<b>Listening</b>:<br>清华幼儿英语2a2b全部音频<br>汉语3全部音频<br>小猪佩奇第一季11-20集音频<br>以上只要在家就打开播放器进行循环磨耳朵。<br>(终于更新音频了,哈哈哈) <b>Reading</b>:<br>分级阅读:每天9本,3本牛5、6本海尼曼<br>绘本阅读:每天晚上争取给孩子最少读3本中文绘本。 <b>Video:</b><br>清华幼儿英语1b unit12《Round and round》 <b>Extend:</b><br>Buildings in the city<br>Road signs<div>shapes(通过路标进行学习)</div> <ul><li><b>Extend1:Buildings in the city</b></li></ul><div><br></div> <div><ul><li><b><font color="#ed2308">和卡片配套的描述:</font></b></li></ul></div>Church – A church is a building where Christians go to worship.<div><br>Factory- A factory building or group of buildings in which goods are produced in large quantities, using machines.<br>gas / petrol station – A gas station is the place you go to put gas (petrol) into your car or other vehicle. Petrol/gas station is a place where you can take your car and fill it with petrol</div><div><br>Fire station- A fire station is a building where the equipment used to stop fires burning is kept, and where firefighters stay until they are needed.</div><div><br>bus station – A bus station is the place you go when you want to travel by bus to another place, usually another city.</div><div><br>cafe – A cafe is a place you can buy a cup of coffee or tea and cakes or sandwiches. You normally sit down at a table to have these.</div><div><br>Police station- A police station is a place where police officers work. You are taken to a police station when you break the law and are arrested.</div><div><br>hospital – A hospital is the place you go when you have an accident, need an operation or when someone is going to have a baby. Hospital is a large building where sick or injured people receive medical treatment.</div><div><br>bank – A bank is a place where people deposit or withdraw (take out) money. You can also borrow money from a bank.</div><div><br>theater – A theater is a building or outdoor area in which plays and other dramatic performances are given.</div><div><br>cinema / movie theater – A cinema or movie theater is a place where you can see the latest movies. Many people eat popcorn while they watch the movie. (Cinema: British English // Movie theater: American English)</div><div><br>bakery – A bakery is a place where you can buy fresh bread, sandwiches and cakes.</div><div><br>restaurant – A restaurant is a place where meals are prepared and served to customers. You can go to a restaurant when you don’t want to cook at home or to celebrate a special occasion, you can eat something in a restaurant</div><div><br>department store – A department store is a large store that sells clothes, household appliances and other goods in different sections or departments.</div><div><br>Bookstore-A bookstore is a place where you can buy books and magazines.</div><div><br>supermarket – A supermarket generally sells food, drinks and other household products. a very large shop that sells food, drinks, and things that people need regularly in their homes</div><div><br>hotel – A hotel is a place where you pay for a room to sleep in when you visit another city.</div><div> <br>Bus stop-a place at the side of a road, marked with a sign, where buses stop for passengers.</div><div><br>Airport- A airport is a place where planes take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait in. An airport is the place you go when you want to travel by plane to another city or country.</div><div><br>train station -A train station is a place where you can buy a ticket and travel by train.</div><div><br>museum – A museum is a place where people can see many historical objects to learn about the past as well as other items of cultural interest.</div><div><br>Farm-a farm is an area of land and its buildings used for growing crops and rearing animals, typically under the control of one owner or manager.</div><div><br>zoo – A zoo is a place where you can see many types of animals and birds from around the world. Usually these animals are in cages.</div><div><br>School-A school is a place where teachers help children learn. Children normally start school at the age of five.</div><div><br>Park-A park is an area of public land in a city that contains an area of grass where you can rest, play or walk your dog. Sometimes a park has a playground for children.