<h1 style="text-align: center;"><b>篇 首 语</b></h1><p class="ql-block"> 由于疫情, 本应去年在美京艺廊举办的摄影精品展延至今夏。这次入选的四十多件作品从众多片子中脱颖而出, 幅幅意境深远, 展示了精彩的风光和人文, 描绘出大自然的绚丽与神奇。它也是我们影社会员近年来追光逐影, 感受美丽, 潜心创作的硕果。</p><p class="ql-block"> 在悠扬的《晨曲》中,《银杏林里的小天使》从《人间天堂》缓缓走来。她双目《凝视》着《老磨坊瀑布》旁《沐浴阳光》的《小精灵》, 满怀激情地《呐喊》一声:《春天》来了! 在这《欢乐时光》里, 初春《大白鹭的求偶舞》在《古松》下更显得优雅美丽, 风情款款。《天境古堡》的《漂亮女孩》也在《教堂晨色》下,《寒冬仙境》里送上天真无暇的一个《吻》并致以《清晨的问候》, 顿时间《温馨满屋》! 想不到是哪位心灵手巧的《油漆匠》在《厨房一角》精心《工艺雕刻》出金碧辉煌的《双龙戏珠》吉祥图案。它将《点亮节日》的喜庆气氛。原野里一双矫健的白头鹰警惕地矗立在《瀑水如绢》的《雪后枯树》上, 它俩《虎视眈眈》, 剑拔弩张,《唯我独尊》, 一触即发。霎那间, 两只雄鹰腾空而起, 在疾风中《扣爪打斗》上演了一场惊心动魄, 扣人心弦的《抢鱼》大战! 在地球的另一端, 已是《日落山谷》的蓝调时刻,《夜幕降临白杨林》与《瀑布劲松》尽情编织着多姿多彩的迷人《秋色》。远隔天边, 逐渐融化的万年冰川犹如一艘气势磅礴的《企鹅号航母》, 它高擎《南极玉笔》庄严肃穆地《纪念》这大自然《星转石移》的神圣创造和壮丽风光!</p><p class="ql-block"> 天高任鸟飞, 海阔凭鱼跃。我们的摄影师跋山涉水《咫尺天涯》, 《白雪连天走单骑》。所到之处, 不是《落日金辉》就见《雁飞秋色》。他们用坚实的脚步丈量美的意境; 他们以坚毅的信念诠释爱的内涵; 他们用光影给我们呈现出了万紫千红, 波澜壮阔的灿烂画卷; 他们用相机谱写并演奏出如梦如幻, 震撼人心的精彩乐章!</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> 自然风光 <p class="ql-block">摄影: 华英奇 David Hua </p><p class="ql-block">标题:《人间天堂》Heaven on Earth </p><p class="ql-block">简介: 金黄的秋色, 积雪, 及朵朵白云在夕阳下仿佛是人间天堂。The snow on the golden autumn colors and the white clouds comprise paradise on earth. </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">摄影: 龚锦 Jing Gong</p><p class="ql-block">标题:《古松》Ancient Pine</p><p class="ql-block">简介: 狐尾松是世界上寿命最长、现存最古老的树种, 有的树龄超过4800年。它们生存在高海拔和极其贫瘠的土地上, 象征着坚韧不拔。摄于加州怀特山脉海拔 3700 米的无人区。Bristlecone pine is the longest-lived tree in existence (some >4800 years old) living on high altitude and extremely barren land, symbolizing perseverance. Taken in an uninhabited area 3700 meters altitude in the White Mountains, CA.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> 摄影: 杨蕊清 Ruiqing Yang <br>标题:《落日金辉》Golden Sunset<br>简介: 金色夕阳下的姐妹石在漫山遍野的鲁冰花的环抱中, 显得分外温柔美丽。Surrounded by lupin flowers the Sister Rocks in the golden setting sun are very gentle and beautiful. <br><div><br></div> <p class="ql-block">摄影: 龚锦 Jing Gong</p><p class="ql-block">标题:《晨曲》Georgetown</p><p class="ql-block">简介: 晨曦微露雾锁都城, 舢板穿过晨雾在水面上滑过, 宛如开启了一天新的乐章。The dawn and the mist surround the capital, and the sampan slides across the water through the morning mist, as if to start a new day of music.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> 摄影: 沈燕愉 Yanyu Shen <br>标题:《夜幕降临白杨林》Golden Aspen at Nightfall<br>简介: 蜿蜒曲折的围栏指向远处金黄的白杨林和雪山, 美丽的秋色尽收眼底。摄于科罗拉多州斯内菲尔山。The winding fence points to the golden aspen forest and snow-capped mountains in distance, a beautiful autumn scenery. Taken in the Mount Sneffels, CO. <br><div><br></div> <p class="ql-block">摄影: 张向明 Xiangming Zhang </p><p class="ql-block">标题:《日落山谷》Sunset in the Valley</p><p class="ql-block">简介: 柔和的阳光洒在秋收后起伏的田野, 一条弯弯的小路, 棵棵挺立的丝柏树, 把我们带入梦幻般的小屋。摄于意大利托斯卡纳奥恰山谷。The soft sunlight shines over the undulating fields after the autumn harvest, a winding path, and the upright cypress trees, leading us into a dreamy hut. Taken at Tuscany Val d Orcia, Italy. </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> 摄影: 高云 Yun Gao <br>标题:《天境古堡》Skyland Castle <br>简介: 圣马力诺是被意大利包围的一个人口才三万的小国, 峭壁上的古堡雄伟庄严, 见证着不朽的历史!San Marino is a small country surrounded by Italy with a population of only 30k. The castle on the cliff is majestic and solemn, witnessing the immortal history. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 周枫 Feng Zhou <br>标题:《教堂晨色》Morning Color <br>简介: 清晨的蓝色和淡红色的天空将圣托里尼的费拉三钟教堂映衬得美不胜收。