<p class="ql-block"> 咽炎</p><p class="ql-block">咽干,中医认为是以脏腑阴虚为主因,阴虚火旺,虚火上扰,以致咽喉失养,治宜滋阴降火。是慢性咽炎的症状之一,常在用嗓过度、气候突变、环境温度及湿度变化时加重,其他症状如咽异物感、咽痒、干燥、疼痛、刺激性干咳等。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">说起这个咽喉,饮食和呼吸都与之相关。古人称之为咽喉要道,就可以看出它的地位高低了。同样,咽喉对一人体也是至关重要的。而咽喉出了问题,不仅仅是咽喉本身的毛病。它很有可能是全身阴阳失衡的一个表现。要对咽炎局部症状有一个辩证认识,在全身症状不明显时就显得更为重要。耳鼻咽喉疾病的辩症一般以整体辩征为主,全身都要看,结合局部症候的辩症为辅。咽炎的整体辩征一般以脏腑辩征为纲。局部辩症一般以气血痰火辩症为主。也就是说,咽喉不适的人,可能是其它脏腑出了问题。第一个症状:咽干----口干,喉咙干燥的感觉,其特点就是口干,虽然很口渴但是不想喝水,或者喝水不多,这个问题的病机多归于津液,慢性咽炎,咽喉干躁一般以阴虚征,郁热征较明显。这些都是阴虚,津亏,或者郁热伤津,咽喉失去润养之后导致的。而且经常有那种想喝水但是喝不多。咽喉部位是黏膜偏干,暗红,少津,就是说,你身体里的液体少了,口水少了,津液少了。现在身体处于一个干烧的情况。就像一个发动机没有润滑油一样。机器在干烧,发热,但是这样发热的火,你还不能直接去降火,灭火,因为这个火你也灭不掉。反而应该去滋补,大量去补充这个润滑油,不然机器总是干烧,你身体也总是在干烧。但是哪个器官烧还需要辩症对待。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">肺肾阴虚:这其中最不容易忽视的就是肺肾阴虚,这是中医病位辩症体系里的特有概念。中医认为口干涉及肺、肾、脾胃,肺不布津、肾阴不足等都会引起口干,而嗜吃辛辣燥热之品也会导致口干现象,这时光靠喝水是不够的,还需要养阴生津。西瓜汁、藕汁、梨汁、牛奶、酸梅汁等饮品可以起到生津止渴的作用。有些人,常常会感觉咽喉部位干痛燥痒。同时伴有干咳,痰中带有血丝等症状。还有的人,在出现这些症状的同时,伴有烦热,盗汗,尤其是到了下午身上烦热难耐,面色发红。这样的情况,就是典型的肺肾阴虚。中医里有个概念,叫做金水相生。肺金疏布津液的功能正常,肾阴才会得到补充。肾阴充足,上滋肺金,肺阴才不至于干涸。由此可以看出,肺阴和肾阴无论哪一个不足,都会引起肺肾阴津的不足。从而引发一身的阴虚状态。肺肾阴虚会怎样?足少阴肾经挟咽喉,所以,肾阴不足的时候,虚火循经上炎,这就是导致咽喉部位的干痒燥痛。喉为肺之门户,肺阴虚会加重咽喉部位的燥痛。肺失肃降就会干咳,肝阴不足,虚火炼液成痰。所以,咳痰量少而黏稠。肾阴虚,精亏不能上濡耳窍,所以,就会耳鸣。阴虚生内热,所以盗汗潮红五心烦热,所以说简单的一个咽喉不适,如同冰山一角。隐藏在下面的竟有着如此的麻烦事儿。遇到这类症候该怎么办?需要滋补肺肾之阴。滋补肺肾之阴的思路适合哪些人用?主要是以肺肾阴虚,虚火上火的人比较适合。总的来说,咽喉的干痒燥痛,很有可能是肺肾阴虚的表现。肾阴虚,咽干;肺阴虚,喉痛。这就是中医独特的思维方式。阴液不能上润咽喉的这种情况,我们可用:沙参、麦冬、六味地黄汤之类滋养阴液。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">肺阴虚:肾阴虚不能制火,而虚火上炎。我们可以用养阴清肺汤,知柏地黄汤/丸,这样来滋阴清热。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">气阴两虚:那可以用西洋参,太子参,五味子,玄参等益气养阴生津的思路。气虚,阳虚的人,就是清阳不升,津液上不去的,就是说,我们经常不怎么喜欢喝水的那种情况。包括肺脾气虚,津液上不来,而导致口干咽躁这种情况。我们就可以用补中益气汤之类补充肺脾之气。还可以加葛根鼓舞我们的津液上行。这样我们口干舌燥的问题就自已解决了。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">肺内郁热,内热生火:那就用清金利咽汤。酌加大黄,天花粉之类清热生津。</p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block">肾阳虚:肾为水火之宅,肾分阴阳,所以也是肾虚分为肾阴虚和肾阳虚的原因。肾阳虚的话,导致口干舌躁的,是下面的水不能蒸腾阴液上去,来滋润咽喉而致口干,举个简单的例子,下面的水寒,没有太阳的照射,水不会蒸上去,上面就没水,缺水,这种情况,以附桂八味丸来温补元阳,火力足水自升。或者直接用镇阴煎等等。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">膀胱气化不足:膀胱气化出现问题,津液不能输送,而导致的口咽干燥的这种情况。可用五苓散化气行水。咽干也可以自已解决。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">其实,凡是阴液不足或阳气亏虚所致口咽干燥,只要症状判断准确,那么咽干的症状就会有好转。如果你又是阴虚,又是郁热的症状,即可能是之前的药用得太过于寒凉,滋腻,反致气机滞碍,津不上承。应该用理气,升阳的药物。比如:陈皮、葛根,或黄芪。一般情况下,益气方中宜加黄芪。补阳方中宜加白芍。并各选玄参、麦门冬、五味等等药为辅。这样效果更好。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">如果慢性咽炎尚有属瘀血或血虚的情况的话,就是因为其瘀堵在络脉之中,有碍津液上升的道路,津液的布散有障碍或者这种瘀久了化成热,就有口干咽燥的情况了,即有瘀结点。搞清楚症状之后,再以桃红四物汤之类化瘀通络来治疗。这就是治疗咽干的这个症状的整体思路。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">青岛环语翻译公司</p><p class="ql-block">业务联系电话:15588617120</p><p class="ql-block"> 联系人:姜淑香</p><p class="ql-block">QQ邮箱:634363114@qq.com</p><p class="ql-block">微信:qq634363114</p> <p class="ql-block"> Pharyngitis</p><p class="ql-block">Dry pharynx which traditional Chinese medicine believes that the main cause is Yin deficiency of viscera, manifests Yin-deficiency and fire-hyperactivity, because the flaring-up of deficient fire induced throat dystrophy, and treatment should nourish Yin and reduce fire. It is one of the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis, which will be often aggravated when the voice is used excessively, the climate changes abruptly, and ambient temperature and humidity changes, and other symptoms such as pharyngeal foreign body sensation, pharyngeal itching, dryness, pain, irritant dry cough, etc. </p><p class="ql-block">Speaking of the throat, eating and breathing are both involved. Ancient called it a choke-point, its important status can be seen in this point, and it is also crucial for human body. If there is something wrong with the throat, it is not just a throat problem, but it is most likely a manifestation of the imbalance of Yin and Yang throughout the body. Therefore, to have a dialectical understanding of local symptoms of pharyngitis becomes more important especially when the systemic symptoms are not obvious. The diagnosis of otorhinolaryngologic diseases is generally based on the overall diagnosis, looking at the whole body as main combined the diagnosis of local symptoms as supplement. Similarly, the overall diagnosis of pharyngitis