D264 万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1906期+184Daniel 打卡


<b><font color="#ed2308">主题:3a U5 The Mulberry Bush-1 </font></b> <b>Listening:</b><br><ul><li>3A U1-U5</li><li>汉语第五册 第10单元《有个面铺面冲南》</li><li>Peppa S1</li><li>字母发音歌</li></ul><b>Video:</b><br><ul><li>3a U5 The Mulberry Bush</li><li>Peppa S1</li><li>汉语第五册 第10单元《有个面铺面冲南》</li></ul> <b>Reading :</b><br>理解性阅读:RAZ、绘本<br>指读牛1:8本 <b><font color="#b06fbb">1.Songs</font></b> <b><font color="#b06fbb">2.Game</font></b><div>Game 1: Act it Out<br>P: It’s early in the morning. (伸个懒腰)</div><div>Let’s do morning exercise. How about going round the mulberry bush?<br>P & K: “Here we go round the mulberry bush the mulberry bush the mulberry bush. </div><div>Here we go round the mulberry bush so early in the morning.”<br>家长带孩子去洗漱</div><div><br>P: Oh, it’s a little bit late. We have to wash up. </div><div>“This is the way I wash my face wash my face wash my face. This is the way I wash my face so early in the morning.” </div><div>Do you want to wash your face?<br>K: Yes!<br>P & K: “This is the way I wash my face wash my face wash my face. This is the way I wash my face so early in the morning.” <br>P: Ok, use the towel to dry your face. What should we do next?<br>K: We should brush teeth next.<br><br>P: Ok, take your toothbrush and squeeze some toothpaste onto the brush.</div><div> Fill up your cup with water. Start by rinsing your mouth. Take a sip of water, swish the water around in your mouth without swallowing it, and spit it out.<br>P & K: “This is the way I brush my teeth…”<br>P: Rinsing your mouth again. Spit it out. Can you rinse the toothbrush and pour the water out?<br>用梳子梳头<br>P: After washing up, we’ll comb hair. </div><div>Here is the comb. Use it to comb your hair.<br>P & K: “This is the way I comb my hair...”<br>P: Finally, put on your clothes.<br>P & K: “This is the way I put on my clothes...”<br></div> <b><font color="#b06fbb">清汉《有个面铺面冲南》</font></b><div><ul><li>儿歌</li><li>谜语</li><li>早读晚诵</li></ul></div>









