一:乱判葫芦案 上(红楼梦中文印尼文英文三语连环图)


<b>SERI CERITA HONG LOU MENG: BAHASA CINA, INDONESIA & INGGERIS</b> <b>KEPUTUSAN YANG BERAT SEBELAH</b><div><b><font color="#167efb">THE BIASED VERDICT</font></b></div><div><b><font color="#167efb"><br></font></b></div> <b>EPISODE 1 KEPUTUSAN YANG BERAT SEBELAH</b><div><b><font color="#167efb">EPISODE 1 THE BIASED VERDICT</font></b></div><div><b><font color="#167efb"><br></font></b></div> <div><b>RUMUSAN</b></div><b> Chia Yu-tsun tinggal di Kuil Labu, nenabung biaya perjalanan ke ibu kota untuk menduduki ujian negara. Setelah menjadi hakim Ia dipecat kerana tidak adil and korupsi. Atas bantuan Chia Cheng, Chia Yu-tsun balik ke pejabat dan naik pangkat menjadi hakim di kota Chin-ling. Kes pertama dibawahnya adalah pembunuhan Feng-yuan oleh Hsueh Pan kerana merebut gadis Ying-lien. Hsueh Pan merupakan anak saudara Chia Cheng, oleh itu Chia Yu-tsun melindungi Hsueh Pan dan menjatuhkan hukuman yang tidak adil.</b><div><b><br></b></div><div><b><font color="#167efb">SUMMARY</font></b></div><div><b><font color="#167efb">Chia Yu-tsun stayed at the Gourd Temple, while earning travelling expenses to the Capital to sit for Imperial Exam. He passed examination and became a magistrate. Later he was dismissed because of corruption but reinstated with help from Chia Cheng. The first case Yu-tsun handled in Chin-ling was the murder case of Feng-yuen by Hsueh Pan, both paid the kidnapper for a girl named Ying-lien. Husueh-pan was Chia Cheng's nephew hence Yu-tsun gave a biased verdict towards him.</font></b></div><div><br></div> <div align="left">Kanan: Chen Shih-yuan, penduduk Su-chow <br></div><div align="left">Tengah: Nyonya Feng, istri Chen Shih-yuan</div><div align="left">Kiri: Ying-lien, anak Chen Shih-yuan<br></div> <font color="#167efb">Right: Chen Shih-yuan, a gentleman in Su-chow</font><div><font color="#167efb">Middle: Madam Feng, Chen Shih-yuan's wife</font></div><div><font color="#167efb">Left: Ying-lien, Chen Shih-yuan's daughter</font></div><div><font color="#167efb"><br></font></div> Kanan: Chia Yu-tsun, hakim Kota Chin-ling<div>Tengah: Chang Ju-kui, rakan sekerja Chia Yu-tsun</div><div>Kiri: Chia Cheng, Ketua Kedua Keluarga Chia<br></div> <font color="#167efb">Right: Chia Yu-tsun, magistrate of Chin-ling<br>Middle: Chang Ju-kui,Chia Yu-tsun's colleague<br></font><div><font color="#167efb">Left: Chia Cheng, Second Master of the Chia's Family</font></div><div><font color="#167efb"><br></font></div> Kanan: Feng yuan, penduduk Chin-ling<div>Tengah: Hsueh Pan, anak saudara Chia Cheng<br></div><div>Kiri: Kao Ee, pembantu Feng yuan</div> <font color="#167efb">Right: Feng-yuan, a young nobleman in Chin-ling<br>Middle: Hsueh Pan, Chia Cheng's nephew<br></font><div><font color="#167efb">Left: Kao Ee, Feng-yuan's servant</font></div><div><font color="#167efb"><br></font></div> Kanan: Hui-chi, pembantu rumah Chen Shih-yuan<div>Tengah: Wang Sen, biarawan kecil Kuil Labu, kemudian menjadi prmbantu di pejabat hakim</div><div>Kiri: Penculik, yang menculik Ying-lien</div> <font color="#167efb">Right: Hui-chi, Chen Shih-yuan's servant<br>Middle: Wang Sen, a little monk of the Gourd Temple then became an attendant in Chin-ling magistrate office<br></font><div><font color="#167efb">Left: The Kidnapper, who kidnapped Ying-lien</font></div><div><font color="#167efb"><br></font></div> 1) Di Gang Jen-ching pada Jalan Ten-li di luar kota Su-chow terdapat sebuah kuil tua. Karena dasarnya sempit dan bentuknya seperti labu, kuil itu disebut Kuil Labu.<div>  <br><font color="#167efb">(1) There was an old temple at Jen-ching Alley off the Ten-li Street outside Su-chow town. The base of the temple being narrow and shaped like a gourd, it was called the Gourd Temple. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 2) Di dekat Kuil Labu tinggal seorang laki-laki dari keluarga Chen yang bernama Shih-yuan. Istrinya berasal dari keluarga Feng. Meskipun tidak termasuk orang kaya raya, mereka dapat makan dan berpakaian dengan baik dan hidup berbahagia. <div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb"> (2) A gentleman lived near the Gourd Temple. His surname was Chen and his name was Shih-Yuan. His wife's maiden surname was Feng. Although they were not very rich, they were well-fed and well-clad and led a happy life.</font></div><div> <br></div> 3) Chen Shih-yuan dan istrinya berusia 50 tahun lebih. Mereka mempunyai putri tunggal berumur 5 tahun yang diberi nama Ying-lien.