楊凌雪清Jenny Yang的美篇

楊凌雪清Jenny Yang

<p class="ql-block">圖片:聖荷西緍紗攝影公司</p><p class="ql-block"> 楊凌雪清</p><p class="ql-block">文: 楊凌雪清</p> <h3>  《楊裕平 陳春月 新婚之囍》2021-10-23日 下午在 San Ramon市(The BRIDGES Golf Course )舉行 美式結婚典禮🎎</h3> <h3>  2021-10-23日,三藩市早上藍天白雲,之前幾天都是下雨天。真是天公作美,今天停了整天雨,老天爺成全好事。讓我小兒孑(楊裕平和陳春月)早上十點在 楊府 舉行中式 結婚典禮 敬茶給祖先和親人。 下午一點在 San Ramon 市「The BRIDGES Golf Course」舉行美式結婚典禮。感謝上天讓他倆終成眷屬!感恩! 感謝各位親人、各位貴賓的光臨,我衷心感謝您們在百忙之中抽空來參加我兒子的結婚典禮,讓我們在這裡相聚,共同見證和祝福這對新人百年好合 永結同心 白頭偕老早生贵子和幸福快樂!我的心情是格外的喜悅,開心!我再次感謝大家!謝謝🌹</h3> <h3>  他們同在一所美國加州大學「University of California ,Davis」從相識,逐漸從朋友走到戀人,最後步入了婚姻的殿堂。</h3> <h3>  美麗高雅富麗堂皇寬敞的結婚殿堂</h3> <h3>  我兒子、兒媳應該係「2020-9-19」舉辦結婚喜酒,因疫情廷遲到「2021-10-23」至今人數還是限制,因此不能邀請親友來參加,與我共同見證程序合法有效的一對新人🎎希望這對新人從此開始甜蜜的新生活,向幸福的目標揚帆啟航!在此我衷心感謝各位親人和朋友的祝賀!同時我亦祝願大家身體健康 平安快樂和幸福🌹</h3> <p class="ql-block"> 新任奶奶贈給兒媳婦24K金手飾💕</p> <h3> 他們攜手一起邁向人生另一個新旅程…</h3> <h3>  坐滿兩旁的眾親人、貴賓們都為新郎新娘送上最美的祝福!草地上撒滿白玖瑰花瓣,肥皂水吹泡泡,在陽光的反射變咗五顏六色閃閃發亮,場面溫馨又浪漫💕氣氛🌹</h3> <h3>  當新郎從新娘父親手中接過新娘時,深深的一個擁抱代表了千言萬語💕</h3> <h3>  </h3> <h3>  今日天地為你作證,在場所有親人及貴賓為你見證。 主禮人鄭重問新郎"楊裕平先生,你願意接納娶陳春月小姐,作為你合法妻子,愛她,忠誠于她,无論她貧困,患病或者残疾,你都始終與她相親相愛,相依相伴,一生一世不離不棄。 (你愿意嗎?)" "我願意!" 主持人同時也問新娘:"陳春月小姐,你願意接納嫁給楊裕平先生,愛他,忠誠于他,無論他貧困,患病或者殘疾。你始終與他相親相愛,相依相伴,一生一世不離不棄。 (你願意嗎?)" "我願意!" 在這神聖的時刻,他們開始交換愛情信物,請將戒子戴在彼此的左手無名指上。左手的無名指又叫通心指,代表著夫妻二人從此心心相印,不離不棄。有人說:結婚戒指是婚禮上最珍貴的禮物,它的珍貴不僅在於它珍貴的價值,更在於它公開的一生承諾和一份責任。 現場的家人,親人與賓客們的掌聲就是對新娘💕新郎最衷心的祝福和見證🌹<br></h3> <h3> </h3> <h3>  </h3> <h3> 深深的一吻💋代表承諾、代表永恆💏</h3> <h3>  七對伴郎、伴娘,用他們各精彩的姿勢出場啦!好搞笑,增添了不少氣氛🌹</h3> <h3>  美麗高雅富麗堂皇寬敞的結婚殿堂,全場用白玫瑰,加上紫色的燈光搭配,溫馨典雅的色彩,讓沉悶的秋天增添了色彩,新娘穿着華麗長尾的白色婚紗非常漂亮美麗,新郎穿上黑色禮服够英俊瀟灑,加上穿上粉紅色長裙美麗的七位伴娘,灰色禮服英俊瀟灑的七位伴郎,讓這對新人更加師氣,更加美麗,也會讓整場婚禮看起來更加浪漫喜慶💕</h3> <h3>  一對新人切蛋糕,</h3> <h3>  新人切結婚蛋糕,和貴賓們分享代表甜密的蛋糕🎂</h3> <p class="ql-block">2021年10月22日星期五晚上 8:51</p><p class="ql-block">日期:2021年10月22</p><p class="ql-block">大家晚上好,</p><p class="ql-block">對於那些不認識我的人,我叫安德魯(Andrew Lum)我認識埃里克(Eric Yang)已經有半生多一點了。如果你想從這個角度來看,埃里克和我的關係實際上比我們現在的妻子加起來還要長 所以說實話,我認為你實際上坐在我的座位上 掘金 我們的愛很深,但也許今天.我會讓他把你放在第一位長話短說,埃里克和我在唐人街基督教青年會長大;我們開始和結束職業生涯的地方霹靂舞從那裡,我們去了同一所高中,然後是大學,在那裡我們加入了同一個兄弟會。所以和他在一起16年多了,風雨同舟,大多是厚積薄發,我終於可以告訴你我的真實感受了關於這個人從我們年輕的時候起,埃里克就總能找到划算的交易運動鞋甚至是一套汽車輪。我記得在戴維斯的第一年,有一天早上我被不斷刷牙的聲音吵醒,就像這裡的任何人一樣,我當然以為他在浴室刷牙。但幾分鐘過去了,我能聽到他的呼吸越來越重。隨著噪音越來越大,我的好奇心開始達到頂峰,所以我盡可能安靜地站了起來。打開浴室的門,他就在那兒,赤膊上陣,蹲在下水道邊,正在擦洗一雙轉售的運動鞋。然後他轉向我,微笑著繼續擦洗這就是 Eric 在大學裡的那種騙子 快進到今天,目前Eric 有一 份不錯的工作,有自己的地方,一個現在漂亮的妻子,一條狗,過著美好的生活要說至少。然而最近。我意識到老埃里克還活著兩個月前,埃里克邀請我去他家看看。在遊覽中途,Eric 帶我們走進他漂亮的主臥室。它很現代,有很多自然光,到處都是美麗的植物 (當然,顯然要感謝Nguyet)但是當我走近主浴室時,儘管它在那裡,但我瞥見了過去。他當然有一堆運動鞋在</p><p class="ql-block">等待著一個好的舊磨砂。當他看到我的反應時,他再次微笑並繼續他的巡迴演出我愛你,但有些習慣儘管如此,Eric 還是努力改善他的生活和生活質量,以改善對他來說最重要的人、他的媽媽、他的家姐Cassandra 和 Nguyet。你們中的一</p><p class="ql-block">一 些人可能知道。Eric 的父親今天不能和我們在一起,但我們都可以清楚地看到埃里克對家庭的不斷奉獻以及作為兒子、兄弟和現在的丈夫Eric 的承諾,他的精</p><p class="ql-block">神得到了尊重,我認為你不需要我告訴你這個,但如果他在這裡,你他媽的很清楚他會是這個房間裡,最快樂和最驕傲的人。他留下了一些相當大的鞋子來填補,但看到你現在的位置,他會說你填補得很</p><p class="ql-block">好。你是他希望有一天你成為的那個人。最後,他還會告訴你賣掉你所有的鞋子,帶 Nguyet去度最盛大的蜜月。因為我們都知道她值得!因此,我想為這對新婚舉杯祝酒干杯🍻</p><p class="ql-block">Nguyet 今晚有一個難忘的夜晚,我希望你和</p><p class="ql-block">願你們都心滿意足!需要改掉。</p><p class="ql-block">縻術棒</p> <h3>  Good evening everyone:For those of you who don’t know me,my name is Andrew and I’ve know Eric a little more than my lifetime.If you want to put that into perspective.Eric and I have actually been in longer relationship with each other than with our current wives combined.So to be honest.I think you’re actually in seat Nugget .Our love runs deep,but maybe today.I’ll let him put you first 。