows the audience to obtain a realistic holographic immersive experience. The New North American School of Painting came into being under the background of the Metaverse era. The new school is inclusive and is compatible with different art forms. This exhibition showcases the latest creative achievements, coupling Chinese and Western concepts and displaying the works of masters and sages together with contemporary Chinese artists online in a humble OVR format to transcend time and space and conduct cross-cultural dialogue. This exhibition covers a variety of painting media and art forms, which will display alongside masters from hundreds of years ago who are of great academic value. This exhibition will experimente with nature and pioneering thinking, and will leave a piece of eternal memories in the history of art. This is in line with the mission of the Great American Institute of Art: for the best interest of "community with a shared future for mankind.”</span></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;">By Curator: Dr. Lily Gaia Ye</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 15px;">Jan.28.2022</span></p></h5> <h5><p></p><p><b><font color="#FF8A00">特别鸣谢</font></b> :<font color="#FF8A00">83岁的丁绍光先生为本次展览书写前言;87岁的欧豪年先生、80岁的高木森教授和陈履生教授为本次云展所给予的大力支持。</font></p><p><br></p><p><b><font color="#ED2308">超以象外</font>-</b><font color="#B06FBB"><b>2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展(云端)</b></font></p></h5><h5>Tribute to the Masters: Beyond the Image. The First Academic Exhibition of Outstanding Works by World Famous Chinese Artists<br>- 北美视觉艺术研究院 GAIA</h5><p><br></p><p><b>总顾问</b>:丁绍光<br></p><p><b>学术顾问:</b>陈履生</p><p><b>学术主持</b>:曹俊、叶丽</p><p><b>特邀馆长</b>:任戎、张朱宇、鲁安、朱俊英</p><p><b>策展</b>:叶丽</p><p><b>学术委员会</b>:(排名不分先后)</p><p>张京成、陶海心、钱自奋、李铁、韩墨、庄景辉、古铣贤、周宁、周平珖、王岳、冯正梁、蒋奇谷、司徒锦、张培椿、王海婴、王世永、孙昌茵、张可可、黄一非、童强、丁根河、刘丁榕、黄静、张淙、应予倩、梅忠智、宋大勇、孙晓华、杨远威<br><b>展务:</b>陈钲宏、张彬蓉、郭连章、许多<br><b>主办方</b>: 北美视觉艺术研究院<br><b>协办方</b>: 德国波恩当代艺术馆<br> 香港天趣当代艺术馆<br> 美国中华艺术宫<br> 美国中国美术宫</p> <h3><font color="#333333"><b>艺术大师作品和优秀作品</b></font><b>(</b>入选百名,按姓氏笔画为序)</h3><h5><p>丁绍光,丁友海,丁根河,王羲之,王岳,王立威,王海婴,王世永,王建红,牛天奇,叶丽,古铣贤,马树茂,司徒锦,甘富忠,达芬奇,任戎,安格尔,朱俊英,朱欣怡,庄景辉,应予倩,宋大勇,宋徽宗,冯正梁,冯玉薇,冯霍恩,曲茜茜,毕加索,刘丁榕,刘葵,刘瑞莲,孙昌茵,孙晓华,沃霍尔,陈履生,陈秀珊,陈健群,陈文仕,陈永雄,陈晓英,杜尚,李铁,李冰奇,李莉墨伊,李磊伟,杨远威,杨国芳,沈周,张京成,张可可,张保声,張培椿,张金榕,张淙,张朱宇,张萱,波洛克,周宁,周平珖,林宁,欧豪年,郑奋强,郑霞娟,罗若娜,美姝,闻俊,赵玲玲,莫奈,曹俊,高木森,钱自奋,徐聃,徐治庆,桂斌,陶海心,夏爱飞,康定斯基,阎立本,黄一非,黄公望,黄静,梵高,梅忠智,梁革,梁明明,梁政均,梁礼清,梁铝,韩墨,鲁安,蒋奇谷,谢世增,童强,塞尚,瑞茹可,诸葛继锋,德拉克洛瓦,傅金野,霍东泽</p></h5> <h5><b>ORGANIZER</b>: Greater American Institute of Art<br><b>CO-ORGANIZER: </b><br></h5><h5> KUNSTRAUM VILLA FRIEDE in Bonn, Germany<br> Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery, Hong Kong<br> Sino-Asian Art Gallery, USA<br> Chinese Art Museum of America, USA<br><b>CHIEF ART ADVISO</b>R: ShaoKuang Ting<br><b>ACADEMIC ADVISOR</b>: LyuSheng Chen<br><b>ACADEMIC CHAIRS: </b>Jun Cao, Lily Gaia Ye<br><b>MUSEUM DIRECTORS:</b> Rong Ren, Cissy Cheung, Andrew Lu, Kevin Zhu<br><b>CURATOR:</b> Lily Gaia Ye<br></h5> <h1><font color="#ED2308"><strong>艺术大师作品和优秀作品<font color="#333333">(</font></strong><font color="#333333">按姓氏笔画为序</font><strong><font color="#333333">) </font> <br></strong></font></h1> <h5><font color="#ED2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一丁绍光,Ting ShaoKuang, 洛杉矶,美国</i></font></h5> <div><h5>丁绍光,他是未来主义哲学画派代表人物,积极艺术的倡导者和引领者,也是公认的新浪漫主义、和谐主义艺术家。其和谐等哲学思想画作,已成为美国、法国,希腊、日本等世界各国博览会的主题。他是当今画坛上最有影响的华人艺术家,云南画派创始人之一,现代重彩画大师。他连续三年被选为联合国代表画家,在世界各国举办个人展达2000多次,仅卖出的丝网版画多达5万张。丁绍光在国际上已经成为中国艺术魅力的一个符号,是中国文化自信的典型代表,对传播中国文化做出了巨大贡献。丁绍光曾任美国世界美术家联盟首任主席,现任中外十余所大学名誉和客座教授,海外华人美术家协会终身名誉主席,及中国文化研究会书画艺术委员会特邀主席委员。长期以来,丁绍光以自己的艺术称职的、慷慨的支持联合国事业、海内外的艺术发展以及国际文化艺术交流活动。他曾获得美国、日本、菲律宾等国许多城市、社会团体和组织所颁发的“ 荣誉市长”、“荣誉市民”、“杰出艺术家”等荣誉和奖状。美国多个城市定有“丁绍光日”。</h5><h5><br>Ting ShaoKuang is a prominent neo-romanticism artist. Being one of Yunnan School of Painting founders and a Master of Modern heavy-color art, he has significantly influenced contemporary Chinese artists. He was commissioned by the governments of the US and China and organizations within the United Nations. He would infuse his traditional Chinese style with bold colors drawn from Western art styles. Ting ShaoKuang was the first chairman of the American World Artists Federation and is an honorary and visiting professor of more than ten universities at home and abroad. He is currently the tenured chairman of the Overseas Chinese Artists Association, the honorary chairman of the Painting and Calligraphy Art Committee of the Chinese Cultural Research Association. Ting ShaoKuang has also generously supported the cause of the United Nations and has won many honors, such as "Honorary Mayor," "Honorary Citizen," and "Outstanding Artist." On April 30, 1999, the mayor of Milbrae had announced the date for the annual "Ding ShaoKuang's Day."</h5></div> <h5>丁绍光, 玻璃壁画“生命之源”局部。 原大:16米 x 24米</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一丁友海,Ding Youhai, 洛杉矶,美国. </font></i></h5> <div><h5>丁友海, 笔名松海,1953年生于北京。 他担任中国美协会员,中国书画院副院长,世界传统文化研究院洛杉矶分院副院长。20世纪70年代,他投师郭传璋门下主攻山水画艺术,他坚持写生创作,为自己的绘画风格的形成打下了坚实的基础。他多次在全国艺术展上获得大奖。并在国际陶瓷艺术博览会上荣获铜奖。</h5><h5><br>Ding Youhai, whose pen name is Songhai, was born in Beijing in 1953. He is a member of the Chinese Artists Association and vice president of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy. He has been engaging in art activities in Beijing for a long time. In the 1970s, he studied at Guo Chuanzhang's school to focus on the art of landscape painting.</h5></div> <h5>丁友海, 空谷闻声 120x122cm, 纸本,水墨设色</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一丁根河,Genhe Ding, 迈阿密,美国</font></i></h5> <div><h5>丁根河,职业艺术家、策展人、北美艺术家发展基金会创办人。研究生毕业中央美术学院油画专业。作品多次参加国内外大型展览,多幅作品被美术馆和个人收藏。</h5><h5><br>Genhe Ding is a professional artist and curator. He is the founder of North American Artist Development Foundation. He graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in oil painting. His works have participated in large-scale exhibitions domestic and abroad. Many of them were collected by art museums and individuals.</h5></div> <h5>丁根河,盗火者S3,60x60CM 丙烯 <br></h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一王羲之,Wang Xizhi,山东,中国</font></i></h5> <div><h5>王羲之(303—361) 琅琊临沂(今山东临沂)人魏晋书法家。王羲之楷书师法钟繇,草书学张芝,亦学李斯、蔡邕等,博采众长。他的书法圆转凝重,易翻为曲,用笔内厌,创立了妍美流便的今体书风,被后代尊为“书圣”。王羲之作品的真迹已难得见,我们所看到的都是摹本。他所书的行楷《兰亭序》最具有代表性。</h5><h5><br>Wang Xizhi (303AD-361AD) was born in Linyi, Shandong, a calligrapher during the Jin dynasty. He is sometimes regarded as the most excellent calligrapher in Chinese history. Wang Xizhi mastered all forms of Chinese calligraphy, especially the running . He learned traditional calligraphy from Fa Zhong Yao, learned cursive calligraphy from Zhang Zhi, and Li Si, Cai Yong. The original works of Wang Xizhi are rare, so we see today are most likely replicas. The Xingkai "Lanting Preface" written by him is the most representative.</h5></div> <h5>王羲之,兰亭集序(神龙本)现藏于北京故宫博物院 </h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一王岳,Wang Yue, 洛杉矶,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>王岳于1959年生于北京, 早年从杨和森先生(溥佐弟子)学习中国画。1975—1978毕业天津工艺美校学习素描油画;1981—1985毕业于天津美院主修图形设计(Graphic Design)并获学士学位;1993—1994就读广州美院研究生,主攻现代艺术设计并获硕士学位;1995年赴美定居,现为洛杉矶美国书画艺术研究院常务副院长,职业画家。<br><div><h5><br></h5><h5>Wang Yue was born in Beijing in 1959. He studied Chinese painting under Teacher Puzuo and moved on to Tianjin Arts and Crafts School to study sketch and oil painting (1975-1978). After that, he entered Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in Graphic Design, and received a bachelor's fine art degree (1981-1985). Wang Yue was later admitted to Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts as a graduate student, majoring in modern art design, and received a Master's degree (1993-1994). He moved to the USA and settled in Los Angeles in 1995. He is currently the Vice President of the America Arts Research Institute and a professional painter.</h5></div></h5> <h5>王岳,虎年祥瑞图, 沒骨重彩,纸本生宣,综合颜料, 140cm x 70cm</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一王立威,Wang Liwei, 旧金山,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>王立威是来自中国上海的画家,用对世界深度的理解和敏锐的感知,重新解构了个人对美学的定义。他的作品具备了画家本人独特的观念和洞察力,同时有着鲜明的特色和感染力。王立威目前居住在旧金山。<br><br>Wang Liwei was born in Shanghai, China. He uses his deep understanding and keen perception of the world to deconstruct the meaning of art and redefine aesthetics. His works possess the painter's unique concepts and insights, as well as distinctive and charming style. Wang Liwei currently lives in San Francisco.</h5> <h5>王立威,悸动, 布面丙烯 30x30 inches</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一王海婴,Haiying Wang, 旧金山,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>王海婴,毕业于上海工艺美术学校,侨居美国加州硅谷已30多年,专长油画和工笔画。2010年和2012年她在美国硅谷亚洲艺术中心举办个人油画展, 2012年在北京世纪美术馆举办油画展,2014年在美国中国画廊举办个人画展,2015年在台湾中正纪念堂举办油画展,2016年在杭州钦哲艺术中心举办油画展,2O20年上海宝库艺术中心举办油画展。现任美国旧金山中华艺术学会名誉会长,中国画学会(美国)副会长。<br><br>Haiying Wang graduated from the Shanghai Arts and Crafts School and has lived in Silicon Valley, California, USA, for over 30 years. She specializes in oil painting and fine brushwork. Her works have been exhibited in many cities around the world and won multiple gold awards. These include solo painting exhibitions at Stanford University Art Space and the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taiwan. She is currently the Honorary President of the Chinese Art Association of San Francisco and the Vice President of the Chinese Painting Association (USA).<br></h5> <h5>王海婴,鸢尾花, 油画</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一王世永,Wang Shiyong,加拿大</font></i></h5> <h5>王世永,博士,教授,加拿大皇家美术学院院长,加拿大中国美术家协会名誉主席,北京师范大学加拿大校友会副会长,北美艺术家协会副会长,北美艺术家协会加东分会会长。1963年出生于中国济南,先后就读于中国美术学院、中央美术学院、东南大学艺术设计学(硕士)和北京师范大学哲学(博士)。<br><br>Professor Wang Shiyong, graduated from Beijing Normal University with a Ph.D. degree, currently holds several academic posts, including Dean of Royal Canadian Academy of Fine Arts, Vice President of the Canadian Alumni Association of Beijing Normal University, Vice President of the North American Artists Association, President of the East Branch of the Canadian Artists Association of North America. Born in 1963 in Jinan, China, Mr. Wang Shiyong studied at China Academy of Arts, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Art Design School in China Southeast University.<br></h5> <h5>王世永,越 Transcending, 98x180cm,国画</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一王建红,Wang Jianhong,加拿大</font></i></h5> <h5>王建红,加拿大艺术家联合会会员。生活及创作于中国青岛与加拿大温哥华。他的绘画侧重探索不同文化语境下的风景画创作特性,崇尚自然,关注自然与生命、人与自然的融合,尊重现实与主观意识结合,寻找当代唯美的存在价值。<br><br>Wang Jianhong, a member of Canadian Artists Federation. He lives and paints currently in Qingdao, China, and Vancouver, Canada. His art focuses on exploring the creative characteristics of landscape paintings in different cultural contexts. It advocates for nature, attends to the integration of human and nature, respects the combination of reality and subjective consciousness, and seeks the true value of contemporary aesthetics.