

<h3><p></p></h3><h1><b>一、“答卷”的译法</b></h1><br><b>scorecard:</b><p></p><p>我愿借今天这个机会就中国共产党从哪里来、过去一百年交出了一份怎样的答卷、成功的“密码”是什么、未来将往哪里去同大家简要交流。<br>Today, I wish to share with you my thoughts on four questions: Where did the CPC come from? How is the CPC’s scorecard? What is the secret code of CPC’s success? Where is the CPC heading?<br><br><b>scoresheet:</b></p><p>从那时到现在,72年过去了,中国共产党交出了一份出色的答卷,创造了世所罕见的“三大奇迹”。<br>Now, 72 years have passed, and I can confidently say that the CPC has turned in an impressive score sheet, and created three miracles that are rarely seen in the world.<br><br><b>result: achieve results</b><br>我们要恪尽职守、锐意进取、攻坚克难,决不懈怠,交出一份人民满意的答卷。<br>We must dedicate ourselves to our duties, forge ahead with determination, tackle difficult problems directly, and work diligently to achieve results that satisfy the people.<br><br><b>grade: make the grade</b><br>必须科学施策、标本兼治、铁腕治理,努力向人民群众交出合格答卷。<br>We must adopt well-designed policies, tackle both symptoms and root causes, and take tough steps to make the grade in responding to the people.<br><br><b>report: deliver a report</b></p><p><br>我们要以更加昂扬的精神状态,恪尽职守,积极进取,毫不懈怠,努力把各项工作做得更好,向人民交出满意的答卷。<br>We must do our best to carry out our duties with even greater drive and work tirelessly to do even better in all our work in order to deliver a good report to the people.<br><br><b>performance:</b><br>贵州在脱贫攻坚战中交出了优异答卷<br>Guizhou's performance in fighting against poverty has been excellent.<br><br><b>achievement: secure achievements, score achievements(当句中已经有“成就”中文含义以及achievement英文翻译时,通常省译“答卷”。见“省译”中的例句)</b><br>过去一百年,中国共产党向人民、向历史交出了一份优异的答卷。现在,中国共产党团结带领中国人民又踏上了实现第二个百年奋斗目标新的赶考之路。<br>Over the past century, the Communist Party of China has secured extraordinary historical achievements on behalf of the people. Today, it is rallying and leading the Chinese people on a new journey toward realizing the second centenary goal.<br>从推动疫后复苏到实现经济社会稳定发展,从高质量打赢脱贫攻坚战到决胜全面建成小康社会,湖北在疫后重建家园、重振发展的大考中再次交出了一份优异的答卷。<br>From post-COVID recovery to steady economic and social development, and from winning a decisive victory over extreme poverty to fully building a moderately prosperous society, Hubei has again scored impressive achievements in the major test of rebuilding and reviving development.<br><br><b>exam: do exam, 用于带有挑战意味的“答卷”含义中</b><br>实际上国际社会已经面临双重挑战、要做两张答卷:一方面要控制住疫情;一方面要恢复经济社会发展,恢复正常秩序。<br>It's like doing double exams. We have to contain the spread of the virus, and at the same time do our best to get life and work back to normal. I'm afraid there is a certain level of trade-off between these two goals.<br><br><b>省译:</b><br>我们要努力交出一份为发展加力、让人民受益的改革答卷。<br>We must work hard to make sure that reform boosts development and benefits our people.<br>疫情防控取得重大战略成果,在全球主要经济体中唯一实现经济正增长,脱贫攻坚战取得全面胜利,决胜全面建成小康社会取得决定性成就,交出一份人民满意、世界瞩目、可以载入史册的答卷。<br></p><p>We achieved major strategic success in our response to Covid-19 and China was the world’s only major economy to achieve growth. We attained a complete victory in the fight against poverty, and we scored decisive achievements in securing a full victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Indeed, our achievements, which have won the approval of our people and global recognition, will be remembered in history.<br></p><p>我相信也一定能够在巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果和推进乡村全面振兴中交出优异答卷。谢谢。