

<p class="ql-block">Fregatte "Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferd" (1680)</p> <p class="ql-block">“弗里德里希·威廉”号(德国1680年)帆船</p><p class="ql-block">Fregatte "Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferd" (1680 Germany)</p><p class="ql-block">弗里德里希·威廉”号原船全长47米、宽10.375米,配备火炮54门。</p><p class="ql-block">The prototype of "Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferd" had a length of 47m and a width of 10.375m. It was equipped with 54 guns in all.</p> <p class="ql-block">“弗里德里希·威廉”号(德国1680年)帆船模型(比例1:500)</p><p class="ql-block">Fregatte "Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferd" (1680) Scale Model (1:500)</p> <p class="ql-block">模型全长(包括艏艉挑出的桅杆)94毫米,船体长度82毫米,不及一支香烟长;宽度20.75毫米,连续制作时间两年。</p><p class="ql-block">The model has a full length of 94mm including masts over the bow and the stern, even shorter than a cigarette; and a width of 20.75mm. It took a whole of two continuous years to build.</p> <p class="ql-block">该模型完全以原船图纸资料还原制作而成,包括制作所使用材料材质,均与原型船一致。</p><p class="ql-block">The model is reproduced in exact scale according to the drawings of the prototype, even the materials used are the same as the real ones on the prototype.</p> 艉封板雕像丰富而集中,均系木质。彩绘的左右全身雕像显示出其面部五官。在七个不同姿态的神像之间有六扇木窗户,窗棂系木质且呈棱形。<br>艉舵能转动,舵杆穿过其顶端,顶端的头像下颚处有连接二者的插销,非常细微。<br>帆索部分的三眼滑车、单眼滑车及其它不同功能的滑轮均能活动自如。<br> <div>The afterbow enclosure boasts an array of carved wooden statues, which are colour-painted with detailed facial features. Between the seven statues of gods in various postures, there are six wind-ows with lattices in prism layout.<br>The stern rudder is turnable, with a rudderstock running through its top; and there is a pin connecting the two at the lower jaw of the statue, which is superb and finely detailed.<br>The three-eyelet pulley, one-eyelet pulley and various sheaves are all functional. </div> <div>为了尽可能显示出船体设施及结构,船体的右弦以局部剖面进行制作,可清楚地显示出各层甲板、甲板加强横梁及甲板上的设施,如水泵、舱口、梯步和厨房,双拼肋骨也能一眼看出;</div> <div>For the purpose of revealing the structure and facilities of the ship to the full extent, it is made with the right starboard in partial section, where the decks, the reinforced cross beams to the decks, and the facilities on the decks such as water pumps, hatchways, stairs, galley as well as the double ribs can be seen at a glance.</div> <p class="ql-block">船体右舷局部剖面结构</p><p class="ql-block">Sectional structure of the hull on the starboard</p><p class="ql-block">艏楼甲板、四分之一甲板均显示出其下部的横粱、纵梁榫结构。因此,这几部分甲板只铺设三分之二。</p><p class="ql-block">The deck of the forecastle, the one-quarter deck and the deck of the aftercastle are all shown with crossbeams and longitudinal girders in rabbet joint. Therefore only two-thirds of the deck plating are laid in these areas.</p> <div>帆索部分均是仿照原型船完成多种绳结方式<br>The rigging is tied up and knotted in the same way as it was on the real ship</div> <p class="ql-block">原型船用于张紧桅杆的“绳梯”+“三眼滑轮”结构,模型也同样采用木质制作及绳梯的编结,滑轮组合结构全部能活动。</p><p class="ql-block">Rope-ladder+three-eyelet pulley combination, used to tension the masts on the prototype of the ship, is also applied on the model, which is made of wood and spliced into rope ladders, on which the pulley blocks are all functional.</p> <div>船艏部分,黑色部件为艏部完整的木质雄狮雕像<br>On the bow, the black component is a holistically wood-carved leaping male lion</div><div>前封板左右各一起锚架,端头设有能活动的两个定滑轮,其下有一雕刻神像。船艏为一跃起式雄师雕刻,木质。