

<p class="ql-block">二、病因</p><p class="ql-block">咳嗽与外邪的侵袭及脏腑功能失调有关。正如《医学三字经》所说:“肺为脏腑之华盖,呼之则虚,吸之则满,只受得本脏之正气,受不得外来之客气,客气干之则呛而咳矣;亦只受得脏腑之清气,受不得脏腑之病气,病气干之,亦呛而咳矣。”咳嗽的病因,一是外感六淫之邪;二是脏腑之病气,均可引起肺气不清失于宣肃,迫气上逆而作咳。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">1.外邪袭肺</p><p class="ql-block">外感六淫,从口鼻或皮毛而入,使肺气被束,肺失肃降,《河间六书•咳嗽论》谓:“寒、暑、燥、湿、风、火六气,皆令人咳嗽”即是此意。由于四时生气不同,因而人体所感受的致病外邪亦有区别。风为六淫之首,其他外邪多随风邪侵袭人体,所以外感咳嗽常以风为先导,或挟寒,或挟热,或挟燥,其中尤以风邪挟寒者居多。张景岳说:“六气皆令人咳,风寒为主。”</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">2.内邪干肺</p><p class="ql-block">脏腑功能失于调节,影响及肺。可分其他脏腑病变涉及于肺和肺脏自病两端。它脏及肺的咳嗽,可因情志刺激,肝失条达,气郁化火,气火循经上逆犯肺;或由饮食不当,嗜食烟酒、辛辣助火之品,熏灼肺胃,灼津生痰;过食肥甘厚味,致使脾失健运,痰浊内生,上干于肺,阻塞气道,均可使肺气上逆而作咳。因肺脏自病者,常由肺系多种疾病迁延不愈,肺脏虚弱,阴伤气耗,肺主气的功能失常,以致肃降无权,而上逆作咳。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">青岛环语翻译公司</p><p class="ql-block">业务联系电话:15588617120</p><p class="ql-block"> 联系人:姜淑香</p><p class="ql-block">QQ邮箱:634363114@qq.com</p><p class="ql-block">微信:qq634363114</p> <p class="ql-block"> Expectoration (2)</p><p class="ql-block">Pathogenic factors:</p><p class="ql-block">Cough is related to the invasion of exogenous pathogenic factors and the dysfunction of viscera. As the “ three-character medical verses” said that the lung is the canopy of the Zang-fu organs, exhaling is empty, inhaling is full, but it can only inhale the health qi from viscera, not the evil qi from exogenous pathogenic factors, if inhaling the unhealthy qi, it can be choked and cough. Furthermore, it can only inhale the clear qi from viscera, not the dirty disease’s qi, if inhaling, it can be choked and cough. There are two causes of cough, one is caused by six exogenous pathogenic factors, the other is caused by the diseased qi of the internal organs, but both of which can induce lung qi unclean and losing in dispersing and descending, forced the reverse ascending of lung-qi to cough. </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">1.exogenous evils invading into lung: six exogenous pathogenic factors, from the mouth and nose or skin into the lung, makes lung qi limited and losing its function of descending. It is the same meaning with “Hejian Six Books of Cough” said: “cold, heat, dryness, dampness, wind, fire, six of qi can all make people cough”. Because the pathogenic factors are mostly seasonal, that the human body feels the pathogenic exogenous evils is different. Pathogenic wind is the first of six factors, and other pathogenic factors come in the human body with it, so exogenous cough often take wind as the forerunner, mixing with cold, or heat, or dryness, especially with cold in the majority. Zhang Jing-yun, the famous doctor of ancient Chinese medicine, said: “Six of qi can cause coughing, with the pathogenic wind and cold in combination in predominance. ”</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">2.endogenous evils interfering with lung: for the loss of function of zang-fu organs in regulation, lungs is affected. But, the causes of lung disease can be divided into two kinds, one is the diseases of the lungs themselves and the other is other zang-fu organ lesions affect the lungs. First, cough caused by other zang-fu organ lesions can be due to emotional stimulation, liver failing to act freely, stagnated qi transforming into fire, and reverse ascending of qi and fire along the meridian into the lung, or due to be indulged in sweet and greasy food, resulting in spleen failing in transport, the phlegm and turbid qi produced internally, which dry in the lungs, block airway, causing the adverse rising of lung-qi to lead coughing. Next, cough caused by lung diseases is frequently caused by the a variety of lung diseases which are lingered and have not been cured, causing the weakness of the lung, the yin impairment and qi exhaustion, and the dysfunction of lung dominating qi, so that the dispersing and descending of lung qi has no power, causing lung qi upward reversal to cough. </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Qingdao Global language translation Company</p><p class="ql-block">Business Call: 15588617120</p><p class="ql-block">Contact person: Jiang Shuxiang</p><p class="ql-block">QQ E-mail: 634363114@qq.com</p><p class="ql-block">WeChat:qq634363114</p>









