<br><br> following are Yuris artistic accomplishments please enjoy.<div>Part One: Digital Art</div> digital art digital art digital art digital art digital art digital art digital art digital art Part Two: Creative Drawings girl in black hat man scramming is that drawing study? face to face long time still life drawing longtime still life drawing longtime still life drawing longtime still life drawing Part Three: Mixed Medium carboard and acrylic collage news paper, magazine materiel fabrics improvisation improvisation improvisation improvisation improvisation Part Four: Creative Painting ocean story acrylic on paper girl in dream water color on 250lb paper color marker and pencils on paper <p class="ql-block"> oil painting on canvas </p> <p class="ql-block"> oil painting on canvas</p> sunrise acrylic on canvas practice color Part Five: Idea graphs for art projected Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept <p class="ql-block">idea concept</p> Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept Idea concept Part Six: figure practice sketch sketch sketch sketch sketch sketch As Lou’s art teacher and adviser, I have witnessed her extraordinary ability to create from drawing, painting, design and digital art. Especially strong classical skill on drawing and quickly understand advanced them, Deep art representative. She has used computer paint almost 6+ years with a lot of experiences. She is one of my favored students in deep and diverse develop art skills with her unusual talent and ability.<br>Luo’s academic accomplishments are both in school or private, showing strong self motivation step by step to created artworks from scratch, color, refine, replay layer ask questions discussion detail with teacher many works are comeback many times to reach the end. She is humble and hard worker.<br>This is just beginning her art life Please feel free to contact me if you have any question regarding her character or past academic work.<br>