Long story short,Eric and I grew up at the Chinatown YMCA, where we started and ended our in breakdancing, From there ,we went to the same high school, then college, where we joined the same family.So after being with him for 16 long years.through thick and thin. I can finally tell you how I really feel about this guy. Since our younger years ,Eric always had a knack for finding good deals.whether that’d be finding a deal on a pair of sneakers or even a set of car rims. He always knew how to make a profit. You can say, he had the blood of a reseller.I remember during our first year in David, I woke up one morning to the sound of constant brushing and like anyone here .I thought he was,of course, in the bathroom brushing his teeth. But a few minutes pass and I could head his breathing getting heavier. As the noise intensifies, my curiosity began to peak. So I got up as quickly as I could. opened the bathroom door and there he was, shirtless and squatting over the drain, where he was scrubbing a pair of sneakers to resell. He then tums to me, smiles and continues scrubbing. That’s the type of hustle Eric was in college.Fast forward to today, Eric has a good job, has own place , a now beautiful wife, a dog and is living a great life to say the least .Yet…recently, I realized that the old Eric is still very much alive.Two months ago, Eric invited me over to check out his place. Midway through the tour, Eric walked us into his beautiful master bedroom. It was modern, had a lot natural light. and beautiful plants all over (obviously thanks to Nguyet of course) But as I approached the master bathroom though …there it was, a glimpse of the past . He had of course ,a pile of sneakers in the bathtub waiting for a good old scrub. When he saw my reaction,he again ,smiled and carried on with his tour. I love you man,but some habits just need to die。All joking aside though,Eric hustled to improve his life and the quality of life for those most important to him: his mom 、his sister Cassandra, and Nguyet. As some of you may know. Eric’s dad isn’t able to with us today, but we can all clearly see his spirit honored through Eric‘a constant dedication to his family and commitment as a son, brother, and now husband, Eric, I don’t think you need me to tell you this,but if he were here, you know damn well he’d be the happiest and proudest man in quite nicely. You’re the man he’d hope you’d become one day 。Finally, he’d also tell you to sell all your shoes and take Nguyet on the grandest honeymoon. Because we all know she deserves it!So to that, I’d like to raise a toast newly weds - I hope you and Nguyet have a memorable evening tonight and may you both rage to your heart content 。From: Andrew LumOct - 23 - 2021</h3> <h3>  《婚禮進行曲》緩緩響起,婚禮主持人走到舞池,請出新郎:好像傳說中的王子用深情吻醒了沉睡的公主,而同時,好似世界上最美的玖瑰也為他們而開…今天是個特殊的日子,因為今天我們將一起見證一段美好的愛情,也許很久很久以後,我們忘了具體的時間與地點,但我們不會忘記這一對新人的甜蜜誓約,以及幸福永伴,浪漫又溫馨💕感恩🌹</h3> <h3>  新郎表姐(Tammy)演唱助興</h3> <h3>  父親牽著新娘的手走到舞池、同時新郎也牽著母親的手到舞池,隨著音樂節奏翩翩起舞,雖然舞步不那麼熟悉那麼完美,但婚禮現場也響起歡呼的掌聲!讓婚禮增添不少氣氛…我自己心裡說不出的喜悅!