<div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb"> (3) Chen Shih-Yuan and his wife were over 50 years old. They had only one 5-year-old daughter, named Ying-lien. <br></font></div><div><br></div><div><br></div> 4) Ying-lien berwajah cantik, dengan tahi lalat merah di antara alis matanya. Selain cantik, anak itu patuh serta cerdas sehingga orang tuanya memanjakannya. Mereka selalu menggendongnya dan menemaninya bermain-main. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(4) Ying-lien looked pretty, with a red birth mark between her eyebrows, and was obedient and intelligent. Thus, her parents pampered her. They held her in arms or played with her all the time.</font></div><div> <br></div> 5) Pada suatu hari, ketika Chen Shih-yuan sedang minum anggur dan menggubah syair datanglah seorang temannya, Chia Yu-tsun, yang tinggal di Kuil Labu di sebelah rumahnya. Shih-yuan mempersilakan duduk. Mereka berbicara tentang syair-syair mereka, dan merasa sangat cocok satu sama lain. <div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(5) One day. Chen Shih-Yuan was drinking wine and writing poems when a friend of his, Chia Yu-tsun, who stayed in the Gourd Temple next door, came over. Shih-Yuan invited him to sit down. They talked about their poems, and were very agreeable to each other. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 6) Chia Yu-tsun sedang dalam perjalanannya ke ibu kota untuk menempuh ujian negara. Ia singgah di Su-Chow dan tinggal di kuil itu. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya ia meajual syair-syair dan kaligrafinya. Sebagai tetangga, ia berusaha berteman dengan Shih-yuan.<div>  <br><div><font color="#167efb">(6) Chia Yu-tsun was on his way to the Capital to sit for the Imperial examinations. He stopped over in Su-Chow and stayed at the temple. He made his living by selling his work of poems and calligraphy. Being Shih <br>Yuan's neighbour, he made friends with him, <br></font></div><div><br></div></div> 7) Mereka minum anggur dan berbicara tentang syair. Chia Yu-tsun yang agak mabuk menjadi murung dan terdorong untuk mengeluarkap isi hatinya. Ia merasa sedih bila ingat akan kegagalannya memperoleh kepuasan dengan berkeliling ke kota-kota lain. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(7) They were drinking wine and discussing poems. Chia Yu-tsun, a bit drunk, became moody and felt like pouring out his heart. He felt sad when he thought of his failure in achieving glory and wandering in other towns. </font><br><br></div> 8) Chen Shih-yuan menghiburnya dan berkata, "Saya yakin bahwa dengan kecerdasan dan pengetahuanmu, tentu engkau akan berhasil dalam ujian yang akan datang."<div><font color="#167efb"><br></font></div><div><font color="#167efb"> (8) Chen Shih-Yuan consoled him and said "I'm sure that with your intelligence and knowledge you will undoubtedly succeed in the forthcoming examinations." <br></font></div><div><br></div><div><br></div> 9) Sesudah minum semangkuk anggur, Yu-tsun mengeluh, "Saya tidak biasa membual sesudah minum. Sesungguhnya, saya sangat yakin akan ujian itu. Tetapi sekarang saya tidak mempunyai biaya perjalanan dan ..." <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(9) After drinking a cup of wine, Yu-tsun sighed, "I'm not boasting after drinking. Actually, I'm quite confident about the examinations. But I don't have the travelling expenses now and ..." <br></font></div><div><br></div> 10) Mendengar itu, Shih-yuan langsung menjawab, "Kalau itu masalahnya, mengapa tidak sejak awal memberi tahu saya? Saya dapat membantumu. Marilah kita bersenang-senang hari ini." Mereka lalu minum-minum lagi sampai tengah malam. <div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(10) To this Shih-Yuan replied at once, "If it is the case, why didn't you tell me earlier? I know I can do something about it. Let's enjoy ourselves today." They carried on drinking and cracking jokes until midnight. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 11) Pagi-pagi keesokan harinya, sebelum Chia Yu-tsun bangun, Chen Shih yuan mengunjungi Kuil Labu. Ia memberi Yu-tsun lima puluh tacl perak untuk biaya perjalanannya. Ia juga memberinya dua pasang pakaian musim dingin. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(11) Early next morning, before Chia Yu-tsun got up, Chen Shih-Yuan called at the Gourd Temple. He presented Yu-tsun with fifty taels of silver for his travelling expenses. He also gave him two suits of clothing for the winter. