<p class="ql-block">人体的一些毛病很多都是吃出来的,病从口入,所以我们要吃出健康来👍一切方法都遵循贵在坚持✊植物蔬菜🥬一样有药用作用[调皮]长期服药💊虽然缓解你现有的症状,但最终会伤及肝肾和脾胃!</p><p class="ql-block">Some diseases of the human body are caused by eating. The disease comes from the mouth, so we have to eat healthily. 👍All methods follow the expensive and persistence ✊Plant vegetables 🥬 have medicinal effects [调皮]Long-term medication 💊 Although it relieves your existing Symptoms, but it will eventually damage the liver, kidney, spleen and stomach ⚠️</p>