<p>数学:无</p><p>语文:听千字文 背诵第三段。</p><p>英语:听MTH</p><p>学习关于中秋节的内容。</p><p>做AR 测试。一个月阅读能力提升不少。</p><p>但正常来说 ,口语能力一直是优于阅读的。现在语感下降。多讨论,多应用,给足语言环境。</p> <p>看了一个关于中秋的视频</p><p>内容非常简单,本想着是这复述作个小段演讲,没想到用了巨长时间。</p><p>反思:对节日没有理解,语感最近下降很快!打算回去重新复盘。贪多贪难真的容易塌房子。另一方面还要多多发挥孩子的理解力 应变力和灵活性,思辨能力和开放性思维。</p><p>Mid-Autumn Festival</p><p>The Mid-Autumn Festival,Zhongqiujie,is a festival for families to get together in China.It falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month,when the full moon returns to the sky.</p><p>中秋节是一个全家团圆的节日。按照中国的农历,每年的八月十五,月圆的那天就是中秋节。</p><p>On this day,people eat a moon-shaped dessert called a Moon Cake.All the family members sit together,eat Moon Cakes and fresh fruits,and enjoy the sight of the round and bright moon.Those who cannot return home look at the round moon and think of their family.</p><p>这一天,人们喜欢吃一种圆形的点心,像月亮一样,叫做月饼。买配上新鲜的水果,一家人围坐在一起欣赏天上又圆又亮的满月。就算是那些无法回家的人,也会在中秋节那天抬头望向哪一轮圆圆的明月寄托对故乡的思念。</p><p>Chinese people all around the world share the same tradition.Just like an ancient Chinese poem says,the moor was rising from the sea and all the people were sharing this mo</p><p>这是海内外,所有中国人的共同情感。就像中国的一首著名的诗里所说:海上生明月,天涯共此时。</p><p><br></p> <p>嫦娥奔月的故事。</p><p>包含词解</p><p>Legend says that there were once ten suns in the sky,which made plants wither, water in rivers and lakes run dry.It's too hot to live on the sun.</p><p>相传,远古时候有一年,天上出现了十个太阳,直烤得大地冒烟,海水枯干,老百姓眼看无法再生活去。 </p><p><br></p><p><i>Wither['wroal</i></p><p><i>vt.使枯萎;使畏缩;使衰弱;vi.凋谢;衰弱;萎缩; If a flower or plant withers,it dries up and dies.例如:</i></p><p><i>Age cannot wither her.岁月并未使她的容颜减色.</i></p><p><i>The grass had withered in the warm sun.草在温暖的阳光下枯萎了。 Live on[liv an]继续活着;继续存在;住在...上;以..为食例如:</i></p><p><i>They are still having to live on very low incomes.他们现在还得靠微薄的收入过日子。</i></p><p><i>The fish live on the plankton['plaenkten].这种鱼靠吃浮游生物为生。</i></p><p><br></p><p>This event shocked a hero named Hou Yi,who climbed to the top of Kunlun Mountains,draw his bow and shot down nine extra SUNS at one go.这件事惊动了一个名叫后翠的英雄,他登上昆仑山顶,运足神力,拉开神弓,一气射下九个多余的太阳</p> <p><i>Draw bow拉弓例如:</i></p><p><i>When you shoot an arrow,you draw the bow.射箭时,得拉弓。</i></p><p><i>Mountains[mauntins]n.山脉;群山;例如:</i></p><p><i>I took a wrong turn and we got lost in the mountains.我拐错了弯,我们便在山里迷了路。例如是go一口气,一下子,一举;一气 Few authors write a book at one go很少有作家能一口气写出一本书来.</i></p><p><i>Houyi thus was respected and honored by people as a hero.Young men who were fond of archery flocked to him to learn shooting后翼立下盖世神功,受到百姓的尊敬和爱戴,不少志士慕名前来投师学艺。 </i></p><p><br></p><p><i>archery[artjori]n.箭术;他是箭术真shot at archery.</i></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><i>What interested you when you thought about archery?当你想要射箭的时候是什么原因在驱使你?成群结队地专向例如:</i></p><p><i>Crowds of visitors flock to zoos to observe the animals大批游人涌向动物园去看动物。</i></p><p><i>Pengmeng also mixed in unscrupulousIAn'skrupjelas奸诈勺钻,心术不正的蓬蒙也混了进来。</i></p><p><i>intended to cheat somebody,usuai,不诚实的:奸诈; illegally.例如:fraudulent advertising欺骗性广告 fraudulent insurance claims欺诈性保险索赔</i></p> <p>Houyi later married a pretty lady called Chang E and lived a happy life with her.不久,后哭娶了个美丽善良的妻子,名叫娣娥,并和她过着幸福的生活。</p><p>One day on his way to a friend's home in the Kunlun Mountain,Houyi came across the Queen of Heaven.