<p class="ql-block">灵魂深处</p><p class="ql-block"> 有人说灵魂是存在的,甚至是有重量的物质的产物。这好像是形而上学的唯心主义,不值得推敲。灵魂是思想感情的一部分,超越了朴素的思想观念,是超脱世俗高度的精神体现,她可以是现实意义中的行为能力,更多的是精神层面的升华。有形与无形皆因大脑的支配。而灵魂好似超越的思想意识,展现出来的不可理解与琢磨的画面,正如艺术家创作出来的抽象作品,是超越于现实意义的表现形式。如果不了解画家的思想高度,就很难理解作品的含义,这就好像我们经常说的只可意会,不可言传。艺术作品代表创作者的心情与思想感情,读懂了绘画的艺术作品,就能品味画家作品的价值和意义。灵魂深处的秘密,是作品内涵的体现。华而不实还是相得益彰,就在于品味艺术家的创作风格,独特的视觉效果增加了艺术家的创作元素,涵盖着对社会、对人生的态度与要求,在Art艺绘抽象艺术展中,书画艺术家周曦的作品《自由尺度》,意在表达对祖国的热爱,希望建立社会有规则、和谐发展的有序模式,是对中国发展的现状参与的强烈愿望。有独特的创意和思索。抽象艺术作品《自由尺度》这篇作品参加了美国纽约联合国宴会厅画展和密西根战争博物馆画展,多次参加国内巡回展。堪称完美。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Deep in the soul</p><p class="ql-block">Some people say that the soul exists, even the product of heavy matter. This seems to be metaphysical idealism, which is not worth considering. Soul is a part of thoughts and feelings. It goes beyond simple ideas and is the spiritual embodiment of a high degree of detachment from the secular world. It can be the behavioral ability in the practical sense, and more is the sublimation of the spiritual level. Both visible and invisible are dominated by the brain. The soul is like a transcendent ideology, and the incomprehensible and pondered picture displayed, just like the abstract works created by artists, is a form of expression beyond the practical significance. If there is no artistic height, it is difficult to understand the meaning of the work, just as we often say that it can only be understood and can not be explained. Artistic works represent the mood, thoughts and feelings of the creator. After reading the artistic works of painting, you can taste the value and significance of the painter's works. The secret of the soul is the embodiment of the connotation of the work. Flashy works still complement each other, which is to taste the artist's creative style. The unique visual effect increases the artist's creative elements, covering his attitude and requirements towards society and life. In the abstract art exhibition of art and painting, painter Zhou Xi's 《Free scale》works are intended to express his love for the motherland and hope to establish an orderly model of regular and harmonious development of society, It is a strong desire to participate in the current situation of China's development. Have unique creativity and thinking. Perfect."scale of freedom" has participated in the United Nations banquet hall exhibition in New York and the Michigan War Museum exhibition, and has participated in domestic tour exhibitions for many times.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p>