</div><div><br>Library-A library is a quiet place where you can read books or borrow books. A library has a large collection of books and magazines available. You can also study at a library.</div><div><br>Swimming pool -The swimming pool is the place where we can swim.</div><div><br>amusement park – An amusement park is a large outdoor area where people can go on rides such as roller coasters and enjoy other entertainment.<br></div> <ul><li><b><font color="#ed2308">更多的可以参考下面的图片:</font></b></li></ul> <ul><li><b>Extend2:Traffic Signs In China</b></li></ul><p><font color="#ed2308">这应该是全网最全的交通标识了,而且是针对中国的。</font></p><p>The traffic signs are located on the side or top of the road. They give directions on how we should behave on the road, so that the traffic can proceed safely and smoothly. Everyone must know the traffic signs!</p><p>交通标志位于道路的侧面或顶部。他们指导我们在路上应该如何行为,以便交通能够安全顺畅地进行。每个人都必须知道交通标志!<br></p> <ul><li><b>1.Warning signs</b><br></li></ul><div>The warning signs are placed to warn road users of a potentially dangerous traffic situation.</div><div><br></div><div>Warning signs in China are often red or yellow to advise of potential danger. You should take note of any warning signs in China as they are designed to you of possible dangers ahead.<br></div> <div><ul><li><b>2.Prohibitory Signs </b></li></ul></div>The prohibition signs forbid a certain action. They indicate certain actions that road users are not allowed to do.<div><br></div><div>Prohibitory road signs in China are used on all road types in China, often to restrict certain types of vehicles and certain manoeuvres such as prohibiting u-turns or setting maximum speeds.</div> <ul><li><b>3.Mandatory signs</b></li></ul>The mandatory signs impose an obligation/command that road users must comply with.<div><br></div><div>Mandatory road signs in China are used where you are required to carry out a specific task, they are not suggestions, information or advisory signs, they must be adhered to and as such are arguably the most important roads signs in China that you need to know.</div> <ul><li><b>4.Information signs</b></li></ul>The information signs give you more information about the start (and end) of a kind of traffic situation.<div>信息标志会给你更多关于某种交通状况的开始(和结束)的信息。</div><div><br><div>Information signs in China are the most frequently used road signs in China and are generally used on any type of road to provide road users with general information about the road they are using and the road ahead.</div><div>中国的信息标志是中国使用最频繁的道路标志,通常用于任何类型的道路,为道路用户提供他们正在使用的道路和前方道路的一般信息。<br><br></div></div> <ul><li><b>5.Priority signs</b></li></ul>The priority signs have an influence on the priority rules. They indicate who has priority and who should give priority.<div>优先级符号对优先级规则有影响。它们表明谁拥有优先权,谁应该给予优先权。<br><div><br></div><div>Priority road signs in China are designed to clarify who has priority at the junction / road ahead. If driving in a country where you drive on the other side to the road, priorities are likely to the opposite of what you are familiar with, roundabouts being a notable difference.<br></div><div>在中国,优先路牌的设计是为了明确谁在路口或道路上享有优先权。如果在一个你在马路的另一边开车的国家,优先级可能会与你所熟悉的相反,环岛是一个显著的不同。<br></div></div> <ul><li><b>6.Road Sign Colors & What They Mean</b></li></ul>Every road sign has a specific color associated with it. The color of road signs can immediately tell you what they are about. Here is a guide to the colors:<div><b><font color="#ed2308">• Red: Stopping or danger</font><br><font color="#ed2308">• Black And White: Regulations and laws</font><br><font color="#ed2308">• Yellow: Warnings</font><br><font color="#ed2308">• Green: Direction or place</font><br><font color="#ed2308">• Blue: Motorist services such as gas, food, or hotels</font><br><font color="#333333">• Brown: Recreational, historical, or scenic sites.