2a/02 小西妈双语工程2001期29号Haytone 20211123 Day176

Haytone BB

🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Learning center</b></font> 现在做learning center,主要就是引导她用5个手指的维度,用正确的完整的句子输出对图片的理解, 尽可能用上从句,可能因为坚持了半年的粉猪和牛津树的复述,对于主题课的复述都是自很自觉地问自己where/who/what,然后再补充描述,非常熟练地概括了,就是时态、单复数还没搞明白。 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Games</b></font> <p class="ql-block"><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">1. Game 1: Let's get moving and family fun</b></p><p class="ql-block"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">目的:熟悉儿歌, 要滚私烂熟状态</b></p><p class="ql-block">这一课的儿歌在没进入工程前就已经很熟悉了!</p> Ring around the roses. A pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes. We all fall down.<br>Jump around the roses. A pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes. We all fall down.<br>Tiptoe around the roses. A pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes.We all fall down.<br>Rock around the roses. A pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes. We all fall down.<br>They throw the posies in the air and then all fall down on the ground.<br> <p class="ql-block"><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">Game 2: Act it out </b></p><p class="ql-block"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">目的:掌握儿歌和引导故事的复述</b></p><p class="ql-block">Prepare some artificial flowers and flower-shaped lego pieces</p> We’re little mice. Squeak, squeak. “Here is a little mouse, peeking through a hole, peek to the left, peek to the right.” (1a U9)<br>Oh, look, It’s a bright, sunny day! Let’s go to the garden.<br>Oh, look, there are roses! Wow, roses. I love them. Put the flower-shaped lego pieces into your pocket. Let’s play Ring around the Roses!<br>“Ring around the roses, a pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down.”<br>Look, I can jump, jump, jump. Let’s jump around the roses.<br>“Ring/jump/tiptoe/rock/dance/fly/march/creep /hop around the roses, a pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down.”<br>Watch out! Bzzzzz…I’m a little bee. The little bee is coming. Run to your hole as fast as you can. I’ll sting you!<br>You know, bees like flying around flowers. You should check if there are any bees around flowers before you get close to them. <font color="#39b54a"><b>Game 3: Change action </b></font><div><font color="#ed2308"><b>目的:掌握儿歌和各种动作词替换</b></font><br>(Prepare some artificial flowers in advance.)<br><br></div> Look, I can shake/dance/giggle/hop/clap... Stand up, come here! Let's make a circle.<br>Wiggle/Clap/Hop/Dance/Jump/Hug/Fly/Run/Turn/Giggle around the roses.<br>A pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes. We all fall down. <font color="#39b54a"><b>Game 4: Handcraft -- How to make paper flower posies </b></font><div><font color="#ed2308"><b>目的:复习各种纸</b></font></div><div>因为BB喜欢剪剪贴贴,对各种纸真的都很熟练,去到上手工课时,刚好是要做一匹马,做完后也能介绍分别用了哪种纸来做。<br><br></div> Let's make some posies/petals花瓣.<br>There are many different types of paper. Construction paper卡纸, crinkled paper皱纹纸, foam paper海绵纸, corrugated paper瓦楞纸,newspaper, etc. They have different colors such as pink, yellow, indigo, brown, red, etc.<br>You can cut any shapes/figures you like with construction paper/newspaper......<br>There are many shavings纸屑.We have to clean the floor after playing. <p class="ql-block"><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">Game 6: All about Rose </b></p><p class="ql-block"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">目的:掌握玫瑰的种类、植物结构、花的细节</b></p> <p class="ql-block">为了拓展好这个植物科学,买了2次花,第一次自己去买,第二次带着bb一起去买,这次已经懂得了几种玫瑰的品种了,所以自己挑了Elsa roses, 买回来后基本上能把玫瑰的特征表述出来了!