is generally based on diagnosis of viscera, and local differentiation is generally based on differentiation among qi, blood, phlegm and fire. In other words, the patient whose throat is discomfort may be caused by viscera problems. The first symptom includes throat dryness, thirsty, and throat dry sensation, characterized by a dry mouth that was thirsty but didn’t want to drink, or seldom drunk, or drunk very little, which are often attributed to body fluid problems. Chronic pharyngitis, throat dryness, is evident in symptom of Yin deficiency and symptom of body fluid impairment because of phlegm-heat, all of which is Yin deficiency, including body fluid deficit, or body fluid impairment due to phlegm-heat, throat losing of its nourishment. And the patient often feels thirsty but doesn’t drink much, and the mucosa of the throat appears dry, dark red and less fluid. That is to say, the body fluid and drool means less, your body is now in a dry burning situation, just like a engine without lubricating oil. With the machine burning dry and giving off heat, but such a hot fire cannot be put out directly because the hot fire can be even worst if you try to do so. Instead, it can be nourished, the body need to nourish and replenish such sorts of nutrients like lubricating oil in large quantities, otherwise the machine is always dry burning, your body is always dry burning either. But, which organ is burning still needs to be further debated.</p> <p class="ql-block">Yin-deficiency of lung and kidney: among these symptoms, the symptom of yin-deficiency of lung and kidney is one of the most difficult to ignore, which is a unique concept in the system of disease location identification in TCM. Dry pharynx which Chinese medicine believes it involves lung, kidney, spleen and stomach, is caused by Lung failing to distribute fluid and deficiency of kidney-yin, and also by favoring spicy hot food, as well as this time by drinking water that is not enough, also needing to nourish Yin and generate body fluid. Some beverages, such as, watermelon juice, lotus root juice, pear juice, milk, sour plum juice and other drinks, have a function of promoting fluid and quenching thirst. For the symptoms, some people often feel sore, dry and itching of throat region, accompanied by dry cough, sputum with blood and other symptoms at the same time. In addition to the above symptoms, some are frequently companied by vexed heat, night sweats, especially in the afternoon body vexed heat unbearable, and complexion flushed. These conditions are all a typical case of Yin deficiency of lung and kidney. In Traditional Chinese medicine, there is a concept called lung metal generating kidney water, meaning only when the function of lung metal dispersing body fluid is normal can kidney yin be replenished. In turn, sufficient of kidney yin can nourish lung metal so that lung yin will not dry up. Thus it can be seen that whether it is deficiency of kidney-yin or lung-yin will always lead to Yin deficiency of both lung and kidney, causing a situation of Yin deficiency. How can the deficiency of lung and kidney be? The syndrome of mixture of kidney meridian and throat manifests the flaring up of deficient fire along the meridian when the kidney yin is insufficient, which leads to the dry, itching, and pain throat. The throat is the gateway to the lung, and deficiency of lung yin will aggravate the dryness and pain of the throat. As a result, lung failing to purifying and descending will cause dry-cough; and insufficient of liver yin and deficiency fire making body fluid into phlegm, therefore, will cause phlegm is less and sticky; and deficiency of kidney yin and deficit of kidney essence failing to moisten the ear, thus, will cause tinnitus. Beside, yin deficiency giving birth to internal heat, so, will cause symptoms such as night sweats, flushing, five upset hot. Although it is a simple throat discomfort, it is like a tip of the iceberg. Underneath is such a trouble. But what should we do when we encounter such symptoms? It needs to nourish yin deficiency of lung and kidney, which kind of person suits to use the idea of tonifying lung and kidney? It is mainly suitable