<br>• Orange: Construction or road maintenance</font></b><br></div> Red – Signs which are red in color refer to situations where you must stop or yield /jiːld/让步. Obviously, stop signs and yield signs use the color red, but other signs such as do not enter and wrong way signs can also use red coloring. Other examples of road signs using red include no u-turn signs, no turn on red signs, and sometimes no parking signs. Green – Green road signs are direction signs. This color is used for things like street signs (the names of streets), exit signs, mile markers, and signs showing you directions to a certain city or the distance to a specific place. Blue – Signs that are blue in color are not regulatory signs. Instead, they display services for travelers. These signs are normally found on expressways and highways, directing motorists to where they can find places such as rest areas, tourist sites, hospitals, hotels, gas stations, restaurants, campgrounds, picnic areas, and other services commonly used by motorists. Yellow – Yellow road signs are general warning signs to indicate potential hazards or changing road conditions ahead. For example, road signs that use the color Yellow may warn you that there is a narrow bridge ahead, a railroad crossing, a no-passing zone, curves in the roadway, a merge point, pedestrian crossing, a dead-end, an uneven surface, a hidden cross street, or any other number of potential hazards. Fluorescent Yellow/Green – This color is relatively new on our roadways, but it is used for signs relating to pedestrians, bicycles, and school warning signs. They are increasingly being used for some constructions signs as well. This color is used because it is easier to see during foggy or rainy weather. Orange – Orange road signs are usually temporary signs relating to road work, temporary traffic control, and maintenance warnings. When you see orange road signs, be sure to watch for workers on or near the roadway Brown – Similar to blue road signs, brown signs are not regulatory signs. These signs indicate areas of recreation and cultural points of interest. Brown road signs will mark or give directions towards historical sites, parks, picnic areas, and other recreational areas. <ul><li><b>7.Road Sign Shapes And Their Meanings</b></li></ul><div>Similar to different road sign colors, you can also tell what a road sign means by looking at its shape. Here are the standard shapes of road signs, along with what they mean:<br></div> Octagon – A road sign in the shape of an octagon will always be a stop sign. Come to a full stop at an intersection controlled by this sign. Stop at the marked stop line or before entering the crosswalk or before your vehicle enters the intersection. Let other vehicles or pedestrians pass if they are in your path. Equilateral Triangle – This sign shape is used for yield signs. Yield the right of way. Slow down and let vehicles crossing your path go by. If necessary, stop before going ahead. If pedestrians are in or about to enter the crosswalk, stop until they have crossed the roadway, then proceed. Pennant /ˈpenənt/ – This sign will be on the left-hand side of the road or highway. It warns you of a no-passing zone. Diamond – Diamond shaped signs are used as warning signs. These signs you to special road hazards. Words or pictures on the sign will show you why you need to slow down or use extra caution. Rectangle – These will be regulatory or guide signs. Vertical signs indicate what you should or should not do, such as speed limit signs. Horizontal signs give directions or information about services drivers may want. Pentagon – A road sign in the shape of a pentagon will refer to a school crossing or school zone. The color of the sign may be yellow or florescent yellow/green. Crossbuck – All railroad crossing signs are this shape and are placed at each crossing. Sometimes there is a number under the crossbuck which will show you how many sets of tracks there are. Circle – This sign shape indicates a railroad crossing is ahead. <ul><li><b>拓展第一天(8月2日)</b></li></ul> <ul><li><b>Game1:Buildings in the city</b></li></ul><div>讲这部分内容的时候,孩子一点兴趣的都没有,我就拿着卡片以问答的形式跟爸爸一直在叨叨叨,慢慢的孩子就被吸引过来了,也能回答一些问题,虽然大部分是用中文。不断的重复,孩子偶尔会回应,说明他有在听,这我就满足了。</div> <ul><li><b>Game2:Road signs</b></li></ul><div>这是第一次拓展路标,我只打印了两张图片回来,备课还不是很充分,像我这种不开车的人,基本不认路标,重任就落在爸爸身上了。爸爸拿着这两张资料挑了一些简单的跟米果拓展,也融入了不少情景,头一回见爸爸这么上心,哈哈哈。经过拓展,米果知道了红色的是禁止的,蓝色的不是禁止的,黄色是警告的,直行左拐右拐等这些常见的会了。<br><div><br></div></div> <ul><li><b>拓展第二天(8月3日)</b></li></ul>因为昨天晚上拓展了,所以早上送米果去幼儿园的时候,就各种看路标跟米果拓展,效果还可以,以前也没这么留意过路标,这块内容还是很贴近生活的,至少平时开口说的机会比较多,值得深入学习。送完米果,我还在路上拍了些路标,准备回家考考米果。 <ul><li><b>材料准备:</b></li></ul><b></b>今天构思了一个游戏,于是就把下面这张图片做成了磁力贴(剪到手软,而且中午没休息……地铁上我就睡着了),还给建筑的卡片(就是上面拓展那3张图)也贴上磁力贴。<br> <b>Game3:Buildings in the city</b><div>我结合了路标,在白板上画了一个城市,把卡片贴上去,然后让爸爸把对应的路标也贴上去,还准备了各种交通工具用于游戏。具体的游戏如下,因为是即兴的,对话我就不记录了,哈哈哈,太费时间了。</div><div>1、先是让孩子当出租车司机,让孩子带着去相关的地方,我说建筑的英文介绍,他可以找到对应的图片,就是不愿意说建筑的名称。</div><div>2、发生交通事故了,需要给谁打电话,他们都从哪里过来,过来的时候要遵守哪些交通规则。(消费站、警察站、医院、交通拥堵)</div><div>3、爸爸的车没油了,要去哪里加油,哪个图标表示加油站,加油站里还会有哪些路标,顺便又拓展了一批蓝色的信息路标。</div><div>4、拓展了交通工具,不用场景用什么交通工具,交通工具都停在哪里。</div> <ul><li><b>拓展第三天(8月4日)</b></li></ul>今天的游戏对话是提前设定好的,结合了前两天学习的内容,把白板上城市搬到了地面地图上,用磁力片建城市。游戏过程基本是我在讲他在听,偶尔回答,因为他沉迷建筑……真是孩子的心思你别猜,一不小心就掉坑里了。但是吧,至少我都叨叨叨熟了,哈哈哈。这部分的游戏对话是有关联的,设计了几个大场景,我自觉还不错……今天主要还是拓展建筑。 <ul><li><b>Game4:Build a mini town</b></li><li><b>这部分主要讲道路相关的</b></li></ul>Jaden, look at the floor, there is a town map carpet, let's sing the song and sit down.<br>“Sitting on the carpet, 123, sitting on the carpet, you and me.<br>Jaden, stand up, yeah. Jaden, sit down, oh.<br>Jaden is dancing all around the town.”<br><br>Jaden, here are streets. Street is a public road in a city or town that has houses, shops etc /ˌet ˈsetərə/ on one or both sides. Let's have a look at the buildings in the city.<br> city center 城市中心<div>car park/Parking lot 停车场</div><div>Telephone box 公共电话亭</div><div>pavement/sidewalk 人行道<br></div><div>pedestrian /pəˈdestriən/ 行人,步行者<br></div><div>cycle path 自行车道</div><div>traffic jam 交通堵塞</div><div>street lights 路灯</div><div>crossroads 十字路</div><div>T-crossroads 丁字路</div><div>flyover/overpass 立交桥</div><div>underpass 地下通道</div><div>roundabout 环岛</div><div>pedestrian crossing/crosswalk 斑马线<br></div><div>road sign 路标</div><div>traffic lights 交通灯</div><div><br></div> <div><ul><li><b>这部分主要讲学校周边的建筑:</b></li></ul></div><div>Look, here is a school. What is the school? A school is a place where teachers help children learn. Children normally start school at the age of five. Now you study at the kindergarten. Now let's build a school with the blocks. OK, put the school cards on the build and finish.</div><div> <br>Jaden, do you know what buildings are usually around the school? Maybe there will be a library. A library is a quiet place where you can read books or borrow books. A library has a large collection of books and magazines available. You can also study at a library.</div><div><br>Oh, right, you can also learn a lot in museums. A museum is a place where people can see many historical objects to learn about the past as well as other items of cultural interest. Just like the police officers museum, you can learn more about the history of the police officers.</div><div><br>Jaden, after school, where do you want to go? Yes, you can go to the library and study and do homework. And you can play outside after that. What about playing in the park with children? What is a park? A park is an area of public land in a city that contains an area of grass where you can rest, play or walk your dog. Sometimes a park has a playground for children. Now let's build a bookstore with the blocks and put the flashcard on it.</div><div><br>Jaden, you don't need to go to school at weekend, where do you want to go? Do you want to swim? If you want to swim, where should you go? You should go to the swimming pool. The swimming pool is the place where we can swim.</div><div><br>At the weekend, you also can play in the amusement park. An amusement park is a large outdoor area where people can go on rides such as roller coasters过山车 and enjoy other entertainment /ˌentərˈteɪnmənt/. (merry-go-round)</div><div><br>Jaden, if you want to watch some animals, you can go to the zoo at the weekend. A zoo is a place where you can see many types of animals and birds from around the world. Usually these animals are in cages. Now let's make a big building as the zoo, and put some animals inside.</div><div><br>Jaden, can you feed animals in the zoo? No, you can't, the zookeepers will do that. But if you want to feed some animals, where can you go? You can go to a farm. A farm is an area of land and its buildings used for growing crops and rearing animals. You can feed the farm animals, such as hens, ducks, pigs, sheep and so on. Ok, now let's make a farm here.