</p> <p class="ql-block">Look, I bought a bunch of roses from a florist. There are red rose, champagne roses and Elsa roses. Are they gorgeous? You can smell it, How does it smell? Fragrant.</p> <p class="ql-block">See, there are many sharp thorns on the stem. You can touch it with your fingertip. Be careful. Your finger hurts, right? So we must be careful when we hold a rose.</p><p class="ql-block">When we bought the roses from the florist, the florist used newspaper to cover these thorns/prickles, and then we won't get hurt.</p> <p class="ql-block">Review parts of plant:</p><p class="ql-block">bud: a partially opened flower/ flower/ leaves/ stem/ roots</p> <p class="ql-block">Can you help me to take of the petals, let’s see what can we find. </p><p class="ql-block">Inside, they have male and female parts which enable the plant to reproduce. Let’s take a closer look…</p><p class="ql-block">The pistil is big and stamen is small. Let’s count. There is only one pistil, but many stamens around the pistil.</p> posy: a small bunch of flowers<br>petal : a delicate coloured part of a flower. The head of a flower is usually made up of several petals around a central part. large, brightly coloured petals are used to attract insects<br>Sepal: found outside the petals, the sepal protects the flower when it’s unopened<br>Stamen: the male part of the plant<br>Anther: produces grains of pollen<br>Filament: supports the anther<br>Pistil: the female part of the plant, sometimes called the ‘carpel’<br>Stigma: collects pollen grains<br>Style: allows pollen to pass to the ovary<br>Ovary: produces seeds inside tiny ‘ovules’<br>Receptacle: attaches the flower to the stem of the plant<br>Pedicel: a stalk that supports a single flower<br> <p class="ql-block"><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">Fun facts for kids: </b></p><p class="ql-block">There are over 100 species of the rose. We usually call the sharp spikes on the</p><p class="ql-block">stem of a rose bush "thorns". But these are in fact prickles.</p><p class="ql-block">The flowers of most species of rose have five petals.</p><p class="ql-block">The name "Rose" is often used as a girl's name in English speaking countries.</p><p class="ql-block">For hundreds of years the rose has been widely recognized as a symbol of love, sympathy or sorrow. The rose is most commonly grown in the garden for its beautiful flowers. The rose can be used in perfumes. The nice scent of the rose comes from</p><p class="ql-block">perfume glands(腺体) on the petals. Sometimes rose petals are also dried and packed for commercial use as decoration or for scent..</p> <p class="ql-block"><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">Rose and love</b></p><p class="ql-block">这么美好的爱情故事,必须要跟bb说一下,时刻保持美好的愿望!</p><p class="ql-block">I am Venus. Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty.</p><p class="ql-block">You are Cupid, son of Venus. Cupid was the Roman god of desire – in one myth, he dropped nectar and the nectar bubbled up from the ground as roses.</p><p class="ql-block">Here are an arrow and a bow of love. I will give you a job. you should shoot a girl and a boy and then they will fall in love. The boy should use the roses to propose to the girl. Then they can get married.</p> <font color="#39b54a"><b>Game 7: Busy Bee’s flower friend </b></font><div><font color="#ed2308"><b>目的:</b></font></div><div><font color="#ed2308"><b>A.认识多种花和花的特性</b></font></div><div><font color="#ed2308"><b>B.