<p>今天是sunny第一天上学放学就讲了一遍数学语文外语课上内容,然后讲了老师的性格,又讲了一些其它事情。</p><p>在学校进行了户外活动,家楼下只进行了半小时</p><p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8); font-size: 22px;">学习内容</b></p><p><b>英语</b></p><p>1读:独立阅读神树MTH2 第1-3章</p><p>妈妈讲神树百科MTH4 还差最后一章(翻出来RAZK级别关于海盗的故事读了一遍,发现这次读明白的更透彻了)</p><p>2写:sight words海尼曼GK一本, phonics字母组合ur ur er or</p><p>3复述:peppa pig :第二季 《Mr Scarecrow》《Windy Autumn Day》《Daypigs office》《the foggy day》(下周将完成第二季最后四集复述)发现最近一周反复听四集,下一周复述基本可以一次过。句子结构比较难的我摘出来最终点。</p><p>4听:peppe 第二季最后四集</p><p>5神奇树屋 第二部《merlins mission》第三集</p><p><b>语文</b>:</p><p> 1预习下一课</p><p>2写:还是要赶紧练起来,让我头疼的事</p><p>3听:千字文、声律启蒙三江1.</p><p>凯叔西游记第五部第几集我也不知道,快听完了,这几天集中听,赶紧听完换历史故事 和成语故事。</p><p>4读:西游记</p><p><b>数学</b>:1背了乘法口诀4和5两组</p><p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8); font-size: 22px;">总结</b>:</p><p>数学app 和练习册赶紧加进来20以内口算每天还是要坚持练。然后做100以内加减发每天练一页 先估计10分钟总结</p><p>语文:妈妈要赶紧把部首偏旁学完按规划讲起来。生字学习进度规划好练起来。听力内容规划起来,每天一点点。提前听LY,SHXY</p><p>英语 :紧急重要:妈妈要加速英语备课。听力规划最好:fiction nonfiction部分 都要听。每天除了听神树还要配合听一本读过的科一科二。每天读一本科二 配quize。</p><p>每天有留白时间给孩子周末可以看喜欢看的书,听喜欢的其它书罗尔德达尔试一下 或者初章里选。</p><p><br></p><p>本周熟悉一下作息,工作日和周末的计划在本周日搞定</p> <p><b>主题课继续学习《What do monster‘s do》</b></p><p><b><span class="ql-cursor"></span></b>👻 Goblin(in stories) a small ugly creature that likes to trick people or cause trouble (传说中的)小妖精,丑妖怪There are some kind goblins such as the ones in the story of 《the east of sun and west of the moon.</p> <h3>👻 VampiresVampires must drink blood to survive.They do this by biting people on the neck with their two long fangs/.People who are killed this way may also become vapires.</h3> <h3>👻 Werewolf(in stories) a person who sometimes changes into a wolf, especially at the time of the full moon (传说中,尤指在月圆时)变成狼的人,狼人A werewolf is a human who turns into wolf-like creature during the full moon.</h3> <h3>👻Troll(in Scandinavian stories) a creature that looks like an ugly person. Some trolls are very large and evil, others are small and friendly but like to trick people. (斯堪的纳维亚传说中的)山精,巨怪,友善顽皮的侏儒You remember the stories about trolls 《the three Billy goats 》 《kipper and the trolls》.</h3> <h3>👻 Zombiea zombie is a dead person who has returned to life as a walking corpse /kɔːps/ (尸体).They are also called undead, and group of them can be called the living.</h3> <h3>👻MummyEgyptians believed in life after death.They believed that they had to preserve their bodies so they could lead a new life. In monster stories they came back to life.</h3> <h3>其它的monstercentaur.cyclops.Franksten‘s monster.godzalla.</h3>