<br></h5> <h5>王建红,我城青岛, 布面丙烯, 61cmx76cm</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一牛天奇,Niu Tianqi, 纽约, 美国<br></font></i></h5> <h5>牛天奇是中国一级美术师,现居纽约。他师从著名画家赵扩。牛天奇于2017毕业于中南林业科技大学,2019毕业于美国奥尔巴尼纽约州立大学,2019在克拉克森大学汉语教学硕士研究生。他是ICPAA 国际书画艺术家联合协会会员,ASFEA中法艺术交流协会会员,SAS Schenectady艺术协会会员,PAADK PLEIN AIR ADIRONDACK会员,态度艺术空间公司合伙人(ATTITUDE ME INC),和疯狂艺术交流协会委员。<br>  <br>Niu Tianqi is a first-class artist in China, and he currently lives in New York. He studied under the famous painter Zhao Kuo. Niu Tianqi graduated from Central South University of Forestry and Technology in 2017, State University of New York in Albany, USA in 2019, and obtained a Master degree in Chinese teaching at Clarkson University in 2019. He is a member of ICPAA International Painting and Calligraphy Artists Association, ASFEA Sino-French Art Exchange Association, SAS Schenectady Art Association, PAADK PLEIN AIR ADIRONDACK, Partner of Attitude Art Space Company (ATTITUDE ME INC), and member of Crazy Art Exchange Association. <br></h5> <h5>牛天奇,敦煌神韵中的雅典学院视觉运用,18x24,布面实验综合材料</h5> <h5><font color="#ED2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一叶丽,Lily Gaia Ye,加州,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>叶丽(盖娅丽丽), 艺术博士,毕业于南京艺术学院和斯坦福大学。创建北美视觉艺术研究院出任院长,她提出元宇宙时代的新北美画派大概念,并推动构建其理论体系。曾执教于波特兰艺术博物馆,任职州政府亚太事务艺术委员会主席。叶丽的艺术作品以其独特的视野与视觉语言诠译和讴歌对生命与自然的热爱。她的画作参加了2015意大利米兰世博会艺术展、2017法国大皇宫艺术财富沙龙展, 以及莫斯科等十几个国家的重大国际艺术展。作品被机构和个人收藏。曾被美国俄勒冈州州长授予杰出艺术家称号,并被载入美国全球名人录。<br></h5><h5><br></h5><h5>Lily Gaia YE, she earned Doctor of Arts degree from Nanjing University of the Arts and studied at Stanford University. She founded the Greater American Institute of Art and served as the president, and first proposed the concept of the New North American School of Painting in the metaverse era and promoted the construction of its theoretical system. She used to teach at the Portland Art Museum and chaired the Arts Council of Oregon commission on Asian Pacific Affairs. Lily’s artwork has combined the Western oil paintings and Chinese classic paintings with her unique techniques and visual language, interpreting and eulogizing her love for life and nature. Her paintings have been selected to showcase in major international art exhibitions in dozens of countries, such as the 2015 Italian Expo Art Exhibitions, the 2017 French Grand Palais Art Fortune Salon Exhibition. Governments, organizations, and private collectors have acquired her paintings, her profile has been listed in the “Global Directory of Who is Who” in United State. <br><br></h5> <h5>叶丽,花影瑶台, 纸本设色 & 综合材料</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一古铣贤,Arthur Ku, 旧金山,美国<br></font></i></h5> <h5>古铣贤的水墨求新创作,思办性地汲取了中国传统和西方艺术的创作精神,形成了自由而厚重的绘画语言;先后举办个展和联展60余次,曾出版个人作品集8册,现任旧金山中华艺术学会暨中国画学会(美国)名誉会长、中国水墨艺术研究院首席研究员。<br><br>Arthur Ku’s innovative ink paintings critically draw on the creative spirit of Chinese tradition and Western art. For the image and verse of ink writing has a unique thinking and exploration, formed a free and think, strong but fresh, full of humanities painting language. His publications include The Essence in Arthur Ku’s Literati Painting, 8 personal collections. He is also the honorary President of the Chinese Art Society in San Francisco, Honorary President of Chinese Painting Society (USA) and Chinese of China In Art Research Institute.<br></h5> <h5>古铣贤,,夏云多奇峰, 纸本,水墨设色, 74cmx142cm</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一马树茂,Ma Shumao,日本</font></i></h5> <h5>马树茂,号称茂山人,旅日国际著名画家。马树茂于1982年天津美术学院国画专业首席学士毕业。师承刘凌仓、潘挈兹、常书鸿等大师。1987年东渡日本京都市立艺术大学获艺术硕士学位。现任NPO全日本文化教育联盟机构代表理事,日本至明佛教研究院院长,敦煌阳关博物馆特别研究,并先后任教于日本京都美术工艺大学、京都造型艺术大学、北京理工大学等。他先后在国内外数十次荣获大奖。<br>  <br>Ma Shumao,courtesy name Maoshan Ren, He graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts with a major in Chinese painting in 1982. He has studied under Chinese Meticulous painting masters such as Liu Lingcang, Pan Xuzi, and Chang Shuhong. He traveled east to Japan in 1987, and he received his Master degree in fine arts from Kyoto City University of The Arts in Japan.<br></h5> <h5>马树茂, 奧林匹亚遗迹, 85x195cm, 彩墨画 (宣纸)</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一司徒锦,Situ Jin,洛杉矶,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>司徒锦,1981年完成广州美术学院油画系六年的艺术学习,获得艺术学士及硕士学位,之后在同一学院任教六年。1987年到美国留学,一年后移居加拿大10年,1998年移民到美国。主要参展:2001至2017年,每年参加奥特吕国家中心举行的美国西部大师展;2002-2013年,每年在特列塞特画廊举行小型个展;2000年参加卡莫尔艺术节展;1999年至2013年每年美国加州艺术家年展;1995年参加美国油画家协会年展。<br><br>Situ Jin completed six years of art study in the Oil Painting Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1981, and obtained a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in art. and then taught in the same academy for six years. He studied in the United States in 1987, moved to Canada a year later for 10 years, and immigrated to the United States in 1998.</h5> <h5>司徒锦,农贸市场, 101cmx127cm 布面油画 </h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一甘富忠,Gan Fuzhong,洛杉矶,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>甘富忠先生於1997年从中国广州移居洛杉矶,之前是广东省书法家协会会员,现为美国书画艺术研究院常务副院长。其作品曾入选2012和2016年由中国侨联、文联、中国书协、美协举办的世界华人华侨第一届和第三届书法美术展。 2017年曾回中国举办了《故乡的云》巡回个展。<br><br>Mr. Gan Fuzhong moved to Los Angeles from Guangzhou, China in 1997. He was a member of the Guangdong Calligraphers Association。 He is currently the Executive Vice President of the America Arts Research Institute. His works were selected for the first and third Global Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Exhibitions organized by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Chinese Calligraphy Association, and the China Artists Association in 2012 and 2016. In 2017, he returned to China and held a solo exhibition "Clouds in Hometown".<br></h5> <h5>甘富忠,龍騰, 70cmx135cm</h5> <h5><font color="#ED2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展-达·芬奇, Leonardo da Vinci, 意大利</i><br></font></h5> <h5>达·芬奇, 是意大利文艺复兴时期的一个博学者:在绘画、音乐、建筑、数学、解剖学、植物学天文学等领域都有显著的成就。这使他成为文艺复兴时期人文主义的代表人物,也是历史上最著名的艺术家之一,文艺复兴三杰之一。<br><br>Leonardo da Vinci was a polymath of the Italian Renaissance: he made remarkable achievements in the fields of painting, music, architecture, mathematics, anatomy, botanical astronomy, etc. This made him a representative of Renaissance humanism, and one of the most famous artists in history, one of the three great Renaissance artists. </h5> <h5>达·芬奇, 救世主, 胡桃木版上的油畫,45.4 cm × 65.6 cm 由阿布達比文化旅遊局為阿布達比羅浮宮收購</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一任戎,Ren Rong,波恩,德国.</font></i></h5> <div><h5>  任戎 ,著名更新艺术家,1986年毕业于南京艺术学院,1992年毕业于德国杜塞尔多夫国立艺术学院。1993年获德国史莱斯威西·赫尔斯坦州文化部艺术奖学金。1996年受德国波恩国立艺术博物馆委托,组织策划《中国!》当代艺术巡回展。2013年在德国波恩创建“德国波恩当代艺术馆”。任戎曾在德国、捷克、加拿大、新加坡、北京、台北、香港等地多次举办个人展览。并多次参加重要群展。现生活和工作在德国波恩和中国北京。</h5><h5><br>Ren Rong was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. He graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts in 1986. In 1992, He graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts in Düsseldorf, Germany. Ministry of Culture of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, awarded him the Art Scholarship in 1993. In 1996, entrusted by the Kunst museum Bonn, Germany, Ren Rong organized a contemporary Chinese art exhibition 《China!》. In 2013 he founded《Kunstraum Villa Friede in Bonnin. He has had many personal exhibitions in Germany, the Czech Republic, Canada, Singapore, China, Taipei, Hong Kong, etc. Ren Rong also participated in many important group exhibitions. Currently, he lives and works in Bonn, Germany, and Beijing, China.</h5></div> <h5>任戎, 和平共创, 镂空彩色铁雕 280X75 x75cm</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展大师作品-安格尔,Ingres,法国</font></i></h5> <h5>  让·奥古斯特·多米尼克·安格尔(1780 -1867年),新古典主义画家,作为19世纪新古典主义的代表,他善于把握古典艺术的造型美,把这种古典美融化在自然之中。他从古典美中得到一种简炼而单纯的风格,始终以温克尔曼的“静穆的伟大,崇高的单纯”作为自己的原则。<br><br>Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (August 29, 1780 -- January 14, 1867) as a representative of the 19th century neoclassicism, he was good at grasping the modeling beauty of classical art, the classical beauty of melting in nature. He inherited a simple and simple style from classical beauty, and always took Winckelmann's "silent greatness, sublime simplicity" as his principle. Representative works "The Valpinçon Bather", "La Grande Odalisque".</h5> <h5><font color="#ED2308">安格尔,静坐的墨瓦特雪夫人, 油画, 收藏于英国国家美术馆</font></h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一朱俊英,Kevin Zhu, 洛杉矶,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>朱俊英,毕业于南京理工大学,长期从事产品设计工作,现任美中经贸文化促进会会长,美中文化教育基金会美术委员会主席,白石门下画家,美国中国美术馆馆长。 终身享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。<br><br>Zhu Junying, who graduated from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, has been engaged in product design for a long time. He is currently the president of the US-China Economic, Trade and Cultural Promotion Association, the chairman of the Art Committee of the US-China Cultural Education Foundation, a painter under the Baishimen, and the curator of the National Art Museum of China. He is also an expert who enjoys the special government allowance of the State Council for life.</h5> <h5>朱俊英, 阿尔卑斯山, 90x90cm, 布面油画</h5> <h5><font color="#ED2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一朱欣怡,Ernestina Zhu, 苏格兰<br></i></font></h5> <h5><p>朱欣怡是一位独立艺术家,中国女性影视人助力平台会员(WIFT), 现韩国驻华使馆“荣誉小天使”平民大使,北京娱乐法学会中韩文化与法律交流中心委员(CKCLEC),北欧中国初创论坛活动策划经理(NCSF),OOLA 跨文化交流平台前联合创始人(OOLA GLOBAL)。作品由早期布面油画、纸本水彩发展为现以实验视频为主。她的作品在多国进行展出,独立拍摄、导演电影入围 Lift-Off 英国推出国际电影节,并参与伦敦展映,现艺术家居住于苏格兰在爱丁堡大学进修数字艺术与未来科技社会影响。</p><p><br></p><p>Ernestina Zhu is an independent artist based in Edinburgh Scotland. She is a member of Women in Film and Television in China, Civilian Ambassador of Korean Embassy in China, Committee Member of CKCLEC of the Beijing Entertainment Law Society, Nordic China Start-up Forum Event Manager, Co-Founder of OOLA Global Cross-cultural Understanding Organization Platform. Her artwork focused on oil on canvas and water-color on paper, now turning to experimental video art and digital art. She was in Slovakia and Russia to create arts and promote UN SDGs. Her movie “Samsara” was selected in the Lift-Off Global Film Festival in the UK. </p></h5> <h5>朱欣怡,Passion-2 热情,40x40 混合材料</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展—庄景辉,Zhuang Jinghui,洛杉矶,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>庄景辉著名的美国华人艺术家、美国张大千艺术研究会会长、中国四川张大千研究中心(国家级唯一)研究员、美国比华利艺术高级顾问、美国David’s Art Academy以及中国多所美术学院客座教授、美国中国画学会常务副院长。在中国建有“庄景辉艺术馆”,是在中国有个人艺术馆的少数的海外华人艺术家。