复习蜜蜂的特性( 回到1A-1)</b></font></div> Carnation [ka:'nelf(a)n]康乃馨 Tulip [tju:lip]郁金香<br>Snowdrops雪花莲 Daffodil ['daefadl]水仙<br>Dahlia ['della]大丽花 Lilac ['lallak]丁香花<br>Iris鸢尾花 Poppy ['popi]罂粟花 <br>Crocus ['kraukas]番红花 Pansy ['penzi]三色紫罗兰<br> <font color="#39b54a"><b>Game 8: All about Venus flytrap & Plants that eat bugs</b></font><div><font color="#ed2308"><b>目的:认识食肉植物 </b></font></div> <p class="ql-block">利用海尼曼的The flytrap who wouldn't eat flies 和 plants that eat bugs这2本书和网上视频加深理解食肉植物, 先一起做手工,然后让bb进行表述。</p> 捕蝇草,英文名称为Venus Flytrap, 是原产于北美洲的一种多年生草本植物, 是一种非常有趣的食虫植物,它的茎很 短,在叶的顶端长有一个酷似“贝壳”的捕虫夹,且能分泌蜜汁,当有小虫闯入时,能以极快的速度将其夹住,并消化吸收。因为叶片边缘会有规则状的刺毛,那种感觉就像维纳斯的睫毛一般,意思是“维纳斯的捕蝇陷阱”。中文及日文对捕蝇草还<br>有“苍蝇的地狱” 这个别名。其主要特征就是能够很迅速的关闭叶片捕食昆虫,这是种和其远亲猪笼草一样的食肉植物,在茅膏菜科捕蝇草属中仅此一种,属于维管植物的一种。盆栽可适用于向阳窗台和阳台观赏,也可专做栽植槽培养;捕蝇草被誉为自然界的肉食植物。捕蝇草独特的捕虫本领与酷酷的外型,使它成为了最受国内宠爱的食虫植物。<br><br>The Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant. The Venus flytrap is one of a very small group of plants that can snap shut very quickly. When an insect or spider crawls along the leaves and touches a hair, the trap closes only if a different hair is touched within twenty seconds of the first touch. With small leaves. Its clam-shaped leaves look rather like flowers, and so they attract insects. When they are open, they are red and smell sweet. They have stiff hairs on each edge.<br>Inside the leaves, there are very sensitive, tiny hairs which cause the leaves to snap shut when they are touched. Two hairs must be touched to make the leaves close.<br> Venus flytrap crafts and learning activities:<br>What you will need:<br>Two Regular-sized Paper Plates<br>Green and Pink Acrylic Paint<br>White Card Stock<br>Large Craft Wiggle Eyes<br> How to Make the Venus Flytrap Puppet:<br>1. Fold one paper plate in half so that the top of the plate is on the outside. This<br>will be the inside mouth of the Venus Flytrap. Paint the inside green around the edge and pink in the middle.<br>2. Cut another paper plate in half, and cut a curve from the side of one of the halves as shown in the diagram to the right. This will be the bottom outside of the Venus Flytrap. Paint the bottoms of the paper plate halves green.<br>3. Cut a strip of card. Cut wedge shapes (teeth) from the strip as shown in the picture below.<br>4. Glue eyes to the top of the puppet<br>5. Use your puppet to teach about Venus Flytraps.<br> 猪笼草属于热带食虫植物,原产地主 要为旧大陆热带地区。其拥有一个独特的吸取营养的器官-捕虫笼,捕虫笼呈圆形,下半部稍膨大,笼口上具有盖子,因其形状像猪笼而得名。 <font color="#39b54a"><b>Game 9: How to plant a flower </b></font><div><font color="#ed2308"><b>目的:复习如何种植物 (配合上科一的how a seed grows)</b></font></div> 这一年陪BB一起种植了好多植物了,虽然大多数都是死了,但对于如何种植,她已经非常熟悉了,等明年春天再来真正种植吧,现在就扮演一下先吧。 <b style=""><font color="#39b54a">Game 10: Process of Photosynthesis </font></b><div><font color="#ed2308"><b>目的:了解光合作用</b></font></div><div>(这个点妈妈先备起来,配合上秋天的FT一起来慢慢渗透)</div> The plant draws up water, plant food/compost肥料 and minerals矿物质 through its roots.<br>The leaves trap energy from sunlight.<br>The leaves take in Carbon Dioxide/CO2二氧化碳 from the air.<br>The plant uses the energy of sunlight to turn water and Carbon Dioxide二氧化碳 into glucose葡萄糖/sugars and oxygen. We humans need oxygen to breathe and glucose to eat. The plant uses the sugars for growth. The plant can clean our air.<br> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>小结</b></font> <font color="#ed2308"><b>A. 熟悉儿歌,要滚私烂熟状态<br>B. 复习各种纸、复习各种线条,各种物料 (已复习巩固)<br>C. 掌握玫瑰的种类、复习植物结构、了解花的细节,复习种植物的过程 (全部能掌握9成)<br>D. 拓展花的种类(平时能说出10来种), 了解光合作用 (秋天FT渗透)<br>E. 掌握肉食植物的特性 (已掌握)(捕蝇草&猪笼草)</b></font><br> 秋天来了,虽然广东的树不黄,但天气还是很不错的,每周至少保持一次爬山活动,来锻炼BB的耐力,这个树木园从第一次攀爬花了5个小时,到后来3个小时,到现在1个小时20分钟,身体真的越来越灵活越来越棒棒地,看到漂亮的花花还不忘给她妈科普了一下植物和花的特性!! The end, thank you for reading.









