<p><b>语文</b></p><p>听:千字文第7.8.9段。</p><p> 声律启蒙三江、四支</p><p>读:第3.4段千字文并背诵</p><p>写:雪写田、口、禾、火(每天坚持一点)</p><p><b>数学</b>:你问我答口算</p><p><b>英语:</b></p><p><b> 单元</b>主题课拓展 :情绪</p><p> 写海尼曼</p><p> 读:无</p><p> 听:神奇树屋第39本</p><p> 复述:peppa pig 第二季最后四集</p><p>(明天上传视频)</p><p> 户外:蹦床一小时</p><p>反思:今天聊天发现:在学校上课的时候做别的事情了。我直接气的压不住火。本来最近听别人说话就有爱走神,还去做不该做的事。而且是严厉禁止的事情。整堂课没听。自己不养成学习习惯是最可怕的事情,本来个子就不高。坐在后面不注意听讲 房子肯定要塌掉!</p><p>到底怎么才能让她明白事情是自己的?</p><p>管的严出门自己会放松,管的不严孩子没规矩也不行。难题!!!</p><p> </p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>☑️ Do all three</p><p>Choose one action from the list and sing the song then add another one more action and then do all three.(超级搞笑的)</p><p>Touch the ground</p><p>Shake your legs</p><p>Nod your </p><p>Blink your eyes</p><p>Pull your ears</p><p>Turn around</p><p>Twist your body</p><p>Slap your thighs</p><p>Tickle your Mommy</p><p>Shout help</p><p>Snap your fingers</p><p>Tap your shouders</p> <p><b>EXPLORE</b></p><p><br></p><p>☑️All about feelings</p><p><br></p><p>❤ Understand and Respond to Feelings</p><p>Sharing feelings effectively often begins with two simple words: I feel.</p><p>This is an important lesson for everyone to learn and is good lesson to teach from a young age. </p><p>If people are able to identify and express how they feel more freely it benefits their health and cause fewer bad feelings hidden away inside of them that get worse over time. </p><p>We often struggle not only with understanding their feelings, but also relating to other people’s feelings. These skills are critical for personal wellbeing and building relationships. These steps for teaching us to manage our feelings as well as identify and respond to other people’s feelings.</p><p>❤Knowing how to express feelings is。 important if you want to feel close to people and to have good relationships with others. Sharing positive feelings solidifies relationships. </p><p>At the same time, stresses occur in everyone’s life, leaving them with sad, scared or mad feelings. Sharing feelings enables you to talk through the situation that has caused the difficulty. That way you can figure out how the problem occurred and what to do to fix it.</p> <p>EXPLORE</p><p><br></p><p>感知,表达和反馈是每个人情绪管理的必修课</p><p>1. Identifying Feelings</p><p>Whether happy, sad, or angry the first。 step in coping with a feeling is identifying it. Identify feelings by discussing emotions when they occur. If you feel angry you can say, “I’m angry, I have my arms crossed and I’m stomping my feet.” </p><p>2. Recognizing Other People’s Feelings – Learning to empathize with other people and respond appropriately to another person’s feelings, is an important skill for building relationships. Show pictures and drawings or role play situations to discuss the words, body language, and experiences that indicate a person’s feelings. </p><p>3. Responding to Other People’s Feelings – Not only we have to identify other people’s feelings, but we also need to learn how to respond when someone is angry, sad, or excited. We can do that through role play and reviewing past events. </p> <p><b>Happiness</b> is usually thought of as the opposite of sadness. However, it is possible to feel both at once. People go back and forth between times of happiness and sadness, but there is nobody who is always happy or always sad. Happiness sometimes causes people to cry when they laugh because the emotion takes control of them. Happiness was thought of as the key to love in ancient times.</p><p><b>Sadness</b> is the opposite of happiness. People feel sad when something bad has happened, for example, if if they are “miserable” When people their mother or father has died, or parted from friends. The word has a similar meaning. are very sad for a long time, the person could have a serious mental illness called depression or Bipolar disorder.</p><p><b>Anger</b> happens when we are threatened, offended, wronged, or denied something we really want or need. Anger is a normal emotion. It involves a strong, uncomfortable and emotional response to a provocation. </p><p><b>Anger</b> is a bit like a pressure cooker: we can only apply pressure against our anger for a certain amount of time until it explodes. People show anger to others by their face, what they do with their body, and sometimes acts of aggression or force in public (example: punching a wall).</p><p><b>Fear</b> is an emotion much like anxiety. A person who is afraid of something does not want it to happen, because they think something bad will happen to them if it does. Fear is the body's way of protecting itself from doing things that may be dangerous. For example, if you have a fear of jumping off a cliff, you will not do it. In this case, fear is a good thing but in others, it can be bad. An example of fear being bad is if it stops you from doing something important, like going to see a doctor.</p><p><b>Shame</b> is rooted in a society and culture. Some people feel shame when some of the social rules have been broken. A person can feel ashamed because he or she has thought or done something no one else knows about. Children are often told to be ashamed of something, because they sometimes have trouble telling cause and effect, apart. When they grow up, they can better tell the two apart. At that stage, the feeling of guilt becomes stronger.</p><p><b>Boredom</b> is when a person has nothing to do, and is not interested in anything. <b>Envy</b>: Envy or jealousy, is a feeling people get when they want what others have.</p><p><b>Embarrassment</b> is a feeling of discomfort, shame, self consciousness or humiliation.</p><p><b>Guilt</b> is a feeling when you realise or believe that you have done something wrong..</p><p><b>Hunger</b> is the feeling of wanting to eat.</p><p>Loneliness Is the sad feeling of being alone and not having friends.</p><p>Pride means having a feeling of being good and worthy.</p>