粉猪 S1E29 小西妈双语工程2001期29号Haytone 20210824 Day129

Haytone BB

🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 1: 复述</b></font> 20210824<br>Peppa pig S1-29<div><font color="#39b54a"><b>Pancakes</b></font></div><div><br></div><div>因为要复述pancakes,还特意陪她用南瓜做了南瓜pancake,但还是复述得不太顺利哟,提示了好几次,用了8分多才复述完。</div><div><br></div><div>还一如既往地喜欢改词:</div><div><br></div><div>expert---very good </div><div>delicious -- yummy</div><div>Let's go upstairs -- Follow me</div><div>What's mummy pig's planning to do -- What's mummy pig's idea?</div><div><br><br></div> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 2: 自问自答和讨论</b></font> 按照where/who/what来自问自答。<br><div>又把are变回 is</div><div><br></div><div>用what's beginning/middle/the end of the story 来陪她进行讨论,引导BB用自己简洁的话来进行概括性总结,打破背诵的思维。<br></div><div><br></div><div>好像整个人的都不在状态一样,所以复述得不好。</div> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Part 3: 根据内容我提问她回答和假设性提问</b></font> 1. What happened for Daddy pig when he cooked pancakes last time?<div><font color="#ed2308">He got a bit grumpy and dropped the pancake on the floor.</font></div><div><br></div><div>2. What does Peppa want to help Mummy pig?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">Peppa wants to help mummy to stir.</font></div><div>想她回答完整,但BB还是没能一下子说出batter</div><div><br></div><div>3. What's batter? What are ingredients?</div><div>开始没能回答出来,先回答完问题后再用ingredients这个替换来问后才回答上来。</div><div><font color="#ed2308">Batter means ingredients, made in flour, egg and milk mixed together.</font></div><div><br></div><div>4. How to cook pancake?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">First, need to put some flour in the bowl.</font></div><div><font color="#ed2308">Next, need to add an egg, now the milk. </font></div><div><font color="#ed2308">And then give it all a stir. And then cook it.</font></div><div><br></div><div>5. Why was daddy pig grumpy last time? </div><div><font color="#ed2308">Because he dropped the pancake on the floor.</font></div><div><br></div><div>6. But does he think it's his fault?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">No, he think it's frying pan's fault.</font></div><div><br></div><div>7. How many times Daddy pig asked Mummy pig to flip higher? (又走神了)</div><div><font color="#ed2308">3 times. First, George's pancake; Next, Peppa's pancake, And then mummy pig's pancake.</font></div><div><br></div><div>8. What happened for Daddy pig to cook pancake this time?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">He flipped the pancake too high into the ceiling.</font></div><div><br></div><div>9. How do mummy pig help daddy pig to make the pancake fall down?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">Mummy pig and the children go up stairs, then mummy pig count to three, then they jump to make Daddy pig's pancake fall down.</font></div><div><br></div><div>10. How do think of Daddy pig?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">I think daddy pig is silly, because he flipped pancake too high.</font></div><div><br></div><div>11. What's your favorite food?</div><div><font color="#ed2308">My favorite food is pancake.</font></div><div><br></div><div>BB向我提出的问题:<br></div><div>How do think daddy pig?</div><div>I think he is always grumpy and silly.</div><div>And what's your favorite food?</div><div><br></div><div><br></div> <p class="ql-block">The end, thank you for reading.</p>