<b><font color="#ed2308">主题:3A-U3 Plants-2</font></b> <b>Listening:</b><br><ul><li>3A U1-U3</li><li>汉语第五册 第12单元《小鸟与梅花鹿》</li><li>Peppa S1</li><li>字母发音歌</li></ul><b>Video:</b><br><ul><li>3A-U3 Plants</li><li>Peppa S1</li><li>汉语第五册 第12单元《小鸟与梅花鹿》</li></ul> <b>Reading :</b><br><u>理解性阅读</u>:<br>RAZ、绘本<br><u>指读</u>: 牛1-4本 <p class="ql-block"><b style="color: rgb(176, 111, 187);">Game</b></p><p class="ql-block">Game 1: Seed Bud Flower</p><p class="ql-block">家长做动作,让孩子猜是什么</p><p class="ql-block">M: Look, I’ll show you some actions and you guess the meaning. </p><p class="ql-block">D: Seed/bud/flower.</p><p class="ql-block">家长来发指令,孩子来做出相应的动作</p><p class="ql-block">M: Can you do these actions? </p><p class="ql-block">D: Yes.</p><p class="ql-block">M: Bud! Stand up and put your hands together. Flower! Raise your hands over your head, like this. Seed! Squat down and hold your knees.</p><p class="ql-block">家长先当主持人,在定格的时候孩子尝试做和家长不一样的动作</p><p class="ql-block">M: I’ll say a word and do the action. For example, flower. </p><p class="ql-block">(家长做出动作) You shouldn’t show me flower. You should show me seed or bud. If you do the same action, flower action, you’ll lose the game. Let’s try again, bud!</p><p class="ql-block">Daniel 超级爱玩的游戏,玩了好久都不觉得累。</p> Game 2: How plants absorb water<br>道具:<br>Chinese cabbage leaves Food coloring<br>Water Glasses<br>家长介绍实验目的, 准备实验材料<br>M: Do plants need water to grow? <br>D: Yes.<br>M: Do you want to see how plants absorb/drink water? <br>D: Yes.<br>M: I’ll show you an experiment. You’ll see how plants absorb water. Look, what do we need to do this experiment?<br>D: Glasses, water, food coloring and Chinese cabbage leaves.<br>在每个玻璃杯加水,加色素<br>M: First you will need to add some water to each glass. Then add a different colored food dye to each glass. About 10 drops for each glass.<br>放上白菜叶,静置一夜<br>M: Next, add a cabbage leaf to each glass. Leave the cabbage overnight.<br>第二天观察<br>M: See, the water went into the veins(叶脉) and traveled/went through the leaves. <p class="ql-block">认识蔬菜,知道吃的是植物的那部分</p> <b><font color="#b06fbb">清汉《小鸟与梅花鹿》</font></b><br><ul><li>儿歌</li><li>谜语</li><li>早读晚诵</li></ul>