<br><br>Zhuang Jinghui is a famous American artist, president of Zhang Daqian Art Research Association in the United States, researcher of Zhang Daqian Research Center in Sichuan, Senior consultant of Beverly Arts in the United States, David's Art Academy in the United States, visiting professor of many fine arts academies in China, executive vice president of Chinese Painting Society in The United States, and director of "Zhuang Jinghui Art Museum" in China. It is one of the few overseas Chinese artists who have a private art museum in China.<br></h5> <h5>庄景辉, 出彩, 78x90cm, 宣纸、综合颜料</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一应予倩,Sherry Ying Ruden,西雅图,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>应予倩毕业于上海大学美术学院。近20年来,在微软任资深设计师的同时,其美术作品在美国广泛展出收藏并多次获奖。深信东方禅宗哲学,她用色线型的抽象来触动观众的想象力 。色,墨,冷蜡及宣纸拼贴,她的创作过程既专注又自发。<br><br>Sherry Ying Ruden graduated from Shanghai Fine Art University. For nearly 20 years while working as senior designer at Microsoft, her artworks have been widely exhibited, collected, and awarded. Deeply influenced by Eastern Zen philosophy and the interconnectedness of all things, her pieces focus on the abstraction of objects. Ying's artistic process is specific yet spontaneous, allowing the imagery to evolve organically. She creates exclusively on Chinese rice paper with collage, ink, and cold wax.</h5> <h5>应予倩, Autumn Vibe I 秋天氛围一, 60cmx120cmx8cm<br>中国宣纸冷蜡混合材料</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一宋大勇, Michael Soong, 洛杉磯,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>宋大勇生于1954,是加州大学艺术硕士和南加大艺术史博士班研究生。作品多次在台、美、中等地展出。获得前辈艺术家高度评价:「中西古今,虚实与浪漫结合」,「意境深远,结构严谨,赏心悦目,甚有新意」,「超凡诗文境界,把美学融入生活,而能别开生面。 </h5><h5><br>Song Dayong was born in 1954. He was awarded with a Master of Fine Arts from the University of California, and studies in a Ph.D. Program in Art History of USC. His artworks have been exhibited many times in Taiwan, United States, and other countries. Her art creations are highly regarded by the predecessor artists: "Perfection fusion of Chinese and Western ancient and modern spirits, and great combination of reality and romance", "Profound artistic conception, rigorous layout, heart-warming and eye pleasing" ,and “Extraordinary and poietic sentiment, aesthetics in life and eye opening".</h5> <h5>宋大勇, 白雪皓月/snow night,彩墨画(宣纸)</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一宋徽宗,Song Huizong, 中国</font></i></h5> <h5>宋代著名书画家:宋徽宗,名赵佶,北宋第八代皇帝(1082—1135),河北琢县人。擅画花鸟,强调形神并举,提倡诗、书、画、印结合,书法上创造出“瘦金体”,与其所画工笔重彩相映成趣。代表作品有《瑞鹤图》,《芙蓉锦鸡图》。<br><br>Famous Painter and calligrapher of the Song Dynasty: Zhao Ji, huizong of the Song Dynasty, the eighth emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty (1082 -- 1135), was born in Zhuoxian county, Hebei Province. He is good at painting flowers and birds, emphasizing the combination of form and spirit, advocating the combination of poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing, and creating a "thin gold body" in calligraphy, which reflects the meticulous and heavy color of his painting. Representative works are "the Auspicious Cranes" and "Hibiscus and Golden Pheasant".</h5> <h5>宋徽宗, 芙蓉锦鸡图, 绢本设色,81.5cm×53.6cm,北京故宫博物院藏</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一冯正梁,ZL Feng,弗吉尼亚, 美国</font></i></h5> <h5>冯正梁,上海师范大学本科毕业。获美国莱德福大学美术最高硕士学位MFA。 现任美国莱德福大学艺术系教授。美国水彩画协会会员和全美水彩画协会暑名艺术家会员。作品在美国获得了600 多奖项并被广泛收藏。<br><br>ZL Feng received his BFA degree from Shanghai Normal University, and his MFA from Radford University in Virginia. He’s currently as tenure professor of Art in Radford University. His paintings have won more than 600 awards in National and International art exhibitions. He is a signature member of American Watercolor Society and National Watercolor Society, and several others artist societies.</h5> <h5>冯正梁, 警长, 24”x18” 水彩画</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一冯玉薇, Feng Yuwei,加拿大</font></i></h5> <h5>冯玉薇,加拿大华人画家。他毕业于中国浙江工艺美术学校,并先后在北京中央工艺美术学院和中央美术学院深造。 冯玉薇移民加拿大二十多年,一直坚持绘画创作及美术教育,并多次参加海内外画展。<br><br>Feng Yuwei, a Canadian Chinese artist, graduated from Zhejiang Arts and Crafts School in China. She studied at the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts in Beijing and the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Since she immigrated to Canada 20 years ago, she has been perfecting on art creation and art education. She has participated in art exhibitions at home and abroad for many times.</h5> <h5>冯玉薇,初雪, 120cm x 90cm,布面油画</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一冯霍恩, Laura Van Horne,西雅图, 美国<br></font></i></h5> <h5>冯霍恩Laura Van Horne, 混合媒体艺术家,她从事蜡画,丙烯酸,墨水,树脂和混合媒体拼贴画。 她在加拿大长大,1994年搬到美国西雅图。 25年来,她参加了许多团体和个人艺术展览。 她拥有位于先锋区的灰色天空画廊,并是西雅图艺术博物馆画廊和Third and Wall Art Group 签约的职业画家。<br><br>Laura Van Horne is a mixed-media artist who works in encaustic, acrylic, ink, resin, and mixed media collage. She grew up in Canada and moved to Seattle, WA in 1994. Laura has participated in a number of group and solo art shows over the past 25 years. She owns Gray Sky Gallery, in the historic Pioneer District of Seattle, WA and is represented by SAM Gallery in Seattle, and Third and Wall Art Group.</h5> <h5>冯霍恩, Greenery [绿化], 76cm x 76cm, 面板上的混合介质和树脂</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一曲茜茜,Cici Lieberman, 洛杉矶,美国<br></font></i></h5> <h5>曲茜茜她在大学所学专业是服装设计和研究生的艺术设计专业。现在定居在美国洛杉矶。她积极参与社会公益活动,自2016年1月至今担任美国东北海外联谊会会长。她一直致力于传统与西方绘画的创作;她的作品以风景油画为主,作品个性阳光,表达对生活充满激情和希望。</h5><h5><br>Cici Lieberman is currently living in Los Angeles US. (http://ciciart.gallery.com) The beautiful landscape and rich environment surrounding this area, encouraged Cici to develop her natural artistic talents from early childhood. She studied fashion design at university and graduated with a major in art design. Cici is an accomplished painter, where her craft is the dialogue between her heart and nature. She embraces nature with deep affection and expresses her love for nature in the language of painting.</h5> <h5>曲茜茜, 风景,油画<br></h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一巴勃罗·毕加索,Pablo Picasso, 西班牙</font></i></h5> <h5>巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso,1881年~1973年),西方现代派绘画的开创者,立体主义重要代表画家。其艺术生涯经历了蓝色时期、粉色时期、分析立体主义时期和立体主义时期。毕加索是当代西方最有创造性和影响最深远的艺术家之一。<br><br>Pablo Picasso (1881 ~ 1973), the founder of Western modernist painting and an important representative painter of cubism. His artistic career has experienced blue period, pink period, analytical Cubism period and Cubism period. Picasso is one of the most creative and influential artists in the contemporary west.</h5> <h5>毕加索, 亚维农的少女, 43.9cmx233.7cm, 布面油画,藏于纽约现代艺术博物馆</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一刘丁榕, Dingrong Liu, 拉斯维加斯,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>  刘丁榕 Dingrong Liu, 现任美国艺术家协会会长。其作品多次获得高级别的专业画展奖项!其中《故乡的门》《记意之二》等作品获得世界华侨华人最佳作品奖。自二O一五年至二O二O年在拉斯维加斯成功举办了多场“亚洲文化节”大型画展!<br><br>Dingrong Liu is currently the president of the Society of American Artists. His works have won many high-level professional exhibition awards! Among them, works such as "The Gate of Hometown" and "Memoir No. 2" won the Best Work Award for Overseas Chinese in the World. From 2015 to 2020, several large-scale art exhibitions of "Asian Culture Festival" were successfully held in Las Vegas!</h5> <h5>  刘丁榕, 皖南系列之三— 倒影,油画</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一刘葵, Liu Kwai,华盛顿,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>刘葵出身绘画世家,祖父刘奎龄、父亲刘继卣均为中国著名画家。刘葵4岁学画。几十年的绘画生涯中多次参加全国性的美术展览,以及在欧洲、美洲、亚洲多国举办个人画展,作品为人民大会堂、中南海收藏。<br><br>Artis Liu Kwai is from a famous artist family in Beijing, China. Both her grandfather and her father were renown artists for their traditional Chinese painting. Liu Kwai learned and studied under the guidance mostly from her father since she was four years old. She had many solo art exhibitions in China and worldwide. Her art was collected by Great Hall of the People and Zhongnanhai. </h5> <h5>刘葵,夏日,国画</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一刘瑞莲,RuiLian Liu,洛杉矶,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>刘瑞莲毕业于山东曲阜师范大学美术系,进修于中央美院和清华美院。现担任美国艺术家协会副会长和美国视觉艺术家协会理事。她从事美术教学多年,擅长运用不同画种及材料表现物象。油画《乔布斯》、水彩画《泊》、《荷的家园》分别在三届的世界华人华侨艺术书画大展中获优秀奖及两项佳作奖。2013年《乔布斯》参加美国奥杜邦(ANDOBON)艺术家第七十一届勾勒画展。<br><br>RuiLian Liu originally came from Qingdao, China. She graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Qufu Normal University, Shandong in 1981. She later studied in the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts and other universities. She served as the vice President of the American Artists Association, and director of the American Visual Artists Association. Her artworks have been shown in many exhibitions. She received many awards from different exhibitions, include the Excellence Awards in Global Chinese and Overseas Chinese Art Painting and Calligraphy Exhibitions. </h5> <h5>刘瑞莲, 记忆-长城系列之一,水彩画, 45cm x 50cm<br></h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一孙昌茵,Sun Changyin, 多伦多,加拿大<br></font></i></h5> <h5>孙昌茵, 加拿大华裔著名画家,毕业于清华大学美术学院油画研究生班,现为加拿大中国美术协会副主席加拿大当代艺术联盟创作会主席,原多伦多美术学院院长。三联油画《百年华工血泪路》被博物馆收藏,并荻国家邮政局印制邮票首日封提名:2013年为中国驻加拿大多伦多大使馆创作壁画,荻加拿大政府移民局颁发五年一度突出贡献奖。<br><br>Sun Changyin is a famous Chinese-Canadian painter. He graduated from the oil painting postgraduate class at the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University. He is currently the vice chairman of the Canadian Chinese Art Association, the chairman of the Canadian Contemporary Art Alliance, and the former dean of the Toronto Academy of Fine Arts. The three-part oil painting "A Century of Chinese Workers' Blood and Tears Road" was collected by the museum and nominated for the first day cover of stamps printed by the State Post Bureau: In 2013, he created a mural for the Chinese Embassy in Toronto, Canada, and was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award every five years by the Immigration Bureau of the Canadian Government.</h5> <h5>孙昌茵, 油画, 百年华工血泪路</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一孙晓华,Sun Xiaohua,洛杉矶,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>孙晓华现任美国书法学院常务副院长,美国书法之友联谊会理事长,及美国书画艺术学院副院长。他毕业于浙江师范大学,厦门大学台湾研究院,自幼酷爱中国书法,作品为亚利桑那州国会博物馆,州参议院多数党领袖,美国大律师等收藏。<br><br>Sun Xiaohua is the executive vice president of the American Academy of Calligraphy, the chairman of the Friends of American Calligraphy Association, and the vice president of the American Academy of Calligraphy. Mr. Sun graduated from Zhejiang Normal University, Xiamen University Taiwan Research Institute. He loved Chinese calligraphy since childhood. His artworks are collected by Arizona State Congress Museum, State Senate Majority Leader, American Barrister, etc.</h5> <h5>孙晓华, 虎啸祥瑞,行书,100 cm x 40 cm</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一安迪·沃霍尔,Andy Warhol,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>安迪·沃霍尔(1928- 1987年),是美国著名艺术家、电影导演和制片人。作为波普艺术的领军人物,他的作品探索了20世纪60年代繁荣的艺术表现、广告和名人文化之间的关系,并跨越了绘画、丝印、摄影、电影和雕塑等多种媒介。