blippi and do you know科普动画 1、background knowledge Do you know what kind of transportation people used to travel in history/the old day?<br><br>很久很久以前,你知道人们都乘坐什么交通工具吗?<br><br>For most of history, man moved around through one of three methods by walking, by animals or by boat.<br><br>在历史的大部分时间里,人类通过三种方式中的一种到处活动——步行,乘动物或乘船。<br><br>After the invention of the wheel,people made carts, wagons ['wæɡən] and carriages ['kærɪdʒ] that were pulled by horses,oxen ['ɒksn] or even humans.<br><br>在发明了轮子时候,人们制作了手推车,四轮马车以及由马,牛甚至人拉的马车。<br><br>Carriages moved slowly and were often uncomfortable。<br><br>马车行驶缓慢,经常不舒服。<br><br>Later, people invented wagons that were pulled by horses on tracks [t'ræks]. The tracks allowed the wagons to move more quickly。<br><br>后来,人们发明了马车,由马拉在轨道上。轨道允许马车移动更快。<br><br>Trains are built to transport passengers or cargo along railway tracks。<br><br>火车是用来沿着铁路轨道运送乘客或货物的。<br><br>Today,car becomes the most important public transportation.<br><br> cart: we use cart in supermarket you can see wagon in the tourist sport. do you think we should take the wagon? we can see the carriages in the grassland 2、火车科普-种类和发展史 <div>地铁subway</div><div>高铁high-speed rail</div><div>we take the subway in ShangHai,but if we want to go to YanTai, we must take subway or the airplane</div> 地铁和高铁的区别:<div>电压等级不一样,电力机车内部也不一样, 地铁是直流电,高铁是交流,仅仅是外观相似,本质区别很大<br></div> 上海磁悬浮列车是世界上最快的列车,最高运行速度可达430公里每小时。与常规火车轨道不同的是,这种列车没有轮子,它漂浮在火车和轨道之间的磁场上,通过强大的电磁牵引让列车在轨道上飞行。它运行在上海浦东国际机场和龙阳路之间,只需要7分多钟就可以完成整个旅程。 <div>game1、take train in the amusement park</div> game2:蒸汽火车的原理<div>Step1:Pour the prepared water into the pot;<br><br>Step2:Wait for the water to boil<br><br>When the pot is boiling, you will see steam upon the pot:<br><br></div><div>Step3: When the water boils, bring the plastic bag close to the steam<br><br>问题探讨:<br><br>1.what will happen when the plastic bag gets close to the steam?<br><br>2.Do you think the plastic bag will move?<br><br>3.Why does the steam make the plasticbag move?<br><br>Steam has a lot of energy.<br></div> game3、山河之旅桌游 分级<br>Elephant and tiger<br>A party for panda<br>Little wolf’s new home<br>All about Afica elephants<br>Richard’s best story bool ever<br>Monkey<br>Little cat, big cat<br>All about chimps <div></div>