Wheel of Luxury 记一辆“豪车”


<p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">A typical scene of the village adjacent to the urban area is various vehicles running along the main road , in or on which different people are driving on their different way of life . You can see residents’ cars of different brands ranging from obscure modest domestic brands to world-famous bewildering tycoons . Also, you cannot fail to notice a cash -carrying truck , to which even the arrogant luxurious private cars must give way. What comes into your sight most frequently are vehicles of different shapes and sizes which belong to the vendors who occupy and dominate both sides of the 500-metre road. Speedy and swift are the motorbikes sending food ordered online; sweet and soft are the baby carriages holding rosy and delicate infants ; somber and slow are the wheelchairs supporting withered elderly mourning and reflecting numerous passing life stories except those confident and courageous old men who are driving electricity-powered wheelchairs at an astonishing speed.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">The climax of the busy traffic on the road is at 5-7 p.m when all the vehicles are packed there . You will not miss interesting even inspiring incidents happening then and there.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(城中村)西吴村的热闹,从每日穿行于其主路(约500米)的各种车辆就可见一斑:有周边各楼盘业主的私家车(各国产的各式各样的小车,越野车),不乏傲气逼人的宝#、#虎、奥#,有早晚时分才会出现的令豪车们也肃然起敬的运钞车;还有各个马路小摊主拉货的小面包车,电动三轮车,四轮车,还有改装过拥有超大载量的两轮电动车,当然也少不了风驰电掣,蜿蜒蛇行的外卖电动车,还有租房打工族最爱的黄绿橙蓝色的共享单车。更有祖父母们经常骄傲又谨慎推行的舒适精巧可爱的婴儿车,粉嘟嘟的宝宝们或躺或坐在里面,抱着奶壶或吸吮着奶嘴。婴儿车有凉棚,可遮阳防雨,座位下还有盛物筐,放些其他婴儿用品,甚至还会有奶奶爷爷顺路买的蔬菜和水果。还有时,会有老人们坐着的轮椅缓缓行在其中,有的是儿女或老伴在身后陪伴推行,老人表情或怡然安详,或木然空洞;还有的老者独自驾驶着电动轮椅,悠然自在,甚是洒脱。</p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;&nbsp;每天下班高峰期,各种车辆夹杂在一起,好像大烩菜一般,让你品着车辆主人的各样人生。就在某日,我见到了最耀眼最难忘的乘车人。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">One day when my husband was selecting ingredients for supper by the stall along the road, I felt bored and looked around . Without warning, a loud shrieking and cheerful laughter caught my attention. I found it was from a mom and daughter in a wheelchair. Yes, it was obvious that the woman was paralyzed by some illness and had a weak , rigid and small body , which couldn’t support her straight so that there was enough room for her 5 or 6 -year-old daughter cuddling close to her . The naughty restless kid squatted ,not sitting on the seat , and chatted happily about some funny things with her mom. Because of the noise and din around , I couldn’t figure out what they were talking about but surely they were joyful.</p><p class="ql-block">The woman had a good command of the wheel chair , making her way through the crowd smoothly with her daughter . Soon it passed by me. I observed their shiny firm eyes with loving flames , and the responses and tones they made and used to each other underlined their quick wit and perfect harmony. They exchanged smiles and eyewinks now and then, taking no notice of passers-by all the way, who showed their respect in return. At that moment, it seemed as if everything, everybody and every vehicle were muted and erased from my senses, leaving only the shiny red wheelchair and the mom and daughter glowing.</p><p class="ql-block">那是一个夏日傍晚,爱人在一个马路边的蔬菜摊位前挑菜,我无聊地四处张望,突然耳朵里钻入一串欢乐悦耳的笑声,我循声觅去——那笑声源自不远处驶来的一辆电动轮椅上的母女。很明显妈妈身患病症,故瘦弱,干瘪并蜷缩着,所以轮椅座位足够宽,还可以容得下四五岁样子的女儿,还有像是沿路买的几袋菜。活泼的小女孩不是端坐,而是蹲在座位上,还时不时娇嗔扭动着身体,但一直紧紧偎依着妈妈。妈妈目不旁视地盯着前面的路,女儿则亲昵地仰望着妈妈的脸。在马路上杂乱的南腔北调叫卖音效环境中,我听不清她们兴奋地谈论着什么有趣的话题,是幼儿园趣事,还是晚饭要做的美餐,还是爸爸常干的马虎事儿… 不管是什么,从她们的语速,语气和交替问答回应,我能体会出母女俩的聪慧与默契,更有快乐。 </p><p class="ql-block"> 妈妈自如地摁着轮椅的按钮,虽是轮椅,那速度也是不慢了,很飒爽顺滑地从我面前驶过。我又近距离地、确切地感受到母女俩眼睛里闪着的清澈坚定目光,脸上灿烂灼灼的笑容,悦耳沁心的笑声。她们从内心荡漾到脸上每个毛孔的自信、活力、幸福和爱意,让站在旁边的我满身温暖又满心羡慕。要知道那是坐在豪气奢华的名车里的贵妇和小公主也得不到的同样程度和深度的那种羡慕。那一瞬间,周遭喧闹拥挤的人、车、物仿佛都被静音和橡皮擦处理,只剩那辆锃亮的红色轮椅和那对一路欢笑的母女填满我的所有感官。</p> <p class="ql-block">I offered to them my greatest respect and admiration, the level and degree of which even couldn’t be surpassed by that won by the most charming and gorgeous ladies and princesses in the most dazzling and magnificent cars.</p><p class="ql-block">A wheel load of love and faith deserves everything fine.</p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;在绮丽的晚霞中,我转身目送她们乘坐的红色轮椅在人群中渐渐驶远,而她们经过的地方,众人都以目光致敬。</p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;车来车往,熙熙攘攘。于烟火人间,生命的车轮若载的是这样的可爱可敬的灵魂和互相坚定深情的陪伴依靠,不是“豪车”还能是什么?</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p>