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 12) Sesudah menerima perak dan pakaian itu, Yu-tsun tidak kelihatan gembira, dan hanya mengatakan "terima kasih". Shih-yuan mengucapkan selamat jalan kepadanya, disertai ucapan "Engkau tentu akan lulus" lalu meninggalkannya. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(12) After receiving the silver and clothes, he did not seem to be appreciative, but only said thank you to his friend, Shin-Yuan gave him his best wishes, saying "You're sure to pass" and left him. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 13) Keesokan harinya, Chen Shih-yuan membuat beberapa surat rekomendasi untuk Yu-tsun dan menyuruh pembantunya, Hui-chi, pergi ke Kuil Labu dan mengundang Yu-tsun ke rumahnya. Tanpa diduga, seorang biarawan kecil berkata, "Tuan Chia sudah berangkat ke ibu kota pagi pagi sekali." <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(13) On the following day, Chen Shih-Yuan wrote a few recommendation letters for Yu-tsun and sent his servant Hui-chi to the Gourd Temple to invite Yu-tsun to come over to his house. Unexpectedly a little monk said, "Master Chia already left for the Capital early in the morning." <br></font></div><div><br></div> 14) Semenjak Chia Yu-tsup berangkat ke ibu kota, Chen Shih-yuan merasa kesepian dan agak jemu. Untunglah, gadis kecilnya, Ying-lien, cerdas dan menyenangkan. Shih-yuan selalu bersenda gurau dengannya. Dengan demikian ia tidak terlalu kesepian. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb"> (14) Since Chia Yu-tsun had left for the Capital, Chen Shih-Yuan missed him, and was rather bored. Fortunately, his little daughter Ying-lien was | intelligent and lovely. Shih-Yuan always teased her for fun, Thus, he did not feel so lonely. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 15) Pada malam hari ke-15 Tahun Baru Cina, semua rumah sepanjang Jalan Ten-li dihiasi dengan semarak. Suasana pada malam itu betul-betul ramai. Shih-yuan menyuruh pembantunya, Hui-chi, membawa Ying-lien melihat arak-arakan lampion. Ia berpesan agar mereka tidak pulang terlalu malam. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(15) On the fifteenth night of the Chinese New Year all houses along the Ten-li Street were lit up and decorated for the occasion. It was really bustling. Shih-Yuan told his servant Hui-chi to carry Ying-lien to watch the lantern procession. He told them to return early. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 16) Dengan menggendong Ying-lien, Hui-chi berdesak-desakan menerobos kerumunan orang. Karena terbawa suasana, ia lupa akan pesan majikannya. Karena kelelahan, Hui-chi memutuskan untuk beristirahat dan meninggalkan Ying-lier di pintu hebu nistab <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(16) Hui-chi with Ying-lien in his arms, jostled his way in and out of the crowd, Enraptured by the scenes, he lingered up to late night. Hui-chi left Ying-lien at the door way when he went to ease himself. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 17) Ketika ia kembali, dilihatnya Ying-lien sudah tidak ada lagi di tempat. Ia menjadi gelisah dan berusaha mencarinya. Namun, meskipun sudah dicari kesana kemari, Ying-lien tetap tidak dapat ditemukannya. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(17) When he came back, Ying-lien had disappeared. He became anxious and searched until midnight but Ying-lien was nowhere to be found, <br></font></div><div><br></div> 18) Hui-chi sadar bahwa ia menghadapi kesulitan dan merasa bersalah. Ia tidak berani bertemu dengan majikannya. Tiba-tiba timbul pikiran untuk melarikan diri. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(18) Hui-chi knew that he had run into trouble and felt guilty. He dared not see his master. On the spur of the moment, he decided to go somewhere else. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 19) Shih-yuan dan istrinya menjadi gelisah ketika pada malam hari anak perempuannya dan Hui-chi belum juga kembali. Mereka menyuruh beberapa orang mencari mereka ke semua jurusan. Meskipun sudah dicari dengan susah payah selama beberapa hari, mereka belum juga ditemukan. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(19) Shih-Yuan and his wife became anxious when their daughter and Hui-chi had not returned over the night. They sent several people to search in all directions. After a few days of desperate search, there was still no news of their whereabouts. