

<h1><b>一、“回顾”的译法</b></h1><br><b>1. review</b><br><br>回顾历程——review the journey of:<br>今天,我们共同回顾双方关系30年发展历程,展望未来美好合作前景,可谓恰逢其时。<br>Today, we are gathered here to review the journey of China-ASEAN relations in the past three decades and envision the bright future of our cooperation. The timing of the Conference cannot be more appropriate.<br><br>回顾背景:review the background of...<br>下面,我先简单跟大家回顾一下这个报告的来历。<br>First, let's review the background of the report.<br><br><b>2. give/take a review of</b><br><br>站在“两个一百年”奋斗目标的历史交汇点上,应全面系统回顾我们党团结带领中国人民走过的辉煌历程<br>It is of great significance that we take a thorough and systematic review of the glorious journey traveled by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Party.<br><br>中方昨天发布了《人类减贫的中国实践》白皮书,全面回顾中国共产党团结带领中国人民与贫困作斗争。<br>Yesterday, China issued a white paper titled "Poverty Alleviation: China's Experience and Contribution", which gives a comprehensive review of the course of the Chinese people's great fight in eliminating extreme poverty under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC).<br><br><b>3. look back at/on</b><br><br>回顾工作——look back at the work of...:<br>回顾“十一五”时期的政府工作,我们进一步加深了以下几个方面的认识和体会。<br>Looking back at the government’s work during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, we have deepened our understanding and awareness in several areas.<br><br>我们在这里隆重集会,同全党全国各族人民一道,庆祝中国共产党成立一百周年,回顾中国共产党百年奋斗的光辉历程,展望中华民族伟大复兴的光明前景。<br>We gather here to join all Party members and Chinese people of all ethnic groups around the country in celebrating the centenary of the Party, looking back on the glorious journey the Party has traveled over 100 years of struggle, and looking ahead to the bright prospects for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.<br><b><br>4. have a close look at/on:</b><br><br>我认为,如果我们认真回顾尼克松总统访华或基辛格博士访华以来的中美关系历史,有几点是非常清楚的。<br>But I think if we have a close look at the history of our relations since President Nixon's visit to China, or since Dr. Kissinger visit to China, several things are quite clear:<br><br><b>5. recall</b><br><br>回顾(成就)等——recall...: <br>双方回顾两国气候变化领域的领导力与合作,为巴黎协定的制定、通过、签署和生效作出历史性贡献。<br>Both countries recall their historic contribution to the development, adoption, signature, and entry into force of the Paris Agreement through their leadership and collaboration.<br><br>双方回顾巴黎协定第二条的目的在于将全球平均气温上升控制在低于2℃之内,并努力限制在1.5℃之内。<br>The two sides recall the Agreement’s aim in accordance with Article 2 to hold the global average temperature increase to well below 2 degrees C and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees C.<br><br><b>6. take stock of</b><br><br>双方将总结回顾30年来双方关系发展,就今年30周年系列纪念活动等重要合作议程进行沟通和对表,并就共同关心的国际地区问题交换看法。<br>The two sides will take stock of the development of relations over the past 30 years, discuss important cooperation agenda such as commemorative activities for this year's 30th anniversary and exchange views on international and regional issues of common interest.<br><br><b>7. 省译(省略主语,强调宾语等成分时):</b><br><br>回顾中国共产党领导人民消除绝对贫困的艰辛历程,极不平凡,极不容易。<br>The strenuous process whereby the CPC has led the Chinese people in the battle against poverty has been extraordinary and difficult.<br><br>回顾一下过去几十年来,在中国发展的几乎每一个关键阶段,西方都会对中国做出种种评判和预测。<br>At every critical stage of China's development, various judgment or predictions from the West have kept emerging.<br> <div><br></div><div><br></div><div><h1><b>二、“展望”的译法</b></h1><br><b>1. envision</b><br><br>展望前景——envision the bright future of...:<br>今天,我们共同回顾双方关系30年发展历程,展望未来美好合作前景,可谓恰逢其时。<br>Today, we are gathered here to review the journey of China-ASEAN relations in the past three decades and envision the bright future of our cooperation. The timing of the Conference cannot be more appropriate.<br><br><b>2. look into/ahead at/ahead to...</b><br><br>展望祖国未来,前景无限美好。<br>Looking into the future of our motherland, we see a vista of limitless promise.<br><br>展望新世纪初的国内外形势,未来五到十年,是我国经济和社会发展极为重要的时期。<br>Looking ahead at the situation at home and abroad at the beginning of the 21st century, it can be said that the next five to ten years will be an extremely important period for China's economic and social development.<br><br>展望今后五年,我们充满必胜信心。如期实现全面建成小康社会目标,人民生活将会更加美好,中国特色社会主义事业前景一定会更加光明!<br>Looking ahead to the next five years, we are fully confident that we will finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects within the set time, that our people will enjoy better lives, and that there will be an even brighter future for the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.<br><br><b>3. the prospect for/of...</b><br><br>中国交通的未来展望<br>Future Prospects for China’s Transport<br><br>中方对此有何评论?对推进疫苗国际合作有何展望?<br>What's your comment? How do you see the prospect of international vaccine cooperation?<br><b><br>4. the outlook on/for ...</b><br><br>双方还将举办哪些庆祝活动?中方对两国关系未来发展有何展望?<br>Could you tell us something about the events to be held and your outlook on the future of China-Pakistan relations?