</p><p>后翠到昆仑山访友求道,巧遇由此经过的王母娘娘。</p><p>came across(come across)[kam e'kros]偶遇;偶然发现;使产生...印象 If you come across something or someone,you find them or meet them by chance.例如:</p><p>她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。</p><p>Houyi was enamored of the happy life with his wife and wanted to be with her forever so he asked the The Queen of Heaven to give him some elixir.后翠因与娣娥恩爱,想与她永远在一起,便向王母求一包不 </p><p><br></p><p><i>namored(en'semed]</i></p><p><i>adj.倾心的,被迷住的;v.使倾心,使迷恋(enamor的过去式和过去分词) Liking something a lot</i></p><p><i>我特别喜欢那里的野花,e wildflowers there He became enamored of a girl in New York.他为一位纽约的姑娘而倾倒.</i></p><p><i>elixir[r'lrkse]n.炼金药,长生不老药;融剂;</i></p><p><i>magic liquid that is believed to cure illnesses or to make people live for ever he elixir of life/youth长生不老药</i></p><p><i>(eep your mind awake and active;that's the only youth elixir.保持头脑清醒和灵活便是保持年轻的唯一灵丹妙药</i></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>The elixir was strictly controlled off normal people.The Queen of Heaven,however, moved by Houyi's contribution and affection to love and gave him one.七药凡间控制得严,王母被后辉的贡献和精神打动,就给了神药。</p><p><br></p><p><i>affection喜爱;钟爱</i></p><p><i>the feeling of liking or loving somebody/something very much and caring about them.例如:</i></p><p><i>Their affection for her soon increased almost to idolatry.他们对她的喜爱不久就发展到了盲目崇拜的地步。 he had trouble expressing the affection he felt.</i></p><p><i>The drug was said very powerful and people who took it can fly to the heaven and became an immortal immediately.</i></p><p><i>mmortal(rmortl]adj.不死的;永恒的;n.神仙;流芳百世的人; that lives or lasts for ever and never die or be destroyed. He believed himself immortal.他相信自己是不朽的</i></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>However,the content was only enough for one person and Houyi was reluctant to leave his beloved wife alone on the earth so he gave the elixir to Chang E to preserve and wanted to seek another one for his wife.但是药量只够他一个人服用,后弄舍不得撇下妻子,只好暂时把不死药交给娣娥珍藏 eluctant[rr'laktent]adj.不情愿的,勉强的;顽抗的;难处理的;厌恶 hesitating before doing something because you do not want to do it or because you are not sure that it is the right thing to d eluctant agreement勉强同意</p><p>She was reluctant to admit she was wrong.她不愿承认自己错了.</p><p>Chang E carefully stored it in a wooden box while her action was peeked by the evil Pengmeng-one of his husband's adherents.9999</p><p>娣娥小心翼翼地把它放在一个木箱里,而她的行动却被邪恶的蓬蒙——他丈夫的一个追随者——偷看了。</p><p><br></p><p> <i>Adherent[ed'hrent]n.支持者,拥护者;adj.粘着的 a person who supports a political party or set of ideas This idea is gaining adherents.这种观念正在赢得更多的拥护者。 The brass plate must be adherent to the steel.黄铜片必须和钢粘结</i></p> <p>喜爱;钟爱</p><p>the feeling of liking or loving somebody/something very much and caring about them.</p><p>例如:</p><p>Their affection for her soon increased almost to idolatry.他们对她的喜爱不久就发展到了盲目崇拜的地步。</p><p> he had trouble expressing the affection he felt.</p><p>The drug was said very powerful and people who took it can fly to the heaven and became an immortal immediately.</p><p>mmortal(rmortl]adj.不死的;永恒的;n.神仙;流芳百世的人; that lives or lasts for ever and never die or be destroyed. He believed himself immortal.