🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 1: 复述</b></font> 20210830<br>Peppa pig S1-30<br><font color="#39b54a"><b>Babysitting</b></font><div><br></div><div>这个故事本应该上周复述出来,但周日陪她对稿时发现一半都没能复述出来,于是昨天放学时就让她听了3回,吃完晚饭后,她很坚定地告诉我可以复述了,然后我们就开始了,虽然还是会有漏句,改句,但能在5分内复述完真的很棒,也证明她的语感和听力真的很强,经过这半年复述,发现她的表达越来越清晰,说话越来越连贯,像牛7这些书,听2-3遍就能用她自己的话把整个故事讲回给我听,加油,坚持!!</div> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 2: 自问自答和讨论</b></font> 按照where/who/what来自问自答。<br>又把are变回 is<br><br>用what's beginning/middle/the end of the story 来陪她进行讨论,引导BB用自己简洁的话来进行概括性总结,打破背诵的思维.<div><br></div><div>尝试了几次单独让BB进行这样的复述,发现她的概括能力还不行,于是还是陪她加入转折词,引导她一点点概括出来,而不是用文中的对话来表达。</div> 🌿🌿<font color="#167efb"><b> Part 3: 根据内容我提问她回答和假设性提问</b></font> 一开始就问我是不是只有一些问题,而不是很多问题,免得小区内的广场舞吵到我们哈<div><br></div><div>1. Who are the baby-sit?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">Grandpa pig and grandma pig.</font></div><div><br></div><div>2. Do Peppa and George fall asleep at the beginning?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">No, they didn't.</font></div><div><br></div><div>3. What did they do when everybody left their bedroom?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">They just pretending (pretend) to be sleep, and they played the ball.</font></div><div><br></div><div>4. What did Grandpa pig and Grandma pig see when they went upstairs to check?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">They see(saw) they just pretending (pretend) to sleep.</font></div><div><br></div><div>5. What do Grandpa pig and Grandma pig do when they went downstairs?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">They watched some TV, about gardening programs.</font></div><div><br></div><div>6. What have they played when Peppa and George went downstairs? (一开始又没反应过来)</div><div><font color="#ed2308">They played catch and where do you throw us up and catch us.</font></div><div><br></div><div>7. How do you think about Peppa and George?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">I think they are smart. Because they can go downstairs asked Grandpa pig can we watch TV with you together.</font></div><div><br></div><div>8. How do you think about Grandpa pig and Grandma pig?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">I think they are good, because they can take care of Peppa and George. </font></div><div><font color="#ed2308"><br></font></div><div>BB向我提出的问题:<font color="#ed2308"><br></font></div><div>How about you? How do you think about Peppa & George, Grandpa Pig and Grandma Pig, and Mummy pig and Daddy pig?</div><div>I think Peppa and George are chicky, like you.</div><div>Grandpa Pig and Grandma pig are nice.</div><div>Mummy pig and Daddy pig are good, they are very good as mummy and daddy, they take good care of Peppa and George, Peppa is self-confident and smart. I like their families.</div><div><br></div><div>每次复述完或者精读完某本书,其实我最喜欢就是陪BB一起讨论人物角色,这样更容易培养她的同理心,像问她怎么觉得Grandpa pig and Grandma pig,她说他们很好,因为他们能很好的照顾Peppa & George, 这样听到真的觉得BB很有感恩的心,教育,真的不单单是传授知识,而是培养她的品德,让她知道她要成为一个怎样的人!!</div> The end, thank you for reading!