The blue and pink morning sky is painting over Santorini’s Three Bells of Fira Church. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 杨蕊清 Ruiqing Yang <br>标题:《雁飞秋色》Flying in Misty Autumn <br>简介: 当林中第一缕阳光划破晨雾, 一行大雁翻飞在这美丽动人的秋色里。When the first ray of sunlight in the forest broke through the morning mist, a group of geese flew through in the beautiful autumn scenery. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 徐炜虹 Weihong Xu <br>标题:《秋色》Beauty of Autumn <br>简介: 斑斓的树叶以及沉浸在美景中的女士组成了一幅多彩的秋色图。The vibrant leaves and the lady immersed in the peaceful scenery captured the beauty of autumn. Taken at local Lake Bernard Frank. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 袁继英 Jean Yuan <br>标题:《瀑布劲松》Pine at Waterfalls<br>简介: 一棵挂在瀑布悬崖上的松树, 显示出它适应环境的生命力。A pine tree hanging on the cliff of the waterfall shows its vitality to adapt to the environment. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 程丰 Feng Cheng <br>标题:《瀑水如绢》Silky Waterfalls <br>简介: 用10秒长曝光拍摄以获得螺旋水流和如丝般的光滑效果。摄于西弗吉尼亚黑水瀑布州立公园 。Using 10 sec long exposure to achieve the swirling effect and silky-smooth appearance of water flows, taken at Blackwater Falls State Park, WV. <br><div><br></div> <p class="ql-block">摄影: 牧人 Ken Liang</p><p class="ql-block">标题: 老磨坊瀑布 Babcock Falls</p><p class="ql-block">简介: 时光在这里仿佛倒流, 汩汩流水推着老磨坊的车轮, 还有飞流直下的瀑布, 谱写着动人的优美乐章。摄于西佛州老磨坊瀑布。Time seems to flow backwards here. The gurgling water pushes the wheels of the old mill and the waterfall cascading down, composing a moving and beautiful music. Taken at Babcock State Park, WV.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> 摄影: 郭益群 Alex Guo<br>标题:《企鹅号航母》Penguin Aircraft Carrier<br>简介: 南极融化的一组万年冰川酷似航母舰队, 但它也反映了气候变暖的负面影响。The floating glaciers in Antarctica resemble an aircraft carrier fleet. It, however, also reflects the negative effect of global warming. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 刘燕云 Yanyun Liu <br>标题:《雪后孤树》After Snowing <br>简介: 一场大雪后紫色的朝霞绚烂多姿, 一棵孤树在霞光中分外美丽!摄于马州。The purple morning sky after a heavy snowfall is gorgeous and colorful, and a lone tree is very beautiful in the glow. Taken at Muddy branch Rd, MD. <br><div><br></div> <div>摄影: 贾士隆 James Chia<br>标题:《唯我独尊》For Existence<br>简介: 波浪似的雪地中矗立着一棵坚毅不屈的小树, 形成一个打破韵律的构图, 和强调聚焦的主题。A lonely tiny tree proudly stands in a waving snow field, which renders a rhythmic composition with a focal point of interest to break the rhythm.<br></div><div><br></div> 摄影: 郭益群 Alex Guo <br>标题:《南极玉笔》Antarctic Jade Pen <br>简介: 南极罕见的直立高峰酷似一支玉笔, 在冰天雪地中傲然挺立, 真是大自然的鬼斧神工。手持560mm长焦摄于航行中的探险船上。A rare upright peak in Antarctica resembles a jade pen, standing proudly in glaciers, which is really the magic of nature. Taken handheld on the sailing expedition ship with 560mm telephoto lens. <br><div><br></div> <div>摄影: 贾士隆 James Chia<br>标题:《寒冬仙境》Winter Wonderland<br>简介: 晨曦中的逆光和修长的树影引导着目光深入晨雾缭绕的远方。一个风光摄影师梦寐以求的仙境!The backlit light of the morning sun makes the long shadows of the trees lead the eye deep into the misty, foggy mid-ground and beyond. Can’t ask more for a landscape photographer!<br></div><div><br></div> 摄影: 赵姜勤 Jiangqin Zhao <br>标题:《白雪连天走单骑》Riding alone in Snow<br>简介: 茫茫雪地中孤独的马车反映了宾州蓝卡斯特郡著名的阿米什人与现代社会截然相反的独特文化。A lonely carriage in vast snow well reflects the unique culture of Amish people in Lancaster, PA, contrary to modern society. