<p class="ql-block"> 胡林瑜老师是不仅是虹桥镇一中的专业摄影师,而且还是中国摄影家协会的会员。他的摄影作品拍摄题材十分广泛,很多作品在摄影比赛中获奖。因为他是学校的老师,他的作品很多以校园文化为主题。学校的走廊上挂着许多他的作品,美丽动人的校园文化通过他的镜头得以展现,同时也留存着师生们难忘的校园记忆。我们初三的英语教材中Module 10 以摄影为主题,于是我们就邀请胡老师为我们做了题为《发现身边的美》的讲座。(2021年12月3日)这次讲座对于我们的同学们来说真的是一次难得的体验。胡老师提议大家努力去发现生活中的美,努力去尝试自己喜欢的事物、感兴趣的事。他也用自己的亲身经历告诉同学们自己的成功源于兴趣,源于对于这一兴趣爱好的不懈的追求。</p> <p class="ql-block"> 我们的同学们认真聆听讲座,惊叹小小摄影作品里的大千世界,体会摄影的艺术魅力。</p> <p class="ql-block"> 讲座结束时,我们的两位英语课代表为胡老师献上我们的感谢,一张手绘证书。🤗</p> <p class="ql-block"> 这次讲座让我们受益匪浅,最难得的是让我们学会了用那双爱美的眼睛去发现生活。</p> <p class="ql-block">胡老师摄于永嘉林坑。</p> <p class="ql-block"> 其实最让人高兴的还不是摄影,毕竟摄影讲座对于学生还可能只是一个启迪,或者是一个开始。而真正让人高兴的是学生们为照片做的英文说明。语言的能力是在运用中得以提高的。</p> <p class="ql-block">These photos were taken in fahua temple. People of all ages come here to visit the gods every day. It's quiet, peaceful and people love each other. The time here is very slow, things are also very slow, and the traffic outside can't get in. Here, you can listen to your inner voice, make a cup of tea, sit for a while and talk with other people. Everything is beautiful. (By 12班 朱祺祺)</p> <p class="ql-block">This is my favorite photo in landscape photography. It was taken in Qinghe park last year. This is a yellow golden chrysanthemum growing on a lonely path. It was near the tulips, but I noticed it from the grass .I think life should be like this little flower. Even if it is common , you should also turn your heart to the sun. I believe every life will be beautiful. (By 11班 林蓉)</p> <p class="ql-block">These photos were also taken in Qinghe park. The tulips there are so beautiful. I lost my mother because I kept taking pictures. These photos show different tulips. I really like them so much that I can't choose which one is the best (By 11班林蓉)</p> <p class="ql-block">These photos were taken this summer in an ancient town called Wuzhen. As a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, the houses are near the water on three sides, and the buildings are antique. At every moment, with the change of light, the beauty there is different. (By 11班 林蓉)</p> <p class="ql-block">The photo shows the clouds in the sky in the late afternoon. The sun shine on the clouds and shows the beautiful colours in the sky. (By 11班 瞿意)</p> <p class="ql-block">家炜、敬凯、昭皓的照片描述同样很用心,不错的一次尝试!</p> <p class="ql-block">虽然我们这次的作业收到作品不多,但是也足以令人高兴,至少我们有愿意去尝试去挑战困难的信心!期待同学们下一次的精彩!</p>