for the person, in general, who has a dry, itching, sore throat that is more likely to be the performance of yin deficiency of lung and kidney. And, yin deficiency of the kidney manifests dry pharynx; yin deficiency of the lung manifests sore throat. This is the unique way of thinking in TCM. In this situation when yin liquid cannot nourish the lung, it is suitable for nourishing yin liquid, by using hers such as Shashen, Maidong,or Liuwei Dihuang soup. </p><p class="ql-block">Deficiency of both qi and yin: that can use the idea of promoting qi and nourishing yin and producing saliva, take out American ginseng, radix pseudostellariae, Schisandra chinensis, radix scrophulariae. With the symptoms of deficiency of both qi and yin, it is mainly because of lucid yang failing to rise and body fluid failing to go up, in this case, we often don’t like drinking water very much. In fact, It is the qi deficiency of lung-spleen and body fluid in capable of rising up, that induced dry mouth and hot throat. It is advisable to use supplementing qi of lung-spleen with nourishing middle energizer and drinking benefiting qi soup, then adding Gegen to encourage body fluids to rise. Then our dry mouth problem will solve itself.</p> <p class="ql-block">Lung with phlegm-heat and fire generation by lung qi stagnation: it is advisable to use qingjinliyan soup, and, as appropriate, add such herbal drugs as rhubarb and trichosanthin, which can clear heat and produce saliva. </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Deficiency of kidney-rang: kidney, the house of fire and water, can be divided into Yin and Yang, so kidney deficiency is divided into kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency. The dry mouth and scorched tongue caused by deficiency of kidney yang is because the lower water cannot stream the yin fluid up to the upper so that the yin fluid cannot nourish the mouth, and the mouth became dry. Giving a simple example, the lower water is cold without the shining of the sun, it can’t be steamed up, so the upper place will be lack of water. In such case, use Fugui eight flavor pills to warm up Yuan-yang, and when the fire is enough, the water rises up automatically, or directly use Zhenyin fired and so on. </p><p class="ql-block">Bladder insufficiency: dryness of mouth and throat is due to problems with bladder gasification, causing the body fluid inability to be delivered. Wuling powder can be used to gasify and transport water, so dry throat can also be resolved automatically. </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">In fact, any yin deficiency or yang deficiency is caused by dry mouth and pharynx, as long as judgment of symptoms is accurate, then the symptoms of dry pharynx will be improved. If you are not only yin deficiency but also symptoms of phlegm-heat, it is probably to had used the drugs too cold and cool, too tonic, instead leading to qi stagnation and body fluid failing to rise. You should use the drugs which can regulate qi and raise yang, such as, Chenpi, Gegen, and Huangqi. In general, the formula for benefiting qi is advisable to add Huangqi; the formula for reinforcing Yang is advisable to add Baishao. Beside, each formula is supplemented by Xuanshen, Maimendong, five flavours and so on. It will have a better effect. </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">If chronic pharyngitis is still a blood stasis or blood deficiency, it is because the stasis is blocked in the veins, hindering the way of body fluid ascending, the distribution of body fluid has obstacles or this stasis is changed into heat for a long time, there is the situation of dry mouth and pharynx, that is, there are stasis nodes. After making clear the symptom, treatment should be dispersing blood stasis and dredging collateral with Taohong Siwu Decoction and so on. So that’s the whole idea of treating dry pharynx.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Qingdao Global language translation Company</p><p class="ql-block">Business Call: 15588617120</p><p class="ql-block">Contact person: Jiang Shuxiang</p><p class="ql-block">QQ E-mail: 634363114@qq.com</p><p class="ql-block">WeChat:qq634363114</p>