

<p class="ql-block"><b>2B Unint 10 there is thunder-1</b></p><p class="ql-block">视频:清华英语,复述粉猪第一季《windy castle》</p><p class="ql-block">音频:清华英语,汉语第三册</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>Act it out</b></p> <b>Grab the Umbrella(来自eric妈妈打卡)</b><br>道具准备:<br>雨伞1 把<br>碎纸屑<br>雷声瓶1 个(豆子+矿泉水瓶)<br>喷水壶1 个<br>1.家长将雷声瓶递给宝贝,并展示自己手中的"雨滴"<br>M: You hold the bottle and make the sound of thunder. Shake it. I heard the roar of thunder. See, what are these?<br>E: Raindrops.<br>M: Right. These are raindrops.<br>2.家长将雨伞放在地上<br>M: It's going to rain. We'll need umbrellas. But there is only one umbrella. So we will try our best to grab the umbrella. The one who gets the umbrella won't get wet.<br>3.家长和孩子边做动作边围绕雨伞唱歌<br>M: Let's walk around the umbrella and sing. When we finish the song, we start grabbing the umbrella.<br>M & B: "There is thunder, there is thunder. Hear it roar, hear it roar." (孩子摇 瓶子)"Pitter patter, rain drops. Pitter patter, rain drops." (家长撒纸屑) "I'm all wet. I'm all wet."<br>M: Grab the umbrella. (孩子瞬间抢到)Oh, I didn't get the umbrella. So, you can spray some water on me, as a punishment. (孩子往家长身上喷水)<br> <p class="ql-block"><b>雷电相关知识</b></p> <p class="ql-block"><b>lightning safety</b></p><p class="ql-block">建议看白泽《避雷针》。</p> <p class="ql-block">用提问的方式来考验下小朋友对雷电安全知识了解程度,还不错,基本都知道!</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>涂色</b></p> <b>Lightning Risks(来自eric妈妈打卡)</b><br>道具:<br>小动物玩偶若干<br>闪电棒1 个(幼儿卡片lightning+棍)<br>幼儿卡片mountain,pole<br>有线座机1 个<br>树的图片1 个<br>响响纸(模拟雷声)<br>1.家长拿出闪电棒,介绍闪电的危害<br>M: Look, this is lightning. It causes thunder. (家长甩响响纸)So if you hear thunder, there is lightning nearby. Lightning has magic power. Look, the lightening touches the doggy. ("滋滋滋") The doggy gets hurt. The lightening touches the tree. ("滋滋滋") The tree falls down. The lightening touches you. ("滋滋滋")You get injured.<br>2.家长和宝贝在屋里巡视看哪些小动物在做危险的事<br>M: It's raining. There is thunder and lightning. There are some animals in danger. They will be struck by lightening.<br>3. 家长和宝贝在客厅看到小猪在用座机打电话<br>M: Oh, look, Piggy is talking on the corded phone(有线电话). It's dangerous. The lightening will strike her.<br>B: (家长握着宝贝的手去电击小猪,滋滋滋)<br>M & B: "There is lightning, see it shine…"<br>M: Oh, Piggy was struck by lightening. She got injured. (家长把小猪放倒)<br>4. 家长和宝贝看到一只小鸟站在山顶上(沙发背上)<br><br>M: Look, there is a bird on the top of the mountain. It's dangerous. The lightening will strike her.<br>B: (宝贝去电击,滋滋滋)<br>M & E: "There is lightning, see it shine…"<br>M: Oh, The bird was struck by lightening. She fell off the mountain.(家长演示<br>小鸟从山上滚下来)<br>5.家长和宝贝看到一只小狗在树下避雨<br>M: Look, the doggy is standing under the tree. It's dangerous. The lightening will strike the doggy.<br>B: (宝贝电击狗)<br>M: The doggy was struck by the lightning.<br>6.家长和宝贝看到小猫在电线杆旁<br>M: Look, the kitty is playing around the electricity pole.<br>B: (宝贝电击小猫)<br>M& B: "There is lightning, see it shine…"<br>M: The kitty was hit by lightning.<br>7. 家长和宝贝去卫生间看到奶牛在洗澡<br>M: Let's go to the bath room. Oh, the cow is taking a shower. It's dangerous. The lightening will hit the metal pipe and hurt the cow.<br>M: (宝贝电击喷头线)<br>M & E: "There is lightning, see it shine…"<br>M: Oh, the cow got injured. Poor little cow.<br>8. 家长和宝贝看到小羊在屋里睡觉<br>M: See, the lamb is sleeping in the bed. It's safe. The lightning won't hurt her.<br>9. 家长和宝贝看到小蚂蚁正坐在车里<br>M: The ant is sitting in the car. It's safe. The ant won't be struck by lightning.<br><br>10. 家长带宝贝回到客厅要看电视<br>M: I want to watch TV. I'll turn on the TV. Can I watch TV during a<br>thunderstorm?<br>E: No, no. You will be struck by lightning. <p class="ql-block">春夏秋冬</p> <p class="ql-block">这两周,贝达课在上一年四季,春夏秋冬,正好结合游戏来巩固下!</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>音乐壳打卡</b></p><p class="ql-block"><b> </b> 音乐和体育都是爸爸负责的,也是父女两亲子时光,周末带娃去轮滑,小朋友进步很大,爸爸立马又买了一双轮滑鞋专门放在家里滑,另一双放在学校学。</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>指读</b></p><p class="ql-block">最近指读的状态相对较好,没有特别强制一定要读多少本,周末也会适当放假,但是保证一周至少5天指读,亲子关系更重要😂</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>整句造句</b></p><p class="ql-block">指读差不多一个半月了,娃也认识了一些单词,把单词抄写出来,我指她读,同时让娃自己造句,这个也是外教课要求的整句输出!</p>