<br><br>Andy Warhol (born Andrew Warhol Jr.; August 6, 1928 -- February 22, 1987) was an American artist, film director and producer. A leading figure in pop art, his work explores the relationship between artistic expression, advertising, and celebrity culture that flourished in the 1960s, and spans media as diverse as painting, screen printing, photography, film, and sculpture. His most famous works include screen prints such as Campbell can (1962) and Marilyn Monroe (1962).</h5> <h5>沃霍尔, 100个金宝汤罐头,1962,丝网印刷, 51cm×41cm,美国奥尔布赖特-诺克斯美术馆藏</h5> <h5><font color="#ED2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一陈履生,LyuSheng Chen, 北京,中国</i></font></h5> <h5>陈履生,著名美术史论及艺术评论家、画家、博士生导师。1956年生于江苏,1985年毕业于南京艺术学院,获硕士学位。出版七十多部专著,发表各种论文数百篇。先后多次在国内外举办个人书画展、摄影展,出版有个人画集7种、文集5种、影集3种。中国国家博物馆原副馆长,现任中国科技大学艺术与科学研究中心主任、博物馆馆长,中国汉画学会会长,中国文艺评论家协会造型艺术委员会主任,吉林艺术学院20世纪中国美术研究所所长。兼任南京艺术学院、上海美术学院、吉林艺术学院、湖北大学、澳门城市大学、台湾师范大学客座教授。建有“陈履生美术馆”(常州,三亚,扬中,合肥), “油灯博物馆”(扬中、常州),汉文化博物馆(扬中), 竹器博物馆(扬中)。<br><br>Chen Lyusheng is a famous art historian, critic, painter, and doctoral tutor. Born in Jiangsu in 1956, he graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts with a master's degree in 1985. He has published more than 70 monographs and hundreds of various papers; held many personal painting, calligraphy, and photography exhibitions at home and abroad. He also published seven of his painting collections, five essay collections, and three photo collections. From Nov 2011 to Aug 2016, he was the deputy director of the National Museum of China. Currently, he is the director of School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Director of the Museum, President of the Chinese Society of Chinese Painting, Director of the Plastic Art Committee of the Chinese Literature and Art Critics Association, and Institute of the 20th Century China Art Research Institute of Jilin Art Institute long. He is also a visiting professor at Nanjing University of the Arts, Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Jilin Academy of Arts, Hubei University, City University of Macau, and Taiwan Normal University. There are "Chen Lyusheng Art Museum" (Changzhou, Sanya, Yangzhong, Hefei), "Museum of Oil Lamps" (Yangzhong, Changzhou), "Museum of Han Dynasty Art" (Yangzhong), "Bambooware Museum" (Yangzhong). </h5> <h5>陈履生, 隔墙风送菜花香 138cm×69cm,纸本,水墨设色</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一陈秀珊, Susan Chan, 旧金山</font></i></h5> <h5>陈秀珊生于马来西亚、定居美国加州,是一位突破古法规范、追求创新,结合中国传统与当代的艺术家。她以独特的思维,或泼墨或赋彩表达当代艺术精神。她的创作灵感源于生活的感受与发现,以诗情入画追求绘画意境的文学表达。<br><br>Born in Malaysia and residing in California USA, Susan Chan is an artist who breaks the norm by combining Chinese traditional and contemporary art in relentless pursuit of innovation. She expresses the artistic spirit with her unique perspective through splash ink or color. Her artworks are inspired by the personal feelings and discoveries in lives while pursuing artistic conception with poetic sentiment.</h5> <h5>陈秀珊, 幽艳,国画</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一陈健群, Philip Chan, 旧金山,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>陈健群广东台山人,早歳毕业于加拿大卡加利大学,现居于美国旧金山。六十年代中在香港开始学习岭南国画。七十年代留学期间亦有硏习⻄方美术。陈氏所作花鸟丶鱼虫、山水深得岭南派神髓, 其作品画赋色用墨融𣾀中西,构图简洁奇特, 用笔洒脱隽逸。所作动物走兽更是形神俱备,有自己独特风格。<br><br>Philip Chan resides in San Francisco. A native of Toisan, Guangdong Province, China, he was educated in Hong Kong. While there, he began to study Chinese brush painting in the 60s under the Lingnan School (Linfunglau Art Studio). He graduated from the University of Calgary in Canada in the 70s. While abroad, he took up western painting, and this enhanced his style and approach towards art. His paintings of flowers, birds, insects, animals and landscape capture the essence of the Lingnan School. Yet his works flow fluidly between the East (Ink) and the West (Colors/ Splash). Their compositions are simple but unique. His brushstrokes are elegant yet free spirited. His birds also are realistic but graceful. </h5> <h5>  陈健群, 虎TIGER, 98cmX60cm, 紙本、水墨着色<br></h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一陈文仕,Steve Chan, 波特兰, 美国<br></font></i></h5> <h5>陈文仕, 70年代作品"乡村变电站"被中国文化部选送参加欧洲七国巡展。现居波特兰,長期至力于版画创新,2021 年9月作品"雪夜"选进国际第96届版画双年展,其画作深受大众喜爱、收藏。现为美国油画家协会会员。 美西北版画家协会会员。俄勒冈州华人艺术家协会副会长。<br><br>Steve W Chan is an American Chinse artist who currently lives in Oregon, USA. His 1970’s production “Village’s transformation to power station” was selected by Chinese Ministry of Culture to exhibit at the Seven European Countries Exhibition. While in Portland, Oregon, he has turned his focus to woodcut art. In September 2021, his woodcut “Snow Night” was selected to exhibit at the 96th Printmaking Biennale. His art is loved and collected by many. A member of Oil Painters of America, Pacific Northwest Printmaking Association, and vice chair of Oregon Chinese Artist Association. </h5> <h5>陈文仕,紫色野花,14"x20", 木版印刷在纸上 </h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一陈永雄,Wayne Chin, 波特兰, 美国</font></i></h5> <h5>陈永雄生于1955年中国广州,自幼就喜爱画画和在父亲的影响下,在1978年考入广州市文化艺术中等专业学校1980年毕业后在电影院任美工,作品也首次在广州市画展中参展。1981来美,1988在一家Soderstrom Arctietects 建筑设计公司任专业插图师、1997年成立自已的工作室 Wayne Studio. 主题包括人物肖像和风景画,喜欢水彩画,水粉画,油画和雕塑,现居住华盛顿州温哥华市。<br><br>Wayne Chin was born in Guangzhou, China. Under the influence and guidance of his father, who was an Illustration artist, he started painting training. After graduated from the Cultural Art College of Guangzhou, he began working as a movie illustration artist, and it was during that time that his artworks were first displayed in the exhibition. In 1981, he left China and has been living in Portland, Oregon since. From 1988, he began to work at Soderstrom Architects as an Architectural Illustrator for ten years. In 1997, he started my own Art Studio (Wayne Studio) developed my art here ever since then. In addition to oil painting, he also likes to work with watercolor, gouache and sculpture. Subjects of my painting include portrait and landscape.</h5> <h5>陈永雄, 街头舞女,油画<br></h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一陈晓英,Chen Xiaoying,湖南,中国</font></i></h5> <h5>陈晓英 ,湖南人。毕业于湖南师范大学,2007年进修于广州美院高研班,湖南省美协理事,现工作生活在中国,参加过国内多个展览,多幅作品被私人收藏。<br><br>Chen Xiaoying is born from Hunan province. She graduated from Hunan Normal University and studied in guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 2007, a member of Hunan Artis Association now. Now she lives and works in China. She has participated in many domestic exhibitions and many of her works has been collected by private .</h5> <h5>陈晓英,给你给我04, 丙烯油画 70/90cm<br></h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一杜尚,Marcel Duchamp,法国</font></i></h5> <h5>亨利-罗伯特-马赛尔-杜尚 (1887- 1968年),法国先锋派画家,是达达艺术的代表。杜尚对20世纪至今的艺术都产生了深远的影响,尤其对观念艺术的发展产生了开创性的影响。他超越艺术作品只是为了取悦眼睛的“视网膜”艺术。<br><br>Henri Robert Marcel Duchamp (28 July 1887 -- 2 October 1968) was a French avant-garde painter who was a representative of Dada art. Duchamp had a profound influence on the art of the 20th century, especially on the development of conceptual art. Unlike other fellow artists, such as Henri Matisse, he no longer works to please the "retina" of the eye. Instead, Duchamp used art to serve the soul.</h5> <h5>杜尚,下楼梯的裸女 No.2,布面油画,147cm×89cm 费城艺术博物馆</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一李铁,Li Tie, 波特兰,美国<br></font></i></h5> <h5>李铁,北京人。1987年移居美国。硕士毕业于加州圣地亚哥州立大学美术学院。喜欢用各种媒介,油画和素描更是得心应手。多以个人的记忆以及对中西文化艺术的理解为题材进行创作。现为美国俄勒冈州华人艺术家协会主席,国际书画艺术家联合会海西分会会长。<br><br>Li Tie, born in Beijing, China. immigrant to USA in 1987. graduated from the school of art and art history in San Diego State University with a MFA degree.<br>he likes to play with multi-mediums in art, although drawing and painting are his favorites. his work is mostly focus on personal memories and interpretations about Eastern and Western cultures. currently he lives in Portland , Oregon. he is the chair of Oregon Chinese Artists Association(OCAA) and the chair of the west coast branch of International Calligraphy & Painting Artists Association (ICPAA).<br></h5> <h5>李铁, 花开花落, Pastel and lithography, 30x22x3 cm<br></h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一李冰奇,Li Bingqi,洛杉矶,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>李冰奇,自由画家。师承刘勃舒、许麟庐,擅长花鸟指墨,1987年由潍坊市群众艺术馆调入中国画研究院(中国国家画院前身)深造。于1993年当选为中国指画学会主席现为美国东西方艺术学会会长,被中外多所艺术院校聘为客座教授。现定居洛杉矶。<br><br>Li Bingqi, under the tutelage of Liu Boshu and Xu Linlu, is good at flower-and-bird finger-inking. In 1987, he was transferred to the Chinese Painting Research Institute (the China National Academy of Painting) from the Weifang Mass Art Museum. He was elected as the Chinese Finger Painting Society chairman in 1993. </h5> <h5>李冰奇,问雪,指画宣纸水墨、四尺斗方</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一李莉墨伊,Li Limoy,洛杉矶,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>李莉墨伊,中央美术学院毕业。现任世界艺术家联合会终身副主席、联合国美术家协会副主席、北京墨伊国际文化传媒公司董事长。其擅长创作工笔画,2019年在美国洛杉矶成功举办个人画展,同年荣获工商界最高奖巴拿马金奖。<br><br>Li Limoy graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. She is currently the tenure vice-chair of the World Federation of Artists, the vice-chair of the United Nations Artists Association, and the chair of Beijing Moyi International Culture and Media Company. She excels in creating fine brushwork paintings. In 2019, she successfully held a solo exhibition in Los Angeles, USA. In the same year, she won the Panama Gold Award, the highest award in the business community.</h5> <h5>李莉墨伊,双虎,130X227 公分</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一李磊伟,David Li,波特兰,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>李磊伟原籍上海,现定居波特兰,是全美籍华人艺术教授学会成员,多媒体艺术家。他的作品曾出展于美国俄勒冈州的尤金和波特兰市、威斯康星州的麦迪逊市,华盛顿州的波特杉机市、纽约、芝加哥、威尼斯,和中国贵阳。作品在2012年, 2016年, 和2020 年发表于美威廉帕特森大学画册。<br><br>David Li, a native son of Shanghai, is an American Chinese artist in Portland, USA. Professor Li is on faculty at the University of Oregon. He is also a member of The Chinese American Art Faculty Association. His works have been exhibited in Eugene and Portland, Oregon, Madison, Wisconsin, Port Angeles, Washington, New York, Chicago, Venice, and China. They are published in exhibition catalogs by William Patterson University, New Jersey 2014, 2016, and 2020.</h5> <h5>李磊伟,人物研究:亲笔签名系列#3”的三联是一幅混合材料绘画(在铝板上用墨汁、丙烯、粉彩,和硅胶制成)。单幅 16x20英寸。</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一杨远威,Yang Yuanwei,芝加哥,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>杨远威,1943年生,现居芝加哥。北美画院画家,美国中国画学会荣誉会长。<br><br>Yang Yuanwei, born in 1943, currently lives in Chicago. Painter of North American Academy of Painting, Honorary President of American Chinese Painting Society.</h5> <h5>杨远威,浑沌中之曼哈顿,水墨纸本, 69X49cm<br></h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一杨国芳,Yang Guofang,洛杉矶,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>杨国芳,旅美职业画家, 毕业于中国鲁迅美术学院油画系壁画专业,获得油画系工艺美术系双学位。1990年任职辽宁广播电视报担任记者,编辑和美术编辑。 1992年任职北京电影电视部。 1994年移民美国。 