他相信自己是不朽的</p><p>However,the content was only enough for one person and Houyi was reluctant to leave his beloved wife alone on the earth so he gave the elixir to Chang E to preserve and wanted to seek another one for his wife.但是药量只够他一个人服用,后弄舍不得撇下妻子,只好暂时把不死药交给娣娥珍藏 eluctant[rr'laktent]adj.不情愿的,勉强的;顽抗的;难处理的;厌恶 hesitating before doing something because you do not want to do it or because you are not sure that it is the right thing to d eluctant agreement勉强同意</p><p>She was reluctant to admit she was wrong.她不愿承认自己错了.</p><p>Chang E carefully stored it in a wooden box while her action was peeked by the evil Pengmeng-one of his husband's adherents.9999</p><p>娣娥小心翼翼地把它放在一个木箱里,而她的行动却被邪恶的蓬蒙——他丈夫的一个追随者——偷看了。 Adherent[ed'hrent]n.支持者,拥护者;adj.粘着的 a person who supports a political party or set of ideas This idea is gaining adherents.这种观念正在赢得更多的拥护者。 The brass plate must be adherent to the steel.黄铜片必须和钢粘结</p> <p>Three days afterward,Houyi lead his disciples to go out for hunting but</p><p>Fengmeng who wanted to steal the elixir while Houyi was away,stayed at home deliberately.三天后,后弄率众徒外出狗猎,心怀鬼胎的蓬蒙假装生病,留了下来。 Disciple[dr'sapal]n.信徒,追随者;门徒,弟子; or political leader</p><p>Deliberately[dr'lrberrtli]adv.故意地;深思熟虑地;从容不迫地;例如:It looks as if the blaze was started deliberately.看起来似乎是有人蓄意纵火。</p><p>警方在大多数期hatelykeptakprofileinmostplaces.</p><p>No sooner as Houyi left his house,Fengmeng knocked into the courtyard where Chang E was working.He wielded his glitter sword and threatened Chang E to give him the elixir.</p><p>待后界率众人走后不久,蓬蒙手持宝剑闯入内宅后院,威逼娣女出不死药。 Courtyard['kortjard]n.庭院,院子;天井;</p><p>an open space that is partly or completely surrounded by buildings and is usually part of a castle,a large house,et</p><p>Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard.阳光照到院子里。</p><p>to hold something(图器工具等);运用(权力),施加(影响);行使;支百例如:</p><p>They wield enormous political power.他们行使巨大的政治权力. He who knows only how to wield a pen usually feels quite helpless tical problems.光会耍笔杆的人,碰到实际问题往往束手无策. sword[sord]n.剑,刀权,权力;dahandle例如:</p><p>Fame can be a two-edged sword.</p> <p>Chang E had no better idea than swallowed the elixir herself.娣娥知道自己不是蓬蒙的对手,只得拿出不死药一口吞了下去。 No better than[nou bete-Oen]adv.几乎等于;倒不如;火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。</p><p>As soon as she took it,Chang E flew from her house toward the heaven and finally landed on the moon.</p><p>娣娥一吞下药,身子立刻飘离她的家,冲向天,最后登录月球。 Took take的过去式 Take medicine吃药</p><p>heaven[heven]n.天;天堂;上帝;极乐 Landon例如:</p><p>We never imagined that men would land on the moon.</p><p>Houyi was told what was happening in the evening when he returned home from bumper hunting.傍晚,后弄打猎回到家,侍女们哭诉了白天发生的</p><p>He was astonished,anguished and then very anger so he decided to kill the evil man.But Fengmeng had fled away.后拜既惊又怒,抽剑去杀恶徒,蓬蒙早逃走了。例如:happening当时正在发生的事情 I had a mistaken view of what was happening.我对当时发生的事情曾有一种错误的认识。</p><p>Bumper[bampe]adj.特大的,丰盛的;n.减震器;保险杠; a bumper pack of matches.一大盒火柴</p> <p>astonished[e'stanift]adj.吃惊的 very surprised例如:</p><p>She was quite astonished at his rudeness.</p><p>What he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. </p><p><br></p><p>Anguished['aengwift]adj.极度痛苦的v.使极度痛苦(anguish过去式) howing severe pain,mental suffering or unhappiness列如:</p><p>she let out an anguished cry.