謝謝🌹</h3> <h3>  到了敬酒謝禮環節,一對新人與雙方家長到每一枱的親人和貴賓敬酒🍻我們衷心感謝親人和貴賓的祝福與及大家抽出寶貴時間來參加我們子、女的婚禮,非常感謝也感恩💕</h3> <p class="ql-block">Good evening everyone:For those of you who don’t know me,my name is Andrew and I’ve know Eric a little more than my lifetime.If you want to put that into perspective.Eric and I have actually been in longer relationship with each other than with our current wives combined.So to be honest.I think you’re actually in seat Nugget .Our love runs deep,but maybe today.I’ll let him put you first 。Long story short,Eric and I grew up at the Chinatown YMCA, where we started and ended our in breakdancing, From there ,we went to the same high school, then college, where we joined the same family.So after being with him for 16 long years.through thick and thin. I can finally tell you how I really feel about this guy. Since our younger years ,Eric always had a knack for finding good deals.whether that’d be finding a deal on a pair of sneakers or even a set of car rims. He always knew how to make a profit. You can say, he had the blood of a reseller.I remember during our first year in David, I woke up one morning to the sound of constant brushing and like anyone here .I thought he was,of course, in the bathroom brushing his teeth. But a few minutes pass and I could head his breathing getting heavier. As the noise intensifies, my curiosity began to peak. So I got up as quickly as I could. opened the bathroom door and there he was, shirtless and squatting over the drain, where he was scrubbing a pair of sneakers to resell. He then tums to me, smiles and continues scrubbing. That’s the type of hustle Eric was in college.Fast forward to today, Eric has a good job, has own place , a now beautiful wife, a dog and is living a great life to say the least .Yet…recently, I realized that the old Eric is still very much alive.Two months ago, Eric invited me over to check out his place. Midway through the tour, Eric walked us into his beautiful master bedroom. It was modern, had a lot natural light. and beautiful plants all over (obviously thanks to Nguyet of course) But as I approached the master bathroom though …there it was, a glimpse of the past . He had of course ,a pile of sneakers in the bathtub waiting for a good old scrub. When he saw my reaction,he again ,smiled and carried on with his tour. I love you man,but some habits just need to die。All joking aside though,Eric hustled to improve his life and the quality of life for those most important to him: his mom 、his sister Cassandra, and Nguyet. As some of you may know. Eric’s dad isn’t able to with us today, but we can all clearly see his spirit honored through Eric‘a constant dedication to his family and commitment as a son, brother, and now husband, Eric, I don’t think you need me to tell you this,but if he were here, you know damn well he’d be the happiest and proudest man in quite nicely. You’re the man he’d hope you’d become one day 。Finally, he’d also tell you to sell all your shoes and take Nguyet on the grandest honeymoon. Because we all know she deserves it!So to that, I’d like to raise a toast newly weds - I hope you and Nguyet have a memorable evening tonight and may you both rage to your heart content 。From: Andrew LumOct - 23 - 2021</p> <h3>  兒子大個仔了,結婚成家立室了!我很高興!祝賀一對新人雙親雙愛 白頭偕老 早生貴子 幸幸福福過一辈子! <br>  我衷心感謝我的眾親人抽出寶貴時間來參加見證並祝賀我兒子、兒媳的婚禮!感謝也感恩!最後祝福大家身體健康 萬事如意 幸福快樂🌹</h3>