1997年,在圣坦莫尼卡学院主修电影,娱乐技术和数字媒体专业并在加州大学洛杉矶分校主修动画。 她还是加州艺术家俱乐部会员和美国油画家协会会员。她的作品多次参加美国,香港,东京举行的年度国际展览。<br><br>Yang Guofang is a professional painter residing in the USA. He graduated from the Department of Oil Painting Mural Major of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, China, with double Bachelor's degrees. After that, he worked as a reporter and an art editor. In the United States, he studied film, entertainment technology, and digital media at Santa Monica College and the University of California, Los Angeles. He is a member of the California Arts Club and American Painters Association. His works have been shown in many exhibitions held in the United States, Hong Kong, and Tokyo.</h5> <h5>杨国芳,在马里布的遛狗,布面油画, 16x24 inch </h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一沈周,Shen Zhou ,中国</font></i></h5> <h5>明代杰出书画家:沈周 (1427-1509),吴门四家之首,长洲(今江苏苏州)人。擅山水,笔墨坚实豪放,形成沉着浑厚的风貌。兼工花卉、鸟兽,擅用重墨浅色,用笔劲捷有力,具自家风貌。传世作品有《庐山高图》、《魏园雅集图》。<br><br>Outstanding calligrapher and painter of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou (1427-1509), the first of the four Wu Families, was born in Changzhou (now Suzhou, Jiangsu Province). He is most famous for his landscapes and his "boneless" renderings of flowers, meticulously created. His paintings reveal disciplined obedience to the styles of the artistic tradition of China, solid and unrestrained ink, the formation of a calm yet vigorous style. His most well-known works are "Lofty Mount Lu" and "Wei Yuanya collection."</h5> <h5>沈周, 庐山高图, 纸本设色,193.8cm×98.1cm 台北故宫博物院藏</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一张京成,Zhang Jingcheng,洛杉矶,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>张京成1955年生于中国北京。早期学习油画,复修国画曾师从大师李苦禅教授、周思聪教授学习中国画。90年代移居美国,现在定居美国洛杉矶从事绘画创作及美术教育工作,任美国珠宝学院教授美术设计,任中美文物协会秘书长。洛杉矶艺术家联合会会长。<br><br>Zhang Jingcheng, born in Beijing, China, studied Chinese painting under the grandmasters Professor Li Kuchan and Professor Zhou Sicong. He moved to the United States in the 1990s and now lives in Los Angeles to continue painting and art education. He is a professor of art design at the American Jewellery Institute and the Secretary-General of the Sino-American Heritage Association, president of the Los Angeles Artists Association, vice president of the Greater Los Angeles Association for the Promotion of Chinese Unification, vice president of the Los Angeles Academy of Fine Arts, and vice president of the Chinese Academy of Art.</h5> <h5>张京成,秋色奇绝处之清雅图,纸本,水墨设色,52x70cm</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一张可可,Kirk Zhang, 拉斯维加斯, 美国</i></font></h5> <h5>旅美蒙古族画家张可可生于北京,早年师从著名画家王任和白石小女启良芷。学习齐派写意花鸟。留美后自学国画人物。三十年来画了几十张素描,速写人物。他将西画素描与中国水墨技法相结合,国画人物形成了自己的风格。2012年作品入选第一局世界华人华侨书画展,作品《孙中山》被中国博物馆收藏。2015年入选第二届中华之光派顿杯全国书画展。荣获优秀奖。2019年《陈纳德画像》备美中航空遗产基金会收藏。<br>  <br></h5><h5>The Mongolian painter Kirk Zhang was born in Beijing, now residing in the US. He studied under the famous painter Wang Ren and Qi Liangzhi. He learned Qipai painting in the freely expressive style. After moving to the US, he taught himself Chinese painting of human figures, sketched dozens of characters combining Western and Eastern techniques, creating his unique style. In 2012 the first World Chinese and Overseas Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition selected his work "Sun Yat-sen" to exhibit in the Chinese Museum. He won the excellence award in the 2nd China Light Paidon Cup National Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition in 2015. In 2019 'Portrait of Chennault' is in the U.S.-China Aviation Heritage Foundation collection。</h5> <h5>张可可,云南画派创始人丁绍光大师,纸本设色, 68X135公分</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一张保声,Cheung Posing, 香港</font></i></h5> <h5>张保声,张大千第三代传人,双钩书法家,香港中华双钩书法家联合总会主席、香港孟子学院书画院院長 、香港大风堂书画研究会创会会長、著名画家施云翔先生入室弟子 、大风堂中国画学研究会理事、香港两岸和平发展联合总会理事、美国琴棋书画协会会員。曾於清华大学美术学院跟隨著名画家施云翔先生研習书画创作理论与青綠彩墨山水画艺。 于美国紐約曼哈頓画廊、香港中央图书馆展览厅等地多次举办个人作品专展、联展并荣获金奖。并作为特邀画家参加香港第二届全球水墨画大展,其书画作品被中外藏家广为收藏。张保声本人曾接受紐約世界週刊、美国中文网电视、香港无线电视、香港卫视、香港镜报、杰出人物杂志等传媒专访及专题报导。<div><br></div><div>Cheung Posing, the third-generation descendant of Zhang Daqian, is a disciple of the famous painter Shi Yunxiang. He studied cyan green colored ink landscapes with Professor Shi Yunxiang at the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University. He held many solo exhibitions and group exhibitions in the United States, Hong Kong, and other places and won the gold medal awards. His artworks were selected for the 2021 Global Ink Painting Exhibition, and he was interviewed and reported by New York World Weekly, Hong Kong TV, as an outstanding artist figure.</div></h5> <h5>张保声,奧运大导,180㎝ × 97㎝,现代水墨</h5> <div><h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一张培椿,Zhang Peichun,旧金山,美国</i></font></h5></div> <h5>张培椿, 旅美画家及玻璃艺术家。硕士就读于美国旧金山艺术大学,现为美国旧金山中华艺术学会会长。致力于艺术玻璃的设计和制作20余年,以其精妙的绘画技术和独具匠心的设计,其艺术玻璃作品多次被国内外画廊,博物馆收藏和购买。他的作品曾作为2010年上海世博会官方礼品。张培椿的创作延续了海派传统又自成一格,近年来的创作展现从“向外”到“向内”的探求,以其独具魅力的艺术语言观照丰富的内心世界。<br><br>Zhang Peichun, an American Chinese painter and a glass artist, graduated from San Francisco Art University with a master's degree in art. He is now the president of the Chinese Art Society in San Francisco. He dedicated more than 20 years to designing and producing art glass, applying exquisite painting technology and unique design. Many galleries and museums have purchased his glassworks. In 2010 his works were used as the official gift for the Shanghai World Expo. Peichun's artistic style employs traditional ink wash techniques with a bright eye for intense and muted colors. His works are unique and thought-provoking.</h5> <h5>张培椿,花鸟,纸本设色</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一张金榕,Jenny Baham,拉斯维加斯,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>  张金榕1969年出生于台湾,于2013年移民美国拉斯维加斯,师承厐均大师并有多次个展。她于2021年九月份于维加斯克拉克郡“城市风光”绘画比赛中,获奖第一名!除多次获奖,张金榕于 2021 年荣获议员 Dina Titus 指定为美国国家议员级别高中生绘画比赛的评审之一。<br><br>Jenny Baham was born in Taiwan and immigrated to the United States in 2013. She learned from Master Pang Jiun and had several exhibitions. She won the “Best of Show” of CityScape 2021Competition in Clark County, NV. Besides many award-winnings, she was one of the judges of the Congressional Art Competition for high schools in 2021, appointed by Congresswoman Dina Titus.</h5> <h5>张金榕,维加斯夜景之二,油画,30x40英寸</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一张淙,Frank Chang,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>张淙出生于上海。毕业于上海教育学院美术系,纽约视觉学院艺术系。美国硕士学位。八十年代移居美国。现任中国书画名家网艺委员会副主席,美国联络部主任,中国剑光书画院副院长。继承发扬中国传统墨龙画,继宋代陈容墨龙传承,隨當代墨龙画家房虎卿,郑洪先生身教为墨龙画传承人,继后深获著名上海画院老前辈指导。作品获国际书画大展金奖得主。尤以传统墨龍画被博物馆和国际知名人士收藏。2017年- 2021年作品分别入编和印制中国邮政总局珍藏邮品和纪念邮册。墨龙画荣获世界文化艺术研究中心非物质文化遗产专业委员会员画家。<br><br>Frank Chang graduated from the Fine Art of the Shanghai Institute of Education and the School of Visual Arts in New York with an American Master's degree. He studied under the contemporary ink dragon painter Fang Huqing. This artwork won the gold medal of the International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. Ink-Dragon painting is now recognized by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee of the World Culture and Art Research Center.</h5> <h5>张淙, 风云际会, 纸本设色</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一张朱宇, Dr. Cissy Cheung,香港,中国</font></i></h5> <h5>张朱宇,艺术行政管理博士,资深策展人。 香港天趣国际艺术传播有限公司创始人兼总裁,国际女艺术家协会香港分会会长。她策展了海内外包括首届香港国际女性当代艺术展在内的百余场展览。绘画师从林鸣岗、王守清及许恩琦等著名画家,曾参与北京、上海、越南、蒙古国、台湾、莫斯科、香港、马来西亚、韩国的国际女性艺术大展,期间创办天趣国际艺术和《大爱无疆》品牌。<br><br>Founder of “Art of Nature International” and female art brand “Infinite Love”, Dr. Cissy Cheung is a curator with a PhD in Art Administration. She studied art from renowned painters such as Lam Man Kong, Wong Sau Ching and Hui Yan Ki. Her artworks are extensively shown in international women’s art exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai, Vietnam, Mongolia, Taiwan, Moscow, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Korea.<br></h5> <h5>張朱宇, 山花浪漫,60x80cm,布面油畫</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一张萱, Zhang Xuan,中国</i></font></h5> <h5>唐代工笔人物画家:张萱,长安(今陕西省西安市)人,曾任唐开元年间(公元 713年-公元 741 年)史馆画师。尤擅仕女、婴儿、宫苑和鞍马等题材创作,以工笔人物画居多,影响深远。《虢国夫人游春图》和《捣练图》为其传世经典之作。<br><br>Tang Dynasty fine brushwork figure painter: Zhang Xuan was born in Chang 'an (now Xi 'a City, Shaanxi Province). He was a court painter during the Tang Kaiyuan Period (713-741 AD). He was talented in using meticulous brushstrokes to paint ladies, babies, palaces, and pommel horses. His best-known paintings are Spring Outing of the Tang Court and Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk.</h5> <h5>张萱,虢国夫人游春图, 宋摹绢本 51.8cm×140.8cm 辽宁省博物馆藏 <br></h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一波洛克,Jackson Pollock,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>杰克逊·波洛克(Jackson Pollock,1912年-1956年)美国抽象表现主义绘画大师,通过行动绘画,打破了传统绘画的具象及写实的表现形式,消除了绘画中心题材的传统的构思,形成了他绘画作品独特的形式语言,他以他独特创立的滴画而著名。<br><br>Jackson Pollock (1912-1956), best known for his action paintings and Abstract Expressionist works. He broke the concrete and realistic forms of traditional painting through action painting, eliminated the conventional conception of the central theme of the painting, and formed the unique formal language of his paintings. He received widespread publicity and serious recognition for the radical poured, or “drip,” technique he used to create his major works during his lifetime.</h5> <h5>波洛克, 秋天节奏, 1950, 267x526 厘米, 纽约大都会艺术博物馆。 </h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一周宁,Zhou Ning,洛杉矶,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>周宁,南京视觉艺术学院院长,中国当代杰出摄影家。1999年创办中国第一所摄影大学-南方摄影大学。周宁的作品多次参加纽约AIPAD, 亚特兰大ACP,洛杉矶PHOTO LA,棕榈泉国际艺术博览会等国际一线艺术展。目前在美国和中国分别开设全球连锁“周宁画廊”。在美国洛杉矶建有周宁摄影博物馆。<br><br>Zhou Ning, Dean of Nanjing Institute of Visual Arts, is an outstanding contemporary Chinese photographer. In 1999, he founded the first photography university in China--- the Southern University of Photography. His works have participated in many international first-line art exhibitions such as AIPAD in New York, ACP in Atlanta, PHOTO LA in Los Angeles, and Palm Springs International Art Fair. "Zhou Ning Gallery" has been opened globally, including the United States and China, with Zhou Ning Photography Museum built in Los Angeles.</h5> <h5>周宁, 水韵 自由像,摄影</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一周平珖,Zhou PingGuang, 洛杉矶,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>周平珖,中国国家高级美术师,1955年生于重庆的艺术世家,父亲周企何是杰出的川剧表演艺术家、书画收藏家。他师从张大千弟子赵蕴玉先生,四川美院萧建初教授,及张采芹先生。 1998年他作为“ 杰出艺术家”旅居洛杉矶。现为美国中国画学会常务副会长,加州中国书画院副院长。周平珖早在七、八十年代就将泼墨、泼彩、写意、工笔融为一体,画风独具一格。他先后出版了众多个人书画集。作品被海内外收藏家广泛收藏,成为美国最具影响的中国画家之一。