<br><br>你曾在巴基斯坦常驻多年,值此建交纪念日之际,你对中巴关系发展有何评价?对中巴各领域合作有何展望?双方是否将举办庆祝活动?<br>You worked in Pakistan for many years. On this particular occasion, do you have anything to say about the development of China-Pakistan relations? What is China's outlook for China-Pakistan cooperation? Will the two sides organize any celebrations?<br><br>据报道,28日,亚洲开发银行发布《2021年亚洲发展展望》报告,预计中国今年GDP将增长8.1%。<br>On April 28, Asian Development Bank released the "Asian Development Outlook 2021" report, which projects China's economic growth to surge by 8.1% in 2021.<br><br><b>5. the expect of.../expectation</b><br><br>今年,中国和东盟将计划举办哪些30周年纪念活动?中方对中国—东盟关系未来发展有何展望?<br>What activities will the two sides hold this year to mark the 30th anniversary? What does China expect of China-ASEAN relations going forward?<br><br>请问中方对今年博鳌亚洲论坛年会有何期待和展望?<br>Does China have any expectation or outlook for the annual meeting this year?<br><b><br>6. draw a blueprint for</b><br><br>此次会议旨在总结梳理中国东盟过去30年合作的经验成果,展望规划未来长远合作。<br>The meeting will take stock of the experience and outcomes of China-ASEAN cooperation over the past 30 years and draw a blueprint for long-term future cooperation.<br><b><br>7. 省译(当展望后面的宾语扮演很微弱的角色时)</b><br><br>上半年外贸形势总体不错,展望下半年,要关注到两个方面的因素:<br>Foreign trade in the first half of this year performed well. As for the second half, we need to pay attention to two aspects:<br></div> <div><br></div><div><h1><b>三、“开启”的译法</b></h1><br><b>1. kick off</b><br><br>开启进程——kick off the process of...:<br>1991年7月,时任中国外长钱其琛应邀出席第24届东盟外长会活动,开启了中国与东盟对话进程。<br>Back in July 1991, the then Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen was invited to an event at the 24th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, thus kicking off the China-ASEAN dialogue process.<br><br><b>2. launch</b><br><br>“深港通”开启。<br>The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect was launched.<br><br>1991年,中国同东盟开启对话进程。<br>In 1991, China and ASEAN launched the dialogue process.<br><br>开启新征程:<br>launch a new journey for...<br>继往开来,开启全球应对气候变化新征程<br>Building on Past Achievements and Launching a New Journey for Global Climate Actions<br><br><b>3. embark on</b><br><br>开启征程:embark on a new journey to/toward/of 或 embark on a new voyage<br>开启现代化建设新征程<br>Embarking on a new journey toward modernization<br><br>开启了中国军队参加联合国维和行动的历程<br>embark on a new voyage as a participant in the UNPKOs<br><br><b>4. open</b><br><br>中国共产党领导人民夺取革命胜利,建立新中国,开启了实现国家富强、人民富裕的崭新历程<br>The CPC Led the People to Win Victory in the Revolution, Build the People's Republic of China (PRC), opening a New Journey Towards Prosperity<br><br>开启了...的大门:open the door to...<br>因为正是尼克松总统开启了美中交往的大门<br>since President Nixon opened the door to our opening with the People's Republic of China<br><br><b>5. usher in</b><br><br>开启新时期:usher in a new chapter of...<br>1978年12月,中共中央召开十一届三中全会,开启了中国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期。<br>Held in December 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee ushered in a new chapter of reform and opening up and socialist modernization in China.<br><br>开启了中国特色社会主义新时代<br>usher in a new era of building socialism with Chinese characteristics<br><br><b>6. engage in </b><br><br>开启新征程:be engaged in an all-out effort to<br>中国即将开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家的新征程。<br>China is engaged in an all-out effort to build a great modern socialist country.<br><br><b>7. start/make a start in...</b><br><br>开启新纪元:start a new era of..<br>开启了各民族平等团结互助和谐的社会主义民族关系新纪元,<br>start a new era of socialist ethnic relations characterized by equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony<br><br>我们已顺利开启“十四五”规划<br>We have made a good start in implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan.<br><br><b>8. begin/mark the beginning of</b><br><br>开启新阶段:begin a new stage of...<br>我们应该以此为新起点,开启亚太合作新阶段。<br>This should be taken as a new starting point for us to begin another phase in Asia-Pacific cooperation.<br><br>60年前的4月12日,加加林成功进入太空,成为人类遨游太空第一人,开启了人类载人航天的大幕。<br>On April 12, 60 years ago, Yuri Gagarin became the first human being in space after a successful flight, which marked the beginning of manned space missions.<br><br><b>9. 开启新的工作:take up the new post</b><br><br>我很高兴来到现代而又古老的伦敦,开启新的工作。<br>It is such a pleasure to come to London, a city both ancient and modern, to take up my new post.<br><br><b>10. 省译</b><br><br>当出现与“开启”含义重复的词语时<br>联合国建立在两次世界大战的废墟之上,开启了当代世界的零时刻。<br>The UN's founding after the scourge of two world wars was a watershed moment in the contemporary era.<br><br>当出现动词功能重复时<br>50年前中美之所以能够在长期对立隔绝的状态下实现破冰并随后开启正式建交大门<br>the fundamental reason why the two countries were able to break the ice of long-term antagonism and estrangement to establish full diplomatic ties fifty years ago<br><br>发展是开启繁荣之门的黄金钥匙<br>Development is the golden key to the door toward prosperity.<br></div>