</div><div><br></div> <div><ul><li><b>这部分主要讲旅游过程中涉及的建筑</b>:</li></ul></div>Jaden, if you have a long vacation, you can travel. If you want to travel around Beijing, you can take the train. Where can you take a train? At the train station where can buy a ticket and travel by train.<br> <br>And if you want to travel far away, you can take a plane at the airport. A airport is a place where planes take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait in. Now let's build the train station and airport. They're usually built on the edge of town.<br><br>But if you just want to travel in Beijing or near our home, you can take a bus at the bus stop where is a place at the side of a road, marked with a sign, where buses stop for passengers.<br><br>Jaden, when you travel, you usually stay in hotels. A hotel is a place where you pay for a room to sleep in when you visit another city. Now let's make a tall building as the hotel.<br><br>What buildings are usually around the hotel? When we travel, we should to go eating and shopping. So maybe there will be a supermarket. A supermarket is a self-service store where people buy groceries. It generally sells food, drinks and other household products. Now let's make a big building as the supermarket.<br><br>And we can also see clothing store, book store, toy store and other stores around the supermarket or in the supermarket. A bookstore is a place where you can buy books and magazines. A clothing store is the place where sells clothes. A toy store is the place where sells toys. Now let's make some stores and put the cards on them.<br><br>Now are you hungry? Yes, ok, we can have dinner in a restaurant. A restaurant is a place where meals are prepared and served to customers. You can go to a restaurant when you don't want to cook at home or to celebrate a special occasion, you can eat something in a restaurant. And we can buy some foods from a bakery. A bakery is a place where you can buy fresh bread, sandwiches and cakes. Now let's make two buildings, one as the restaurant and one as the bakery.<br> <div><ul><li><b>这部分主要讲社区相关的建筑:</b></li></ul></div>Jaden, do you know what buildings must be in our community? Bank, hospital, police station, fire station, gas station, café, bus station, cinema and so on.<br><br>Jaden, you like Ultraman, right? You always watch videos about Ultraman on TV. You know that? You can also watch videos in the cinema. A cinema is a place where you can see the latest movies. Many people eat popcorn while they watch the movie. Now you are too young to go to the cinema. When you grow up, I will take you to see your favorite movies in the cinema.<br><br>If you feel sick or you have an accident, where should you go? Hospital. Right, A hospital is the place you go when you have an accident, sick, injured, need an operation or when someone is going to have a baby.<br><br>Jaden, if you need help, where should you go? Police station. A police station is a place where police officers work. You are taken to a police station when you break the law and are arrested.<br><br>If you want to buy a cup of coffee or and cakes or sandwiches, you can go to a café. You normally sit down at a table to have these.<br><br>If you have money, maybe you should deposit /dɪˈpɑːzɪt/ money in a bank. When you want to buy a toy, you can take out money from the bank. You can also borrow money from a bank when you want to buy a house.<br><br>What call should you make when there's a fire? 119! Right, when you call 119, firetrucks will come to stop fires from the fire station. A fire station is a building where the equipment used to stop fires burning is kept, and where firefighters stay until they are needed.<br><br>Where should we go when dad's car is running out of gas? We should go to the gas station. A gas station is the place you go to put gas (petrol) into your car or other vehicle. <ul><li><b>Game5:Where she stops</b></li></ul>针对性的让孩子输出建筑的名称,选3个卡片,用不同的交通工具绕圈,问应该停在哪里。说出一个就替换一个,最后可以获得一包奥特曼卡片。到最后,米果已经就是执着于奥特曼卡片,我问加油去哪,他说不加油走路,我问去哪里可以买书,他说不买书,要去超市买奥特曼卡片……我也是服了…… <ul><li><b>Game6:Who works on the buidling</b></li></ul><div>本来没想拓展职业,后来课备着备着就发现还挺符合的,然后就加进来了,内容真是越来越多,这部分就是简单过,主要是家长先学习,平时慢慢渗透,因为比较生活化。