2021年7月30日沈阳科瑞迪幼儿园召开毕业典礼大会,参加毕业典礼大会的学校老师、学生、家长有200多人,毕业生有80多人,这些毕业生今年9月将进入小学上学。<div>科瑞迪幼儿园(Richardson Academy)成立于2003年,是一所与国际幼儿教育理念全面接轨,致力于中西方文化相融合的高端幼儿园。自主开发“主题、探索式”教学模式及系统化教案,为幼儿开启 “学习、发现和探索的旅程”,让孩子在玩中自由探索,从而认知世界万物,享受学习的过程,建立积极的学习态度和受用终身的自学能力。开创浸泡式“双母语”教学模式,帮助幼儿建立英文的母语式思维。注重培养幼儿的自主学习和思考能力、想象力、创造力和高情商,未来成长为自然而然说英语,自由自在走世界的“国际自由族”!<br><br>Richardson Academy, founded in 2003, is a high-end kindergarten integrated with the international concept of early childhood education and devoted to the integration of Chinese and Western cultures. Independently develop "theme, exploratory" teaching mode and systematic teaching plan, open up "learning, discovery and exploration journey" for children, let children explore freely in play, so as to recognize the world, enjoy the learning process, and establish a positive learning attitude and self-learning ability for life. Create the immersion "two mother tongues" teaching mode to help children to establish the mother tongue thinking in English. on the development of children's independent learning and thinking ability, imagination, creativity and high emotional quotient, and grow into an "international free people" who can speak English naturally and walk the world freely in the future.</div><div><br></div><div>毕业证书</div> 一、毕业生班级合影 二、毕业生发言<div>每名毕业生都用英语发言,介绍自己的学习情况和毕业感想</div> 三、文艺汇演<div>都是五、六岁的小学生自己演出节目</div> 少林武术 四、师生毕业拍照留念<div>毕业典礼结束后,小学生和老师、家长念念忘怀,分分拍照纪念</div> 短短四年的幼儿园学习生活结束了,今年9月就要上小学开始新的学习生活。祝沈阳科瑞迪幼儿园(Richardson Academy)越来越好,祝小朋友们成长为祖国的花朵,祖国建设未来的接班人。