<p class="ql-block">三、五脏皆可咳:</p><p class="ql-block">据《黄帝内经》记载,咳嗽并不一定都是因为肺的原因,其中肝,心,脾,肺,肾的疾病都有可能与咳嗽有关。皮毛与肺是相应合的。皮毛感受了邪气,邪气就会影响到肺脏。如果喝了冷水或吃了寒冷的食物,胃里的寒气也会沿着肺脉上升至肺,也会引起肺寒,这样就使内外寒邪互相结合,停留于肺脏,这是肺咳的情况。五脏在它们各自所主的时令受病,并不是肺在它所主的时令受病,而是各脏之病传给它的。人和自然界是相应和的,所以五脏在其所主的时令受了寒邪,人就会得病。如果是轻微的,就会发生咳嗽;严重的,寒气侵入体内就产生腹泻、腹痛等症状。一般情况是,在秋天的时候,肺先受寒;在春天的时候,肝先受寒;在夏天的时候,心先受寒;在长夏太阴所主的时令,脾先受邪;在冬天的时候,肾先受寒。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">肺咳的症状是,咳嗽时喘息而有声音,严重的会唾血。心咳的症状是,咳嗽时感到心痛,喉中好像有东西堵塞一样,严重的会导致咽喉肿痛闭塞。肝咳的症状是,咳嗽时两侧肋下疼痛,严重的会痛得不能行走,如果行走,两脚就会浮肿。脾咳的症状是,咳嗽时右胁下疼痛,并隐隐然牵引肩背疼痛,严重的会不能够活动,一动就会使咳嗽加剧。肾咳的症状是,咳嗽时腰背互相牵引作痛,严重的会咳吐痰涎。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">五脏咳嗽日久不愈,就会转移到六腑。如果脾咳日久不见好,胃就会受病;胃咳的症状是咳而呕吐,严重的时候甚至会呕出蛔虫。肝咳日久不见好,胆就会受病;胆咳的症状是咳嗽起来会呕吐出胆汁。肺咳日久不见好,大肠就会受病;大肠咳的症状是咳嗽的时候会大便失禁。心咳日久不见好,小肠就会受病;小肠咳的症状是咳嗽的时候会放屁,咳嗽与放屁往往会同时出现。肾咳日久不见好,膀胱就会受病;膀胱咳的症状是咳嗽的时候会小便失禁。以上各种咳嗽,如果经久不愈,就会使三焦受病;三焦咳的症状是,咳嗽的时候腹内胀满,不想饮食。这些咳嗽,无论是哪一脏腑的病变,其寒邪一定是在胃中聚合,而后沿着肺的经脉影响到肺,才能使人多吐稠痰而流鼻涕,面部浮肿,咳嗽气逆。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">青岛环语翻译公司</p><p class="ql-block">业务联系电话:15588617120</p><p class="ql-block">联系人:姜淑香</p><p class="ql-block">QQ邮箱:634363114@qq.com</p><p class="ql-block">微信:qq634363114</p> <p class="ql-block"> Expectoration</p><p class="ql-block">The five internal organs can all cause cough:</p><p class="ql-block">According to the record of Yellow Emperor’s internal Canon, cough is not always caused by lung, but it can also be associated with the diseases of the liver, heart, spleen, lung, and kidney. The lung is externally and internally related with the skin and hair, so the skin and hair sense the pathogenic factors, which will effect the lungs. If you drink cold water or eat cold food, the cold in the stomach will rise along the lung veins to the lungs, which will also cause lung cold, so that the mutual combination of both internal and external pathogenic colds, will stay in the lung, which is the case of lung cough. The five internal organs get ill in their respective season, but it doesn’t mean that the lung disease happens right in its season, but it can be affected by other internal organs, because man and nature are corresponding. If the five internal organs are affected by the pathogenic factors in their respective season, you will get ill; if the illness is mild, you get a cough; if it is serious, the pathogenic cold can invade the body and cause diarrhea, abdominal pain. In general, in autumn, the lung gets cold first; in spring, the liver first; in summer, the heart first; in long summer, the spleen first, the season which is dominated by the Taiyin;and in wither, the kidney first. </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">The symptoms of lung cough are whooping with sound when coughing, and in severe cases, spitting blood. The symptoms of heart cough are feeling heart pain when coughing, seemly having something blocked in the throat, and in severe cases,sore throat and occlusion. The symptoms of liver cough are a pain sensation under the armpits when coughing, and in serious cases, too painful to walk, if walk, feet will be swollen. The symptoms of spleen cough are feeling pain under the right rib when coughing, a slight pain of being dragged by the shoulder and back, and in serious situations, without moving, and move will make cough worst. The symptoms of kidney cough are feeling mutual dragging pain between the waist and back, and in serious situations, spitting salivation.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">The cough in the viscera linger for a long time, and it will be transformed from the fiver internal organs to six hollow organs. If spleen cough lingers, stomach will be ill, and the symptoms of stomach cough are coughing and vomiting when cough, and in serious situations, the worm may be vomited. If liver cough lingers, gallbladder will be ill, and the symptom of gallbladder cough is vomiting bile when cough. If lung cough lingers, large intestine will be ill, and the symptom of large intestine cough is bowel incontinence when cough. If heart cough lingers, small intestine will be ill, and the symptoms of small intestine cough are to fart when cough and both simultaneously. And, if kidney cough lingers, bladder cough will be ill, and the symptom of bladder cough is urinary incontinence when cough. Beside, the above different cough will be lingered, the triple energizer will be ill, and the symptoms of triple energizer cough are having an swelling abdomen and no intention to food when cough. In addition, these cough can lead to the pathological cold both external and external which will be certain to gather in the stomach, no matter what kinds of visceral pathological changes they are, and then they will affect the lung along the lung veins, so that it can make people spitting thick sputum,with a running nose, and a reversed flow of qi when cough. </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Qingdao Global Language Translation Company</p><p class="ql-block">Business Call:15588617120</p><p class="ql-block">Contact Person: Jiang Shuxiang</p><p class="ql-block">WeChat:qq634363114</p>