</div> 跟卡片对应的职业介绍还没整理完,等以后有时间的~ <ul><li><b>拓展第四天(8月5日)</b></li></ul> <ul><li><b>Game7:Meanings of the signs</b></li></ul>下面这些是前2天拍的照片,打印下来考考米果对路标的认知。<div><br></div> Jaden,can you see the road sign in the picture? What shape is it? It's rectangle. What color is it? Signs that are blue in color are not regulatory signs. Instead, they display services for travelers. They tell us what can we do.What the road sign meaning? When you drive on the road, can you turn around? Yes, you can. Can you turn left? Can you turn right? Good job. <div>Look at this picture, how many road signs can you find? let's count, 1-2-3. That one is too far to see. Look at these two. Whats shape are they? One is triagle, and one is rectangle. The triagle road sign is red, it means that we must stop or yield /jiːld/让步, because there is a T-crossing. Look at the bule one, it tells us that turn right for 150 meters and it's the police station. The blue road signs always tell us where they can find places such as rest areas, hospitals, hotels, gas stations, restaurants and so on.</div> Look at this one, what can you see in the road sign? Can you see the drone? Can drones fly here?No!The type of road signs is red and circle, it means something prohibited, such as smoking prohibited which means no smoking, and this one means on drone. Jaden, look, here is a university, what can you see in the picture? I can see the traffic lights, crosswalks, cones,and road signs. The road sign is rectangle and bule.Tere is a small triangle on it, it means slow down at the school crossing.<div>Cross traffic lights<br></div><div>Vertical traffic light<br></div> Look at this one, what can you see? Can you go cross the road now? No, because the traffic light is red, we must stop. And can you see the camera? It means that here is image acquisition /ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn/ area. Jaden, can I park my car here? No? Why? Because this area is for bicycle parking. Jaden, how many road signs here? 1-2-3. The one in shape of triangle means give away, and the blue one means you can turn right. What about the green one? It tells us that there is bus station, the bus will stop here for passengers. The white rectangle road sign means 200 meters ahead.<div>The red circle one means no parking and no stopping. The combination of these two signs means no parking and no stopping for the next 200 meters.</div> This road sign tells us where the place to go upstairs. This is a crosswalk road sign. Wow, there are 1-2-3-4-5-6 road signs. <div>No horning. No smoking. Parking. Entrance.</div><div>Using the horn prohibited.<br></div><div>Begin of 5km/h limit.<br></div><div>Parking.<br></div><div>Entrance.<br></div><div>Vehicles higher than 2.2m prohibited.<br></div><div>Smoking prohibited.</div> Jaden, can you see that there are two roads. Which road are cars allowed to drive on? The left one. Which road are bicycles by allowed to ride on? The right one.<div>Mandatory lane for cars.<br></div><div>Mandatory /ˈmændətɔːri/ path for cyclists.<br></div><div>Parking and stopping prohibited.<br></div> <div>This road has five lanes<br></div><div>The left one allows turning around.</div><div>The middle three allow driving straight ahead.</div><div>The right one allows turning right</div> <div>This road has four lanes<br>The first lane allows turning around.<br>The second lane allows turning left.<br>The third one allows driving straight ahead.</div><div>The forth one allows turning right.<br></div> <ul><li><b>Game8: Sort the road signs</b></li></ul><div>Jaden, look, there are many road signs on the whihtboard. They are too mess, can you sort them?You can sort by color or shape. </div><div><br></div><div>Every road sign has a specific color associated with it.<br></div><div>Signs which are red in color refer to situations where you must stop or yield /jiːld/让步. Such as no smoking, no parking, no running....<br></div><div>Green road signs are direction signs. This color is used for things like street signs (the names of streets), exit signs, mile markers, and signs showing you directions to a certain city or the distance to a specific place.