中旭弗尼亚ZhongXu.Fonia CEO的美篇中国(国际)著名书画艺术家周曦100幅作品展


<p class="ql-block">时光就这样溜走了,心里依然逡巡在青春里。点滴的记忆还残留着的暗香。没有理由和自己过不去,毕竟繁花盛开留下了诸多美好,轻叹一声,万紫千红,无奈之下,红尘嚣嚣。太多的事情都应该淡忘,过去留给了岁月,留给了不堪一击的脆弱,伤感是一曲诗与歌的旋律,优美自然的艺术气息贯彻在此起彼伏的世界中。心情的起伏变得复杂。情感,总是披着美丽的外衣,搅动着一颗不安的心,夜晚,不再宁静,彷徨迷茫,看不到,听不见,在未来的路上,我遇到的会是美梦的远方吗?!</p><p class="ql-block">在爱情的国度里,总是带来快乐温馨,而走不进来的就没有那么幸运了。感情的出现在一瞬间,那是彼此相爱的理由,感情与感觉缺一不可。这也因为彼此对待爱情原则的统一。对于传统思想的观念来说,也会成为唯一不变的观点,执着而专一。不管曾经如何,对待爱情中的自己,从没有亵渎过,爱情不是乌托邦的方式,只有成为真实,才能真正体会到幸福的样子。不会刻意标榜自己的恋情,因为在别人眼里,我们永远都是做自己最喜欢的模样。真实而自然始终贯穿你我心中。生活自然就会比蜜还甜。心怀感恩之心,善良之意,就会结善缘,汇聚着正能量,好运气就会围绕你,就会有好的福报。对于爱情,也会如此。</p><p class="ql-block">Time slipped away, and my heart was still wandering in youth. Every drop of memory still leaves a faint fragrance. There is no reason to have trouble with yourself. After all, the flowers are in full bloom, leaving a lot of beauty. With a sigh, the world of mortals is rampant. Too many things should be forgotten. The past has left years and vulnerable. Sadness is the melody of poetry and songs, and the beautiful and natural artistic atmosphere is implemented in the world. The ups and downs of mood become complex. Ah! Emotion, why is it wearing a beautiful coat that stirs an uneasy heart? At night, it is no longer quiet, confused, unable to see or hear. On the road in the future, will what I encounter be the distance of a beautiful dream?!</p><p class="ql-block">In the country of love, it always brings happiness and warmth, and those who can't get in are not so lucky. Feelings appear in a moment, that is the reason to love each other, feelings and feelings are indispensable. This is also because of the unity of love principles. For the concept of traditional thought, it will also become the only constant concept, persistent and single-minded. No matter how you used to treat yourself in love, you have never blasphemed. Love is not a utopian way. Only when it becomes true can you really feel the appearance of happiness. Will not deliberately flaunt their love, because in the eyes of others, we will always be our own favorite appearance. Truth and nature always run through your heart and my heart. Life will naturally be sweeter than honey. With gratitude and kindness, you will have good luck and gather positive energy. Good luck will surround you and have good blessings. The same is true for love.</p>