她痛苦地大叫了一声。</p><p>Chang E decides to live on the moon because it is nearest to the earth姚娥决定在月亮上住下来,因为月亮离地球最近。</p><p>There she lives a simple and contented life.Even though she is in Heaven,her heart remains in the world of mortals.Never does she forget the deep love she has for Hou Yi.</p><p>她在月宫里过着简单的生活。尽管她上了天宫,她的心还是在凡间。娣娥从未忘记与后辉之间的爱。 Contented[ken'tentrd]adj.满意的,满足的;</p><p>If you are contented,you are satisfied with your life or the situation you are in Whenever he returns to this place he is happy and contented...每次回到这个地方,他都十分快乐,心满意足。</p><p>She was gazing at him with a soft,contented smile on her face. Mortal[mortl]n.凡人,人类;adj.致命的;终有一死的; an ordinary person.</p><p>Mortals n.凡人,人类(mortal的名词复数) We are all mortal.我们都总有一死。</p><p>rickets seem unobtainable to the ordinary mortal.普通人好像根本买不到票。</p> <p>Each year on the 15th day of the eighth month,when the moon is at its fullest and brightest,people look at the moon and try to see it the image of a beautiful maiden.每年八月十五,当月亮最圆最明亮的时候,人们会观赏月亮,并寻找那个美丽少女的身影。 ayoun(medn]n.未婚女子;少女;初次例如:</p><p>The prince fell in love with a fair young maiden.王子爱上了一位年轻美丽的少女。</p><p>The aircraft makes its maiden flight tomorrow.这架飞机明天首航。</p><p>PS:这里用maiden这个次词来形容娣娥,意在表明娣娥像少女一样美丽。</p> <p>关于中秋节的对话</p><p>海上生明月,天涯共此时”,又是一年中秋至。每年农历八月十五日,是传统的中秋佳节。这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋,又称月夕、秋节、仲秋节、八月节、八月会、追月节、玩月节、拜月节、女儿节或团圆节。</p><p>在这一天,大家祭月、拜月、赏月、燃灯、猜谜、吃月饼、赏桂花、玩花灯,这么好玩的节日,爸爸妈妈们打算怎么陪孩子度过一个难忘的节日?有没有准备好跟孩子一起玩的中秋知识、活动或游戏呢?如果还没准备,那就跟小编一起来看看吧!</p><p>以下对话中的P=Parent(家长),K=Kid(孩子)</p><p>Episode 1: Daily Dialogue 场景一:日常对话</p><p>P: Baby, do you know what day it is today? It’s Mid-Autumn Festival. It falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. In Chinese, it’s called Zhong Qiu Jie. Mommy and Daddy have one day off. We don’t go to work today. We can stay and play together. Are you happy?</p><p>K: Yes. I’m very happy.</p><p>P: Today we can make something delicious to eat. Then, we can play something interesting. Do you know what it is?</p><p>K: No, Mommy. I want to eat first.</p><p>P: Can’t you wait to eat? OK. Let’s make some mooncakes first.</p><p>词汇语法解析和例句:</p><p>Can't wait to do sth. 迫不及待要去做某事(将要去做还没做)</p><p>例句:I can’t wait to eat. / I can’t wait to know the surprise.</p><p>can't help doing sth. 忍不住做某事,情不自禁做某事</p><p>例句:I can’t help laughing when I see her funny face.</p><p>Episode 2: Make Mooncakes 场景二:做月饼</p><p>There’re many kinds of mooncakes in the market.</p><p>Per regions: Beijing-style, Cantonese-style, Yunnan-style, Chaoshan-style, Suzhou-style, Taiwan-style, Hong Kong-style, or even Japanese style mooncakes.</p><p>月饼按产地分有:京式月饼、广式月饼、滇式月饼、潮式月饼、苏式月饼、台式月饼、港式月饼,甚至日式等;</p><p>Per the flavors: there’re sweet, salty, salty sweet, spicy and hot flavors.</p><p>就口味而言:有甜味、咸味、咸甜味、麻辣味;</p><p>Per the fillings: there’re Five Kernel and Roast Pork, Red Bean Paste, Lotus Seed Paste, Snow Skin, Fruit and Vegetable, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Green Tea, Seafood flavors etc.</p><p>从馅料分:有五仁、豆沙、莲蓉、饼皮、果蔬、巧克力、冰激凌、绿茶、海鲜月饼等。</p><p>Five Kernel and Roast Pork mooncake五仁叉烧月饼</p><p>还记得某年某月中秋节,五仁月饼不幸躺枪。五仁月饼当中的杏仁、核桃仁、花生仁、芝麻仁和瓜子仁混在一起,甜不甜咸不咸,吃到嘴里“又咸又干”,嚼起来如同吃米饭时咬到沙子一样难受,简直是月饼界的“黑暗料理”。但是后来因为有了肉味月饼和月饼炒辣椒,五仁君才存活了下来。</p> <p>中纠结祝福语</p>