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 裘献心 Sam Qiu <br>标题:《沐浴阳光》The Sunshine <br>简介: 一道道光柱透过云层照耀在田野上, 层层梯田显示了典型的山乡特色。摄于中国云南省元阳。Pillars of light shine through the clouds on the fields, and layers of terraces show the feature of mountainous villages. Taken in Yuanyang, Yunnan, China. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 程丰 Feng Cheng <br>标题:《星转石移》Racetrack <br>简介: 在寒冷的强风天, 死亡谷的岩石被融化的冰块推动, 在软泥床留下小径, 完全是靠大自然的神奇力量。The heavy rocks in Death Valley were pushed by melting ice in strong windy day and left trails on the soft mud bed, totally by magic nature force. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 吴乃群 Naiqun Wu <br>标题:《咫尺天涯》Galaxy on Arch <br>简介: 遥远的银河与眼前的石拱展现了宇宙的浩瀚和大自然的魅力。摄于犹他州拱门国家公园。The remote galaxy and the nearby stone arch reveal the vastness of the universe and the charm of nature. Taken at Arches National Park, UT. <br><div><br></div> 动物飞鸟 摄影: 华英奇 David Hua <br>标题:《抢鱼》Chasing <br>简介: 一只狡滑的成年白头鹰在追一只幼鹰并成功地从它的爪子里拦截了这条鱼A cunning adult bald eagle was chasing a juvenile and successfully intercepted the fish out of its claws。<br><div><br></div> 摄影: 邓蕾 Lei Deng <br>标题:《扣爪打斗》Claw Wrestling <br>简介: 罕见的白头鹰两爪相握、强力争鱼的瞬间, 摄于马州科诺温戈大坝。The rare moment when the bald eagles strongly fight for fish, claws in claws. Taken in Conowingo Dam MD. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 林时顺 Si-Shun Lam <br>标题:《虎视眈眈》Staring <br>简介: 守巢的鱼鹰似乎在问:鱼呢?我在家保护儿女, 你也得勤快点。摄于维州Belle Haven公园。The osprey waiting at the nest seems to be asking: Where is our fish? I protect our children at home. You got to be diligent too. Taken at Belle Haven park VA. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 牧人 Ken Liang <br>标题:《大白鹭求偶舞》Great Egret's Mating Dance <br>简介: 春天, 雄性大白鹭正在向配偶炫耀其雪白的羽毛。摄于新泽西州大洋城。In spring, a male Great Egret is showing off its snowy white plumage for mates. Taken at Ocean City, NJ in May 2021.<br><div><br></div> 摄影: 筱斌 Bill X. Liu <br>标题:《欢乐时光》Joyful Moment <br>母亲看着两只小蓝鹭在争吵, 打架, 或玩耍Two young blue herons were arguing, fighting, or just playing around with the mother watching them。<br><div><br></div> <p class="ql-block">摄影: 刘修恒 Xiuheng Liu </p><p class="ql-block">标题:《小精灵》A Tiny Diner </p><p class="ql-block">简介: 一只雌蜂鸟正在觅食, 它们的长度只有 7.5-13 厘米。摄于马州布鲁克赛德花园。A female hummingbird is foraging. They measure only 7.5–13 cm in length. Taken in Brookside Gardens, MD, 2021. </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> 人文艺术 摄影: 何蘊隆 Bill Ho <br>标题:《油漆匠》Painters <br>简介: 照片展示了姿势各异的油漆匠们五彩缤纷的工作场景。A colorful work scene of the painters with different postures. <br><div><br></div> <p class="ql-block">摄影: 祥 Chris Kong </p><p class="ql-block">标题:《纪念》Remembrance </p><p class="ql-block">简介: 黑白的喷泉显得庄严而纯洁, 以表达纪念主题。摄于华盛顿特区的二战纪念碑The black and white water fountain looks solemn and pure to convey the remembrance theme. Taken at World War II Memorial in Washington DC.。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> 摄影: 孔羽 Cynthia Kong <br>标题:《漂亮女孩》Pretty Girl <br>简介: 年轻女孩和她飘逸的长发充满了青春气息。A young girl and her flowing hair are full of youth. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 邓蕾 Lei Deng <br>标题:《银杏林里的小天使》Angel in the Ginkgo Grove<br>简介: 广角记录下这油画般的画面, 光脚女孩和她飘逸的裙子充分展现了其天真、自由、和快乐。A beautiful oil painting like moment at Ginkgo Grove - the barefoot girl and her flowing skirt fully demonstrate freedom and joy. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 蓝岚 Lydia Lan <br>标题:《凝视》Gazing <br>简介: 单人赛艇划过后在平静的水面上留下波纹, 好似一对大眼睛凝视着你。A rowing boat passed by, leaving ripples on the calm water. The oval shaped ripples look like a pair of big eyes gazing at you. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 徐炜虹 Weihong Xu <br>标题:《呐喊》Shouting <br>简介: 一个精准捕捉的有趣瞬间, 完美地结合了背景和前景, 似乎他在她的耳边呐喊。An interesting precise moment perfectly combined background and foreground, which looks like he is shouting at her ears. <br><div><br></div> 摄影: 列文胜 Michael Lit <br>标题:《工艺雕刻》Craft Carving Art <br>简介: 鹰嘴般的雕刻和它的背景构成一副独特的几何图案。摄于 DC 印第安人博物馆。The eagle-like carving and its background form a unique geometric pattern. Taken in DC Indians Museum. <br><div><br></div> <p class="ql-block">摄影: 刘嫄 Yuan Liu </p><p class="ql-block">标题:《双龙戏珠》Double Dragons Playing Ball</p><p class="ql-block">简介: "双龙戏珠" 是中国传统吉祥图案。摄于北京附近的"天下第一城"。"Double Dragon Playing Ball" is a Chinese traditional auspicious symbol. Taken at "First City" near Beijing.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> 摄影: 谢百龄 Pak Ling Tse<br>标题:《点亮节日》Light up Festival<br>简介: 悬垂的灯饰展现出美丽的图案和喜庆。摄于维州阿什本市举行的 "点亮节日"。The suspended lights show the beautiful pattern and festivity. Taken in the "Light Up Festival" in Ashburn, VA.<div><div><br></div></div> 花卉静物 摄影: 蹇明 Ming Jian <br>标题:《清晨的问侯》Good Morning<br>简介: 随着清晨的第一缕阳光,微笑的花儿从小径旁探出头来轻轻地说: "早上好!" 顿觉心情无限好。A little hello and lots of love to start your bright day. <div><div><br></div></div> 摄影: 沈燕愉 Yanyu Shen <br>标题:《春天来了》Spring is Coming <br>简介: 初春生机勃勃的花草和明媚的春光象征着驱除病毒阴霾的希望, 摄于2020年春。The vigorous plants and the bright spring light symbolize the hope to get rid of the haze of the pandemic. Taken in spring 2020. <br><div><br></div> <div>摄影: 刘燕云 Yanyun Liu <br>标题:《蜻蜓点莲》A Kiss on Lotus <br>简介: 前景的绿色荷叶掩映出更加虚化的蜻蜓点水之感, 摄于华盛顿特区The green lotus leaves in the foreground conceal a more blurred feeling of dragonflies. Taken at Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens, DC.。<br> <br></div> 摄影: 魏榕 Rong Wei <br>标题:《厨房一角》Kitchen Corner<br>简介: 明亮的菊花瓶与周围不同形状和大小的蔬菜、水果构成一个有趣的厨房小景。The bright chrysanthemum bottle and the surrounding vegetables and fruits of different shapes and sizes form an interesting small kitchen scene. <br><div><br></div> <p class="ql-block">摄影: 陈晨 Shaofen Chen </p><p class="ql-block">标题:《温馨满屋》A Cozy House </p><p class="ql-block">简介: 深色的背景使侧逆光的麦穗更加突出, 加上协调的色彩, 充分表达了温馨的生活气息。The dark background makes the side-backlit wheat ears more prominent, with harmony colors, fully expressing a warm breath of life.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;">******</p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px; color: rgb(1, 1, 1);"><u>CCACC美京摄影2021影展信息</u></b></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><br></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b>时光的记忆</b></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b>美京华人活动中心摄影社</b></p><p class="ql-block">无论严寒酷暑, 哪怕山高海阔, 我们都在创作的征途上; 北到人烟稀少的冰岛, 南至企鹅的乐园南极, 我们踏遍天涯海角; 仰望银河我们挽留时空, 俯视眼前我们定格精美; 寻遍街头巷尾, 追踪飞禽走兽, 我们捕捉稍纵即逝的瞬间; 驱车路途坎坷的死亡谷, 跋涉人迹罕至的无人区, 我们挑战身心极限, 探寻大自然的奇观。不尽的等待换来惊喜的光影, 无数的探索结出创意的硕果。万水千山脚下踩, 无限风光镜中留, 我们都有一个响亮的名字 —— 一往直前的摄影师! 衷心感谢美京艺廊的鼎力相助; 感谢影社会员和另一半的辛勤付出! 敬请欣赏。