<h3> 2021年11月30日,我们举办了一场有意义的重要活动!We had an important event 一“The show of the excellent homework” on November 30th, 2021.活动中,我们为孩子们展示了各科的优秀作业!We showed much homwork and notes of all the subjects.</h3> <h3> 我们的张军伟校长和王伟校长也出席了此次作业展。他们都非常重视此次活动!Our headmasters, Zhang Junwei and Wang Wei, took part in this event. Both of them thought the event was important.</h3> <h3> 全体老师也加入其中。并且老师们也帮助学生们,指导学生们了解怎样从他人的作业和笔记中学到更多!All of the teachers aslo joined it. And they helped students know how to learn a lot from others' homework and notes.</h3> <h3> 当我们看着孩子们密密麻麻的笔记,我们可以想象学生们平时是多么认真!When we see these pictures of students, we can imagine how carefully our students are as usual.这样的孩子一定会成功的!Students like them must be successful!</h3> <h3> 我们相信我们学生通过这次活动,学习态度会得到改善!We believe that our students' attitude about learning can be improved according to this event.学生们的作业质量越高,相信他们也会学得越好!We also believe that the higher the quality of our students' homework is, the better they will study.</h3> <h3> 态度决定一切,细节决定成败!相信此次活动之后,孩子们一定能更棒!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>监制:张军伟</h3><h3>审核:马建成</h3><h3>编辑:郭远莹</h3><h3>摄影:郭远莹</h3><h3>部门:八年级部</h3>