又逢岁末年初,同学们期待已久的第七届英语周拉开帷幕。此次英语周的关键词为“感恩”。诸翟学子以多样的形式,发现身边美好,表达心中感恩。心怀感恩,幸福学习,同创幸福生活。四个不同年级的孩子们用自己的方式精彩展示,共同收获。 学期接近尾声,我们又迎来了这学期的英语周。每到这个时 候,每个班级的窗前都别具色彩!本次的英语周主题是“感恩”。结合校本教材, 我们六年级组组织开展了以“Thanks giving”为主题的英语手抄报活动。每一 位同学都摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试!通过大家的努力,平淡无奇的窗户上拥有了别样 的风景!希望通过英语周的活动,不仅能让同学们提高学习英语的兴趣,更能让 大家对于“感恩”二字有更深的理解与体会!<br>—— 六年级通讯组 The annual English Festival in our school was held from December 20th to 24th. The task of Grade 7 was to design English hand-copied papers themed Thanksgiving. Most of the Grade 7 students took an active part in this activity. They designed the frames, drew the pictures and wrote the contents so carefully that their works were quite colourful and attractive. On Monday, their works that were filled with their enthusiasm and talent were exhibited on the classroom windows. With the decoration of these works, our classrooms looked more sparkling. Both teachers and students walked by and they couldn't help enjoying and discussing with each other. After the students' election, each class voted for the best pieces. The students, who designed the excellent English hand-copied papers, will be awarded.<br> Through this activity, more students showed their strong points which weren't displayed. This is helpful for them to cultivate their interest and confidence in studying English as well as designing and drawing. <br>This is the most important meaning of yearly English week.Let's look forward to the activities of next year's English week.<div>—— by Lin from Grade Seven</div> 同学们期盼已久的英语周活动又拉开帷幕啦!有了六七年级两年的经验积累,八年级的我们做起英文感恩卡来可谓是八仙过海各显神通。经过这两年疫情的洗礼,我们对和谐稳定的社会有了更深的认识,大家的感恩对象不只是身边朝夕相处的父母、老师和朋友,很多同学将心中的感激献给了在各行各业中努力工作的普通人。看,那张粉色的鲜花卡片是感恩在疫情中责无旁贷挺身而出的白衣天使们;看,那张五颜六色的气球卡片是感恩每天起早贪黑清洁街道的城市美容师们;看,那张特别的手拉手卡片是感恩为我们日常生活提供便利的快递员和外卖员们……课间,同学们在各个班级前的展示窗前驻足欣赏,感恩的心情溢于言表。此次英文感恩卡活动不仅提升了大家对英语学习的兴趣,而且让我们对现在的幸福生活有了更深的感悟。感恩常在,感恩每一天!<div>——八年级通讯组</div> The English Festival is coming to an end. In the past two weeks, students in Zhudi School have taken an active part in various interesting English activities. <div>As a Grade Nine student, I won a third prize in the reading competition. In my opinion, the result isn't the most important, the knowledge and the language skills I have learnt from it are precious. <div>Another activity- Creating a comic strip is my favourite. We were divided into 7 groups and each group was in charge of a certain unit in the textbook. Then we put the language we learnt together and create a comic strip. It was really a meaningful task. I not only helped us review the lessons, but also develop the spirit of teamwork. </div><div>During the festival, I also watched the posters from other grades. They really put their hearts into them. I even saw my favourite characters Phigros and Kamisato Ayaka. How amusing they were! Maybe the festival is also a good chance for students to find friends with similar hobbies.</div><div>All in all, the English Festival was such a wonderful event that everyone should have harvested a lot. Although the festival was over, our passion for English will last long. </div></div><div>—— by Lesley from Class 6 Grade 9</div><div><br></div> Last week, all the Grade Nine students took part in the School English Festival focused on gratitude.<br>I was in favour of creating a comic strip in English. We were divided into seven groups. Yaomin and I were responsible for the picture while the others had to create a plot with the language in a certain unit. All the group members did their work well and get themselves a possible way to further use English.<br>But do you know why we drew comic strips in an English festival? First of all, it’s fun for teenagers to read comic strips. More importantly, we could go over the target language in an interesting way. When we shared our works, we can not only get fun, but also review the class notes. <br>During this period, I visited the other six groups. They all spared no effort and did a good job, too. From this experience, I enjoyed myself very much and learned a lot. I hope our school can organize more and more meaningful activities in the future.<br><div>—— by Wei Xin & Hou Yuhao from Class 6 Grade 9<br></div>