<br><br>Zhou PingGuang, China's national senior artist, was born in Chongqing in 1955. His father, Zhou Qihe is an outstanding Sichuan opera performing artist and collector of calligraphy and painting. He studied under Mr. Zhao Yunyu, a disciple of Zhang Daqian, Professor Xiao Jianchu of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, and Mr. Zhang Caiqin. In 1998, he lived in Los Angeles as an "Outstanding Artist." He is currently the executive vice president of the American Chinese Painting Society and the vice president of the California Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Academy. As early as the 1970s and 1980s, Zhou Pingjiu integrated ink splashing, color splashing, freehand brushwork, and meticulous brushwork into one, and his painting style is unique. He successively published numerous personal collections of calligraphy and painting. Collectors widely collect his works at home and abroad, and he has become one of the most influential Chinese painters in the United States.</h5> <h5>周平珖,山中初雪 ,137cmx66cm</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ed2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一林宁, Ning Lin ,加州,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>  林宁,毕业于中山医学院,现在美国加州当眼科医生。摄影是业余爱好,喜爱自然风光。其攝影作品数次登上美国国家《地理杂志》<br><br>Ning Lin graduated from Zhongshan Medical College, Guangzhou, China; now an ophthalmologist in central California. As an amateur photographer, he focuses on the natural landscape, and his photographs have appeared in the National Geographic Magazine several times.</h5> <h5>林宁, 优山美地日落, 攝影</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一欧豪年,Au Ho-Nien,旧金山,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>欧豪年,1935年生于广东茂名,17岁师从岭南名家赵少安。 1970年移居台湾,1970年起任教于中国文化大学艺术教育系,为台湾艺术教育及艺术界贡献良多。 在过去的30年里,他在美国和国际上举办了多次个展。曾获韩国圆光大学荣誉哲学博士学位、美国印第安纳波利斯大学荣誉文学博士学位等多项殊荣。欧教授是一位登峰造极的艺术家、伟大的诗人和中国书法大家。他将岭南画派提升到了一个新的高度。欧豪年现任旧金山中华艺术协会总监事。<br><br>Professor Au Ho-Nien was born in Guangdong China in 1935. He started his art education at the age of 17 from Lingnan style master Shao-An Chao. He has been teaching at the Art Education Dept of the Chinese Culture University in Taiwan since 1970. He has contributed enormously to both art education and art community in Taiwan. During the past 30 years, he has held many solo art exhibitions both locally and internationally. He has won many awards, including Honorary Doctor Degree in Philosophy from the Wonkwang University in Korea and the Honorary Doctor Degree from University of Indianapolis USA. </h5> <h5>歐豪年,山原琴嘯,水墨国画</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ed2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一郑奋强,Zheng Fenqiang, 德国</font></i></h5> <h5><p>郑奋强,著名德国华人画家。 1986年毕业广州美术学院油画系,曾任汕头大学《华文文学》杂志美术编辑,汕头市青年美术协会副会长。现为德国奥格斯堡市“风”画廊主持人,中国广东省经济学家和企业家联谊会文化艺术顾问。海外华人美协理亊,广东省岭南画院签约画家。</p><p><br>Zheng Fenqiang, a famous German Chinese painter. He graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1986. He was the art editor of Shantou University's "Chinese Literature" magazine and the vice president of Shantou Youth Art Association. He is now the host of the "Wind" Gallery in Augsburg, Germany, Board director in Associate of Overseas Chinese Artists, contracted painter of Guangdong Lingnan Academy of Painting.<br></p></h5> <h5>郑奋强,蜻蜓,纸本水墨,50X65CM</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一郑霞娟,Judy C Zheng,多伦多,加拿大</i></font></h5> <h5>郑霞娟毕业于广州美术学院版画系文学学士学位,广州美术学院油画系高研班,和中国美术家协会漆画高研班。她是广东省美术家协会会员、广州市美术家协会版画和油画艺委会委员。郑霞娟现生活工作在多伦多,曾荣获2018加拿大联邦政府颁发的卓越创意金奖。她的作品被加拿大多伦多中华文化中心、中国国家博物馆、广东美术馆等机构收藏。<br><br>Judy C Zheng currently lives and works in Toronto, graduated from the Department of Printmaking of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor of arts degree, and attended the advanced research class of oil painting and lacquer painting from the Academy. She is a member of Guangdong Artists Association, Printmaking and Oil Painting Art Committee of Guangzhou Artists Association. In 2018 she won the Gold Award of the Federal Government of Canada for excellence in creativity. The Toronto Chinese Cultural Center, National Museum of China, Guangdong Museum of Art, and many other organizations collected her works.</h5> <h5>郑霞娟, 无题 Untitled, 油画<br></h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一罗若娜, Luo Ruona ,纽约,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>罗若娜,北京、纽约职业画家。2011年进修清华美院当代油画创作研究生,国家一级美术师,海外华人美术家协会会员。</h5><h5><br> Luo Ruona is a professional painter in Beijing and New York. In 2011, he was a graduate student of contemporary creative oil painting at Tsinghua Academy of fine arts, a national first-class artist, and an overseas Chinese Artists Association member.</h5> <h5>罗若娜,生命, 90 x 60 cm,油画<br></h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一美姝,Lucy Zhu,洛杉矶,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>美姝(Lucy Zhu),自幼与著名军旅画家朱连胜父亲习画,曾就读于鲁迅美术学院。现住美国洛杉矶,任美国阿凯迪亚艺术学院院长。<br><br>In her childhood, Mei Shu ( Lucy Zhu) learned Chinese painting from her father, who was educated at LuXun Academy of Fine Arts. She currently serves as the president of Arcadia Institute of Arts in Los Angeles, CA USA.</h5> <h5>  美姝, 油畫作品:永樂余香之一, 60x80 英寸</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一闻俊,Jun Wen,纽约,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>闻俊是旅美画家,毕业于上海戏剧学院美术系,擅山水画,抽象画。上海美术家协会会员,副高级美术师。1994年赴美。作品曾入选第七届全国美展,参加上海市美展及 省市联展三十余次,个展,群展,海外展二十余次, 并多次发表与得奖。<br><br>American Chinese painter Jun Wen graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the Shanghai Theatre Academy. He excels in landscapes and abstract painting. He is a member of the Shanghai Artists Association. In 1994 he immigrated to America, and his artworks have been selected for seven national art exhibitions. He participated in more than 30 domestic painting exhibitions and more than 20 solo exhibitions and group exhibitions internationally.</h5> <h5>闻俊,风吹草低见牛羊,中国画 96x59cm,Herd over the grassland</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一赵玲玲,Zhao Lingling,拉斯维加斯,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>赵玲玲毕业于中国西北过程大学(前为西北纺院)服装设计系。美国明尼苏达西南州立大学艺术主修。哥斯达黎加圣荷西大学进修扎染工艺绘画。加拿大Seneca大学动画艺术进修。2020年被英国一家全球发行知名艺术与设计杂志Destig评为2020年最值得收藏的20位艺术家之一。<br><br>Zhao Lingling graduated from the Fashion Design Department of the Northwest University of Technology in China. In the US, she majored in art at Southwestern State University in Minnesota, and she also studied tie-dye painting at the University of San Jose, Costa Rica. Later on, she had advanced training in animation art at Seneca University in Canada. She was named one of the 20 most collectible artists in 2020 by DESTIG, a well-known British art and design magazine.</h5> <h5>赵玲玲,放下的龟, 40 x 60 英寸, 油画</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一莫奈,Claude Monet,法国</i></font></h5> <h5>奥斯卡-克劳德·莫奈(1840-1926),法国画家,印象派代表人物及创始人之一,「印象」一词即是源自其名作《印象·日出》,该画作于1874年在莫奈及其同事举办的第一次独立展览中展出。 莫内擅长光与影的实验与表现技法。此外,他对于色彩的运用相当细腻,曾长期探索实验色彩与光的完美表达。他从1899年开始画睡莲,首先是以日本桥为中心的垂直视图,后来又用20年的时间创作了一系列大型画作。<br><br>Oscar-Claude Monet (1840-1926), a French painter, one of the representatives and founders of Impressionism, the word "impression" is derived from his masterpiece "Impression Sunrise," which was painted in 1874 and presented in the first independent exhibition by Monet and his colleagues. Monet is good at experimentation and expressive techniques of light and shadow. In addition, his use of color is quite delicate, and he has long explored the perfect expression of color and light. He began painting water lilies in 1899, first with a vertical view centered on Nihonbashi and later in a series of large-scale paintings over a period of 20 years.</h5> <h5>莫奈,印象·日出,1872,瑪摩丹美術館</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一曹俊, Cao Jun, 纽约,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>曹俊,著名华人旅美艺术家,现任纽约拿苏郡艺术博物馆学术委员会共同主席,美国东开普顿国际艺术博览会组委会委员;上海视觉艺术学院德稻跨界视觉语言研究院院长。兼任南京艺术学院、中国人民大学、中国传媒大学等校客座教授。曾在新西兰布鲁斯·梅森艺术中心、中国美术馆、波士顿学院麦克马伦博物馆举办个展。其作品曾受邀参加法国巴黎卢浮宫艺术年展,纽约军械库94号码头纽约等国际重大艺术展,并被洛克菲勒家族等数十家美术馆、博物馆珍藏。出版艺术专著十余部,建有“曹俊艺术馆”,其艺术成就被中央电视台和《人民日报》报道。<br><br>Cao Jun is an American Chinese artist living in the United States. He is currently the co-chair of the Academic Committee of the Nassau County Museum of Art in New York, a member of the Organizing Committee of International Contemporary Art Fair in East Hampton of New York, and the director of the DeTao Visual Language Institute at the Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts. Cao Jun is also a visiting professor at Nanjing University of the Arts, Renmin University of China, and the Communication University of China. He has held solo exhibitions at the Bruce Mason Art Center in New Zealand, the National Art Museum of China, and the McMullan Museum of Boston College. His works have been invited to participate in major international art exhibitions such as the Louvre Art Exhibition in Paris, France, and Pier 94 at the Armory in New York, Dozens of art galleries and museums such as the Rockefeller family, collected his works. He has published more than ten art monographs and has established the "Cao Jun Art Museum". CCTV and People's Daily have reported his artistic achievements.</h5> <h5>曹俊,醉花荫,400×200cm,纸本,水墨设色</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一高木森,Arthur Kao,旧金山,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>高木森1942年出生于台湾,十五岁随吕佛庭学传统水墨画,后入读台大外文系并继续从事绘画创作,毕业后任职台北故宫博物院。 1970年赴堪萨斯大学师从李铸晋精研美术史,获博士学位。 1974后在很多大学任教,2011年以荣誉教授从圣荷塞州立大学退休。着有中西艺术史和诗画集约二十本。绘画创作兼善传统与现代。<br><br>Arthur Kao, born in Taiwan in 1942, started to learn traditional ink painting at the age of 15. He entered National Taiwan University in 1963 to study foreign languages and continued painting. After graduation from the University, Arthur Kao worked in the National Palace Museum. He went to the University of Kansas in 1970 to study Art History and received a Ph.D. there. He has taught art history in many universities and retired from San Jose State University in 2011. He has published many art history books and produced paintings of different styles.</h5> <h5>高木森作品,Light Music 轻音乐, 27 x 29</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一钱自奋,Zifen Qian,波特兰,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>钱自奋,新概念浪漫主义画派创始人。以具象为主体综合多种元素建构浪漫的多元文化新概念。生平入編《世界华人艺术家成就博览大典》。七次载入美国名人录。十二次载入世界名人录。毕业于上海师范大学美院及美国波特兰卅立大学美院获美术最高硕士学位MFA和教育学愽士课程论文优秀成绩。先后任教授于美国西北太平洋美院和波特兰卅立大学美院。特聘上海应用技术大学艺术与设计学院客座教授。几十次个人和团体画展。出版作品复制版过亿件遍及欧美亚非各国。<br><br>Zifen Qian, as New Conceptual Romanticism school founder, combines modern multicultural concepts with traditional romanticism in his painting. His professional life as a professor with the highest art degree, MFA from Portland State University and BA from Shanghai Normal University. He had numerous solo and group exhibitions in major cities of the world. Over a hundred million copies of his works are being distributed worldwide. Governments, museums, universities, corporations, and private collectors have acquired his paintings. Zifen Qian's profile is listed multiple times in "Chinese Artists in the world," "Who's Who in America," and "Who's Who in the World."