

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。<br>Katie had always felt like she never connected with anyone. There was no one she considered a friend. So, when her parents decided to move, she was okay with it. She didn’t feel sad because she wasn’t leaving anyone behind .<br> She was eight when they moved to a new town. It wasn’t that different from where they had lived before. There were a lot of trees and kids running around outside, riding bikes, and playing. <br> One day her mother caught her staring out the at some kids playing. Her mom told her to go out and play with those kids. So Katie went out. She could see that they were all having fun and she wanted to join in but she was afraid. She tried to muster up the courage to ask them if she could join them but she just couldn’t do it.<br> She decided to go for a walk instead. She liked how peaceful the town was. The people seemed nice and polite. Her stroll finally led her to the town's lake. She felt the rush of cold air hitting her face. The beauty of the lake was something to behold. She sat there admiring it and decided that this would be her place. She would come here every day and maybe one day, she would bring her friends here.<div><br><br></div><div><br></div> After school, she always stopped by the lake before going home. She swore she could stay there for hours, maybe even live there. If she ever got hungry, she always had food ready in her bag.<br>One day when she was writing a poem about the lake, she heard her stomach growl. She put down her notebook and her pen and got her sandwich out. She was about to take a bite when she heard a noise. This alarmed her. She hadn't heard or seen anything strange before. she looked around and suddenly she noticed that there was something black moving toward the bank. 一、文章理解<br>1. 文本人物:<br>Katie:不擅交际,没有朋友,内心渴望友谊。<br>A black dog: 后来成为Katie 的好朋友。<br>2.情节<br>1)Katie didn’t feel sad because there was no one she considered friend.<br>2)Although she wanted to join in and she mustered up the courage to ask, she gave up at last.<br>3)She decided to go for a walk . She came across a beautiful lake and she decided to come there every day.<br>4)She always stopped by the lake. When she was about to have her meal, she heard a strange noise that she had never heard before. 3.文本大意<br>主人公Katie不善与人交往,没有朋友,因此搬家对她没有什么影响。搬来了新的环境,妈妈看着她盯着窗外,让她去和小朋友们玩耍。虽然Katie鼓足了勇气,但是最终因为害羞而拒接加入他们。于是她决定独自去散步。无意间来到了湖边,并且被美丽的景色吸引。Katie 希望每天都能来这里欣赏美景,甚至有一天可以带着自己的朋友一起来。偶然一天正当她放下手上的笔,准备吃汉堡时,突然听到了奇怪的声音。Katie四处张望,发现有黑色物体向岸边游来。<br>4.通过开头语确定文章类型<br>续写第一段开头语:“ A swimming black dog!”Katie cried in surprise. 第一段开头就提到上面文本中的不明身份物体:是一条狗。因此第一段落应该描写这条狗如何游到了岸边,和主人公有了正面接触。对狗的动作声音都可以加以描写。<br>第二段开头语:Every day, Katie brought five extra sandwiches for her friend.