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Photo Editors 图片编辑: Alex Guo 郭益群, Jing Gong 龚锦, Jean Yuan 袁继英, Feng Cheng 程丰</p><p class="ql-block">Text Editor 文字编辑: Alex Guo 郭益群</p><p class="ql-block">Web Page 网页</p><p class="ql-block">http://www.ccaccphotoclub.com</p><p class="ql-block">President 会长: Ruiqing Yang 杨蕊清</p><p class="ql-block">ryang002@gmail.com</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b>The Memory of Time and Light</b></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b>Chinese Culture and Community Service Center (CCACC) Photo Club</b></p><p class="ql-block">Regardless of the weather we are always on the journey of creation, even if the mountains are high and oceans are wide. North to the sparsely populated Iceland and south to the penguin paradise of Antarctica, we travel all over the world. Looking up into galaxy we seize time and space. Looking down in front we freeze exquisites. Searching the streets and lanes, tracking the birds and beasts, we capture the beautiful moments. Driving to the bumpy Death Valley or trekking in the uninhabited land, we challenge physical and mental limits and explore wonders of nature. Endless waiting obtains surprises of lights. Countless explorations bear fruits of creativity. Stepping over thousands of rivers and mountains and capturing infinite sceneries, we all have a resounding name - photographers who go forward! Sincerely thanks to CCACC Arts Gallery for their great supports and to our club members and their families for the hard work! Please enjoy. </p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">影展大厅一瞥(手机横过来看大图)</b></p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">欢迎并感谢观赏!</b></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">衷心感谢你对美京华人活动中心</b></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">摄影社的支持!</b></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><br></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">【2021年第6期, 总期刊第13期】</b></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><br></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">照片评选: 美京摄影社艺术委员会</b></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">文字编辑: 祥, 郭益群</b></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">美篇编辑: 杰克逊肖</b></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size: 20px;">本美篇版权属于美京华人中心摄影社</b><a href="http://www.ccaccphotoclub.com/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="font-size: 20px;"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i><b><i> </i>(CCACC Photo Club)</b></a><b style="font-size: 20px;"> 。欢迎评论, 点赞和转发, 禁止盗图和抄袭。未经作者同意, 不得用于商业用途。如发现有侵权或违规, 请告知本社以便于修正或删除, 谢谢!</b></p> <p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><br></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/3q72eadu" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="font-size: 20px;"><i> </i><b>诗情画意夏荷香</b></a></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/3jnq0xwk" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="font-size: 20px;"><i> </i><b>华盛顿樱花季:樱飞樱长缀华埠</b></a></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/3cu2h7yf" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="font-size: 20px;"><i> </i><b>追光逐影二十载 华府经雨忆流年</b></a></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://www.meipian.cn/3ritsoj0" target="_blank" style="font-size: 20px;"><b>美京摄影2021影展视频荟萃</b></a></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;"><span class="ql-cursor"></span></b></p>