<br></div><div>Signs that are blue in color display services for travelers. These signs are normally found on expressways and highways, directing motorists to where they can find places such as rest areas, tourist sites, hospitals, hotels, gas stations, restaurants, campgrounds...<br></div><div>Yellow road signs are general warning signs to indicate potential hazards/ˈhæzərdz/ or changing road conditions ahead. For example, road signs that use the color Yellow may warn you that there is a railroad crossing, a no-passing zone, curves in the roadway, a merge point, pedestrian crossing, a dead-end...<br></div><div><br></div><div>Similar to different road sign colors, you can also tell what a road sign means by looking at its shape.</div><div><br></div> Regulatory /ˈreɡjələtɔːri/管理的;控制的;调整的<div>warning 警告<br></div><div>guide 引导<br></div> <ul><li><b>Game9:Stick the road signs</b></li></ul><div>买了一套玩具,里面带的一些小路标,跟他贴了一下,一边贴一边叨叨叨,就是用处不太大,容易倒,果断弃。</div> <ul><li><b>拓展第五天(8月6日)</b></li></ul> <ul><li><b>Game10:Help people cross the street(米果说这个游戏太好玩了)</b></li></ul><div>用白色胶带贴了个斑马线,奥特曼和怪兽要过马路,但是没有红绿灯,变形金刚当交通警察,帮大家过马路。</div><div>Jaden, what 's this? Zebra crossing.</div><div>Take the zebra crossing when you cross the road.</div><div>Can I cross the road on this way? No!</div><div>Oh, look, Altmen and monsters are waiting to cross the road, but there is no traffic lights and the cars are going very fast! Who can help? </div><div>Transformers!</div><div>OK, the dinosaur transformer is a traffic police, hold the stop road sign and ask the cars to stop. Now Altmen and monsters can cross the road, one by one, hurry up. We couldn't keep the cars waiting too long. OK, they have all crossed the road. Say thanks to the drivers. Goodbye!<br></div> <ul><li><b>Game11:Make road signs</b></li></ul><div>每个形状打印了一个图标,裁剪贴到硬纸板hardboard上,主要从形状去拓展图标的颜色。</div><div>Octagon – A road sign in the shape of an octagon will always be a stop sign. The color of the sign may be red.<br>Triangle – This sign shape is used for yield signs. The yellow triangle road signs are warning signs, the bule triangle ones are guide signs, the red triangle ones are stopping or yield signs.<br>Diamond – Diamond shaped signs are used as warning signs. The color of the sign may be yellow.<br>Rectangle – These will be regulatory or guide signs. The color of the sign may be bule or green.<br>Pentagon – A road sign in the shape of a pentagon will refer to a school crossing or school zone. The color of the sign may be yellow or florescent yellow/green.<br>Crossbuck – All railroad crossing signs are this shape and are placed at each crossing.<br>Circle – This sign shape indicates a railroad crossing is ahead.<br></div> 视频太长了,上传其中一部分。 <ul><li><b>Game12:Go round the road signs</b></li></ul><div>Round and round and round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows. Jaden stops to the ....</div> <ul><li><b>Game13:Play with the road signs</b></li></ul><div>stop - stop</div><div>slow down & school ahead - slow down</div><div>cross walk - walk</div><div>roundabout - go around me</div><div>turn left/u-turn/ turn right/go ahead- drive a car </div> <ul><li><b>拓展第六天(8月7日)</b></li></ul> <p class="ql-block">Game14:road signs ice-cream</p><p class="ql-block">就是给路标卡片贴上雪糕棍,按颜色和相似性分类,进行卖雪糕游戏,要说出雪糕的意思才能买,集够十个可以有奖励,角色可以互换,妈妈要装无知,让孩子帮忙。</p> <p class="ql-block">Game15:I am a traffic light</p><p class="ql-block">这个游戏有很多种玩法,篇幅不够了,简述一下。</p><p class="ql-block">1.红绿灯贴爸爸身上,爸爸摸绿色,孩子跑,摸黄色,孩子慢下来,摸红色,停下来。</p><p class="ql-block">2.红绿灯贴爸爸身体各个部位,我说stop,孩子打红色,slow down 打黄色,go ahead打绿色,爸爸被打要夸张配合。</p><p class="ql-block">3.弄两套红黄绿的卡片,爸爸孩子听口令举牌,规则跟上面一样。</p><p class="ql-block">4.看红绿灯过马路和开车。</p> <p class="ql-block">Game16: Hunt for the road signs</p><p class="ql-block">刚出门找路标的时候,米果就像发现了宝藏一样,说自己啥路标都能找到,特别厉害……后来让他拿手机拍,刚开始拍也是很兴奋,但是后来就有点害怕了,说要扶着把手不能拍了,他用眼睛啥都能看清楚😂😂😂,很有道理,安全意识很强,我们其实就是一直人行道龟速前进。</p> <p class="ql-block">Game17: Hunt for the building </p><p class="ql-block">这是一次不成功的hunting,说好带米果去一个新公园看向日葵,路上顺便找建筑和路标,结果我跟着导航迷路了,导航一直说我偏离路线……然后米果给急坏了,跟我说要回家,说向日葵还没开花,不好看,不去看了🤣🤣🤣最终我也没找到公园……</p><p class="ql-block">往回走,回到自己熟悉的街道,继续带米果去找建筑,找着找着,米果说要去篮球馆找爸爸……我也不知道在哪……最后听米果指挥找到了爸爸,哈哈哈!</p> <ul><li><b>学习总结:</b></li></ul><div>这次拓展一周共7天,交通标识的道具大中小号我都做了个遍……感觉米果也懂了挺多的了,最近开口频率比之前强点了,真是倍感安慰……然后1bu12的打卡到此结束了,虽然前面还欠了好几个单元的卡没打,待我熬熬夜补齐了,轻松愉快进入2a的学习~再说一句,这种专题打卡以后还是不要单打独斗了,感觉血槽被清空……</div>