逆向思维法,有此句可以看出第一段落结尾处Katie 和这条狗已经成为了好朋友。本段应该继续描写他们之间的友谊。可以发挥想象,结合上文邀请Katie 的同学们加入,体现人与自然,人与社会和谐共生。<br>续写情节大致走向 二、正向结局<br>学生设计的结局应该是正向结局,即原有的问题得以解决,不好的事情向好发展,良好人际关系最终建立。积极传播正能量,促进和谐社会的创建。在写作时,一定抓住文中线索,把握故事发展方向。<br>三、注意衔接<br>注意一段开头语和所给文本的衔接;注意续写段落各个细节的衔接、完整性;注意续写一段内容和二段开头语的衔接;最后注意续写二段和所给文本一段是否可以来个首尾呼应。本次续写,时间先后顺序明晰,可以用when,then,besides,at the sight of, on doing等将故事情节串联在一起。<br>四、注意语言<br>注意语言的连贯性,用英语思维写文章;避免句型单一,通篇使用简单句或定语从句多次使用等;应该有意识的多使用不同的句型结构和语法结构,如with介宾短语符合结构, while doing, 形容词作状语,非谓语动词作结果状语,感叹句等。平时积累的素材尽可能想的到、用的上,做到恰到好处。 阅卷分析:<br>一.高分作文<br>1、读懂所给内容,能够理清所给内容的情节重点和情感重点分别。主人公Katie 不善与人交际,缺乏自信,没有朋友,内心感到孤独,渴望友谊。<br>2. 能够根据所读文本内容展开合理想象。<br>3.段1和段2之间衔接合理自然。段1应该描写Katie如何认识了这条狗,并且如何培养了她和狗之间的友谊。段2 中提到的朋友,即段1中的这条狗,能够使两段内容合理衔接,并且能够进一步展开故事情节。<br>4、所写内容符合逻辑,水到渠成。<br>5、能够做到字数合适,两个段落比例合适,书写工整,给人一种美感。语言表达正确。<br>6、所写内容与原文的融洽度高,很好的运用高级词汇、句式来表达自己。 二.亮点展示:<br>1.After the girl left, Katie stepped towards the bank and found a small black dog, which had a a pair of round eyes.<br>2.What surprised her a lot was that there was a black dog in the lake.<br>3.She was about to go to the lake when she saw a girl was standing there.<br>4.Upon seeing the swimming black dog, Katie felt greatly surprised.<br>5.Without thinking twice, she ran to those kids and asked for help.<br>6.When the black dog landed safely, Katie was too frightened to move.<br>7.“What if the dog catches me ?” she thought.<br>8.It was obvious that the girl was disabled.<br>9.It was the first time that she had understood what real friendship was.<br>10.A lump came to her throat with her heart beating faster and faster. 三.存在问题:<br>1 对文本理解不到位。没能够看到Katie是不擅交际,没有朋友这个层面。在第一段落中便出现了找朋友来帮忙这样的场面。<br>2.故事情节发展突兀。在没有任何铺垫和细节描写的情况下,Katie 就急匆匆地和狗成为了好朋友。<br>3.不重视段落的衔接。在第一段结尾处Katie就交到了五个朋友,那么就没办法和第二段开头衔接起来。<br>4.书写不认真,字迹潦草,随便勾画的现象很普遍。<br>5.不会正确使用所学词语,不分词性,随意搭配;没有时态 语态的概念;有使用复杂句的意识,但是往往会犯错;文中缺少优美的语言和细节性描写的词语。<br>四.错例剖析:<br>1. She very like the dog.<br>2.It have a pair of eyes<br>3.Katie don’t surprise it , she look it.<br>4.Although they don’t have things, but they always tried their best to give their friends the best friendship<br>5.There was a dog dropped into the lake. And there was a girl stand by the lake.<br>6.She ran quickly to the dog’s direction and she was staring it.<br>7.Because her friend and the black dog, she be confident and outgoing at school.<br>8.Although Katie is couldn’t play football, they are playing well too. 三、教学建议<br>1、进一步训练书写,提高卷面。<br>2、注重语法训练,在平时的练习中,从简单句开始,让学生学会分析句子成分,并且学会自己写出简单的句子。可以将习题中的长难句重点标注,让学生分析句子,模仿句子。<br>3、夯实词汇,重视词块教学。高一从基础抓起,不仅要增加词汇的量,而且要学会该词的固定搭配,词性,重要单词要延伸到句。学会一些高级表达方式,润色自己的文章。<br>4、训练限时阅读。锻炼学生在认真阅读原文的前提下,迅速提取有效信息的能力。<br>5、加大课外阅读,提高学生阅读速度和质量。锻炼学生的情节梳理能力,平常的练习中要求学生一定要注意段落之间的衔接,续写的内容句子之间也要注意衔接,可以借助过渡词、连接词等语言手段建立逻辑关系,提高语篇的连贯性和逻辑性。<br>6、培养学生在阅读中注意原文的语言风格,以便能够提高续写内容与原文的语言融合度。<br><br>









