<p class="ql-block">到今年九月底,我已经学完了网校国画的基础课程,即:梅兰竹菊,花鸟,山水,人物。开始了临摹古代名人画的课程。同时,我也学完了《游戏原画角色》的入门课和进阶课,开始进入实战课程。虽然难学,但是因为自己热爱绘画,仍然聚精会神地学,有时候画得废寝忘食,忘了自己是个古稀之人。我已经养成了在每次作业稿上用楷书签名的习惯。有一天,我想把自己的楷书写得更好一些,还想用草书写一下。我想看看它们应当是怎样的。我在宋徽宗瘦精体字贴上找了一找,但是我没有耐心仔细地找。“能否从网上找到文字的楷书?”我问我的儿子。“当然可以。”结果,我学会了将电脑上的文字转换器装入我的手机里,可以方便地看到多种多样的字体。我很高兴。我观察了自己的名字的楷书和草书的书写特点,练习了一下。从此以后,我能写出令自己满意的签名了!</p><p class="ql-block"> By the end of this September, I have finished studying the courses of Plum blossom, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, The second step was flowers and birds. The third, mountains and water, The fourth, characters. Then I shall begin a new course, to copy Chinese ancient famous paintings. At the same time, I have also finished the two courses of Introductory and advance in [Game origenal characters] and began its new Practical course. Although these courses are not easy to learn, because I love drawing, I studied them attentively. Sometimes I forgot my eating and sleeping, and forgot I was a person of over seventy years old. I have got used to signing on my homework manu with regular . One day, I wanted to make my signature better, I asked my son, “Can I find regular on the internet?” “Yes, of course you can.” He said. “You may change the soft from the computer into your mobile phone.” So I successfully did that. I am happy to have this convenient tool. I observed the structures of the two words of my name. I tried them several times. From now on, I can sign my name better than ever.</p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p>