<br></h5> <h5>钱自奋,达芬奇课堂,布上油画 36”x 36” 2021年</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一徐聃,Dan Xu,拉斯维加斯, 美国<br></i></font></h5> <h5>徐聃,1965年生于中国,1984年在中国学习绘画和商业艺术设计,2002年在美国学习雕塑,2006年在拉斯维加斯开设雕塑工作室。<br><br>Dan Xu, Born in China in 1965, studied painting and commercial art design in China in 1984, studied sculpture in the United States in 2002, and established a sculpture studio in Las Vegas in 2006.</h5> <h5>徐聃, 林肯铜象, 81X40cm 私人收藏.</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一徐治庆,Ching Shyu,旧金山, 美国<br></i></font></h5> <h5>徐治庆,旅美画家, 美术教授, 中国广州画院画家和研究员,广东省青年美协顾问,中国画学会常务理事。曾在美国UC Berkeley 和UNM 研究西方绘画,获美国研究生学业成就奖。多年研究舞蹈运动人物绘画,形成独特风格,被艺术界媒体誉为动态画家。主要艺术活动: 2002为奥运会创作,并荣获奥林匹克艺术成就奖。 2003年为足球世界杯创作,2010 为CCTV作专题节目《徐治庆教授动态绘画》,入选2011世界和平画展并获最高奖,2018中国全国速写大展, 2019第十三届中国全国美展,2020全球水墨画大展。<br><br>Ching Shyu, a fine arts professor, painter, and research fellow from Guangzhou Fine Arts Institute, China, is now working and living in the US. Ching did his graduate studies at UC Berkeley and UNM. After many years of practice and research, he created a unique drawing and painting style to capture moving images of dances and sports and was credited as “the Artist of Movement.” He was selected to create artworks for the 2002 Winter Olympics Game and the 2003 Women World Cup Soccer Game. In 2002 he received the “Olympics Artist Recognition Award”. Ching also won many art competitions in China and US.</h5> <h5>徐治庆, 雪上飞燕, 粉笔速写, 29.7cm x 42cm</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一桂斌,Gui Bin,荷兰</i></font></h5> <h5>桂斌,荷兰华人画家,是法国ASFEA艺术会员,荷兰GUIBIN美术馆馆长,英国伦敦艺术大学访问学者,《KUART》2020年度艺术人物。他在2021被日本东京国际艺术研究院授予“艺术贡献奖”,在2021意大利热那亚艺术双年展获“国际艺术家奖”。<br><br>Gui Bin is a Dutch Chinese artist, a member of ASFEA in France, the Curator of Guibin Art Museum in the Netherlands, a visiting Scholar at the University of the Arts London, UK. He got the KUART 2020 Artist of the Year award. In 2021 he received the "Art Contribution Award" awarded by Tokyo International Art Institute and International Artist Award, Genoa Art Biennale, Italy.</h5> <h5>桂斌,“2021-2-5”,宣纸泼彩, 90cmx180cm,2021<br></h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一陶海心,Tao Haixin,洛杉矶,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>陶海心,国际书法协会主席。 清华大学高分子化学本科,技术经济学研究生,工学硕士。自幼研习书画。画作入选1977年全国美展; 2009年书作《独 立宣言》被美国国会图书馆收藏;2015年大型书作《联合国宪 章》在旧金山宪章签署地首展; 2017年甲骨文画作参加意大利达芬奇博物馆邀请展。作品收藏者有国家领导人、联合国机构、驻华使团和各界名人。 <br><br>Tao Haixin is the chairman of the International Calligraphy Association. He has a bachelor's degree in Polymer Chemistry and a master's degree in Technology Economics from Tsinghua University. His painting was selected to display at the National Art Exhibition in China in 1977. US Library of Congress collected his calligraphy of the Declaration of Independence in 2009. The calligraphy Charter of the United Nations began the worldwide exhibition of that work in San Francisco in 2015. Two of his oracle-bone paintings were invited to exhibit at Leonardo Da Vinci Museum in Italy in 2017.</h5> <h5>陶海心,衬金书法赤壁怀古,218cmX66cm<br></h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一夏爱飞,Xia Aifei, 中国<br></i></font></h5> <h5>夏爱飞 Xia Aifei, 上海市人,毕业于上海美院,嗣后长期从事油画教学与创作、实用美术设计等;油画作品以风景写生为主,同时涉足中国画之创作与研究。曾参加国际美术家邀请展,历年荣获全国美术设计二等奖;上海包装设计优秀作品奖;上海优秀作品奖;连续十余次获得上海市百花奖。作品被国内以及美国、新加坡、卢森堡等多国众多收藏家高价收藏;人物、山水、花鸟画曾被景德镇遴选制作挂历等。<br><br>Ms. Xia Aifei is a Chinese painter who was born in Shanghai. She graduated from the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. Xia Aifei has over 30 years of experience in oil painting, teaching, and practical art design. She has participated in International Artists Invitation Exhibition and received various awards over the years, including Second Prize in National Art Design, Shanghai Packaging Design Excellence Award, Shanghai Outstanding Works Award, and Shanghai BAIHUA Award for over ten years in a row.</h5> <h5>夏爱飞, 金鱼戏水,纸本设色</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一康定斯基, Wassily Kandinsky,俄罗斯</i></font></h5> <h5>瓦西里·康定斯基(Wassily Kandinsky,1866年12月-1944年12月),出生于俄罗斯的著名法国画家和美术理论家。被称为是抽象艺术的重要代表,他还与其他人共同成立了一个为时不长但很有影响力的艺术团体--"青骑士"。<br><br>Wassily Kandinsky, born in Russia from December 1866 to December 1944, is a famous painter and art theorist. He popularized abstract painting. He also established a short-lived but influential art group - "Green Knight".</h5> <h5>康定斯基,黄·红·蓝,1925年, 油画, 127×200cm 藏于法国巴黎国立现代艺术馆</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展-阎立本,Yan Liben,中国</font></i></h5> <h5>唐代人物画家阎立本(601-673),唐代雍州万年人。擅长绘人物肖像,代表作品为《步辇图》,《历代帝王图》。所绘人物精致细微,用笔丰富,多曲折深浅变化,用墨而有骨,设色有章法,富有表现力。<br><br>Tang Dynasty figure painter: Yan Liben (601-673), the Tang Dynasty Yongzhou Wannian people. He is good at painting portraits of people, and his representative works are " Painting of Emperors of Past Dynasties " and "Emperor Taizong Receiving the Tibetan Envoy ". The painted figures are delicate and subtle, and the pen is rich, with many twists and turns in depth. The ink is bone, and the color is orderly and expressive.</h5> <h5>阎立本,历代帝王图(局部),绢本设色, 51.3cm×531cm, 美国波士顿艺术博物馆藏</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一黄一非 Howard Yifi Huang,洛杉矶,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>黄一非是旅美职业油画家、陶瓷艺术家、实验艺术家。他的艺术格言是:(哲学思想)画有形为无形,以无法为有法。他师从20世纪多位国际艺术名家。他现任社会职务包括美国油画家协会会员,美国艺术家协会会长,联合国际艺术家协会秘书长兼执行主席,高级研究员,刘奎龄绘画艺术研究院理事,和海外华人艺术家协会理事。<br><br>Howard Yifi Huang, a native of Shaoxing, Zhejiang, is an American Chinese professional oil painter, ceramic artist, and experimental artist in the United States. He attended American Cerritos College, studying Fine Art, Oil Painting, and Ceramic Art. He created 5+3 art basic training method. He also completed more than 500 art experiments. He is a member of OPA and the vice president of AAA.</h5> <h5>黄一非, 鱼趣,纸本水墨圆光, 50cm</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一黄公望,Huang Gongwang,中国</font></i></h5> <h5>元朝著名画家:黄公望(1269年-1354年),平江路常熟州(今江苏省苏州市常熟市)人。擅画山水,所作水墨画笔力老道,简淡深厚,与吴镇、倪瓒、王蒙合称“元四家”。其代表作品有《富春山居图》、《快雪时晴图》。<br><br>Famous Painter of Yuan Dynasty: Huang Gongwang (1269-1354) was born in Changshu, Jiangsu Province. He was the most notable of the so-called "Four Great Masters." Around 1350 he completed one of his most famous works, Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains. One of Huang Gongwang's most vital influences was using very dry brush strokes, and light ink washes to build up his landscape paintings.</h5> <h5>黄公望, 富春山居图,国画</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一黄静,Huang Jing, 中国<br></i></font></h5> <h5>黄静,西南大学美术学院教授,中国美术家协会会员, 中国女画家协会会员, 重庆市中国画学会理事, 重庆画院中国画艺委会委员, 民革重庆中山书画院副院长。<br><br>Huang Jing is a Professor at the School of Fine Arts, Southwest University. She is also a member of the Chinese Artists Association, Chinese Women Painters Association, director of Chongqing Chinese Painting Society, and the vice president of Chongqing Zhongshan Calligraphy and Painting Academy.</h5> <h5>黄静,作品标题: 凤. 之一 ,68cmx68cm, 纸本重彩 </h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一梵高,Vincent Van Gogh,荷兰</i></font></h5> <h5>文森·威廉·梵高(Vincent Willem van Gogh ,1853年3月30日-1890年7月29日),荷兰后印象派代表画家。梵高是绘画艺术史上的大师,他从色彩把握、线条运用等方面都提出了自己的绘画美学理念,尤其注重内心情绪的表达。<br><br>Vincent Willem Van Gogh (March 30, 1853 - July 29, 1890) was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter. He became one of the most famous and influential figures in Western art history. His works are characterized by bold colors and dramatic, impulsive and expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art.</h5> <h5>梵高, 花瓶裡的十五朵向日葵, 76x59 英寸, 1888 收藏于阿姆斯特丹梵高博物馆</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一梅忠智,Mei ZhongZhi,中国</i></font></h5> <h5>梅忠智是著名画家、美术理论家。原中国人民对外友好协会全国理事会理事、全国友协国际艺术交流院副院长。现为四川美术学院教授、重庆市政协常委、中国美术家协会会员、重庆市美术家协会中国画艺术委员会副主任。<br><br>Mei ZhongZhi is a Famous painter & art theorist, a member of CPAFFC & vice president of the International Art Institute of CPAFFC. Professor of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Standing Committee of the People’s PCC of Chongqing, member of Chinese Artists Association.</h5> <h5><div><p>梅忠智, 无语, 2009年作, 96x96cm, 纸本</p></div><div><font color="#ed2308"><i><br></i></font></div><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一梁革 Calvin Liang,洛杉矶,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>梁革 Calvin Liang, 旅美油画家,生于广州,曾在上海戏剧学院学习,搞过舞台设计。1987年赴美。 在美期间,曾从事动画设计多年,后来成为美国专业艺术家。 曾被多家美国艺术杂志大量采用和专文介绍,并参加过多个重要展览,获得过多个重要大奖,现为美国油画协会大师级会员。 <br><br>Calvin Liang, an American oil painter, was born in Guangzhou. He studied at the Shanghai Theatre Academy and worked on stage design. Calvin came to the United States in 1987. During his stay in the United States, he engaged in animation design for many years, later became a professional artist in the United States. Many American art magazines published his works and acknowledged his accomplishments. He participated in many important exhibitions and won many awards. Now he is a master member of the American Oil Painting</h5> <h5>梁革, 涨潮,布面油画,60.96cm X 91.44cm,2019</h5> <h5>  <font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一梁明明,Mingming Liang,旧金山,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>梁明明, 1987毕业于广州美术学院,获学士学位。广东省美术家协会会员。 广州市美术家协会会员。美国旧金山中华艺术学会会员。美国彩色铅笔画协会会员。多次举办个人作品展。作品多次入选国际艺术大展及全国,省,市美展并获奖。2004年,获中华人民共和国教育部艺术教育委员会颁发的美术类指导工作一等奖,作品广为国内外机构和私人收藏。公共收藏:中国农业银行,广州艺术博物院,德懿美术馆,珠海诚丰美术馆,广州青云书院美术馆,广州华艺廊。现创作和生活在美国。<br><br>Mingming Liang was born and raised in Guangzhou, China, now residing in the US. She graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor's degree in 1987. Mingming Liang is a member of Guangdong Province Artists Association, American Chinese Art Association, Colored Pencil Society of America and CPSA DC 210. She held nationwide individual and group exhibitions numerous times and won many awards. </h5> <h5>梁明明, 阳光绽放, 布上油彩, 91cm X 91cm</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一梁政均,Jack Liang,洛杉矶,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>梁政均, 字正勻, 號天尺, 出生藝術世家。居美四十年, 致力於中華文化的推廣.1992年洛杉磯時報Los Angeles Time專訪報導,2002年入選彩繪洛城天使畫家。曾在台灣、美國、日本、中國、奧地利多處舉辦展覽。現任美國中華藝術學會顧問、台灣中華畫院海外顧問、加州美術會California Art Club會員。 <br></h5><h5><br>Jack was born into an artist family. He began studying drawing at age seven. Jack is committed to promote Chinese culture. His art works have been exhibited in Taiwan, Japan, China, Austria and the United States. Currently, he is a member of the California Art Club and the advisor of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Society Of the USA.</h5> <h5><div><p>梁政均, 春曉雲山, 68cmX132cm.</p></div><div><font color="#ed2308"><i><br></i></font></div><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一梁礼清,Liang Liqing,旧金山,美国</i></font></h5> <h5>梁礼清毕业于中央美术学院, 现为中国美术家协会会员,旧金山中华艺术学会会员,美中书画研究院副院长。