

covid19伴随了我们2021年的年末,当疫情真实的发生在自己所在的城市,感受来的更加猛烈。<div>2019年,也给Eric讲过covid19,但他没有多大感触,而最近一段时间居家上网课,无法跟老师和同学们见面,每隔一天出门核酸一次,让他也真切体会到了这次疫情的现实。</div><div>搜集了一些资料,跟Eric一起来深入了解下这个让我们西安暂停的它。</div> 观看科普视频,了解什么是covid19. 一起画covid19相关的海报。 画完了就讲讲吧,权当锻炼。 Eric画了一幅有关covid的画,有守护我们的医生志愿者们,也有Eric自己想到的除菌通风系统,2021年最后一天我们只希望2022一切越来越好。西忘有你,安然无恙。 利用橡皮泥一起制作新冠病毒,记得刚才Eric讲解的时候说virus很丑,做出来似乎并不那么丑。 封城8天,全程网课,Eric也会想念他的好朋友。<div>------------------相关备课内容-----------------------</div> <b>1. What Is COVID-19?</b><div>COVID-19 is the name of a disease which is causing a lot of problems around the world. The virus has spread because infected people moved all over the world, not knowing they had it.<br></div><div>COVID-19 is a part of a group of viruses that all have the same shape. This group of viruses are a type of virus known as coronavirus. <br></div> The virus itself is incredibly small and can only be seen with a very powerful microscope. However, it can get into the human body and if this happens, it can make the person who has it feel unwell.<br><div><b>2. How Does the Virus Get into the Human Body?</b><br></div><div>When someone who has the virus coughs or sneezes, the virus can be forced out into the air and on to people and nearby surfaces.<br><br>The virus can live on human hands and enter the body if a person touches their face, puts their fingers in their mouth or eats something without washing their hands.<br></div> The virus can stay on different surfaces and can then be transferred to people when they touch those surfaces.<br><div><b>3. How Does the Virus Affect People?</b><br></div><div>Once the virus gets into the human body, it stays in the lungs. It may stay there for a few days or weeks without the person knowing they have it. However, it eventually makes people feel unwell. They might start with a cough and have a fever (high temperature).<br></div><div>The virus affects different people in different ways. Some people will get better on their own; others will need to go to hospital. Children do not appear to get very ill if they catch the virus but older people and those who are already ill can become very unwell.</div> <b>4. How Can We Stay Safe and Work Together to Beat COVID-19?</b><div>As people can have the virus in their body without feeling ill, it can be spread without people realising. Doctors, nurses and all hospital staff are working hard to look after the people who are feeling very unwell after catching the virus. It is important that not too many people become very unwell at the same time, so the people who need to go to hospital get a bed to sleep in and the treatment they need.<br></div> We need to all work together to stop it spreading and making people ill, especially older people and those who are already unwell with another condition.<br><div>The way to stop it spreading is by limiting the amount of people we are near. This is the reason why schools have closed, why many parents and carers are working from home at the moment and why we have all been asked to stay at home if possible.<br></div> <b>5. How Can We Help?</b><div><ul><li>The easiest way for the virus to get into the human body is on people's hands, so it is important to wash our hands often for at least 20 seconds. We can also remind people we live with to wash their hands too, especially before eating.</li><li>Coughing and sneezing can spread the virus on to our hands and to other people around us. When we cough and sneeze, we must cover our mouth with a tissue or our elbow. </li><li>If someone we live with becomes ill with a fever (high temperature) or a cough, we must all stay at home for 14 days (two weeks). We must not go too close to anyone who is ill (at least two metres away) and not share anything that touches our face, like forks or cups. <br></li></ul></div> <b>6. Games</b> Germs如何传播,强调洗手的重要性。 <div>一起用橡皮泥捏一个covid19感受下它丑恶的嘴脸吧。</div>最后,希望疫情早日控制住,西安加油!