<br>I believe it will also do a good job in consolidating the achievements being made in poverty alleviation and promoting rural vitalization in an all-round manner. Thank you.</p><p></p><p></p> <h1><b>二、“脱颖而出”的译法</b></h1><br>表示个体在群体中具有显著的优越性,并表示该个体最终经得住时代考验,有一定的时间伴随,表示结果。<br><br><b>culminating in the ...(success, achievement)of...:</b><br>中国近代史从1840年鸦片战争到1949年中华人民共和国成立,它既是中华民族浴血奋斗的历史,也是中国各阶级、各政党轮番登上历史舞台而中国共产党最终脱颖而出的历史。<br>The history of modern China spans from the first Opium War in 1840 to the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. During this period, the Chinese nation fought relentlessly for national independence. And different social classes and political parties took the stage, culminating in the success of the CPC in saving the nation.<br><br><b>succeed</b><br>当然,研发要靠人才,中国的人才资源是丰富的。我们一方面要让领军拔尖人才脱颖而出,另一方面也要看到普通人也有上上智。<br>We have a wealth of talent in China who are critical for R&D. In addition to enabling leading professionals to succeed, we should also recognize that there could be extraordinary wisdom among ordinary people.<br><br>表示让优秀的个体/群体集中区分于普通群体,并带有这类个体/群体数量庞大的含义,表示过程。<br><br><b>come forth (in large numbers):</b><br>让各类人才脱颖而出、人尽其才、才尽其用。<br>This will enable outstanding individuals of various types to come forth in large numbers, and their talent will be fully unleashed.<br><br><b>come thick and fast:</b><br>众多“创客”脱颖而出,文化创意产业蓬勃发展。<br>We have seen makers coming thick and fast, and the cultural and creative industries have been developing with great vitality.<br><br><b>emerge: </b><br>深化选人用人制度改革,努力营造平等公开、竞争择优的制度和社会环境,激励优秀人才脱颖而出,创造人尽其才的良好局面。<br>We will deepen the reform of the systems for selecting and employing personnel; strive to create an equitable, open and competitive system as well as social environment in which people are selected on their merits; encourage outstanding people to emerge; and create an environment that encourages talented people to tap their full potential.<br><br><br><h1><b>三、“求索”的译法</b></h1><br><b>名词性:... be the persistent goal of...</b><br>几千年来,中国人民始终为摆脱贫困艰难求索。<br>Over the history of thousands of years, eliminating poverty has been the persistent goal of the Chinese people, who suffered hardships and difficulties frequently.<br><br><b>名词性:ceaseless pursuit</b><br>中国共产党将坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,在宏阔的时空维度中思考民族复兴和人类进步的深刻命题,团结带领中国人民上下求索、锐意进取,创造更加美好的未来。<br>The CPC will continue to uphold the people-centred development philosophy, reflect upon the overarching issues of national rejuvenation and human progress in the greater context of time and space and lead the entire Chinese people in creating an even better tomorrow through ceaseless pursuit and in an enterprising spirit.<br><br><b>状语:in a relentless pursuit of...</b><br>100年来,中国共产党筚路蓝缕、求索奋进,为中国人民谋幸福,为中华民族谋复兴,为世界谋大同。<br>Over the last century, the CPC has striven forward against all odds in a relentless pursuit of happiness for the Chinese people, rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and the common good for the world.<br><br><b>动宾短语:stay committed to a relentless pursuit</b><br>100年来,中国共产党前仆后继、求索奋进,团结带领全中国人民站起来、富起来,进而又迎接强起来的历史跨越。<br>Over the past century, the CPC has stayed committed to a relentless pursuit and rallied the Chinese people in a historic transformation that sees the nation standing up, growing rich, and becoming stronger.<br><br><b>动宾短语:search for the path forward</b><br>中国各种政治力量上下求索。<br>Political forces of different kinds searched long and hard for the path forward.