<br>Two windlasses, one on the left and another on the right, are set at the front bow enclosure, on the end faces of which fitted are two functional fixed pulleys, and below there is a carved statue of God. On the forecastle stands a carved statue of a leaping lion, which is made of wood.<br></div> 船体后部——镂空的夜航灯、各种雕像装饰<br>Hollowed-out navigation light and a variety of statues on the afterbow<br><div>所有两种炮门均能自由开闭,炮门呈弧形,关闭时与船体线形吻合。<br>All the gun ports in two types can be opened and closed easily, hinged with camber-surfaced shutters, which, when closed, come into close touch with the alphabet of lines of the hull.<br></div> 固定在船体两侧的三眼滑轮受力最大,因而体量也最大,往桅杆中部、上部的滑轮逐渐减小,模型上最小的木质滑轮直径仅0.35毫米,同样能够活动。<br>Bearing the most stress, the three-eyelet pulleys fastened on the sides are large in size; the pulleys reduce gradually in size on the middle and the upper masts until culminating at the top, in a smallest pulley of 0.35mm diameter, and yet, it's made of wood and functional. <p class="ql-block">前桅、主桅均以七根柱材拼合而成。</p><p class="ql-block">The foremast and the mainmast are made of seven-piece wooden pillars.</p> 前封板左右各一起锚架,端头设有能活动的两个定滑轮,其下有一雕刻神像。船艏为一跃起式雄师雕刻,木质。<br>Two windlasses, one on the left and another on the right, are set at the front bow enclosure, on the end faces of which fitted are two functional fixed pulleys, and below there is a carved statue of God. On the forecastle stands a carved statue of a leaping male lion, which is made of wood. <p class="ql-block">箭头所指:为了能清晰地看见主桅杆是由七根柱材拼合而成,特别选用色差明显的木片进行制作。</p><p class="ql-block">Where the arrow points: to make it possible to show that the main mast is pieced together with seven pillars, wood chips in sharp chromatic aberration are chosen to be used</p> <p class="ql-block">箭头所指:深色为甲板及其下部的横梁结构(浅黄色木条)</p><p class="ql-block">Where the arrow points: the dark component is the deck and the crossbeams below it are battens in light yellow colour </p> <p class="ql-block">船体舯部:上下重叠(上部为浅黄色,下部为深色)的两支木质小舢舨,均按照原型结构拼接制作完成,设有横坐板,艇体比瓜子壳还细小。</p><p class="ql-block">Waist of the hull: two wooden sampans, the upper one in light yellow whilst the lower one in dark colour, are placed in overlap, in one of which two benches are set laterally, and are put together as per the prototype. They are even smaller than the shell of a melon seed!</p> <p class="ql-block">该模型由国际级特级模型大师、中国成都的刘洪制作</p><p class="ql-block">This model was hand-made by Liu Hong, a world-class modeller in Chengdu, China</p> 模型制作者刘洪1998年8月在波兰格但斯克参加世界航海模型锦标赛<br>The modeller Liu Hong attending the World Marine Modelling Championship in Gdansk, Poland in August 1998 该模型于1998年8月以满分100分的成绩获得在波兰格但斯克举行的世界航海模型锦标赛世界冠军。<br>It was awarded the champion with full score at the World Marine Modelling Championship held in Gdansk, Poland in August 1998 航海模型世界杯——最高得分唯一流动奖杯,奖杯底座刻有历届世锦赛最高得分得主的姓名<br>The Jim King Memorial Trophy – the world cup for marine modelling championship; names of previous champions are inscribed in succession in the plinth <div>航海模型世界杯证书<br></div><div>Diploma of the World Cup for Marine Modelling Championship</div><div><br></div>该船模曾经连续获得瑞士、波兰、比利时三届世界航海模型锦标赛金牌<br>The model was successively awarded gold medals at the World Marine Modelling Championships in Switzerland, Poland, and Belgium respectively<br> Certificate honoring Liu Hong issued by the General Administration of Sports of China in 1999 <p class="ql-block">图片由模型师本人独家授权发布</p><p class="ql-block">Pictures by courtesy of the modeller</p><p class="ql-block">翻译:陈勇</p><p class="ql-block">English text by: Chen Yong</p><p class="ql-block">1998年5月</p><p class="ql-block">May 1998</p>