他在2021参加了第42届纽约国际艺术博览会。他在2018举办了硅谷亚洲艺术中心举办的梁礼清《境外之象》个展。<br><br>Liang Liqing graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is now a member of the Chinese Artists Association, the Chinese Art Society in San Francisco, and the vice president of the American Chinese calligraphy and Painting Institute. He participated in the 42nd New York International Art Fair in 2021. He also held Liang Liqing’s solo exhibition of Image Beyond Landscape at Silicon Valley Asian Art Center in 2018.</h5> <h5>梁礼清,线魂 02,50inch x 36inch,Acrylic on canvas</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一梁铝,Liang Lu,新西兰</i></font></h5> <h5>梁铝,1988年毕业于中央工艺美术学院。现为自由漆画家。从事漆画创作30余年。在中国广西柳州市创办了梁铝漆画工作室,1999年移民新西兰,先后在德国、新西兰、香港、台湾、深圳、南宁、桂林、柳州等地,举办个人漆画画展22次。2017年创作大型漆画《创世纪的故事》。2018年 创作的大型漆画《大美中国 .盛世华章》在广西壮族自治区成立60周年在广西美术馆展出。<br><br>Liang Lu is a freelance lacquer painter who graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Crafts in 1988. She founded Lianglu Lacquer Painting Studio in Liuzhou, China. Lianglu immigrated to New Zealand in 1999 and subsequently held 22 personal lacquer painting exhibitions in Germany, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shenzhen, Nanning, Guilin, Liuzhou, and other places.</h5> <h5>梁铝, 大美中国-盛世华装, 122cmx244cmx56cm</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一韩墨,Hanmo,洛杉矶,美国</i></font></h5> <h5><p>韩墨,1971年生于中国山东,旅美艺术家。中国现代彩墨艺术理论体系的建构者及代表性艺术家,清华大学美术学院原韩墨现代彩墨工作室导师,中国美术家协会会员;美国国际现代彩墨研究总会执行主席,美国华人联合总会高级顾问。韩墨多次应邀担任中国美协全国大展评委,作品入编教育部组编的全国高校《中国画》教科书,美国UCLA大学曾两度为其举办专场学术论坛,被特邀参加洛杉矶国际艺术博览会。近年来韩墨立足美国,在专注于现代彩墨艺术的创作和研究的同时,致力推动中国现代彩墨艺术国际化。<br><br>Hanmo was born in 1971 in Shandong, China, now a resident in the USA. He was one of the founding scholars and representative artists of modern color & ink painting theory. He is a professor of contemporary color & ink painting studio at Tsinghua University. He is also a member of the Chinese Artists Association, the executive chairman of the American Modern Color & Ink Research Institute, the senior consultant of the Federation of American Chinese. Hanmo’s works have been used in the National University textbook of Chinese Painting, edited by the Ministry of Education. UCLA has twice held a special symposium on color & ink painting by Hanmo. He was specially invited to participate in the Los Angeles Art Show. In recent years, Hanmo has been in the USA, focusing on modern color & ink painting and promoting international recognition of this form of art.<br></p></h5> <h5>韩墨, 中国画, “大化极观”系列 No.22, 45cmx61cm, 2018年</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一鲁安,Andrew Lu,洛杉矶,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>鲁安, 美国中华艺术宫馆长, 古生物学理学博士, 曾任洛杉矶自然历史博物馆研究员,馆务委员, 资深媒体工作者, 热爱书法, 尤其对汉字甲骨文文字源很有兴趣, 多次惊醒讲座, 深受欢迎。参展作品 甲骨文书写 冬奥盛会 (尺寸 四个斗方组成庆贺横幅)<br><br>Andrew Lu, Ph.D. in Science, is the director of Sino-Asian Gallery USA. He worked as a senior researcher and board director of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. He is currently a senior media worker. He is interested in Chinese-Shufa (calligraphy).</h5> <h5>鲁安, 甲骨文书写: 冬奥盛会, (尺寸 四个斗方组成庆贺横幅) </h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一蒋奇谷,Qigu Jiang,芝加哥,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>蒋奇谷, 旅美水墨画家。1956年生于上海。1983年毕业于上海师范大学美术系,1990年获芝加哥艺术学院美术硕士学位。现任芝加哥亚洲艺术研究所所长,并兼任芝加哥艺术学院绘画系、史论系教授。<br><br>Qigu Jiang was born in 1956 and currently works as an ink painting artist. He also teaches as a professor at the Department of Painting and Drawing and the Department of Art History, Theory, and Criticism in the Art Institute of Chicago. He is also the director of Research House for Asian Art (RHAA) in Chicago.</h5> <h5>蒋奇谷, 瓶花#5, 纸本水墨, 61cm X 99cm, 2008</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一谢世增,Shizeng Xie,澳大利亚</i></font></h5> <h5>谢世增, 旅澳著名当代画家,澳大利亚首都当代画院秘书长兼副院长。1993年毕业于华南师范大学艺术系,随后考入广州美术学院研究生,毕业后又到澳大利亚国立大学留学,并在国家美术馆附近建造近千平米世增艺术创作室,作品参加各类国际大展近百场,深得中青年藏家喜爱并受到竞拍收藏。<br><br>Shizeng Xie is an Australian contemporary painter, and he is also the Secretary-General and Deputy Dean of the Australian Capital Institute of Contemporary Painting. In 1993, Shizeng graduated from the Art Department of South China Normal University and then attended the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts as a graduate student. After graduation, he went to Australia, studied at Australian National University, and built his art studio near the National Gallery. His works participated in various international exhibitions, and these works also won the favor of young and middle-aged collectors.</h5> <h5>谢世增, 男人的世界,布面油画</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一童强,Tong Qiang,洛杉矶,美国</i></font><br></h5> <h5>童强, 职业油画家,加州艺术俱乐部会员,美国ARC画廊艺术家会员,专攻写实画,荷兰学派。2019年作品入围美国国际ARC艺术沙龙展。<br><br>Tong Qiang Professional oil painter, member of California Art Club, artist member of American ARC Gallery, specializing in realistic painting, Dutch school. In 2019, his works were shortlisted for the American International ARC Art Salon Exhibition.</h5> <h5>童强, 佛心系列(2),布面油画,18X24英寸</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一保罗·塞尚,Paul Cézanne,法国</i></font></h5> <h5>保罗·塞尚(Paul Cézanne,1839-1906年),法国著名画家,后期印象派的主将,被誉为“现代主义之父”。他对物体体积感的追求和表现,注重色彩视觉的真实性,其“客观地”观察自然色彩的独特性大大区别于以往的画家。<br><br>Paul Cézanne (1839-1906), a famous French painter and the master of post-Impressionism, is known as the "father of modernism." His "objective" observation of the uniqueness of natural color is greatly different from previous painters. His work is characterized by repetitive, exploratory brushstrokes, an avant-garde approach to perspective, and a vivid color palette. Cézanne focused on symbolism and substance over style; he developed a one-of-a-kind aesthetic distinguishable from his contemporaries.</h5> <h5>塞尚, 有苹果的静物, 68.6 cm x 92.7cm, 美国加州保罗盖兹美术馆藏</h5> <h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一瑞茹可,Seba Razouk,中国</i></font></h5> <h5>萨芭·瑞茹可 Saba Razouk 于1991年出生于叙利亚拉塔基亚。2013年获得大马士革大学美术学院绘画与油画系学士学位。 2013-2017年在蒂什林大学美术学院和建筑学院任大学讲师。之后参加了许多艺术展览和工作坊,并获得了文化部和旅游部颁发的多项荣誉证书。 2017年她也获得了Banque Bemo沙特法兰西银行的荣誉奖,2020年她赴中国留学,获得太原理工大学服装设计纺织工程学院硕士学位。2018年加入远程教育学院时装设计课程并获得E-Learning大学证书。 2021年,因为对绘画的热爱,为了增加对中国文化的了解,一年后开始在太原理工大学攻读油画硕士学位。 <br><br>Saba Razouk was born in Syria, Lattakia, in 1991. In 2013,she received BA from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Damascus University Department of Painting and Oil Painting. She worked as a university lecturer from 2013- 2017 at the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Architecture, Tishreen University. Then she participated in many art exhibitions and workshops and received many honorary certificates from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Tourism, including an honor from Banque Bemo Saudi Francis. In 2017, she traveled to China and obtained a Master's degree from the School of Textile Engineering for Fashion Design at the Taiyuan University of Technology in 2020. In 2018, she joined a fashion design course at the College of Distance Learning and obtained a certificate from the University of E-Learning. In 2021, because of her passion for painting and improving her knowledge of Chinese culture, she began studying for a Master's degree in oil painting at Taiyuan University of Science and Technology.</h5> <h5>瑞茹可, The female is home, Acrylic on canvas 120cmx150cm, 2021 China</h5><div><br></div><div><h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一诸葛继锋,Zhuge Jifen,多伦多,加拿大</i></font></h5></div> <h5>诸葛继锋, 毕业于加拿大George Brown大学视觉艺术专业和加拿大幼教专业。她的作品多次在多伦多Lusculpture Gallery展览。诸葛继锋的作品参展2020年意大利和法国线上联展。她还著有儿童绘本《跟我读ABC》,《跟我数123》和《我们在成长》。<br><br>Zhuge Jifen is a Canadian Chinese artist. She graduated from George Brown College, Canada, majoring in visual arts. Her artworks have been exhibited multiple times at International Art Exhibitions. She has published children’s art books “Reading with Me ABC,” “Counting with Me 123,” and “We Are Growing Up.”</h5> <h5>诸葛继锋, 海的波光, 油画 51cmx61cm</h5><div><font color="#ed2308"><i><br></i></font></div><div><h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一德拉克洛瓦,Delacroix,法国</i></font></h5></div> <h5>法国著名画家:斐迪南·维克多·欧根·德拉克洛瓦(Eugène Delacroix,1798年4月26日一1863年8月19日),19世纪浪漫主义画派的典型代表,善于运用色彩,作品富于表现力,和谐统一。代表作品有《自由引导人民》,《萨达纳帕莱之死》。<br><br>Eugene Delacroix (April 26, 1798 -- August 19, 1863) was a French painter. He was one of the best painters of the 19th century. Representative works include "Liberty Leading the People" and "The Death of Sardanapalus Eugène Delacroix".</h5> <h5>德拉克罗瓦,自由引导人民,1830, 260cm × 325cm,卢浮宫藏</h5><div><br></div><div><h5><font color="#ed2308"><i>【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一傅金野,Jinye Fu ,中国</i></font></h5></div> <h5>傅金野,1988年毕业于辽宁营口教育学院美术专业。现任民盟营口美术院院长,中国美术家协会辽宁分会会员,写生中国对外友好协会主席。<br><br>Jinye Fu graduated from Liaoning Yingkou Institute of education in 1988, majoring in fine art. He is the president of Yingkou Art Academy and a member of the Liaoning Branch of China Artists Association. Jinyu Fu is also the president of Sketching China Association.</h5> <h5>傅金野展览作品,划过湿地, 油画</h5> <h5><i><font color="#ED2308">【超以象外】北美视觉艺术研究院2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展一霍东泽,Dongze Huo,旧金山,美国</font></i></h5> <h5>霍东泽, 出生成长于古都西安,本科2008年毕业于西安美术学院,2014年获得美国旧金山艺术大学艺术硕士学位,他尝试印染和混合媒介为创作的研究方向。 迄今为止在美国已经参加了多项艺术展览与作品的评选和报道, 2015年在RE:ARTISTE国际艺术大赛获得最终入选名单与五位荣誉提名之一, 现工作于西安培华学院<br><br>Dongze Huo was born and raised in Xi’an, China. He went on to study painting at Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, where he earned his BFA in Painting in 2008. Later he earned his MFA in Painting from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco in 2014. Huo was encouraged to experiment with new media and themes. He participated in numerous exhibitions around the United States and has been awarded one of five Finalists and the Honorable Mention by International Art Competition in 2015. He currently works at Xi’an Peihua University in Xi’an, China.</h5> <h5>霍东泽, 一个暖冬里诗意的姿态#2,150x100cm, 布面综合材料,2021. <br></h5> <h5><b><font color="#167EFB">超以象外-2022世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展,百名画家百幅名画云端展览 </font></b></h5> <h5><b>2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展主办方:北美视觉艺术研究院</b></h5> <h5><b>2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展协办方:德国波恩当代艺术馆</b></h5> <h5><b>2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展协办方:香港天趣当代艺术馆</b></h5> <h5><b>2022首届世界华人艺术名家优秀作品学术展协办方:美国中华艺术宫 & 美国中国美术馆</b></h5> <h5>所有艺术品和介绍都受版权保护。 未经许可复制任何和所有的艺术作品和介绍是非法的。 All artworks and introductions are under copyright protection. It is unlawful to reproduce any and all of the artworks and introductions without permission. <br></h5><h5>©️GAIA 北美视觉艺术研究院</h5>