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 20) Anak perempuan itu merupakan anak satu-satunya dari pasangan tua itu. Mereka merasa sedih dan selalu menangis bila teringat akan putrinya yang hilang. Dalam waktu kurang dari satu bulan, Shih-yuan jatuh sakit karena sedih; demikian pula istrinya, Nyonya Feng. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(20) The old couple in their fifties just had this daughter. They felt sad and sobbed day and night when they thought of her disappearance. In less than one month, Shih-Yuan had fallen sick from sadness; his wife Madam Feng also fell sick later. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 21) Sesudah beberapa waktu, Shih-yuan dan Nyonya Feng berangsur-angsur sembuh. Tanpa diduga, pada hari ke-15 bulan Kamariah ketiga, tiba-tiba terjadi kebakaran besar. Kebakaran itu disebabkan oleh kelalaian para biarawan di Kuil Labu tempat berlangsungnya upacara keagamaan. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(21) After a while Shih-Yuan and Madam Feng gradually recovered from their illness. Unexpectedly, on the fifteenth day of the third Lunar Month, a big fire broke out because of the negligence of the monks at the Gourd Tem ple where religious rites were being held. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 22) Kuil Labu memang sudah tua sekali. Pagar bambu dan papan-papannya sangat mudah terbakar. Dalam sekejap, tempat berdoa dan kamar-kamar biarawan menjadi abu. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(22) The Gourd Temple was very old. The bamboo fence and planks were highly flammable. In no time, the prayers' square and rooms of the monks were burnt down to ashes. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 23) Api yang ganas itu menyebar dan Jalan Ten-li segera dilalap api. Api baru dapat dipadamkan keesokan harinya. Tidak diketahui dengan pasti berapa rumah yang habis terbakar. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb"> (23) The fierce fire spread out and the Ten-li Street went up in flames. The fire died down after a day and a night. It was not known how many houses were burnt down. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 24) Karena tinggal di dekat kuil itu, keluarga Chen adalah korban yang pertama. Rumah mereka habis terbakar sehingga tinggal puingnya saja. Beruntung pasangan itu dapat lolos tanpa cedera. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(24) The Chens, being near the temple, were the first to suffer. Their house was ruined to a pile of rubble. It was really lucky for the couple to have escaped unhurt. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 25) Bagi Chen Shih-yuan, musibah ini merupakan kesusahan berganda, yaitu kehilangan putrinya yang cantik dan menderita kerugian akibat kebakas an itu. Tidak ada pilihan lain, ia pun menjual tanahnya dan tinggal bersama ayah mertuanya. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(25) For Chen Shih-Yuan it was double sadness to have lost his lovely daugh ter and suffered from the fire. He could not help but sell his land. With his wife Madam Feng, he went to live with his father-in-law. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 26) Sementara itu, segera setelah menerima perak dari Chen Shih-yuan, Chia Yu-tsun berangkat ke ibu kota untuk menempuh ujian. Ia lulus dan menjadi sarjana terbaik nomor dua. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(26) By the way, Chia Yu-tsun set out for his journey to the capital to take his exams as soon as he had got the gift of silver from Chen Shih-Yuan some time ago. He passed his examination and was awarded the second-rank scholar. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 27) Sejak itu jalan terbuka lebar bagi Chia Yu-tsun. Beberapa tahun kemudian ia menjadi hakim. Meskipun cakap, Yu-tsun sering menyalah gunakan kedudukannya, Atasan dan bawahannya tidak senang kepada nya karena ia sombong dan kasar.<br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(27) It was plain sailing ever since for Chia Yu-tsun. After a few years, he became a magistrate. Though capable, Yu-tsun was very corrupt; and all his superiors and subordinates were dissatisfied with him because he was haughty and insolent. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 28) Tidak lama kemudian ia dituntut atasannya karena, meskipun kelihatannya cakap, ia sangat licik. Atasannya mengemukakan beberapa kasus korupsi, ketidakadilan, dan persekongkolan dengan orang-orang kaya dari desa. Oleh Departemen Kehakiman ia diberhentikan dari jabatan nya. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb"> (28) Not long afterwards, he was charged by his superior that although he seemed to be capable, he was crafty by nature. His superior cited several cases of his corruption, injustice and collaboration with the village gentry. Action upon the charge was taken by the Justice Department, and he was dismissed from his post. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 29) Chia Yu-tsun merasa sedih sekali. Meskipun demikian, ia merasa lega karena sejak mulai bekerja ia telah berhasil mengumpulkan harta. Setelah menyerahkan pekerjaannya, ia menyuruh keluarganya kembali ke desa asalnya. Ia sendiri berkeliling ke segala tempat yang menarik hatinya. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(29) Chia Yu-tsun was very upset. However, he was pleased that since he assumed office he had seized and accumulated considerable wealth. He handed over his duties and sent his family to his native village to settle down. He himself toured all places of interest. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 30) Pada suatu hari Yu-tşun berjalan-jalan di luar kota Yang-chow, Ketika ia tiba di dekat toko anggur, seorang laki-laki menyambutnya dengan tersenyum dan berkata, "Selamat! Saudara laki-laki Yu-tsun." <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(30) One day, Yu-tsun strolled outside the city of Yang-chow. As he ap proached a wine shop, a man smilingly greeted him and said "Congratulations! Brother Yu-tsun." <br></font></div><div><br></div> 31) Ia mengamati laki-laki itu dan mengenalinya kembali sebagai pejabat yang diberhentikan bersamanya. Ia adalah Chang Ju-kui, penduduk setempat. Karena diberhentikan, ia mencari jalan agar dapat memperoleh kembali kedudukannya<br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(31) He looked at the man carefully and recognised him as no other than the official who had been sacked along with him, He was Chang Ju-Kui, alocal, Since he had been dismissed, he tried to find ways and means to get himself reinstated. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 32) Mereka bertegur sapa dan Yu-tsun bertanya mengapa ia mengucapkan selamat kepadanya. Chang Ju-kui berkata, "Tahukah Anda bahwa baru baru ini ada berita bahwa orang-orang yang sudah diberhentikan dapat memperoleh kembali kedudukannya melalui jalan belakang?" <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(32) Two of them exchanged greetings and Yu-tsun asked him why he congratulated him. Chang Ju-Kui said, "Don't you know that recently there is news that those who have been sacked can be reinstated through back stage in fluence." <br></font></div><div><br></div> 33) Chia Yu-tsun tidak berkata apa-apa ketika mendengar hal ini, namun dalam hatinya ia sangat gembira. Ia meninggalkan Chang Ju-kui dan kembali ke hotel. Hingga tengah malam ia masih memikirkan hal itu. Akhirnya ia menemukan jalan keluar. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb"> (33) Chia Yu-tsun did not say anything when he heard about this, yet deep down his heart he was really happy. He left Chang Ju-Kui and returned to his hotel. He thought about it for almost half a night and finally he found a way. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 34) Meskipun berasal dari Foo-chow, sebenarnya ia mempunyai hubungan dengan seorang bangsawan di ibu kota, Chia Cheng. Chia Cheng adalah keturunan seorang pejabat terhormat dan ayah seorang selir Kaisar pada waktu itu. Dengan bantuannya ia dapat berharap mendapatkan kembali kedudukannya. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(34) Although he was from Foo-chow, he was actually related to a member of the nobility in the Capital, Chia Cheng. Chia Cheng was the descent of a creditable official and the father of the Imperial Consort at that time. With his help, he could hope to be reinstated. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 35) Keesokan harinya, tanpa berpamitan kepada Chang Ju-kui, Chia Yu-tsun meninggalkan Yang-chow menuju ibu kota. Setibanya di sana ia merapikan pakaiannya, dan dengan membawa kartu namanya yang mencantumkan hubungannya dengan kaum bangsawan ia mengunjungi Chia Cheng di rumahnya. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb"> (35) The next day, Chia Yu-tsun left Yang-chow without bidding Chang Ju-Kui farewell and headed for the Capital. On arrival at the Capital, he dressed himself neatly, brought along a visiting card stating his relationship to the nobility and paid Chia Cheng a visit at his residence. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 36) Ketika melihat kartu namanya, Chia Cheng mempersilakannya masuk. Ia melihat bahwa Yu-tsun bertubuh kuat dan berbahasa dengan baik. Ia juga mengetahui bahwa ia mengajar kemenakan perempuannya, Tai-yu, di rumah ipamya Lin Ju-hai. Dengan alasan-alasan itu, ia menyanggupi untuk membantunya tanpa ragu-ragu. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(36) Chia Cheng invited him into the house when he saw the name card. He noted that Yu-tsun had a strong build and was refined in his talk. He also knew that he had tutored his niece Tai-yu at his brother-in-law Lin Ju-hai's house. He obliged to help without hesitation. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 37) Tidak sampai dua bulan kemudian, berkat pengaruh Chia Cheng, Chiap Yu-tsun tidak saja didudukkan kembali pada jabatannya, tetapi juga dinaikkan pangkatnya di kota Chin-ling, Yu-tsun sangat bangga. Setelah mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Chia Cheng, ia segera mulai bekerja. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb"> (37) in less than two months, through Chia Cheng's influence, Chia Yu-tsun was not only reinstated, but was also promoted to a higher rank in the city of Chin-ling. Yu-tsun was inflated with pride. He thanked Chia Cheng and assumed office soon. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 38) Chin-ling adalah satu-satunya kota makmur di bagian tenggara, tempat berkumpulnya kaum bangsawan dan orang-orang kaya. Karena itu, terjadi banyak peristiwa berpengaruh dan menentukan pada penduduk biasa yang tertindas. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb"> (38) Chin-ling was the only prosperous city in the South East where the nobles and the affluent converged. Because of this, there were many ins tances of wielding influences and imposing will on the common people who were suppressed. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 39) Di kota itu tinggal seorang anak laki-laki dari suatu keluarga berpengaruh yang bernama Feng-yuan. Umurnya antara delapan belas dan sembilan belas tahun. Karena orang tuanya sudah meninggal, bujangan itu hidup dari harta warisan.<br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(39) In that city, there was a young lad of an influencial family by the name of Feng-yuan. He was eighteen or nineteen years old. His parents had passed away. He lived on the inherited wealth and he was still single. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 40) Pada suatu hari, ketika Feng-yuan hendak keluar rumah, ia melihat seorang laki-laki dan seorang anak perempuan yang dikelilingi beberapa orang. Laki-laki yang berusia empat puluhan dan anak berumur empat belasan tahun itu kelihatan seperti ayah dan anak. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(40) One day, Feng-yuan was about to leave his house for an outing when he saw a man and a girl. The man was in his forties and the girl was about fourteen years old. They looked like father and daughter. Several people surrounded them. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 41) Karena penasaran, Feng-yuan mendatangi orang itu untuk bertanya. Ia diberi tahu bahwa mereka tidak dapat menemukan keluarganya sehingga mereka berkeliling di sini. Ia bermaksud menjual anak perempuannya scharga beberapa tacl perak untuk biaya kepulangannya. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(41) Driven by curiosity, Feng-yuan went up to ask the man. He was told that they could not find their relatives; so they wandered here. He intended to sell his daughter for a few tales of silver to pay his travelling expenses home. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 42) Orang itu menceritakan nasibnya kepada semua orang yang menonton, tetapi tidak seorang pun bersedia membeli anak perempuan itu. Feng yuan melihat bahwa anak itu cantik, dan dipercantik lagi dengan tahi lalat merah di antara alis mata. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(42) That man told the onlookers all about their ordeals, yet no one offered to buy the girl. Feng-yuan noticed that the girl looked pretty with a red birthmark between her eyebrows which made her more lovely. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 43) Feng-yuan berkata dalam hati, "Anak ini memang memelas. Karena aku berencana untuk menikah, mengapa aku tidak membelinya? Pertama, itu adalah perbuatan baik. Kedua, anak perempuan secantik ini sulit ditemukan." Feng-yuan langsung mengajak laki-laki dan anak perem puan itu ke rumahnya. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(43) Feng-yuan thought, "This girl is pitiable indeed. As I am thinking of getting married, why don't I buy her? Firstly, it is a good deed. Secondly, a girl as pretty as her is hard to come by." Feng-yuan at once asked the man and the girl to go to his house with him. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 44) Akhirnya kedua pihak bersepakat dengan harga tiga puluh tael perak, yang langsung dibayar. Feng-yuan minta supaya mereka pulang. Ia hendak menghias rumahnya supaya dapat menerima anak perempuan itu tiga hari kemudian. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(44) Both parties closed the deal at the sum of thirty taels of silver and the sum was paid. Feng-yuan told them to go back. He was going to decorate his house so that he could receive her in three days. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 45) Tanpa diketahui, Feng-yuan yang bermaksud baik itu menjadi korban penjahat. Orang itu adalah penculik yang menipu gadis-gadis kecil dan menjual mereka di tempat laia bila sudah berumur dua belas atau tiga belas tahun. <br><div><br></div><div> <font color="#167efb">(45) Unknowingly, the well-intentioned Feng-yuan fell prey to the crook. That man was a kidnapper who cheated little girls and sold them in other places when they were twelve or thirteen years old. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 46) Anak-anak perempuan yang ditipu memang menimbulkan belas kasihan. Kebanyakan dari mereka lupa akan orang tua dan keluarganya. Bahkan yang mempunyai ingatan baik pun, karena takut dipukul, tidak berani berbicara terus terang. Mereka berpura-pura, seakan-akan penculik itu adalah ayahnya sendiri. Ying-lien salah satu di antara mereka. <br><div><br></div><div>(<font color="#167efb">46) Those girls who had been trapped were really pitiable. Most of them forgot their parents and relatives. Even those who had a good memory, out of fear for being beaten up, dared not talk honestly. They pretended that the kidnapper was their own father. Ying-lien was just one of them. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 47) Penculik yang belum puas dengan perak dari Feng-yuan itu pergi ke tempat lain untuk memasang perangkap lagi. Pada suatu hari, ketika ia sedang melakukan tipu muslihatnya lagi, seorang laki-laki datang menyela. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(47) The kidnapper, not contented with Feng-yuan's silver, went to a dif ferent place to set the same trap. One day, as he was playing the same old trick, a man butted in. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 48) Orang itu adalah Hsueh Pan, orang terkaya di Chin-ling. Ayahnya sudah meninggal dan ibunya adalah saudara perempuan Nyonya Wang, istri bangsawan Chia Cheng. Hsueh Pan menjadi penguasa di kota karena pengaruh uangnya. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(48) The man was Hsueh Pan, the richest man in Chin-ling. His father had passed away and his mother was the sister of Lady Wang, wife of the noble Chia Cheng. Hsueh Pan became a tyrant of the city because of his financial influences. <br></font></div><div><br></div> 49) Tanpa menyadari bahaya, Hsueh Pan mendatangi penculik yang sedang berusaha menjebak orang. Ketika melihat anak cantik itu, ia bermaksud membelinya untuk dijadikan selimya. Si penculik menerima perak darinya di tempat itu dan menetapkan hari untuk membawa gadis itu ke rumah Hsueh. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(49) Hsueh Pan met the kidnapper who was trying to trap people but he did not see through his plot. When he saw the beautiful girl, he intended to buy her as his concubine. The kidnapper received his silver on the spot and appointed a day to send the girl to Hşueh's premises.</font></div><div><br></div> 50) Penculik telah menerima perak dari dua pembeli dan diharapkan menyerahkan anak perempuan itu dalam waktu tiga hari. Pada hari kedua ia merencanakan untuk lari. Tanpa diduga, ketika ia secara diam-diam keluar dari rumahnya, Feng-yuan maupun Hsueh Pan datang untuk mengambil anak perempuan itu. <br><div><br></div><div><font color="#167efb">(50) The kidnapper had received the silver from two buyers and was expected to hand over the girl in three days. On the second day, he planned to escape. Unexpectedly, as he was sneaking out of his house, both Feng-yuan and Hsueh came to fetch the girl. <br></font></div><div><br></div>